2015 Game Bird Hunting Guide Regulations and Hunting Areas SOUTH ISLAND ESSENTIAL ADDITION WITH EVERY HUNTING LICENCE www.fishandgame.org.nz Sheep measle eggs can spread in the wind for up to 10km and affect many farms so make sure you dose for sheep measles at least 48 hours before taking your dog onto sheep pasture For more information contact your veterinarian, phone Ovis Management on 0800 222 011 or go to www.sheepmeasles.co.nz 2 Fish & Game NEW ZEALAND DUCK SPECIES PARADISE SHELDUCK SHOVELER BROWN TEAL GAME SPECIES (NAMED IN BLACK) PROTECTED SPECIES (NAMED IN RED) The species are absolutely protected at all times. These species may be hunted, but only in such regions and during such open seasons as notified in the New Zealand Gazette each year by the Minister of Conservation. NOTE: Important recognition features are the large areas of white under the wings of the game ducks and the smaller overall size of the protected ducks. 3 Fish & Game MALLARD GREY DUCK GREY TEAL SCAUP 4 Regulations The regulations printed in this guide booklet are subject to the Minister of Conservation’s approval. A copy of the published game notice in the New Zealand Gazette is available on www.fishandgame.org.nz along with further information on game bird hunting. 1 2 3 4 6 5 CONTENTS New Zealand duck species ID................................................3 Game bird hunting Code of Practice.....................................6 Hunting licence valid nationwide..........................................7 Shotguns and use of non-toxic shot.......................................8 Stop the spread of aquatic pests..............................................8 Wildlife Act 1953...................................................................8 FIRST SCHEDULE........................................................... 11 SECOND SCHEDULE FOR EACH REGION PLUS LOCAL HUNTING INFORMATION 1Nelson/Marlbough......................................................... 16 Hunting Opportunities in Nelson/Marlbough.............. 19 2 West Coast..................................................................... 23 Hunting in West Coast.................................................. 25 3 North Canterbury.......................................................... 29 Hunting in North Canterbury....................................... 32 4 Central South Island...................................................... 36 Hunting in Central South Island................................... 40 5Otago............................................................................. 43 Hunting in Otago.......................................................... 46 6Southland....................................................................... 47 Hunting in Southland.................................................... 48 Game Bird Habitat Stamp.................................................. 51 Cover photo: David Towgood 5 Regulations CODE OF CONDUCT PLEASE CONSIDER THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS AND OBSERVE THE HUNTERS’ CODE OF CONDUCT ACCESS • If no Fish and Game access sign is present, always ask permission from the land occupier before crossing private property (also check if it’s OK to take your dog across their land). • Don’t interfere with livestock, crops, machinery or other property. • Keep your dog under firm control or on a lead when on private property. • Always use gates, stiles or other recognised access points and avoid damage to fences. • Leave everything as you found it. If a gate is open or closed leave it that way. • Don’t park vehicles so they can obstruct gateways or cause a hazard on the road or access way. • When driving on riverbeds keep to marked tracks or park on the bank and walk to your hunting spot. • Always respect the environment, wildlife, other hunters and members of the public. FIREARM SAFETY Practise the seven Police-approved principles of firearm safety (see NZ Police Arms Code): i Treat every firearm as loaded ii Always point firearms in a safe direction iii Load a firearm only when ready to fire iv Identify your target beyond all doubt v Check your firing zone vi Store firearms and ammunition safely vii Avoid alcohol or drugs when handling firearms 6 Regulations HUNTING • Carry a current game bird hunting licence and comply with the relevant bag limits and conditions of hunting. • Wear a high visibility hat and outer garment whenever possible when hunting upland game. • Be a competent shooter, estimate ranges, and be aware of you and your shotgun’s limitations. • Select appropriate shot size for the target. • Be able to distinguish what may be lawfully hunted from protected species. • If a game bird is wounded, take all reasonable steps to locate it and kill it quickly and humanely. • Use a trained gundog, or other means to ensure the prompt retrieval of game, and help another hunter to retrieve their game. • Remove empty cartridge cases and all litter from the hunting area. • Remember that all hunters will be judged by your actions. • Always hunt in a sporting manner and ensure your conduct is always above reproach. Encourage the same attitude in your hunting companions. • Above all, be safe and be sensible. TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WISH TO BE TREATED YOURSELF! HUNTING LICENCE VALID NATIONWIDE All game bird hunting licences can be used in all Fish and Game regions. Day licences are valid only on or after the second Monday of the new season. It is important to note that if you are hunting in other regions you need to read up on the local regulations in this booklet. Fish and Game sports fish and game licences are processed electronically and comply with the Electronic Transactions Act 2002. A statement in the electronic form signals that by applying for the licences in electronic form the applicant consents to the submission of the form by electronic means. Licences are issued centrally by a person authorised to issue licences on behalf of each Fish and Game Council. 7 Regulations GAME BIRD HABITAT STAMP A game bird habitat stamp must be affixed1 to every licence to hunt or kill game. The purpose of the Habitat Stamp Programme is to raise funds for habitat enhancement. Two dollars ($2)2 of the game licence fee is assigned to the stamp as income for the programme. See towards the back of this booklet for other programme products. SHOTGUNS AND USE OF NON-TOXIC SHOT Game bird hunting can only be undertaken with a shotgun of a 10 gauge calibre or less. Mandatory use of non-toxic shot applies to waterfowl hunting only (see 1st Schedule, condition 5 below). Non-toxic shot is not mandatory for upland game (pheasant and quail) hunting or for all game bird hunting using sub-gauges (smaller than 12 gauge) or black powder muzzle-loading shotguns. For more information refer to www.fishandgame.org.nz STOP THE SPREAD OF AQUATIC PESTS Protect our waters: CHECK, CLEAN, DRY. Check dogs, boots, decoys and boats before you leave the area. WILDLIFE ACT 1953 The hunting of game is governed by the provisions of the Wildlife Act 1953. The Minister of Conservation declares an open season for game annually in the New Zealand Gazette (see below). Some important provisions of the Wildlife Act are covered here. The Act and its companion Wildlife Regulations 1955 can be viewed in full online: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/ WILDLIFE DECLARED TO BE GAME3 Hunters are reminded that only the following lists of species are game birds that they are permitted to hunt and kill. WATERFOWL • Black swan (Cygnus atratus) (except on Chatham Islands). • Duck— - Grey duck (Anas superciliosa) and any cross of that species with any other species, variety, or kind of duck (except on Chatham Islands). - Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and any cross of that 1 Section 19A(1) of the Wildlife Act 1953 2 Section 72(3A)(e) of the Wildlife Act 1953 3 Schedule 1 Wildlife Act 1953 8 Regulations species with any other species, variety, or kind of duck (except on Chatham Islands). - Paradise duck (Tadorna variegata). - Spoonbill duck (New Zealand shoveler) (Anas rhynchotis). • Pukeko (Porphyrio melanotus) (except on Chatham Islands). UPLAND GAME • Chukar (Alectoris graeca chukar). • Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa rufa). • Pheasant (any bird not being a domestic bird, of the genus Phasianus and any cross of any such bird with any other species, variety, or kind of pheasant). • Quail— - Australian or brown quail (Synoicus). - Californian quail (Lophortyx californica). - Virginian or bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). RESTRICTIONS ON THE TAKING OF GAME (S18, WILDLIFE ACT 1953) No person shall use more than one shotgun or any live decoy. LICENCE TO HUNT OR KILL GAME (S19, WILDLIFE ACT 1953) It is an offence to hunt or kill game unless the person holds a current game licence, except in some circumstances where that person is a resident occupier as defined in the Wildlife Act. The maximum penalty is $5,000. OCCUPIER OF ANY LAND (S19(3), WILDLIFE ACT 1953) “…the occupier of any land, and the spouse and any one son or daughter of the occupier, may, during an open season, hunt or kill on that land without a licence (but subject to all other restrictions imposed by game regulations.” The