January 2015 PGE Board Minutes - Engineers and Scientists of

January 20, 2015
Meeting called to order: 12: 30 pm
Board Members in Attendance:
President John Mader
Executive Vice President Tim Brock
Vice President Divisions Joel Foster
Vice President N.G. Joe Anastasio
Vice President G.C Andrew Johnson Excused
Vice President GO. Roberto Gonzalez-Ramos
Treasurer Wayne Ash
Secretary Lee Carter
Also in Attendance:
Karen Sawislak Executive Director
Joshua Sperry Sr. Union Representative
Bill Robotka Union Representative
Susan Greenwood Union Representative
Nick Steinmeier Union Representative
Adolfo Riedel Union Representative
Nancy Ostrowski Union Representative
John Ward Union Representative
Danielle Lucido Staff Attorney
Review Agenda
Review Minutes M/S/C to approve December 16, 2014 minutes
Correspondence Review:
1) LOA Sonoma 2014-21 Vacation Sale for Andy Contreras, IBEW Transmission
Lineman at Lakeville Substation in Petaluma
2) LOA Vacation Sale for Les Ingle, Senior New Business Representative in Kern
3) Hiring Hall Extension to 8/10/15 for Christopher Hester, HH Electric Estimator, at
Fresno RMC
4) Hiring Hall Extension to 7/15/15 for Carolyn Carter Taylor, HH Electric Estimator, at
Fresno RIVIC
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5) Hiring Hall Extension to 8/10/15 for Matthew Carrillo, HH Electric Eng Estimator, at
Fresno RMC
6) Hiring Hall Extension to 8/18/15 for Saxon Cummins, HH Eng Est E, at Fresno
7) Hiring Hall Extension to 7/31/15 for Reinaldo Mendoza, HH Field Engineer, at
Fresno Service Center
8) Hiring Hall Extension to 7/31/15 for Fernando Baca Saldana, HH Field Engineer at
Fresno Service Center
9) Hiring Hall Extension to 7/31/15 for Aaron Browne, HH Field Engineer, at Fresno
Service Center
10) Grievance 22701 settled: Contractors doing ESC work
11) LOA 14-05-ESC: Proposes to use six HH Mapping Technicians to support Gas
12) SMOC Holiday card
John Mader
Attended mapping ad-hoc. Company wanted to speed up advancement (pay and MAP) for
mapping tech to become SR Techs. We wanted more pay on the top. We asked for auto
advancement (upon qualification) to Lead. Through back and forth we ended saying we
would agree if the agreed to 2.5% for Sr passed test. They Agreed!
Attended Benefits Meeting; management says that 10 to 15% will max out. Babies average
about 20K median is 15K ish. There was a million dollar baby. Concerns about sick leave.
Interesting discussion over Hep C; there is a cure but 80K. Its 2 month and only $4K in some
countries might be cheaper to send to another country
Attended Estimating best practices
Intel on bargaining. They want sick leave and LTD changes (it’s a clerical thing) and
so they can screw management. Other Union extension.
Attended Review Committee. Big discussion on contracting DCPP procedure writers.
Attended PCA negotiations & Hiring meeting.
A lot of work to support engagement in Electric Ops safety council. GRS members are happy
and seem to understand how to avoid direct dealing. There was proposed charter that would
result in management dictating GRS agenda. Laura Selliem agreed to remove. Shows that
they still don’t get restrictions on GRS. Also Pwr Gen GRS members were worried that the
Union might stack the committee with Union folks if they appoint. Troublesome attitude
about the Union insisting on its right to represent its members and cautionary tale.
Attended southern rep hiring committee
Worked with Tim, Lee and Joel to review the DCE pilot. We raised issues that we need to get
resolved before we agree to DCE training (scope, complexity, requirement, mentoring, etc.)
Want to thank Karen for taking care of the HH/Contractor conversion
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Cell phone usage in cars will be prohibited. Pushed back and got ban on answering PGE call on
own phone & time removed.
Got Area 5 HR to realize that meals (taken and in-lieu) counts towards OT. Question does it
count towards rest period.
No one wants to be on DCE committee.
