HUNTON & ARRATHORNE C P SCHOOL . HUNTON BEDALE NORTH YORKSHIRE DL8 1QB Tel/Fax: 01677 450342 HEADTEACHER: Mrs J Grainger Friday 8th May 2015 Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you enjoyed your mini-break at the weekend. It’s not long until the next one and we have a lot to fit in before then. Langthorne Covert The whole school had a lovely morning at Langthorne last week. It has been very interesting to track the changes during the year since they visited last summer and winter and see, first hand, how the plants and animals’ life cycles develop. Singing We were very proud of our KS2 children when they performed at the Methodist Church, Richmond at the end of April. I don’t think they realised they knew so many songs! Their singing was very well received and we were very grateful to receive a cheque for £50 towards school funds. ‘Wherever Home Is’ Y5/6 took part in an interesting day organised by the LA and the MOD Education Support Fund at Hackforth a couple of weeks ago. It was very thought-provoking and initiated discussions about moving schools and being aware of the lives of other children – particularly those who are part of Service Families which is an important consideration for schools like us where we do have a proportion of children from Service Families. Road Closure We have received notification of a road closure in Hunton from 13th July to 9th September. The work will be on the bridge at Hunton Culvert where some other works have recently been carried out. Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to pass. Obviously this will affect many of our families who come down Church Bank to school so you will need to build some extra time into your journeys for the last week of the summer term and when we first return to school in September. Ceramic Poppies Helen Porritt, art teacher at Risedale School is coming into school on Thursday afternoon to make ceramic poppies with the children along the lines of those that were part of the art installation at the Tower of London last year. If you wish for your child to buy their poppy they will be for sale at £5 each – please send in the money on Friday in an envelope marked with your child’ s name and ‘Poppy’. There should be a sample one in school from Monday for you to see. DEEL Day The next DEEL day is coming up for parents of our FS/KS1 children on Thursday 21st May. They get very excited at the prospect of sharing their work and we look forward to seeing you. Y6 Assessments Our Y6 children are currently finishing preparations for their end of KS tests which they, along with all the other Y6 children in country, will be sitting during the week beginning May 11th. We wish them well and know that they will do their best. Edinburgh Residential After the demands of next week our Y5/6 children will be spending a couple of days in Edinburgh from 18th-19th May. A packed programme sees them visiting Dynamic Earth, The Real Mary King’s Close, Edinburgh Castle, the Camera Obscura (if there’s time) and the National Gallery. They may be glad to get back to school for a rest. Mrs Godlee will be accompanying me on the visit as she knows Edinburgh very well so if you have any money, slips etc. to drop off please could you wait until she is back in the office on May 21st? Home –School Agreement We have been revisiting our Home-School Agreement and have made some alterations including, importantly a section directed towards expectations of the children to accompany those for School and Parents. Please find a copy attached and if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know by Friday 15th May so we can have it ready to send out to our new parents when their children visit next month. FS/KS1 If you need access to the infants building during the school day to bring in clothes/equipment/collect your child, please could you report in at the main building? The door at the back of the building has a buzzer that can be heard throughout the main building if you do not get a response at the front door. Yours sincerely, Joanne Grainger (headteacher) Dates for Diaries w/b 11.5.15 18-19.5.15 19.5.15 21.51.5 22.5.15 1.6.15 2.6.15 9.6.15 w/b 15.6.15 25.6.15 1.7.15 3.7.15 16.7.15 7.9.15 8.9.15 Y6 SATs Y5/6 visit to Edinburgh Y2 children from small schools in our cluster to visit our school DEEL day in the infants 2p.m. until hometime School closes for half term break School reopens Y5 visit to Thornton Watlass Primary – ICT Day Countryside Day – KS2 visit to Harrogate Phonics Screening Check KS2 visit to Darlington Civic Theatre ‘Horrible Histories - Invaders’ Sports Day on Hunton Green Y6 induction day visit to Richmond School Break up for summer holidays Teacher Training Day School reopens after summer break
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