occupier is normally the owner but this privilege can be transferred to farm manager or sharemilkers by a written statement indicating such to Fish and Game. Note that the Act allows for hunting by three people; the occupier, his/her wife/husband and one son or daughter on that land - but no other land. 9 Regulations SHOOTING OF GAME NOT IN FLIGHT PROHIBITED (S22, WILDLIFE ACT 1953) It is an offence for a person to shoot or attempt to shoot at any game bird not in flight except where a game bird is already wounded by shooting) The maximum penalty is $5,000. ASSAULTING OR OBSTRUCTING RANGERS (S40, WILDLIFE ACT 1953) It is an offence to assault or obstruct a ranger. The maximum penalty is $10,000. TAKING PROTECTED WILDLIFE (S63, WILDLIFE ACT 1953) It is an offence to hunt or kill protected wildlife. The maximum penalties for hunting or killing absolutely protected wildlife is up to two years imprisonment or $100,000 and $5,000 (plus up to $100 for each head or egg of game) for Schedule 1 game birds. The maximum penalty for hunting or killing grey teal or white swan is $5,000. GAME HUNTING EXCLUSION AREAS Closed game areas Closed game areas means a part of a region that is for the time being excluded from the operation of an open season in the region, but does not include a wildlife sanctuary or a wildlife refuge or any area in which the shooting or hunting or killing of animals is prohibited under or pursuant to paragraph (j) of subsection (2) of this [Wildlife] Act or any other Act. There is no open season for game birds on property in a closed game area. It remains legal to have a dog or a gun on such land, but not to use them to hunt game birds (which also applies to the landowner). (s2. Wildlife Act 1953). Each closed game area is administered by a Fish and Game Council. Wildlife Refuges. It is illegal to have or take a dog or a gun onto Wildlife Refuge land, unless specifically exempt in writing to do so, or to harm or disturb any wildlife including game birds on that land (s14(3) Wildlife Act 1953). Wildlife Refuges are administered by the Department of Conservation. 10 Regulations The remainder of this hunting guide is made up of regional details and hunting conditions contained in the Gazetted Game Notice. These conditions are set out in the: FIRST SCHEDULE: Hunting conditions generally common to all Fish and Game regions. SECOND SCHEDULE: Regionally specific hunting conditions, including bag limits, closed and open game areas, shooting hours and the like. FIRST SCHEDULE Hunting conditions generally common to all Fish and Game regions. 1 Bag limits (1) No person shall possess on any one day, more than the number of game birds specified as the daily bag limit for the Fish and Game Region in which the game is taken, except on Sunday, 3 May 2015, when that person may have in his or her possession twice the number of game birds specified as the daily bag limit for Saturday, 2 May 2015. (2) A person may possess more game than specified in subclause (1) of this Schedule, if all such game is labelled with the following details: (a) The name and address of the person by whom the game was taken; (b) The number of the licence to hunt or kill game held by the person by whom the game was taken; (c) The name of the Fish and Game Region by which that licence was issued; (d) The name of the Fish and Game Region in which the game was taken; and (e) The date on which the game was taken. 2 Waiver of Restrictions on Baiting for Waterfowl A person4 may hunt or kill game of the family Anatidae 4 Section 17 of the Wildlife Act 1953 11 Regulations (waterfowl) during the open season for game in all Fish and Game Regions, except Auckland/Waikato, where food has been cast, thrown, placed or planted any time during the year. In the Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region, Special Condition 4.9 in the Second Schedule applies instead to restrictions on baiting. 3 Magazine Shotguns A person may hunt or kill game birds, as specified, in any Fish and Game Regions with any magazine shotgun of a calibre 10 gauge or less, which includes magazine extensions5, other than in: (a) Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region; (b) Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Region; (c) Wellington Fish and Game Region; For these three Regions special conditions in the Second Schedule apply 4 Shot Size No person shall use, in any shotgun used for the purposes of hunting and killing game, any cartridge containing any shot size having a larger retained, per-pellet energy at 90 metres than lead BB. 5 Use of Lead Shot Prohibited (1) No person may possess lead shot, or use lead shot, while hunting or killing waterfowl within 200 metres of open water, with any gun using a 10 or 12 gauge cartridge. Non toxic alternative shot may be used, including steel. (2) For the purposes of this requirement, “waterfowl” means any of the following game species: • Black swan (Cygnus atratus) • Grey duck (Anas superciliosa) and any cross of that species with any other species, variety, or kind of duck • Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and any cross of that species with any other species, variety, or kind of duck • Paradise shelduck (Tadorna variegata) also known as Paradise duck. • Spoonbill duck (New Zealand shoveler) (Anas 5 Amended notification to section 18(1)(c) (iii) and (v) of the Wildlife Act 1953 as authorised by the Minister of Conservation under section 18(1) of that Act 12 Regulations rhynchotis) • (3) Pukeko (Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus) For the purposes of this requirement, “open water” means either: (a) any area of land or seabed covered permanently or seasonally by water wider than 3 metres; or (b) any area which is temporarily covered by water wider than 3 metres at the time of such possession or use, and that is contiguous to an area referred to in paragraph. 6 Guns of a Calibre Less Than 12 Gauge and Muzzle Loaders Exempt in Relation to Use of Lead Shot Hunters may use lead shot in guns of a calibre less than 12 gauge or muzzle loaders for the 2015 season. No exemptions for any breach loading 12 gauge (or greater) firearm is to be provided for waterfowl hunting. 7 Camouflaged Rowboats A person6 may hunt or kill game within the following Fish and Game Regions, from unmoored camouflaged rowboats, subject to the excluded periods for the regions specified below: • Northland – no excluded period • Auckland/Waikato – excluding 2 and 3 May 2015 • Eastern – excluding 2 and 3 May 2015 • Hawke’s Bay – excluding 2 and 3 May 2015 • Taranaki – no excluded period • Wellington – excluding 2 and 3 May 2015 • Nelson/Marlborough – no excluded period • West Coast – no excluded period • North Canterbury – excluding 2 and 3 May 2015 • Central South Island – excluding 2 and 3 May 2015 • Otago – excluding Clutha River 2 to 10 May 2015 inclusive • Southland – no excluded period 8 Restriction on Taking of Game No person shall use any vehicle propelled by mechanical power (including motorised watercraft)7 to chase or kill game, except 6 Section 18(1)(f )(vi) of the Wildlife Act 1953 7 Section 18(1)(f )(v) of the Wildlife Act 1953 13 Regulations in such circumstances and at such times as authorised by the Conservation Act 1987 and Wildlife Act 1953. 9 Pegging Day (1) A person, following purchase of a 2015 Whole Season game bird hunting licence, can reclaim the stand claimed during the 2014 Game Season at any time prior to 10.00am on 5 April 2015 in all Fish and Game Regions. (2) Otherwise, unclaimed stands can only be claimed any time after 10.00am on 5 April 2015 in all Fish and Game Regions. (3) A stand may be claimed by planting on it a stake having either a board or identifying label attached, plainly identifying the name of the claimant and the number of his/her licence. The hunting stand claim tag provided with the licence must be completed with the name of the claimant and affixed to the board or identifying label. (4) The licence holder claiming a stand must be present in person at the stand when marking it up. (5) In the Auckland Waikato Region, only holders of 2015 Whole Season Adult Game Bird Licences can claim hunting stands. (6) No one can claim more than one stand. (7) A stand cannot be claimed closer than 90 metres to a stand already claimed by another person without that person’s consent. (8) Any stand not occupied by the claimant within one hour after the opening hour of hunting, on any day, can be occupied by another licence holder for the remainder of the day. 10Conditions 14 These conditions will expire at the end of the open season for game specified under the Second Schedule for each Fish and Game Region. Regulations SECOND SCHEDULE REGIONALLY SPECIFIC HUNTING CONDITIONS, BAG LIMITS, CLOSED AND OPEN GAME AREAS, AND THE LIKE. Photo: Ian Hadland, Pukeko hunt 15 Fish & Game Regions Fish & Game Regions NELSON/MARLBOROUGH FISH & GAME REGION 14 Office: 66-74 Champion Road Postal Address: P.O. Box 2173, Stoke, Nelson 7041 Phone: (03) 544-6382 Fax: (03) 544-4058 Email: [email protected] Manager: Neil Deans (027 439 4381) Office Admin: Karen Crook Field Officers: Lawson Davey (021 920 238), Rhys Barrier (Nelson), Vaughan Lynn (Blenheim office ph/fax: (03) 578-8421) 14 Reference to Description: Gazette, No. 