PG&E tried to have a meeting regarding DE’s (specialization and possible consolidation). I
wasn’t there (they forgot to invite me) and they presented possibly going to 3 or 4 HQ’s. I
freaked when I heard. The 2 members freaked. I talked management and they said it’s not going
to happen that they have to look at it. The managers involved have always been straight
shooters so
Executive Vice President Divisions
Tim Brock
th: Union meeting, Oakland: Heard updates from officers and staff. We discussed
December l
grievances and arbitration cases.
th: Pole loading test program for vertical loading, San Ramon. Attended
January 5
a session to
validate the new pole loading program along with other ADEs and estimators
t: Attended Pole loading test validation in San Ramon along with ADEs and
January 9
tl: Estimating best practices in San Ramon: O’Calc will be available 31(1 quarter of this
January l
year. Dual Commodity proceeding with pilot in select offices. Other utility purchasing solely
owned anchors. New bulletin has been approved outlining the process to allow other utilities on
our anchors.
h: Area 6 labor management: West Sacramento: Several issues:
January 5
1) Almost every supervisor reported the lay-off of hiring hall estimators. The company reported
that the company has 26 contract estimators employed by Paar electric and EEl. The members
expressed concern over the lay-off of hiring hall ESC represented employees while retaining
contract estimators through Paar and EEl.
2) Member reported that the company is sending the Paar contractors and EEl contract estimators
to estimator boot camp to train them on estimating.
3) An LIC was scheduled with the company to ask why there was only 3 electric ADE’s
overseeing the contract estimators, as this exceeded the 8:1 ratio. Since there are 26 contractors,
there should be a minimum of 4 ADEs checking their work.
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4) Member asked “can electric transmission estimators sign the distribution EOT list for
distribution? Same building, same headquarters. Management stated that transmission is a
separate bid code and treated as a separate headquarters even though in the same building.
5) Arcos: Members want to know if ESC agreed to two lists: a weekly list and an annual list for
SO-205 call out.
6) All vacancies to be filled and hiring hall as well, have to be justified in a business case and the
business case is reviewed by the staffing committee. The staffing committee makes their
recommendation to Mike Kress.
7) Member asked if we can grieve when the crew goes back with a 25kva from a l5kva
transformer when the crew makes the decision to go back with a 25kva after hours. I told him
that the original SO-205 committee in the 90’s agreed to this concept.
8) Member raised an issue with dual commodity estimating. What they want them to do is
outside of the scope of the dual commodity estimating. Member expressed concern that A) Gas
estimators are being paid to do electric estimating as well, but there are not enough resources to
do both electric and gas without more resources. B) Member would like to know why electric
has to do gas, but gas does not have to do electric even though the pay is the same.
9) Member would like to see the union negotiate premium pay for dual commodity work for
work outside of the scope of the original dual commodity agreement.
10) Example given to everyone in attendance regarding code 2038, unanticipated vacation.
A) To be approved less than 2038, all requests for time off must be less than 24 hours’ notice to
the supervisor.
B) UV can only be in hour increments of 6 or less hours in a given day.
C) Employee reports to work at 7:00 AM and works one hour. Employee receives a call for an
urgent matter at home. Employee leaves work at 8:00 AM. Q) How is employee paid for the 8
hour day? Ans) Employee will be paid one hour coded 1000, 6 hours unanticipated code 2038,
and 1 hour paid off without pay code 2015.
(this is a departure to past practice)
D) If an employee requests unanticipated vacation from the supervisor for more than 24 hours in
advance, the employee will be denied vacation as this vacation is not scheduled and does not
qualify under the interpretation of unanticipated.
E) Employees can only take scheduled vacations in weekly, day, or Y2 day increments, scheduled
in December for January through March and scheduled vacation scheduled first quarter for the
period of March through December. Employees can take up to 3 floating holidays with less than
24 hours’ notice, and employees may take unanticipated vacations in hourly increments between
4 to 6 hours with less than 24 hours’ notice to the supervisor for a maximum of 24 incremental
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hours in a calendar year.
Note: Timekeepers have been instructed to correct any timecards approved by supervisors which
is contradictory to this policy.
th: Attended
December 20
Labor/management in San Francisco.
Vice President Divisions Joel Foster
Vice President Nuclear Generation
Joseph Anastasio
Jan 13 Attend labor/management meetings for Engineering/QV, Professionals and for
Planning. Engineering has just gone through what appears to have been a traumatic
“Calibration” session. From what I heard, there was a lot of pressure to put folks in the famous
lower L. Supervisors and managers were fighting and arguing as to who would be “thrown
under the bus”. Supervisors were ordered to provide the names of their 2 lowest
performers. Some refused, and were informed that they were in the lower L. I suggested that
this was self-destructive behavior (organizationally speaking) and was like watching a person
you care about drink themselves to death. I said appear to have left this meeting a less functional
team than they went in. This is all quite sad.
