No.M-1 201 8/0 3 / 201 4-Rt1 (A / c) Government of India Ministry of Rural Development (X.ural Housing Division) I{rishi Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated:23'd April,2015 To The Principal Secretary / Secretary (R"utal Development) of all State Governments and UT Administration. Subiect: Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) - Continuous registation of beneficiaries and freezing of sanction of houses in a financial year on AwaasSoft MIS - Regarding. Sk / Madam I am dfuected to tefer to this Ministry's letter NoJ-1501 /01, /2014'FGl dated 2nd January,201,5 regarding the schedule of Advance Action Plan on IAY implementation for the year 201,5-1,6, wherein it was jntera.lia advised that the States may register eligible beneficiaries in MIS along with seeding of bank details Aadhaar Numbet Mobile Numbet and SECC-TIN. It was also advised that while registering the eligible benefrciaries, States may take 107o increase ftom the previous year's tatget and initiate the ptocess. / 2. / In this context, it is ro clarifii that the registration of eligible individuals in the AwaasSoft MIS is a continuous process and the States can tegistet any number of eligible individuals, through out the year without lirniting it to the targets of any particular year. rJThen all the eligible beneficiaries get registered, the same would also act as the permanent \Vait List for the state. The registered individuals who have not beel1 given the benefit under the scheme dudng a patticular year, will automatically get carried forward fot consideration in the next year. The AwaasSoft MIS has provision for this functionaliry. 3. The above provision facilitates the States to use the registered beneficiary list on Awaassoft MIS as pemanent waitlis! from which the annual select list of beneficiaries can be finalized based on the target assigned to the State / District / Block. The State / UT wise registration of beneficiaries done on AwaasSoft MIS for the year 201,5-,16 is enilosed. The States / UTs which are lagging behind may ensure tegistering of the eligible beneficiaries on AwaasSoft. 4. It is further also clarified that sanction of houses, in respect of the beneficiaries finalised in the annual select list based on the target assigned for a particular financial year, should be got issued in the same financial year on AwaasSoft MIS by 31" December. In view of the time taken for processing at state and national level sanctions of houses issued for a financial yer to be ftozen by 31't Decembet. Sanctioning of house after ^re 31"' December to a beneficiary fot that particulat financial year is not permissible in AwaasSoft MIS. If a beneficiary in the annual select list could not be sanctioned a house in a financial yeat by 31"tDecember, his name has to be included in the annual select list of the next flnancial vear for issuance of sanction on priority. 5. It is requested that the above instructions may be followed with tegard to registration and sancdon o[ houses to beneficiaries undet IAY. Yous faithfully, Encl: As above. Kumar) Deputy Secretary to Gor,t. of India (S. Rakesh Tel:011,-23381.272 Copy to :The St. Technical Director, NIC, MoRD for information. State / UT wise dgtails 6f fslsficiades tegistered for the financial year 2015- 76. Beneficiaries ANDAMANAND 1. 2 J 4 5 6 7 B o NICOBAR ANDHRAPRADESH ARUNACHAL PRADE,SH GUIAR-A,T HARYANA 1,4 18 1,9 N{AHARASHTRA 20 N,LANIPUR 21, MEGHALAYA MIZORAM NAGALAND ODISHA PUDUCHERRY 16 1,7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 55183 19.5040 1 49025 0 0 6 48327 2453 1025 10387 1,4209 0 86065 0 HINLACHAL PRADESH JAMMU AND KASHMIR JHARKHAND KARNATAKA I<ERALA LAKSHAD\flEEP MADHYA PRADESH 15 3 BIHAR CHHATTISGARH DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI DAN,L\N & DIU GOA 1,1. 1,3 0 ASSAM 10 1.2 0 )r-) 400810 0 8919 1178 180s7 97 55 0 PUNJAB 101 fuUASTHAN SIKKIM TAMILNADU TELANGANA TzuPURA UTTARPRADESH UTTARAKHAND WE,STBENGAL Total xAson April,2015 38598 0 361,98 T 0 1,41,061 43359 12260 23711,7 1509398
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