83, of 24 May 1990, at page 1861 16 Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Regions 1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2015/2016 Season Species Season Duration Daily Bag Hunting Area (dates inclusive) Limit Grey, mallard and shoveler duck aggregate limit: A maximum total bag not exceeding 15 birds, which must comprise no more than 7 grey and 2 shoveler duck, when in season. Grey/mallard 2 May to duck and any 26 Jul 2015 hybrid of those species NZ shoveler duck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Paradise shelduck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Pukeko 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Black swan California quail 15 All areas 2 All areas 10 All areas 10 Except East Coast/Kaikoura area East Coast/ Kaikoura area only Pukeko area only 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 1 Aug to 31 Oct 2015 10 1 Jan 2016 to 28 Feb 2016 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 10 30 May to 30 Aug 2015 Cock pheasant 30 May to (subject to clause 31 May 2015 5.4 for this region) 27 Jun and 28 Jun 2015 26 Jul and 26 Jul 2015 Cock pheasant 2 May to (subject to clause 26 Jul 2015 5.4 for this region) Chukar Closed season 10 All areas 10 Except Motueka and Waimea River Bermland Motueka and Waimea River Bermland only All publicly administered land (includes all Crown Forest land) 10 1 1 1 1 All privately owned land 0 All areas 2 Definition of Areas 2.1 Wairau Lagoons That area defined as all open waters, islands and the peninsula between Chandlers Lagoon and Big Lagoon, Nelson/Marlborough 17 Fish & Game Regions south of the Wairau River mouth, including Te Aropipi Channel and south to the White Bluffs. 2.2 Pukeko Area The area west of the Bryant Range, north of State Highway 63 from St Arnaud to Kawatiri Junction, and east of the Hope and Arthur Ranges. 2.3 Motueka River Bermland The area adjacent to the Motueka River downstream of the Alexandra Bluff Bridge within the boundaries of State Highway 61 and Old Wharf Road to the east and the Motueka River West Bank Road, Umukuri Road and Lodder Lane in the west. 2.4 Waimea River Bermland That area known as the Waimea Bermland contained within the stopbanks (or a 200 metre strip from both riverbanks where stopbanks are not present) of the Waimea and Wairoa Rivers up to the junction of the Lee River and the Wai-iti River up to State Highway 6 (Wai-iti Bridge). Hunters are advised not to hunt the area between Pugh Road and Brightwater due to safety issues with the proximity of the cycleway and roads. 2.5 East Coast/Kaikoura Area The area to the south of the Awatere Valley/ Molesworth Road and the Redwood Pass Road. 3 Shooting Hours 6.30am to 6.30pm during May, then 6.45am to 6.15pm until the end of the season. 4 Decoy Limit No limit. 5 Special Conditions 5.1 All permanent hunting stands/maimais used for the purposes of hunting of game on the Wairau Lagoons must be situated above the mean high water level. 5.2 Moored camouflaged boats are permitted for hunting or killing game in the Wairau Lagoons, but shall not be within 200 metres of any other hunting stand. 5.3 18 Farmers who hunt their own property under section 19 of the Wildlife Act 1953 are allowed to do so without having to purchase a licence, although they are subject Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Regions to this notice and the Regulations. Those farmers who wish to do so can receive a current copy of the regional newsletter and national magazine. Contact the Nelson Fish and Game Council office to place your address on the mailing list. 5.4 Pheasant hunting is by permit only. Permits are available on request from Nelson/Marlborough Fish and Game Council offices at no cost, but there will be a requirement for hunters to fill in a hunter diary. This will allow Fish and Game to gather accurate information on pheasant hunting activity throughout the region upon which it will be able to base future management decisions. 5.5 Waimea Estuary. Due to the proximity of the cycleway, those hunting Pearl Creek and Neiman Creek are advised to use caution. HUNTING OPPORTUNITIES IN NELSON/MARLBOROUGH GOLDEN BAY Golden Bay is under-utilised as a game hunting area and is well worth a visit. Although traditionally a grey duck stronghold, mallards are abundant, particularly in the coastal areas of the Aorere and Takaka valleys. Black swan are in large numbers around Farewell Spit/Puponga and good numbers are also found in Westhaven. On modified and developed country paradise shelduck can be plentiful. Quail are concentrated around the edge of broken bush and scrub land margins in the warm drier country, especially towards the east of Golden Bay and the fringes of Abel Tasman National Park. Pukeko abound in wetlands adjoining developed pasture, particularly in the lower Aorere Valley. NELSON/MOTUEKA Populations of mallard duck are found in the coastal estuaries and lower country with farm ponds also productive at times. Paradise shelduck can be found throughout the region in moderate numbers. Good populations of quail exist on forest margins, recently felled forest areas and rough land throughout the district. This hunting is often challenging due to thick scrub that makes any follow-up (after the initial flush) very difficult. There are good populations of pukeko in the Moutere/Mapua areas and as a result of increases in the population and crop damage complaints in the past few years, the pukeko season has been extended to alleviate the problems. Limited numbers of Nelson/Marlborough 19 Fish & Game Regions Pheasant can be found scattered throughout orchards, foothills, forestry edges and river bermlands, particularly in the Waimea, lower Motueka/Riwaka plains and the Moutere. With a cycleway nearby, those hunting the Pearl Creek and Neiman Creek on the Waimea Estuary are advised to use caution. BULLER/MURCHISON/MARUIA The Buller/Murchison/Maruia area contains high populations of grey duck. Paradise shelduck can often be found feeding on newly sown pasture. MARLBOROUGH LOW COUNTRY The many rivers and streams, flats, estuaries, wetlands, and Marlborough Sounds offer excellent hunting opportunities. Mallard are the dominant species with lower numbers of native ducks depending on location. Higher numbers of grey ducks are found in the Marlborough Sounds and Pelorus Valley, but please take care to identify your target because the area is home to a large grey teal population. Black swans occur in moderate numbers in estuarine reaches. Quail can be found scattered throughout most river beds, notably the Awatere, Wairau (upstream of Renwick) and Waihopai catchments, where broken cover and scrub-lands exist. Most quail hunting requires permission to hunt on private land and this is usually granted to responsible, well-presented hunters. KAIKOURA AND MARLBOROUGH HIGH COUNTRY These areas offer some of the country’s prime quail hunting. The East Coast has localised populations of mallard and further inland, grey duck. There can be high numbers of paradise shelduck, particularly on the East Coast and inland Kaikoura. PHEASANT HUNTING Attempt to increase hunting opportunities for pheasants in the Nelson Marlborough Region remain in place and to provide an incentive for landowners and hunters to undertake pheasant enhancement. These can be habitat enhancement, predator trapping or breeding and releasing (pursuant to sections 53 & 56 of the Wildlife Act 1953 requires permit). Pheasant hunting in the Nelson Marlborough region is by permit only. Permits are available on request from Fish and Game at no cost, but hunters keep a hunter diary (as is the case for Chukar hunting in Central South Island). This allows Fish and Game to gather accurate information on pheasant hunting activity throughout 20 Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Regions the region which can be used in future management decisions. Hunters who wish to access the Waimea Bermlands can obtain a map showing all the lessee boundaries and contact details from our office in Nelson. QUAIL HUNTERS Hunters please note that quail hunting is not permitted within the Motueka or Waimea Bermlands until the pheasant season opens. Access permission and permits are required from forestry companies. For more information contact the Richmond Office. HUNTING ON THE WAIRAU AND WAIMEA BERMLANDS Contact the Blenheim Office for detailed information on areas in the Wairau which are available or closed to hunters by agreement with the Marlborough District Council. Hunters wanting access to the Waimea berms must contact the Richmond Office prior to hunting there for advice on which areas are available, and information on other issues. PARA SWAMP GAME MANAGEMENT AREAS The Council now manages approximately 80% of the swamp. Hunters are invited to make an application to hunt in this area on a ballot form available from the Blenheim office. Para swamp is being developed to improve game bird hunting opportunities and new sites are becoming available with time. HUNTING IN THE WAIRAU LAGOONS The Wairau Lagoons cover about 2000 hectares of saline marsh and mud-flats between the Wairau River mouth and the Vernon Estate to the south. During the autumn and winter months the predominant species in the Lagoons are game