details can be found in the prospectus

Amsterdam iBeacon Living Lab
A new city walk with a voice,
a, personality, and a purpose
Katalin Gallyas
Open Innovation Program Manager at
City of Amsterdam
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Project Goals
Amsterdam, together with European partner cities, sees the immediate opportunity to create a series of
iBeacon and IoT enabled Living Labs to stimulate innovative startups, entrepreneurs, and SMEs across
public and private industry sectors.
This ground-breaking initiative starts with the installation of three public iBeacon networks in Amsterdam,
beginning with the Beacon Mile, which will include a comprehensive education and outreach initiative for
each sector. A series of events and business support projects to stimulate, facilitate and mentor
entrepreneurs and new startups during early phase development will also be necessary.
A series of events and business support projects to stimulate, facilitate and mentor entrepreneurs and
new startups during early phase development will also be necessary.
The scale of opportunity for the startup economy is staggering and we have identifed seven vertical
industries from which we are gathering innovators and leaders to help us better implement, distribute and
duplicate this structure over the coming two to fve years.
By deploying Open Source platforms and building open API's we leverage the technology by engaging the
community. By enabling creative solutions and rapid prototyping, we will achieve a signifcant advantage
in the competitive landscape of IoT and further stimulate the local startup economy.
Proposed route of the Beacon Mile from Central Station to the Marinetrerein Innovation wharf in Amsterdam
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Why iBeacons?
Called the gateway drug to IoT, they are small Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitters that use Apple’s
iBeacon standard to send a small radio signal to both iOS and Android smartphones and wearables up to
50 meters away.
Beacons give objects a personality and a way to speak. They allow a doorway to welcome you and a
picture to tell you about itself. They let a sign explain itself in any language or a prescription to tell you
it’s getting empty.
Combine beacons with sensors and these simple examples are just the beginning of a massive shift to IoT
enabled systems for years to come.
For an APP developer an iBeacon represents the frst time they will write a program that communicates
directly with a device. In our experience, once this barrier is passed a new world of possibilities opens up
to the creative developers who quickly go on to become the next generation of IoT specialists.
Technology and platform choices made in this period are very important- they must be reliable,
networkable, resilient and scalable to keep pace with rapidly changing ecosystems.
Diagram : Beecham Research Limited
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
IoT technology – LoRaWAN and LoRaWAN connected iBeacons
In order to ensure uptake, distribution and scalability of the Amsterdam iBeacon Living Lab we will
implement the new LoRaWAN technology which is donated by KPN and will likely become the new
standard for IoT communication.
This will be the frst time developers anywhere will be able to leverage this completely new technology
which will be the key technology of IoT in the coming years creating the next generation of connected
hyper relevant and interactive apps, and smart city solutions.
Immediately we will begin installing hundreds of regular iBeacons and LoRaWAN managed and connected
iBeacons created by Glimworm Beacons, some with external sensors starting with the Beacon Mile
making this is a frst in Europe- if not the world.
visual detection sensors
air quality sensors
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Sponsor's Introduction
The Amsterdam iBeacon Living Lab is offering a unique opportunity to sponsor a 1 year initiative which will
provide visibility of your organisation to startups, entrepreneurs, and SMEs working with iBeacon and IoT
technology. Starting with the “Beacon Mile” from Amsterdam Central Station to The Marinetrerein this
programme will ensure exposure to a large and infuential audience including the attendees of the 2016
EU presidency and will be included in the list of attractions on the doorstep of the assembly offcials.
Apart from this valuable exposure this prospectus highlights many reasons to become a sponsor and to
contribute to the worlds's frst open and publicly available iBeacon Living Laboratory; a ground breaking
initiative lead by the CTO offce of the city of Amsterdam designed to get a head start on the rapidly
growing IoT ecosystem and stimulate the local startup economy.
Facts and Figures
Estimated Audience :
Developers , IoT Professionals, makers, innovators and entrepreneurs active in Appsterdam,
Sensemakers IoT meetup group, Amsterdam Startup, Startup Delta, Innovation Hub, Startup
Bootcamp and Rockstart among a few.
Hundreds of government offcials active across several local, national and European initiatives.
Over 2.5 million Visitors to Sail Amsterdam not to mention the millions of citizens and tourist that
traffc the Beacon mile which includes important destinations such as the New Public Library, the
New Conservatorium, the NEMO and the Sheepvaart Museums (Maritime museum).
Over 30,000 staff and attendees to conferences during the 2016 EU Presidency Which will
be hosted from Jan – June 2016 at the Marineterrein end of the iBeacon Mile.
Audience Profle :
IIoT professionals, IoT enthusiasts, Programmers, Creative agencies, Bloggers, Tourists
Web developers, Entrepreneurs, City leaders, Corporate CTOs and CIOs, Academics,
Researchers, EU representatives and offcials, Startups, Investors and of course the citizens of
Schedule :
Board elected :
May 2015
First installation :
June 2015 (Beacon Mile)
Outreach events :
June 2015 – Mar 2016
Hackathon :
Oct 2015
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Solving Problems by Creating Opportunities
it is incredibly diffcult to DEMONSTRATE AND TEST smart, creative solutions in a REAL LIFE urban
environment to answer diffcult but ESSENTIAL Questions.
