Hutton Rudby Tennis Club Newsletter 2015 Hutton Rudby Tennis Club Newsletter 2015 Club Annual Subscriptions Adult Club Sessions Just a reminder that subscriptions became due on 1st April and should be paid to the membership secretary ASAP. *If you have mislaid your form, you can download a new one from the website Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm onwards. Club evenings provide an opportunity for members of all standards to play together. Play is restricted to a short set or a maximum of half an hour if anyone is waiting to play. (Although these Club nights are intended for adults, juniors of acceptable standard may be invited) Membership Category Family Membership Fee £135.00 Adult Membership £90.00 Student (18+ in F/T Education) £40.00 The club session for ladies is on Thursday mornings, start time 9.30am; this is a social morning so please come & join in. Juniors ‘A’ (Under 18 on 1st April 2014) £40.00 Squad Sessions Juniors ‘B’ (Under 9 on 1st April 2014) £20.00 Ceiling for Family + students £195.00 If anyone has friends who do not play tennis but would like to join in social events they are welcome to join as social members; subscription £5 per adult. AT TE N We TION ar Me Mem On ber Co s!! urt .. !!! Ladies’ Club Session Squad sessions take place on Sunday mornings, 10.00am to 12.00pm. They are intended for members who either play in the teams or wish to play a higher standard of tennis on a regular basis. For further info contact Paddy Morton on 07854 727974 or turn up at a session. Rusty Rackets A new adult session starting on Friday 1st May from 6.30 - 8.00pm for adult beginners, or members who don't get much of a chance to play and are a bit "rusty". Check out the website and the noticeboard for more information. New look Junior Club night Change of time Sunday afternoons 4.00 - 6.00pm. Weather permitting it will run each Sunday until October half term. Parents whose children are involved will be asked to commit to a parental rota to support the coaches please see website for further information League Tennis Visitors Fees It is the responsibility of the member that any guests they invite to play with them be paid for. These fees, £5 adult or £2 junior per playing session, may be given to any committee member, or if none is in attendance, please post through the letterbox at 2 The Old School, stating who they are from. [Please note, visitors may only play 3 times during a season before they are expected to become a member of the Club.] It is the responsibility of all adult members to approach players who you think may not be members. As all members should be wearing orange shoe tags please refer them to the “Polite notice” on the entrance gate to court 3 Adult league home matches start on Wednesday 22nd April and finish (weather permitting) on Saturday 22nd July. Starting at 6.30pm there will be eleven MONDAY, twelve WEDNESDAY and two THURSDAY matches during this period. The four SATURDAY mixed league afternoon matches start at 2pm. All matches will use courts 1, 2 & 3. There will also be some Junior matches on Saturdays and Sundays. Dates of all home matches are displayed in the Pavilion and on the website. The teams’ positions in the league can be found on the Cleveland League website, see link from our Club website [address at the end of the Newsletter Court 5 Court 5 will be reserved for juniors, apart from tournaments and club nights Hutton Rudby Tennis Club Newsletter 2015 Coaching Flood Lights Our two professional coaches, Derek Edwards and Claire Smith, both run group coaching sessions for Juniors and Adults and also provide individual coaching. For Group coaching with Derek please contact Sue Bedford [coaching organiser] otherwise contact him on 07939 255330. For Beginner/Improver, Cardio and Mini tennis sessions with Claire, please contact her on 07914 383912 to make a booking or for further information. [Adults are welcome on a “pay as you go” basis For the Cardio Tennis] Information for all Coaching Sessions can be found HRTC website. Tokens are available from • 6 Eden Park Road • 17 Levendale • 2 The Old School • 4 Codlin Road They cost £2 and provide for ½ hour of court time. Used match balls can be bought for - £1 per can. Tournaments First American Tournament American Tournaments will be held on Sunday afternoons 10th May and 14th June. Reminder: Club Rules and Dress Code The committee would like to remind all members of the court dress code Clothes: Suitable tennis attire – no jeans, football strip, cycling or beach shorts Shoes: Sports shoes, WITHOUT spikes or studs – but with your Orange tag Failure to abide by the dress code can result in players being asked to leave the courts Mobile Phones: To avoid distracting other players no mobile phones on court please. There will be a Whistle Tournament on Friday 10th July. An Adult/Junior Tournament will be held on Saturday 6th June. Junior Tournament date to be confirmed The Annual Club Tournament / Team Competition and Junior Club Tournament is scheduled for September. Posters for all these events (plus any necessary change of dates) will be displayed in the Pavilion, nearer the dates, and also under “forthcoming events” on the website Social Events New Pavilion Opening Ceremony The new build opening, Saturday 25th April has taken the place of the Start of Season Supper. End of Season Supper Preceded by Whistle Tournament and Annual Tournament Presentation will be held in the autumn. Entry to the Pavilion: Entry to the Pavilion is not permitted via the Bowls Club entrance Management Committee for 2015 President Chair Treasurer Secretary Men's Captain Ladies' Captain Estates Manager Village Hall Rep Junior Representative Social Attaché Membership Secretary Squad Organiser Website Manager Welfare Officer Coaching Organiser John Taylor Pam Dodds John Kitson Jane Simpson Simon Hill Ann Clifford Vacancy Jonathan Greaves Muireann O'Hanrahan Mick Hannon Christine Devereux Paddy Morton Richard Smith Pam Dodds Sue Bedford Great British Tennis Weekend in conjunction with the LTA will be held Sunday 17th May 2pm – 4pm please encourage non- members to come down and have a look at our facilities and have a go at tennis. Posters for all these events, plus any necessary change of dates, will be displayed in the Pavilion, nearer the time, and also under “forthcoming events” on the website Please note the same criteria for participation, as Adult Club Sessions, applies to American Tournaments We look forward to seeing you on court this season and hope you’ll make the most of your Membership and all the good weather in prospect!!
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