birds. Protected species will also be seen in the lagoons during the open game season. The protected grey teal population in particular is increasing and hunters must take care to positively identify their target. Besides the obvious main channels in the northern part of the lagoons, and Te Aropipi Channel, which runs along inside the seaward Boulder Bank, few parts of the lagoons are more than a metre deep. The mud in some areas can be very deep and care should be taken in unfamiliar areas. Access can be gained via the end of Hardings Road. Duck hunter access is off Redwood Pass Road, or from the Wairau Bar using a boat. The water is brackish and shotguns require careful cleaning. Fresh water should be taken for gun dogs. The former wildlife refuge Nelson/Marlborough 21 Fish & Game Regions status over Big Lagoon has been lifted to provide additional hunting opportunities. The retention of this new hunting area will depend on the behaviour of hunters and adherence to the following code of conduct: • Fixed shooting stands above mean high water springs only. • Moored floating stands 200 metres from any other marked stand. • No plant material likely to drop viable seed to be used for maimai cover. • No disturbance to archaeological sites, artefacts or native plants. • No litter including spent cartridges. • Wheeled vehicles restricted to formed roads. • All boats restricted to five knots. • No dogs other than trained retrievers during the open game season. A permit from DOC is required to hunt this area. An access and information pamphlet is available from either office. HUNTING ACCESS The Nelson/Marlborough Council has jurisdiction over, or owns a number of reserves and lands where game bird hunting is allowed. Land administered by DOC and district councils requires hunters to gain permission and permits before they hunt. Forestry companies also require hunters to obtain permits to enter their forests to hunt during the game bird season. Forests are closed to hunting during weekdays and the spring and summer months. Due to security problems, some companies require refundable key deposits. Permission to hunt on all private land must be obtained from the land-owner prior to hunting and this is usually granted to responsible hunters. ADDITIONAL CONTACTS FOR PERMITS Marlborough District Council, Tasman District Council, Department of Conservation, Rayonier, P F Olsen & Company, Carter Holt Harvey Forests, Nelson Forests Ltd. 22 Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Regions WEST COAST FISH & GAME REGION 14 Office: Airport Drive Hokitika Postal address: P.O. Box 179, Hokitika 7842 Phone: (03) 755-8546 Fax: (03) 755-6540 Email: [email protected] Manager: Dean Kelly, [email protected] (027 244 2807) Office Admin: Leanne Johnson Field Officer: Rhys Adams, [email protected] (027 244 2806) 14 Reference to Description: Gazette, No. 83, of 24 May 1990, at page 1861 West Coast 23 Fish & Game Regions 1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2015/2016 Season Species Season Duration (dates inclusive) 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Grey/mallard duck and any hybrid of those species NZ shoveler duck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Paradise shelduck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Pukeko 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Daily Bag Hunting Area Limit Aggregate All areas bag 15 2 All areas 20 All areas 10 North of the Taramakau River South of the Taramakau River All areas 20 Black swan Pheasant, both sexes 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 May 2015 to 6 May 2016 2 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 20 Upland game properties with special conditions only specified in clause 4 for this Region All other areas 2 Shooting Hours 6.30am to 6.30pm. 3 Decoy Limit No limit. 4. Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions 24 Upland Game Area A: The area of land owned by the Gloriavale Christian Community clearly signposted and confined to that part of the Haupiri River Valley upstream of the Haupiri River Bridge (NZTM reference 1495313E, 5285772N). The land is contained in Certificates of Title WS5A/972, WS5D/97, WS5A/973, WS5B/308, WS5B/309, WS2D/1052, WS2A/905, WS5A/545, WS2A/1197 owned by the Christian Church Community Trust, and WS8A/680 owned by F. and P. Stedfast, situated at 189 Heaphy Road, Lake Haupiri, and titles WS1A/1421, WS2D/876, WS1B/486, WS8C/1072, WS8C/1073, WS2D/854, WS8A/681, and WS5B/311 owned by the Christian Church Community Trust, situated at 82 Wallace Road, Lake Haupiri. West Coast Fish & Game Regions HUNTING ON THE WEST COAST The primary attractions for game bird hunters on the Coast are the diversity of habitat, providing for a range of species, but mainly grey and mallard duck or hybrids. Shoveler, paradise shelduck and pukeko are also widespread throughout the region. In general, developed valleys with improved pasture and open drains offer the best waterfowl hunting – particularly for mallards, pukeko and shelduck – however riverbeds, bush ponds and coastal wetlands – most of which are on Department of Conservation (DOC) administered land – also provide excellent opportunities. Some relatively unexploited hunting opportunities remain in South Westland river valleys south of Harihari. Anyone planning a trip to hunt the West Coast can contact the Fish and Game Council for advice on key landowners to contact. Currently there are few problems with access to hunting on land administered by DOC, however if in doubt about land tenure contact the nearest DOC office (refer below) for a permit. Department of Conservation contacts Greymouth 03 768 0427 Hokitika 03 756 9100 Buller 03 788 8008 South Westland 03 751 0807 Game bird hunting is permitted in six scenic reserves; Hunters wishing to shoot at Lakes Rotokino, Ianthe, Arthur, Swan and Lady, or Saltwater lagoon are required to request a permit from DOC before the end of March. In the event of any problems contact The Fish and Game Council. If hunting in riverbeds or along bermlands we recommend contacting adjacent landowners. Their advice could well add value to your hunting. Please note that it is unlawful to use or possess lead shot when hunting waterfowl within 200 metres of any open water wider than 3 metres. PARADISE DUCK HUNTING A phone call to one of the contacts listed below will be of great assistance for visitors seeking shelduck hunting opportunities. Some recommended spots are the Ahaura/Lake Haupiri and Lake Poerua/Taramakau catchments, and the Wanganui, Waiho Waitaha and Whataroa valleys in South Westland. It is so important to do it right the first time, and to this end the following advice is important; West Coast 25 Fish & Game Regions • Phone a local contact below to locate birds. If possible observe their movements for a day or two before hunting. • Construct a hide with minimum disturbance and using natural vegetation where available. Paradise ducks will usually avoid a paddock that looks different from the previous visit. • Use plenty of decoys – facing into the wind. • Use camouf laged clothing and keep movement to a minimum. • Often it’s best to let an incoming mob land, then flush and shoot. • Although they look like they’re moving slowly paradise shelducks can fly at up to 80km/hr. If you are not hitting them increase your lead by swinging through the target more quickly. Most private landowners will react favourably to reasonable requests for access to hunt. The contacts listed below are recommended for hunters seeking new areas, particularly to hunt parries. It is essential to phone the landowner before visiting, and respect any reasons they may have for limiting access. Area Property contact Ph number Ahaura B Rogatski 7380225 Ahaura M Bray 7323576 Ahaura R Becker 7323879 Ahaura G Paterson 7323140 Atarau A Becker 7323576 Atarau C Brake 7323080 Atarau A Berry 7323856 Atarau C Van der Geest 7323718 Atarau G O’Connor 7323859 Atarau J Liddell 7323747 Atarau M Mills 7323001 Atarau P Berry 7323856 Atarau R Little 7323034 Atarau D Kennedy 0276327795 Atarau G Graham 7323063 Atarau P Jefferies 7680193 Barrytown George Coates 7311805 26 West Coast Fish & Game Regions Haupiri C Egan 7380389 Haupiri H Temple (G.C.C) 7380224 Haupiri J Butcher 7380227 Ikamatua G Prendergast 7323518 Ikamatua R Lemon 7323525 Ikamatua M Fitzgerald 7323577 Ikamatua P McLennan 7323755 Kokiri D Bradley 7625798 Kokiri (C.M.P) 7625055 Kowhitirangi T Sheridan 7557227 Mawheraiti K Harvey 0272228360 TIPS FOR HUNTING ON THE WEST COAST The key to success in all hunting is to be observant, and recognise that game bird movements and feeding patterns change in response to the time of year and the food available. In the case of shelduck, feeding patterns are largely dictated by the location of preferred pasture. Prevailing weather patterns also have a large influence on where birds congregate at certain times. For example, during wet periods in June/July intensively grazed paddocks are favoured by mallards seeking high protein in the form of worms and grubs. Seed from fed out hay and baleage is also a favoured food source. During frosty periods drains and wet areas with willow (pig) weed infestations may be popular. Observant hunters will notice that birds alter their