Unlike software development, to create smart city solutions innovators need public spaces to test their
ideas and for most SMEs and creatives this is a barrier that is impossible to overcome. The old saying is
quite true that there are still some things money can't buy and one of them is an urban environment to
place technology and test cutting edge solutions.
In Amsterdam's IoT community this persistent problem returns again and again and so most startups
concentrate on software- or apps. It is said that 70% of app developers are working on IoT projects in
their spare time but less than 10% professionally. We want to make sure that these new ideas can
become products to drive the cities of the future.
By attracting leadership from the City of Amsterdam and innovators from private organizations we can
remove barriers and provide opportunities that will kick start the IoT economy by creating a Living Lab like
no other in the world.
Our ambition
What we need are 20 committed stakeholders that are planning, investing, implementing, managing and
researching the deployment and impact of iBeacons in Amsterdam
June 2-4
Sneak peek of technology for developers are the Smart City Hackathon
Connected and un-connected iBeacons in place on the Osterdoksisland
Open API and LoRa connectivity
Several Apps at the SAIL festival using the beacon mile network
sept/october frst iBeacon Hackathon with StartUpAmsterdam to promote sensor data
Jan 2016
5 key citizen iBeacon apps for civic deployment ready to be demonstrated during the
EU Presendency
Jan-June2016 The most beaconized/ transformative/ data responsive innovation hub programme in
the world.
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Each Living Lab is a set of PRINCIPLES backed up with ACTION
Principle 1 : We are successful if we help SMEs AND CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURS IN THE IoT COMMUNITY
to fourish, get funded, create and sell products, and fnd exits.
Principle 2 : We are successful if we reduce the gap between idea and successful product by providing the
assistance that is often unavailable to SMEs and creative entrepreneurs
Principle 3 : We will assist innovators working on products and services which lead to better, lower cost
civic and commercial solutions based on the best available technology and standards
Principle 4 : We will do everything in our power to make sure that SMEs and creative entrepreneurs can
fnd the correct supporting technologies and can validate their products against administrative,
bureaucratic and regulatory criteria that they may encounter in their creation journey
Principle 5 : We will focus on companies and inventors who do not have enough resources to help
themselves to access these markets, although all resources created by this programme will be
democratic and available to all – large or small.
Principle 6 : Stakeholders and their motivations for being involved will be published with full
transparency. The stakeholders will be supported by the City of Amsterdam with the intention to produce
the best level of innovation possible.
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
How is it governed?
Alongside the steering committee will have a technical committee, a business committee and a real estate
committee. Governance of the while project will be provided by the CTO of the City of Amsterdam, the
Technical committee will be lead by representatives of the Lab, the Business committee by business and
startup leaders and fnally the real estate committee by a representative of the City's Procurement
Amsterdam Ibeacon and IoT Living Lab
Steering board
CTO Amsterdam
Lab Leader
Representative of Technical Committee
Representative of Research Committee
Representative of Real Estate Committee
2 x Key sponsors
Technical & Infrastrucure
8 members
Real Estate committee
8 members
Project leader
support staff
Donated resources
Research (IoT & data) group
8 members
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Sponsorship Packages (Paid)
KEY sponsor : 25k (2 possible)
Membership of steering committee in Leadership position
Logo prominent on all communication materials
250 word description on all printed and web materials
Guaranteed speaker slot at 3 events
Logo placement alongside offcial logo
Key sponsor link on website
Joint press releases highlighting the sponsor
Job Listings on website
Blog posts highlighting the sponsor/interviews about what they do with the Lab
Preeminent branding on Mobile Guide, app and Website
Silver sponsor : 5k (10 possible)
Small Logo on selected communication materials
Logo and one line description on all printed and web materials
Guaranteed speaker slot at one event
Logo placement below offcial logo
Silver sponsor link on website
Name included in press release and event mailings
Job Listings on website
Banner ad on Mobile Guide, app and Website
Bronze sponsor : 1.5k (20 possible)
Small Logo on all printed and web materials
Bronze sponsor link on website
Job Listings on website
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
Sponsorship Packages (in kind)
Outreach Group : (Generate publicity and bring in developers ,SMEs, and users to the lab)
Placed on key technology list at relevant tech events
Group leaders will receive special training about access to the Lab and what it offers
Group members will receive invitations to use the lab and can attend training sessions
Small logo on relevant materials
Outreach sponsor link on website
Technology Sponsor : (500 euro + at least 5k of technology services)
Placed on key technology list at relevant tech events
Small logo on relevant materials
Technology sponsor link on website
Organization Sponsor : (500 euro + at least 5k of practical services)
Placed on partner list at events where services are used
Small logo on relevant materials
Organisational sponsor link on website
Real Estate Sponsor : (At least 20 placement locations for beacons and sensors)
Placed on partner list on materials mentioning placements
Small logo on relevant materials
Real Estate sponsor link on website
Research Sponsor : (provide students or professionals to make research)
Placed on partner list at events where research is performed
Small logo on relevant materials
Research sponsor link on website
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus
A new city walk with a voice,
a, personality, and a purpose
Katalin Gallyas
Open Innovation Program Manager at City of
Sponsorship application
Business Development & negotiation
Katalin Gallyas:
email : [email protected]
mobile : 00 31 (0)683 209 166
Key initiators of the project :
Jonathan Carter – Glimworm Beacons – [email protected]
Paul Manwaring – Glimworm Beacons – [email protected]
May 2015 – AIBLL Sponsorship Prospectus