ffi LTD' HARYANAVIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM ;e;d. officer shakti Bhawan, sector-6' Panchkula' H\'PN to deal with delay in execution of the Subject: Policy for Procedure,/guidelines projects 1. Time Extension procedure/guidelines' (HR) s-hall be mainlained A';il;;;;;ri!.er D) lor each Sub-Station/Line beins The status of construction including constructed with SDO (Const ) concernecl The daily by JE/SDO on behalf of the Nigam hindrances if any shall be recoroeo in the hindrance register' contractor may also make an entry progress meeting to review the hindrances and CE-/TS concerned will hold a monthly XenffSi' Xen/Civil and contractor' The report of in the presence of SEiTS' SE/Civil' {or record and reference which shall include the committee shall be sent to CEIMM the {ollowing:- i) ii) iii) A Copy of the hindrance register' progress since last month Progress uP to date including cum'rlative with necessary documents' ilany The delay on part of HVPNL or corrtractor iv) AnY other issue. be mainiained as per the formats The data in various offices of TS wing shall above the hindrance register as already attached as Annexur,e lV to Vll tiver and indicated above. c) to review the hindrances and Similarly CEiMM will also hold a monthly meeting FA/MM' XenlMM' progress in respect of project execution in presence of SE/N'4N4' The report of the SE/Design, SE/Civil Desigol Xen/Design(s) and contractof committeeShal|includeanyde|ays-onpariofthecontractoIandNigamregarding following:- i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Vendor approval Drawingi design aPProval. Deputation of inspecting offlcer/dispatch authorization (if applicable)' QuantityVariation, Payments. Any other issue. d) The data in various offices of attached as Annexure lto lll. e) The reports of both lvl[,4 wing shall be maintained as per the formats the. commitiees shall be compiled monthly by concerned AE procurement in separate file and this wil belhe authentic record for deaiing wiihthe time extension cases on completion ofthe projects within 3 months of its submission by the contracior. 0 The cases of time extension shal! be aFproved by SPC_forgranting extension uplo 30 days and for more than 30 days, the cases shall be approved by WTD. 9) In orderto keep the contract alive after expiry of contractual period' ProvisionalTime exiension willbe granted by CE/|\4M in all such cases without going into merit. Such Provisional Time Exiension will be without prejudice to ihe. obligaiion of the contractor under contract and further without prejudice to HVPNLS right to levy LD and other right under the contraci ciearly indicaied in the Perfofma of Provisjonal Time Extension (Annexure-Vlll). h) The cases for ihe time extension shall bedecided on ihefollowing basis. A. Reasons which can be attributed to r:mployer for which condonation of delay is allowed for time extension case: (i) Shifting of zero daie due to not handing over of cleaf site by HVPNL or other local problems or any other valid reasorrs npt aftribuiable io the contractor. (ii) Extreme change in GELO by HVPN which may change entife orientation ofthe subsiation and work cannot be staried ." (iii) Agitation and genuine ROW problem due to which entrre construction activities remained held up. (iv) (v.) "Force Majeure" condltions as defined in ihe Conir?ct. Delay due to'crossing of Railway, Power Line, Highway etc. and forest clearance case may be considered on rnerit keeping in view the time taken tor iniiiating the case by the contractor and final approval and a!so keeping in view that all ihe parallel activity must have b{}en completed. (vi) Regarding approval of vendor, HVPNT- will convey comments if any on the request of the contractor within 10 day{r. Delay beyond 7 days for reply to the comments of the department by the contractor will ccunt towards delay on the part of the contractor. Similarly, delay beyond 10 days after ihe receipt of final repiy from the contractorwill count towa rds delay on the