daily habits and flight patterns in response to the length of daylight hours, prevailing weather and the level of disturbance. In general, waterfowl tend to avoid large open water bodies during rough windy weather, preferring sheltered swampy margins and farm drains. Similarly, during extended frosty periods there is often good hunting in small running creeks and small ponds with a bush canopy. Many hunters become frustrated by large congregations of ducks – predominantly mallards – loafing in open paddocks after the first week or two of the season when ducks become more wary. These birds are often difficult to hunt but, for those prepared to chance the odd unsuccessful outing success is more likely to improve later in the season, especially on rough days and at first and last light. West Coast 27 Fish & Game Regions Late in the season birds are preparing for breeding and require extra protein in the form of aquatic invertebrates and terrestrial insects. At this time small creeks, farm drains and wet paddocks often provide favoured feeding habitat. During this period it is often possible to call in ducks that earlier in the season were simply not interested. In intensively farmed areas the daily routine heavily influences hunting opportunities. Look for concentrations of birds near stock feed out pads, and, particularly in the case of shelducks, on saved pasture and green crop. ORGANISED HUNTS Complaints about concentrations of game birds such as pukeko and paradise shelduck indicate problem areas that hunters can be directed to. Pukeko and shelduck hunting success often depends on a team of hunters working together. Organised hunts have become increasingly popular on the West Coast as access to good hunting becomes more difficult in other regions. Such hunts are arranged independently by a number of different clubs and organisations and the Fish and Game Council provides coordination and assistance where possible. The West Coast Gameshooters club is very active and organises some very successful hunts. For further information on membership contact David Brooks on (03) 762 5604. Enjoy your hunting on the ‘Coast’, comply with the few rules we have, and please show respect for landowners and your fellow hunters. Photo: Steve Terry 28 West Coast Fish & Game Regions NORTH CANTERBURY FISH & GAME REGION 16 Office: c/- DOC Offices, 32 River Road, Rangiora 7440 Postal address: P.O. Box 50, Woodend 7641 Phone: 0800 347 426 Email: [email protected] Regional Manager: Rod Cullinane (027 280 8192) Office Admin: Debbie Ambler F&G Officers: Tony Hawker (021 221 8325), Steve Terry (021 221 8327) Environment Officer: Scott Pearson (027 525 2650) Hatchery/Compliance: Dirk Barr (021 221 8378) 16Reference to Description: Gazette, No. 83, of 22 May 1990, at page 1861 North Canterbury 29 Fish & Game Regions 1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2015/2016 Season Species Season Duration Daily Bag Hunting Area (dates inclusive) Limit Grey, mallard and shoveler duck aggregate bag limit 25 All areas Grey duck and 2 May to any hybrid of that 26 Jul 2015 species 5 All areas NZ shoveler duck 2 May to 24 May 2015 2 All areas 1 drake All areas Mallard duck and 2 May to any hybrid of that 26 Jul 2015 species 25 All areas Paradise shelduck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 20 Area A 2 May to 27 Sep 2015 20 Area B 6 Feb 2016 to 20 Mar 2016 20 Area A & B Pukeko 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 All areas Black swan 2 May to 27 Sep 2015 5 Area A 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 Area B California quail 2 May to 23 Aug 2015 10 All areas Cock pheasant 6 and 7 Jun 2015 (two days only) 1 All areas Chukar Closed season 0 All areas 26 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 Definition of Areas 2.1 Area A (Paradise shelduck and Black swan): That area east of State Highway 1 from the Rakaia River in the south to Woodend Beach Road in the north. 2.2 Area B (Paradise shelduck and Black swan): The remainder of the region excluding “Area A”. 30 North Canterbury Fish & Game Regions 3 Shooting Hours 3.1 Paradise shelduck 2 May to 28 September 2015 6.45am to 6.30pm during the specified season 6 February to 21 March 2016 5.00am to 10.00pm during the specified season 3.2 All other game birds 6.45am to 6.30pm during the specified season 4 Decoy Limit No limit. 5 Special Conditions 5.1 No person shall wilfully leave on the hunting ground the bodies or parts of bodies of any game bird shot in this region. 6 Closed Game Areas There are three Closed Game Areas in the North Canterbury Region: St Anne’s Lagoon, the northern end of the Rakaia Lagoon and the Ahuriri Lagoon. (1) St Anne’s Lagoon: Those parts of St Anne’s Lagoon (commonly known as Cheviot Lagoon) situated on part Section 27 Block IV, and part Sections 1 and 4 Block VII Cheviot Survey District together with a strip of land 45.72 metres in width along the margins. On the remainder of this lagoon and land adjoining (being Reserve 3146), shooting is prohibited as it is a reserve pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977. (2) Rakaia Lagoon: All that area known as the Rakaia River Lagoon, being an area from a line commencing at the confluence of Boat Creek which flows into the lagoon from the northern shore, then north-easterly to the head of the lagoon and including the foreshore in front of the Rakaia Huts Village, then around the lagoon and south-west along the shingle spit opposite Boat Creek, the area being specifically marked by “Closed Game Area” signage. (3) Ahuriri Lagoon: All that area of land in the Canterbury Land District, situated in Block X Halswell Survey District, in the Counties of Ellesmere and Halswell, containing approximately 249 hectares, being Rural Sections 1167 and 31239, part Rural Section 3319, part Reserve 3598, including Lots 1 and 2, and Lots North Canterbury 31 Fish & Game Regions 4 to 11, Crown and road reserves; commencing at the north-western corner of Rural Section 11167 on the eastern boundary of Burke’s Drain and road reserve proceeding in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of Rural Section 11167 and Reserve 3598 to the south-eastern corner of Rural Section 11165; then easterly in a straight line crossing Reserve 3598 to the south-eastern corner of Rural Section 11166; then easterly along the northern boundaries of Reserve 3598 and Rural Section 31239 to the north-eastern corner of Rural Section 31239 at the western side of the Christchurch-Akaroa Highway; then southerly, south-easterly and easterly along the said highway and crossing road reserve, the old course of the Halswell River, and road reserve to the south-east of the road reserve along the south bank of the old course of the Halswell River; then south-westerly along the south side of the said road reserve to the eastern side of the road reserve on the eastern bank of the Halswell Canal; then south-easterly in a straight line across the said road reserve and the Halswell Canal to the southern boundary of Reserve 3598 on the western bank of the said Halswell Canal; then generally westerly along the southern boundary of Reserve 3598 and across Matthews Road and continuing along the southern boundary of Reserve 3598 to the south-eastern side of Davidson’s Road; then northeasterly along the south-eastern side of Davidson’s Road to the southern bank of the Halswell River. HUNTING IN NORTH CANTERBURY The North Canterbury Fish and Game Region stretches from the south bank of the Rakaia to the headwaters of the Waiau, from the Southern Alps to the sea. Habitats range from coastal dunes, through to shallow wetlands and wide river beds, high country lakes and mountain valleys. Mallard ducks are the most abundant and popular game bird in the region. They have adapted well to the developed agricultural land which dominates the North Canterbury landscape. Paradise shelduck is the next most popular species among local hunters and like the mallard, also does well in developed land. The region also sustains a reasonable black swan population, most of which are found on coastal wetlands. Grey and shoveler ducks are found in the region but do not favour open, developed land and tend to be concentrated onto wet, swampy areas and irrigation storage ponds. 