Italian American Community Center, Inc

Italian American Community Center, Inc.
150 Frank DiMino Way, Rochester, New York 14624 (585) 594-8882 FAX (585) 594-8506
18th Women of the Year Awards
Italian American Community Center
May 22, 2015
Call for Nominations
The Italian American Community Center in Rochester is pleased to announce the 18th Annual
Women of the Year Awards. The purpose of the award program is to identify the positive
contributions of women in our community and for the encouragement of others. We invite
you to nominate exceptional women you may know from your business, church, school, or
other professional or personal affiliation. The Women of the Year Awards will be presented
at an Awards Dinner on Friday, May 22, 2015 at the Italian American Community Center.
This packet includes the nomination form with instructions and eligibility information.
This year we will present one award in each of the following categories:
Fine Arts
Honors outstanding contribution to the performing and visual arts including music,
dance, theater, sculpture, drawing, painting and architecture.
Honors entrepreneurial achievements in business in the private sector, including involvement in
community affairs.
Civic Affairs/Government
Honors service to the community through elected or non-elected public office or through sustained work
as a community volunteer.
Honors instructional leadership as a faculty member or
administrator in public and private Pre-K – 12 schools or the
college/university setting.
Nomination and Selection Process
A completed nomination form must be postmarked by March 31, 2015.
Nominees and nominators will be notified of the results by mail on or about
April 10, 2015.
The Women of the Year Award recipients will be selected from all of the eligible nominees.
The nominee must be present at the awards celebration. Therefore, the nominator must
ensure that the nominee’s calendar is free of any other scheduled event on the date of the
We encourage you to forward this Call for Nominations to others in your company, agency
or organizations. Previous award recipients are not eligible for nomination. To be eligible a
candidate must:
be a resident of the Greater Rochester Area (including Monroe, Wayne, Livingston, Ontario
and Orleans counties)
have some Italian ancestry
Instructions and Application Procedures
Complete the nomination forms on the following pages.
Please type, hand written forms will not be accepted.
Individuals, organizations, or groups may nominate an individual. You may submit an
application for more than one candidate for an award.
Any other materials to supplement the application will not be considered in the review
Additional forms can be obtained by calling the IACC office at (585) 594-8882 or on the
website at:
All completed application forms must be postmarked by March 31, 2015 and received
by April 4, 2015. Forms received or postmarked after this date will not be considered.
Mail completed application forms to the following address:
Italian American Community Center
Women of the Year Awards
150 Frank DiMino Way
Rochester, NY 14624
Nomination Form
2015 Women of the Year Awards
Part A
Cover Sheet
Award Candidate______________________________________
Job Title_____________________________________________
Mailing Address_______________________________________
City, State, Zip________________________________________
Telephone home__________________cell_________________
E-mail Address________________________________________
Member of the IACC yes____________
Heritage: Italian American heritage through:
Mother’s family
Father’s family
Mailing Address____________________________________________
City, State, Zip_____________________________________________
Telephone home______________________cell__________________
E-mail Address_____________________________________________
Member of the IACC yes________________ no__________________
Past recipient of the IACC Women of the Year Award year______
Relationship to Candidate____________________________________
I am nominating the candidate in the following award category: (Check one)
Fine Arts - Business - Education - Civic Affairs/Government
Part B
Biographical Information
Answer both of the following questions. Please limit your response to three typewritten
pages. Use the following examples as a guideline for identifying and documenting your
candidate’s exceptional achievements.
Guidelines for Documenting Exceptional Achievement
Use the following examples of award criteria as a guideline for identifying your
candidate’s contributions. Exceptional achievement can be demonstrated by:
mobilizing a segment of the community for worthy cause,
producing high quality of work over an extended period of time,
giving extra effort to complete a job or project,
being so helpful that others write letters of appreciation,
chairing committees and contributing to the success of projects,
developing new work methods that reduce waste or stretch resources,
doing things for others that are beyond expectations,
performing in an exceptionally courteous and cooperative manner,
increasing awareness of need in the community,
creating opportunities for others to learn and be rewarded.
Please include an updated resume that highlights your candidate’s accomplishments and
Outstanding Achievements
Please list three to five accomplishments of your candidate, which, in your opinion, are
exceptional and exceed expected standards.
2. Measurable Impact on the Community
Please describe how each achievement cited in the above question makes a noticeable
difference in the candidate’s family, community, workplace, or organization. Describe how
she demonstrates exceptional motivation, initiative, integrity, creativity or judgment.
The Italian American Community Center, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation serving the metropolitan Rochester area.
Membership in the IACC is open to all regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity or origin of birth.