INTERNATIONAL GONFERENGE ON ADVANCES IN GHEMIGAL ENGINEERING Department of Ghemical Engineering NITK Surathkal Dear Alumni, of Chemical Engineering, KRECA{ITK, Surathkal is entering 50th year (19652015). On this momentous and happy occasion, w€ are sure all the members of Chemical Engg. family of KRECA{ITK would like to celebrate it in a befitting manner. In order to recount the glorious past and plan for future, we have planned series of events as mentioned below starting on 20m Dec. 2015 and ending on 22"d Dec.2015. Department Sl.No. I 2. 3. 4. Details of Events Felicitation of past faculty Inauguration of International conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering. Industrial Exhibition Student Projects Competition Dates of Events Dec. 20^.2015 Dec. 20'o.2015 Dec. 20^.2015 Dec. 21"' & 2z"d.2ol5 5. Internati onal C onference Dec. 21" & 22n0,2015 We would like to invite your suggestions in this regard to plan for a eventful, fruitful and memorable celebration. To organize an event of this magnitude it requires huge financial outlay and we look forward to each member of the Chemical Engg. family of KRECAIITK to contribute substantially so as to make the celebrations, meaningful and enjoyable. The Alumni members are requested to contribute individually or batch wise. opened a Bank Account exclusively for this purpose. Bank details are as follows: We have State Bank of India, Surathkal, NITK Campus Account name : ICACE-2015 , Nc No. 34857203753;IFSC Code: SBIN 0002273 We are planning to bring out a souvenir during this occasion and we would request you to send photos/small articles of your student days. We would like each one of you to ptun u visit to the Institute on this occasion so as to make this event a memorable one. W. riquest you to contact all your batchmates in this regard and also send us the details to conference email ID, so that we will also personally invite them. We expect the financial contributions during the months of June and July, so as to plan our activities. We assure that the savings will help us to create infrastructural facility in tire name of Alumni in the frontier areas of Chemical Engg. We wish to see you in large numbers on 20th Dec. 2015 for this happy reunion and golden jubilee celebrations. Thanking you, %W (G. Srinikethan) (Raj Mohan B.) Address : Srinivosnogor, Mongolore - 575 025, Kornotoko Indio Phone : 0824-2473042 E-moil : [email protected], [email protected] Link: http:\\icoce201
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