32 North Canterbury Fish & Game Regions Upland game birds are less prolific than in some other Fish & Game regions but reasonable California quail numbers are present in the lower and middle reaches of the braided riverbeds. Small pheasant populations are also present, but are not sufficiently abundant to withstand heavy hunting pressure. There is a two day open season for cock pheasant hunting on the second weekend in June in the North Canterbury region. A number of pheasant hunters in particular, confuse the exact location of the boundary between the North Canterbury and Central South Island Fish and Game Regions. This can cause problems for hunters as there is a longer open season and higher daily limit bag for pheasant in the Central South Island Region. A number of hunters have been caught in breach of the North Canterbury rules, thinking they were hunting in the Central South Island region. To set the record straight, the North Canterbury boundary with the Central South Region is Acton Road, which runs from Rakaia township east to the sea. The North Canterbury region is a mix of public and private land. Most of the public land is administered by Environment Canterbury and the Department of Conservation (DOC). Either of these organisations, or North Canterbury Fish and Game Council, will be able to assist you with any access inquiries relating to public land. A ‘Lake Ellesmere Access’ publication is available to assist hunters with access issues and can be obtained from the Fish and Game Council office or the main hunting retail stores. THE MAJOR HUNTING AREAS Here is a brief summary of the major hunting areas in the North Canterbury region: Lake Ellesmere: Lake Ellesmere (Te Waihora), a 20,000ha wetland of national and international significance, is the major game bird hunting area in the region. Mallard ducks are the most popular quarry during the traditional hunting months of May, June and July, black swan and shoveler duck are also present. It is important to note that Lake Ellesmere is home to a large grey teal population which are protected wildlife. It is important that hunters take time to properly identify their target, especially during periods of low light. The best time to hunt Ellesmere is during a strong southerly wind. Birds which usually roost in the middle of the lake are pushed off by the rough conditions and tend to fly to the downwind shore. The lake can also shoot well during strong northwest or northeast winds; once again the downwind shoreline is the best place to hunt. Lake Ellesmere North Canterbury 33 Fish & Game Regions has a good number of maimais located around the shoreline and most Ellesmere regulars have one of their own. However, any hunter is free to use any maimai sited on public land which has not been occupied by 7:45 am in the morning. This is a great option for new or inexperienced hunters who want a taste of open water game bird hunting without having to commit to the time and expense involved in constructing their own maimai. Please note that a hunting permit is required to hunt on DOC managed land on the shores of Lake Ellesmere. These are available at the DOC Christchurch Visitor Centre now located in the Mahanui area office at 31 NgaMahi Road Sockburn (03) 341 9113 or email [email protected] MAIMAIS ON LAKE ELLESMERE The construction of permanent maimais on public land and Ngai Tahu lakebed at Lake Ellesmere is subject to a number of conditions. Approved maimai construction techniques are available on the North Canterbury page of the Fish & Game website. Hunters need to obtain permission from Fish & Game and DOC Robin Smith (03) 341 9100 before beginning work on a new maimai. We encourage hunters to refurbish an unused existing maimai first. Hunters with existing maimais which have yet to be registered should contact staff at the Fish and Game office to obtain a maimai registration tag. There is no charge for these services. THE BRAIDED RIVERBEDS The Rakaia, Waimakariri, Hurunui and Waiau rivers are also popular hunting locations. Many of these rivers have large tidal lagoons which provide good hunting opportunities. Further upriver, ducks can be targeted using traditional decoy setups in open water areas. Good duck shooting is also available in places by flush hunting small springs and ponds, which are often found on the margins of major riverbeds. Licensed game bird hunters are able to hunt in most of the North Canterbury braided river beds except parts where they lie close to population centres. The Waimakariri River Regional Park, administered by Environment Canterbury, recognises game bird hunting as a legitimate activity, with areas designated for such use. An access map is available. Please do not shoot outside these areas which may put the future of game bird hunting at risk. Hunters need to be aware of rabbit poisoning operations in Canterbury river beds. While poison operations are of little threat to humans or to the safe consumption of any game birds killed, it is of real concern 34 North Canterbury Fish & Game Regions to hunters’ dogs which are susceptible to 1080 poison found in carcass remains, for some months after a poisoning operation. HIGH COUNTRY LAKES Some of the region’s high country lakes offer good game bird hunting opportunities. In some cases hunting can be pursued without the owner’s permission but it is highly recommended that you put in the effort and talk to the farmer or manager concerned in advance. Please note that lakes Grasmere and Pearson are wildlife refuges and all hunting is prohibited. PRIVATE LAND Private land also offers good game hunting opportunities but the owner’s permission needs to be sought in advance. BOGGY CREEK GAME BIRD HUNTING AREA The Boggy Creek Game Bird Hunting Area is located at the end of Collets Road on the western shore of Lake Ellesmere. It is owned by Fish and Game North Canterbury for hunters and wildlife values. Annual ballots are held for shooting stands in this area and are open to all licensed hunters. Contact the office for details. Photo: Steve Terry North Canterbury 35 Fish & Game Regions CENTRAL SOUTH ISLAND FISH & GAME REGION 17 Office: 32 Richard Pearse Drive, Temuka Postal address: PO Box 150, Temuka 7948 Phone: (03) 615-8400 Fax: (03) 615-8401 Email: [email protected] Chief Executive: Jay Graybill Office Admin: Bernadette Dolan Field Officers: Jayde Couper, Graeme Hughes, Hamish Stevens, Mark Webb 17Reference to Description: Gazette, No. 83, of 22 May 1990, as amended by Gazette, No. 129, of 29 August 1991, at page 2789 36 Central South Island North Canterbury Fish & Game Regions 1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2015/2016 Season Species Season Duration Daily Bag Hunting Area (dates inclusive) Limit Grey, mallard and shoveler duck: A maximum total aggregate bag not exceeding 50 birds for all those species including hybrids combined, except that within the aggregate bag a limit of 5 grey duck and 2 shoveler duck must apply. Grey duck and 2 May to any hybrid of that 26 Jul 2015 species 5 All areas NZ shoveler duck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 All areas Mallard duck and 2 May to any hybrid of that 26 Jul 2015 species 6, 7 and 13, 14 Feb 2016 50 All areas 10 Area C Paradise shelduck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 25 East of State Highway 1 2 May to 27 Sep 2015 25 West of State Highway 1 6, 7 and 13, 14 Feb 2016 15 Area B Pukeko 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 10 All areas Black swan 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 5 Area B 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 2 Area A Bobwhite (Virginian) quail 2 May to 3 0 Aug 2015 No limit All areas California quail 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 10 All areas Chukar (subject to clause 5.4 for this region) 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 10 All areas Cock pheasant 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 4 All areas excluding Craigmore, Pinegrove and Waituna upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 5 for this Region Central South Island 37 Fish & Game Regions Pheasant (both sexes) 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 1 Apr 2016 to 6 May 2016 No limit Craigmore, Pinegrove and Waituna upland game properties with special conditions only specified in clause 5 for this Region Red-legged partridge Closed season 0 All areas excluding Craigmore upland game property with special conditions specified in clause 5 for this Region 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 1 Apr 2016 to 6 May 2016 No limit Craigmore upland game property with special conditions only specified in clause 5 for this Region 2 Definition of Areas 2.1 Area A: All that part of the region encompassing Lake Wainono and Wainono Reserve and bounded to the north by Hook Beach Road, the west by State Highway 1, the south by Poingdestres Road and the east by the Pacific Ocean. 2.2 Area B: That part of the region not included in Area A. 2.3 Area C: That part of the region north of the Opihi River only over agricultural grain crops and green feed paddocks and more than 200 metres from any water body. 2.4 Chukar Hunting: Chukar hunting is by permit only. Permits are available on request from the Fish and Game office in Temuka. 3 Shooting Hours 38 6.45am to 6.30pm. Central South Island Fish & Game Regions 4 Decoy Limit 4.1 Lake Wainono and the Wainono Reserve: From opening day to the second Sunday after opening day, no person or persons sharing a stand shall use more than 25 decoys. No decoys to be placed within 50 metres of those placed by the occupant(s) of another stand. 4.2 Rest of season: No limit. 5 Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions 5.1Craigmore: That fenced area of Craigmore Station between Craigmore Valley, Timaunga, Limestone and Pareora Gorge roads near Timaru, that includes Lots 1–3 DP 14945 and Lots 1 and 2 DP 315289 and marked with signposts reading Craigmore Game Preserve. The “Craigmore” property is owned by Forbes and Bridget Elworthy. 5.2Pinegrove: That fenced area of Pinegrove Station at 532 Rosewill Valley Road, Assessment Number 24840/067.00, Lot 2 DP 321973. The Pinegrove property is owned by Bruce Washington. 