135 PIANO PROFICIENCY TEST REQUIREMENTS SCALES Major and minor (harmonic and melodic) scales, 2 octaves, hands together, correct fingerings (see attached scale charts for fingering) TRIADS Major and minor triads, in root position and inversions, 2 octaves, hands together, correct fingerings (see “Inversions of Triad”) CHORD PROGRESSIONS Chord progressions (tonic à subdominant à tonic à dominant-‐seventh à tonic) in all major and minor keys, in root position and inversions (see bottommost cadence pattern “Cadence I-‐ IV-‐I-‐V7-‐I”) HARMONIZATION Harmonize all melodies (3 pages) using tonic, subdominant, and dominant-‐seventh chords (block chord, left hand accompaniment). TRANSPOSITION Transpose all melodies (3 pages) one half step above and below the original key and one whole step above and below the original key (block chord, left hand accompaniment required). For example, transpose My Little Hans (original key: G minor) to the following keys: F minor, F# minor, G# minor, and A minor. PREPARED SOLO PIECE Prepare one solo piano work of an appropriate level (minimum difficulty: Menuet from Bach’s Anna Magdalena Notebook or a work from Schumann’s Album for the Young). Memorization is not required. SIGHT READING rlano BasicKeyboard and Secondary 4 play scalesin octaves) (lVlusap*t,234rand 235studerts Major Scales F sharpMajor 4 t I D flat Major (identical wit} Ct sharp) 2l A flat Major B flat Major + F Vlajor I o I A Minorharmonic A Minor melodic B Minorharrnonic 1'I .B Minor melodic lvlmor scales F sharpMinor harmopic A flat Minc harmonic (idcntical with O sharp) ttt t n-1 rt lrl A flat Minor melodic(identicalwitb G sbarp) Itt I l,- la | | | E flat Minorharmonic It I I lfcile $,ai ,a F Minor harmonicI r I C Minor harmonic fl I't D Minq harmonio I ll I -rJ fnversionsof Triad (played by RH and LH separatety) r'CMaior or Minor / in par6tfeses) / (C Min-oraccidentals /Er'r A, i ?, i Chord Progressions C Major orMinor - l'3'5, i )'t Cadencel-V-I (C Mirior accidentals in paretheses) CadenceI - V -l 5 2 ttl lU ' (\)i TY7 L??? e I tll tv7 I IV7 I I Cadence I - IV - I - V? - I | 3f , 55n15 2t222 rytv7r I ryT V7 I BnsrcKrygonRuMUSAP135 p. lof 2 My I, ittle Hans FLEMISH FOLK TUNE The Organ Grinder Man Hot 4 Pizzal MU5AP135 This Old Mun p. 2 of ? ENGLISH Lullaby Pol k a Clown RUSSIAN FOLK TUNE B il ly Boy TR ADITIONAL AM ERi CAN I 22 lir Lightly Row n- eb GERMAN FOLK 7 SONG 85 13 Sleep, Baby, Sleep Ab_ A GERIYIAN LULLABY I 1A l'i Oh! Dear! lThat Can the Mutter D_D2 Be ?
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