parl of the department. (vii) Regarding approval of drawing/cELO (in case of revision only), HVPN will approve or comment on ihe Drawings submitted by the contractor within 28 days. The delay beyond 21 days (inciuriing postal time both ways) for reply to the eomments of HVPN will count towards delay on the pari of the contractor. Similarly delay in approval beyond 21 {jays after the feceipt of reply from the contractor will couni towards delay on the part of the deparlntent. .9 (Viii) negaraing inspection of maierial & issue of Dl, lnspector for the inspection shall be nominated wiihin 7 days from the receipt of inspection call from the contractor. Delay beyond this period will count towards the depanmenr. HVPNL shall issue a certificate for acceptance of factory tests & issue Dl within 15 days of the receipt of inspectjon repod. Delay beyond th is period will count towards delay on the part of the department. (ix) B. (') Any olher u.]foreseen reason due to which work rema.ned halled. Reasons which cannot be attributed to employer for which condonation of delay is not allowed for time extension case: lj:,:1ip.:,:i:i}:gLlF,tg!, srrce,the rotar comprerron period of ihe residents which has been Stray lncidence of ROW due to interrlPtions by (iD resolved through help of Administration' on the portion out of RoW Period of ROW when parallel activity is available area. (iv) Small changes ln GELO' showilg shifting of fcundation' minor executed and sufficient increase/decrease in scope etcwhich is notyet staned/ parallel aclivitY is available Reasons attributable to the Contractor: Delay in mobilizdiion. (D (iD and supply of Delay in submission of drawings, finalizaiion of sub-vendors material/ eqLriPment. etc. Fulfillment of the Contractols other obligations under the Ccntfact' contain The oroposalfor time extenslon ano decision on LD shall' accordingly' on each account as a detailed analysis indicating reasons & period of delay to the extent feasible outlined above, along wiih documentary evidence thereoi 'Force Majeure' and relevant. Based on the analysis, tfLe period of delay due io the and for reasons attributable to HVPI'IL shall be identified The idea of to the contractor. All exercise is to find out the net delay, \^'hich is attributable up/intermrngled' the three types of delay mentioned above are so much mixed with one running concuJrently with another, at in'termittent stages' that it I :. p i becomes extremely difficuli to directly identjfy the delay attribuiable to the contractor. As such, a practicable approach for working out the net delay ) attributable io the contractor, as desciibed below, shall be adopted: ) I i t I I l I ]-' I I I (i) Total delay that has occurred in a Contraci =A (ii) Cumulaiive period of delay on account of "Force Majeure" =B (iii) Cumulative period of delay on accouni of HVPNL = C (iv) Concurrent cumulative period in ( ii) 6i( iii) = X (v) Time requirement for ihe execuiion cf the portion of RoW on proportionate basis = Y (vi) Cumulaiive period of delay on account of "Force lMajeure" and HVPNL = (B+C)-(X+Y) (vii) E. Net period of delay attributable to the contractor, Z= A-{(B+C)-(X+Y)} While calculating the period of delay, which should be considered for extending the contract completion period, for the reasons attributable to HVPNL or due to Force Majeure, a I efforts will be made to objectively work t ouvanalyze whether a delay in a p.ariicular activity has really contributed in ) the fact that a number of activities of a contract undergoing delay may not ),= have impact on overall delay as sJbsequent site activities are not entirely ) dependent upon them. All such d€iays, which are.not found to be direc y ) contributing in extension of completion period will, therefore, be ignofed. exiending the completion period of the contract. This is impodant in view of in the impact of some of delays which in slluaiion a be Moreover, there may ln all be objectively determined to feasibie be not may ""'*'Oes '"L**,"a" Suchcases,apracticalViewWillbelakenandajudiciousassessmentof prudence on the bas s of normal made be impactwill overall by time taken will be calculated toial the cases' RoW ln order to deal with and the time required the wo:k clear of ROW execute to taken time adding ) ) ) forexecutingRoWportionolthewor(onproportionatebasis.FolexampIe:monihs and 40% t/ofk is 6oyo cl€ar work in I executed has lf a contractor time required ) ) ) ln this case the he nas iaken 1:Z months' which for ROW under total basis will be 6 months and proportionaie on podion for execution of ROW will help ln deciding that and which months 15 be to iime taken will work out 15 = 6 bevond this ( i e 21 - ) ) I , t tt "^, F.lncasetheperiodZ'arfivedataSperpara,3.D'(vii)above,iS'notpositive. be the works/ supplies' shall actual colnpletion of the time ei(ension' tillthe allovied without any LD per para '3-D' (vii) above, is Positive' a$ at arrived Z' period ln case the of the p':riod of Z' based on the Provisions a for out worked amount of LD as Contract will be levied ) D ] t ln order to u t I I D I ) I t t of delays in execuiion of a vaiious acti:ll:: rrsht that date wise record o{ properly carry oui analysis contracuproject, it is imperative and of worksl supplies is meticulously completl'ln to from award of contract respect of areas under their by concerned Depts in maintained sysiematically , I monti"].-1::^"::T"- ot" t"0"" responsibility. 2. ApPlicabilitY and Procedure:a. APPlicability to ihe projects to be awarded hence applicable shall'be policy above The preseni practice oi obtaining the forth. However, for old contracts the and the concerned offices shall continue comments oJ CE/TS and all othel of MM on merit' cases shall be considered by SPC b. Procedure I project of the delay in execution oi The contractor shail apply for conlonment project and the same shall be decided within 45 days after completion ol the : date of receipt of the case' by HVPN within 3 months from the I t t of Directors' HVPNL' Panchkula' This issues with the approval of Board A^^ \h":---- I D o o DA: Annexure: Ito Vlll ChieiGngineeri MM HVPNL, Panchkula y> e E€ e2 E D :3 ! ) -E D E5 >3 ) ) 9. !; g€ :3 D ) ,. t >F :o 6 E",PE3 oB , :> I I ! a> ) ) ) o i.- ; >:; ;'62 >. !? z o E.: o5J o* i;1 Ji {Y< :!E:* ;tY-.E ;€R> o;i E E 3: 3:> ) o E! I o= .i-tj g I ;v o (9 t E 6 ) ' e z ) o z ;> E E - I ) ) ) q-.e a = E ) ) , !; * iz e ) r q o o &a ;t e.E e F ) ] -:9 rP,q a9 r:- ) z :>- -6o -35 ) ) o9 ;E I t Ex z t :"R t ) ) l E e ld € 9! .9 -3 6o .E i 3-; bP5 ? E z z z zz z z 9E id P3 lA r E 9\ta6a -g 3 9 5 o. ;96 .9 = l : s;t E:> z> *-l 3 at 3 - .= .9 i 3 E'; gi ar: 6 !El 6 z 4 ANNEXURE'VIII' HERYNruN VIOYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LIMITED PERFORMA FOR INTERIM TIME EXTENSION Memo No 1. Description of work/Pdckage 2. PO No. and date 3. Contract Value 4. Name of the contractor 5. Was this quotation accepted on consideration of time factor Schedule date oJ commencement and 6. completion of worK Has the work been completed if not 7. 8. when it is expected io be completed 8. Time extension granted earlier 9. Time extension now proposed iill date 10 . Ref to contractors' applioation for extension 11. Reason for delay 12. Comment on the acceptability or oiherwise of ihe reason for de aY in completion given by tne contractor 13. Ref to penalty clause ofthe agreement for non completion of work bY the slipLllated Period 14. Penalty proposed to be imposed give reasons if the proposed Pen:rlty is different than as item No.16 above. I Provisional time extensicn is being granted in order to keep the contract alive after expiry of contractual period. lt will, hov/ever, be without pfejudice to the obligation of the contractor under contract and further without prejudice to HVPNL's right to levy LD and other rights under the contract. Chief Engineer/MM, HVPNL, Panchkula Note: The interim time extension shall be issued by Chjef Engineer/MN4, HVpNL, after decision of SPC concerned.
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