5.3 Waituna Game Birds: Those areas of fenced land identified as 343 Whitneys Road: Legal Description No: RS17391 owned by Centrewood Farm Limited, Jamie Sutherland. 273 W hitneys Road: Legal Description No: RS4347 5516 10116 Blocks X XIV Waimate Survey District owned by Neill Dick. 72 Kennards Road: Legal Description No: Section 2 Reserve 143 Block X Waimate Survey District, Section 2 Reserve 143 X Waimate Survey District owned by Steve Muir. 753 Parkers Bush Road: Legal Description: Lot 3 DP 416130 Lots 2 and 3 DP 63040 Lots 1–3 DP 20008 Lots 1–3 DP 13752 Lots 3 and 4 DP 1150 Sections 1 4 Reserve 143 RS 2984–2988 12650 12654–12655 20344 20545 21366922759 22772 25710 26569 27617 39597 Parts 2980–9283 3851 4338 5082 28448 37801 Blocks IX X XII XIV Waimate Survey District owned by Athol Smith. Central South Island 39 Fish & Game Regions HUNTING IN CENTRAL SOUTH ISLAND (CSI) PUBLIC LANDS Many of Central South Island’s larger river beds and lakes are public lands. It is still important to advise the adjoining landowner when you wish to hunt these areas. This common courtesy often results in the farmer providing useful information and better access. BALLOTED STANDS Depending on water levels, the council has between 9 and 13 stands available for hunting the opening weekend on wetlands it owns or manages. These are balloted annually and invitations to apply are advertised in local papers in February or early March. NORTHERN REGIONAL BOUNDARY The Rakaia River bed is not within the CSI Fish and Game Region. The northern boundary of the region adjacent to the Rakaia River extends along Acton Road, Rakaia Barrhill Methven Road and Rakaia River Road. RANGITATA DIVERSION RACE Hunting along the Rangitata Diversion Race is possible but strictly with permission from RDR Management Ltd (ph 03 3080828) and the adjoining landowners. LAKE WAINONO AND WAINONO WETLANDS Lake Wainono is near the township of Waimate and some 35 km south of Timaru. Adjacent to the coastal shingle beach barrier, the lake at its normal water level (1m above sea level) covers about 350 hectares. The beach barrier, lake, and surrounding wetlands provide habitat for some 57 different bird species, many resident and others migratory. Lake Wainono is a ‘Conservation Area’ managed by the Department of Conservation (DOC). Hunting is permitted and a permit to carry a firearm is required. This can be obtained free of charge from the DOC Raukapuka Field Centre in Geraldine. Within the Wainono Wetlands area, eight hunting stands are balloted each year. There is no ballot system for the lake and many of the existing stands are reserved for traditional hunters. Other than possibly during opening weekend, there is still plenty of opportunity for visiting hunters. Access to the lake and wetland: 40 Central South Island Fish & Game Regions • North side – via Hook Beach Road and then a 4WD track along the beach • Middle – via Wainono Lake Road; a track opposite Waimate turnoff on SH1 • South side – via Foleys Road and then Poindestres Road over the Dead Arm Bridge to the beach and then a walking track along the beach past Maori Lake and the Wainono wetlands. ALL DAY BAY LAGOON This small coastal lagoon, 11 ha in area, is located 15 km south of Oamaru on the Kakanui-Waianakarua coastal road. The area was purchased by CSI Fish and Game in 1989. Planting of vegetation, and the construction of a low level weir to maintain a stable water level, has secured the lake as a wetland habitat for both waterfowl and wading birds. The lagoon and its birdlife are readily observed from the road. Visits from the occasional white heron or royal spoonbill are not uncommon, and add to the scenic attraction of the area. All Day Bay Lagoon is also protected by a QE II National Trust Open Space Covenant. Four hunting stands are balloted annually by CSI Fish and Game Council. DEVIL’S BRIDGE WETLAND Owned by the Meikle Family Trust, this 15 ha lake and associated wetland is situated on Devil’s Bridge Road some 6 km north west of Oamaru. By agreement between the owner and CSI Fish and Game, the area is managed by the Devil’s Bridge Management Committee. Three stands are balloted each year by CSI Fish and Game. Should you wish to hunt at the wetland, phone the owner Gail Meikle first on (03) 434 9476. MID SUMMER DUCK SEASON In February 2005, a two-weekend summer duck hunting season was trialled, on condition that it was monitored to ensure there was no adverse impact on the traditional May duck season opening. The season will be further trialled for the first two weekends of February in 2016. ON OR NEAR PUBLIC LAND When hunting on or near public land be aware of two relevant sections of the Arms Act 1983. Section 45 states “Every person commits an offence who, except for some lawful, proper, and sufficient purpose carries; or is in possession of…any firearm.” And “…the burden of proving the existence of some lawful, proper, and sufficient purpose shall lie on the defendant.” Section Central South Island 41 Fish & Game Regions 48 states “Every person commits an offence … who, without reasonable cause, discharges a firearm … in or near (a) a dwelling house; Or (b) a public place, - so as to endanger property or to endanger, annoy, or frighten, any person. The message is clear – be careful and considerate around other people and their property. Photo: Steve Terry 42 Central South Island Fish & Game Regions OTAGO FISH & GAME REGION 18 Office: Corner of Hanover & Harrow Sts Dunedin Postal address: PO Box 76, Dunedin 9054 Phone: (03) 477-9076 Fax: (03) 477-0146 Email:[email protected] Chief Executive: Niall Watson Office Admin: Sharon Milne Operations Manager: Ian Hadland Environmental Officer: Peter Wilson F&G Officers: Cliff Halford, Morgan Trotter, Helen Keeling, Steve Dixon 18 Reference to Description: Gazette, No. 83, of 22 May 1990, at page 1861 Otago 43 Fish & Game Regions 1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2015/2016 Season Species Season Duration Daily Bag Hunting Area (dates inclusive) Limit 2 May to 25 All areas 26 Jul 2015 Grey/mallard duck and any hybrid of those species NZ shoveler duck 2 May to 26 Jul 2015 Paradise shelduck 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 5 Mar 2016 2 All areas 12 All areas 5 Closed season Closed season 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 30 May to 30 Aug 2015 30 May to 30 Aug 2015 0 0 5 All areas junior hunting day (refer to clause 5.4 for this Region) All areas Area A Area B 10 All areas 5 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 No limit Red-legged partridge 2 May to 30 Aug 2015 No limit Chukar 30 May to 30 Aug 2015 2 All areas excluding upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 7 for this Region Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 7 for this Region Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 7 for this Region All areas Pukeko Black swan California quail Pheasant 44 Otago Fish & Game Regions 2 Definition of Areas 2.1 Area A: The Clutha River catchment upstream from the Clyde Dam. 2.2 Area B: The Clutha River catchment downstream from the Clyde Dam; the Taieri River catchment and all the coastal catchments between Shag Point and The Brothers Point on the east coast of the South Island. 3 Shooting Hours Area A: 7.00am to 6.45pm Area B: 7.00am to 6.30pm 4 Decoy Limit No limit. 5 Special Conditions 5.1 No person shall use or cause to be used on any water within the region for the hunting or killing of game, any fixed stand, pontoon, hide, loo or maimai, except within a distance of 10 metres from the water margin in non-tidal waters, or from the low water mark in tidal waters, or from the outside edge of the raupo growth where raupo abounds, without the prior consent of the Otago Fish and Game Council. 5.2 No person may leave on the hunting ground the bodies or parts of bodies of Black swan or other game shot in the Otago Fish and Game region. 5.3 Shooting from a boat is prohibited on the Clutha River from 2 to 10 May 2015 (refer to First Schedule clause 7). 5.4 The summer paradise duck season is open on 1 March 2016 for junior licence holders only, and is restricted to locations 200 metres or more from open water. 6 Refuges and Closed Game Areas The following wetland refuges and closed game areas are closed to hunting: Refuges Location 6.1 Lake Hayes Queenstown/Arrowtown highway 6.2 Hawksbury Lagoon Waikouaiti – East Otago 6.3 Finegand Balclutha Otago 45 Fish & Game Regions Closed Game Areas Location 6.4 Ashley Downs Near Clinton, South Otago 6.5 Tomahawk Lagoon Dunedin 6.6 Kawarau River outlet From Lake Wakatipu downstream to the Shotover River confluence 7 Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions 7.1 Rough Ridge: The total area of Rough Ridge Farm with special conditions is described as Rough Ridge and defined as approximately 900 hectares of Rough Ridge Farm near Oturehua that includes Section 24 Block XV1 and Section 2 Block XV11 Blackstone Survey District, Section 3 Block V1 Poolburn Survey District, and Section 42 PT and Section 10 Block XV1 Blackstone Survey District. The boundaries are marked with signposts reading “Rough Ridge Game Preserve”. The property “Rough Ridge” is owned by Fraser and Murray McKnight. HUNTING IN OTAGO Otago is a game bird hunters’ paradise. The region offers hunters a wide variety of different experiences – from decoying mobs of mallards over coastal wetlands, to flushing quail in high country scrubland. HUNTING EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE Otago Fish and Game Council has Canada goose decoys, coffin blinds and camouflage nets available for hire. Booking items is recommended. MORE INFORMATION Visit the Otago pages of the Fish & Game New Zealand website for more information or contact Otago Fish & Game’s Dunedin Office ( [email protected]) for advice, brochures on hunting or wetland creation. 46 Otago Fish & Game Regions SOUTHLAND FISH & GAME REGION 19 Offices: 159 North Road, Invercargill and The Wildlife Park, Te Anau Postal Address: PO Box 159, Invercargill 9840 Phone: (03) 215-9117 Email: [email protected] Manager: Maurice Rodway (021 221 5801) Office Admin: Cheryl Mason, Ann Heffernan Senior Field Officer (Operations Manager): Zane Moss (021 244 5384) Field Officers: Bill Jarvie (021 540 821), new Field Officer to be appointed. Resource Management Officer: Jacob Smyth (021 280 0755) 19Reference to Description: Gazette, No. 83, of 22 May 1990, at page 1861 Southland 47 Fish & Game Regions 1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2015/2016 Season Species Season Duration (dates inclusive) Daily Bag Limit Grey/mallard duck and any 2 May and 3 May 2015 hybrid of those species 4 May to 28 Jun 2015 15 NZ shoveler duck 2 May to 28 Jun 2015 2 Paradise shelduck 2 May to 28 Jun 2015 6 Pukeko Closed season 0 Black swan 2 May to 28 Jun 2015 1 California quail 6 Jun to 30 Aug 2015 5 Cock pheasant 6 Jun to 30 Aug 2015 5 Chukar Closed season 0 10 2 Shooting Hours 7.00am to 6.30pm. 3 Decoy Limit No limit. 4 Special Conditions Shooting from boats is prohibited during the month of May 2015 on the Mataura, Aparima, Oreti, Waiau and Waimatuku rivers and their navigable tributaries. HUNTING IN SOUTHLAND MALLARD DUCK The Southland region provides some of the best mallard duck hunting in New Zealand. Season bags range around 20 birds. Much of the hunting is carried out on private farm ponds although public water bodies, estuaries in particular, provide good hunting opportunities during the opening weekend and on rough weather days. Hunters travelling to Southland need to find a local contact to organise hunting spots, upgrade maimais and arrange accommodation. Numerous groups of hunters congregate in the same area year after year. These gatherings engender great camaraderie and lifelong friendships. PARADISE DUCK Although widespread across the province, northern Southland provides the best paradise duck hunting in the region. This species has thrived with land development. Congregations can be found 48 Southland Fish & Game Regions into the back country where they graze on modern grass cultivars grown on newly developed land. Paradise duck provide through the- season hunting on pastures. Once a mob is found they can be chased off, and then decoys put out, suitable camouflage arranged and the birds shot when they return. (see our YouTube channel for a how-to) Parries appear to have become less abundant over the past few years, so the bag limit was reduced from 10 to six per day two seasons ago. Last year’s count shows a modest recovery so the reduced bag seems to have been effective. OTHER SPECIES Shoveler duck, and black swan provide limited hunting experiences and are taken incidentally to the more common species. Hunting of pukeko is no longer permitted in Southland. Canada geese remain abundant although they are no longer classified as a game bird. Black Swan numbers are healthy so hunters are encouraged to get in at least one swan hunt during the season. REDUCED SEASON LENGTH Following a survey and submissions from hunters in 2014 the Council has decided to reduce the season length to two months so it will end on June 28 this year. Bag limits and other regulations remain the same, although Council did pass the resolution to prohibit magazine extensions and restrict magazine capacity to five shots for the 2016 season. Hunters have been concerned about the hunting season extending into the start of the breeding season. Also our mallard research programme is in its second year and we don’t want birds that have transmitters in them shot, as happened last season. The research has already revealed a lot on interesting information that is described in the Fish and Game magazine. However the main phase still has a year to go to get enough information to ensure any recommendations we have for future mallard management are based on sound science. Photo: Grant Dyson Southland 49 Fish & Game Photo: Mark Sherburn Photo: Ian Hadland, Happy hunting duo 50 YOUR ORDER NEW PRODUCTS (No product is valid for postage) Price Quantity Total 2015 Black Swan Game Bird Habitat stamp $10.00 $ 2015 Black Swan Game Bird Habitat stamp first day cover $12.00 $ 2015 Black Swan Game Bird Habitat stamp miniature sheet $11.50 $ 2015 Black Swan Game Bird Habitat stamp miniature sheet first day cover $14.00 $ 2015 Black Swan Game Bird Habitat stamp Limited Edition Artist Print $65.00 $ If you have a preference for the Artist Print number, please indicate it here Numbers will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, and we will endeavour to meet your requirements where possible. PREVIOUSLY ISSUED PRODUCTS Price Quantity Total 2014 Pūkeko Limited Edition Artist Print $65.00 $ 2013 Australasian Bittern Limited Edition Artist Print $65.00 $ 2012 Bobwhite Quail Limited Edition Artist Print $65.00 $ Plus overseas postage (see below) $ TOTAL TO PAY $ SHIPPING INFORMATION Stamp & Miniature Sheet Artist Print First Day Cover AUSTRALIA - 3-6 working days NZ$2.00 NZ$7.50 No charge SOUTH PACIFIC - 3-10 working days NZ$2.00 NZ$10.80 No charge EAST ASIA AND NORTH AMERICA 4-10 working days NZ$2.50 NZ$12.50 No charge REST OF WORLD - 5-10 working days NZ$2.50 NZ$14.00 No charge New Zealand Post produces the New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Collection on behalf of Fish and Game New Zealand. The New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Black Swan stamp is not valid for postage. nzpost.co.nz/stamps 0800 STAMPS or +64 6 349 1234 PAYMENT DETAILS Name: Code: FISH 50 Address: Town/City: Postcode: Country: Phone: ( ) Email: Stamp Centre Customer Number (if applicable): I AM PAYING BY: Cheque (made out to New Zealand Post and enclosed) Debit my customer account number International money order/bank draft Amex Diners Visa MasterCard Cardholder’s name: Cardholder’s signature: Card expiry date: Please charge my credit card: NZ$ This information is being collected by Fish and Game New Zealand and New Zealand Post for the purpose of processing your order. We may also use it to send you information on other collectable products that may be of interest to you. On 2 February each year, the Game Bird Habitat Collection is issued to celebrate World Wetlands Day. The 2015 issue is the 22nd in the series and features the black swan. The black swan (Cygnus atratus), also known as the kakīānau, is one of the most common waterfowl found in New Zealand, with a population of approximately 50,000 across the country. Mainly found on lakes, estuaries, harbours and freshwater ponds, black swans are a legal game bird in most parts of New Zealand. The black swan is covered in jet black feathers, with striking white feathers visible beneath the wings of the adults. The black swan has a bright red bill with a white band, red eyes and light grey legs. There is little difference between the male and female birds, although the females tend to be smaller than the males. Black swans are slow yet graceful swimmers on the water, and tend to be territorial on land. The nesting season for black swans generally occurs in the winter months from around July, with colonial nesting beginning around September and continuing through to November. Black swans are mostly monogamous and pair for life, usually nesting in the same spots each year, tending and rebuilding their nests as necessary. A typical breeding season will yield between four and eight eggs, with an incubation period of around 40 days. Black swans defend their nests, aggressively attacking any intruder with their wings and beaks. The black swan takes centre stage in the 2015 Game Bird Habitat Collection, which consists of a stamp, miniature sheet, first day cover and miniature sheet first day cover, and a hand-numbered and signed Limited Edition Artist Print. Each print includes two stamps, of which one is signed by artist Karen Baddock. Karen Baddock has worked as a self-employed artist for the past 20 years. Her main inspiration comes from nature, specialising in watercolours and alkyd paints (fast-drying oils). Her works can take anywhere from six to twelve weeks to complete, with most of that time spent focusing on the composition of the piece. Karen Baddock works from Bluegum Gallery in Dunedin, which is open for public viewing. Miniature sheet First day cover Miniature sheet first day cover 2015 Artist Print - Black Swan KNOW WHERE TO GO? Discover outdoor access opportunities on the Walking Access Mapping System online at www.wams.org.nz Identify land open to public access Explore topo and aerial maps of New Zealand Check. Respect. Enjoy.
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