One of the managers explained that I had the wrong idea, they were just trying to develop a
uniform set of standards. There was never any quota, however since the engineering department
had a “bad year” there had to be more people in the lower L, that there had to be
accountability. I suggested he look in a mirror.
One thing that they seem to not get is that their calibration behaviors spill out to our
members. Two of our younger members overheard one supervisor making comments about how
they would have to do “a lot better than that” to put the 2 engineers in the lower L, and assumed
that they were lower L material. They called me, and within a couple of stressful hours we got
this turned around. The supervisor messed up 2 ways, making what appear to have been
sarcastic comments and making this in an open cubicle office. Lots of trust damaging behaviors
Again, it is like watching a morbidly obese diabetic eat a box of sugar doughnuts. Not
pretty. Self-destructive. Sad.
On the plus side, engineering has hired 6 new engineers in design, and looks to be hiring a
couple more. We will be having a L/M breakout on exempt callout and shift change.
Planning has settled its “rest time grievance”. Finally.
Professionals are still struggling with callout. They are waiting on engineering...
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Jan 10
Participated in panel interviews for Susan’s replacement.
Management has re-shuffled. Ed Halpin now has 2 VPs reporting to him Barry and Jim
Welsh. Most of our members report up through Barry Allen. So we now have 3 VPs. Jeff
Summy and Al Bates seem to have been shuffled off to special projects and we are getting a new
director from operations to take Al’s spot. The turbine still turns.
Vice President G. C.
Andrew Johnson
Finished working with the hybrid crew, which was a partial success. Back with transmission
reconductoring. Battling our internal processes, in particular the “improvements” to the AFW
for distribution non-tests. The ability to input for multiple days has been disabled. This means
each non-test has to be submitted individually. Per my reckoning, the non-tests that would
normally take 2 hours for the first part of the latest reconductor will now take 18 hours. There
has been discussion with other FET’s / FE’s about the changes. Everyone is frustrated. Even the
DO’s think it’s ridiculous. Another example of people who don’t do our work telling us how to
do it.
Seems like there seems to be a big push to send upper managers and supervisors into the ever
growing contracts group. A superintendent and a tower supervisor have recently moved over.
This is on the transmission side for mostly nerc work, which seems to have a massive budget for
the next few years.
Have e-mailed the members for general feelings and feedback on 2014. Scott Powell was asking
about committees for the upcoming bargaining. Will get back to him on that. Missed out on all
the storm work, but was generally so burnt out on the hybrid crew and the year in general I
couldn’t be bothered to protest.
Vice President General Office
Roberto Gonzalez-Ramos
Attend a monthly PG&E Unit board meeting at the Ben Hudnall Hall. Board discussed the
ongoing negotiations for SMOC. After more than two years negotiations, this is becoming a
great concern for ESC. PG&E’ s Executive VP of Electric Operations, Geisha Williams, visited
ESC hall where she shared the plans on the Electric Transmission and Hydro Operations.
Attended a WLO/DDLM Labor Management meeting. In this, we discussed the outside the
Company contracting for engineering and design on Substation, Transmission Line, Hydro, and
IT. The ongoing contracting is not slowing down. ESC substation design pointed out the concern
for the skill gap created by Bentley for the design drafters. Also, we noted the constant
slowdown performance of the computers for using Bentley. In many cases, users last option to
restore performance is to shut down and restart computer.
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The Company held a conference call to discuss the expectation of the Perfonnance
Management process. Senior management at the officer level described the process. It
was noted that “force ranking” was practice before but that is no longer the case. They
also described the “calibration process” which is a process after supervisors assign a
rating to each employee and meet with Director and Manager to filter the “obvious
outliers”. The main message is that “the supervisor owns the rating.”
ESC members are asking about the negotiations for the new contract. They would like to
know when negotiations starts, what is ESC plan, and what are the items that would take
stage of the negotiations.
Wayne Ash
Secretary Lee Carter
12/15 ESC PG&E Unit Board meeting Oakland All Day
1/8 Gas Measurement & Regulation Tech Team meeting San Ramon
1/15— Gas All-Hands ADE meeting San Ramon All day
All day
1. Gas Support: STILL ongoing, it’s been 28 months now without a GAS support
person in CSD. But help is near because Gas Ops has hired John Pickering and Tom
Santoro into Gas support positions in Estimating support working under Jim Herren.
This will help all gas estimators with our Standards questions. Currently there is not a
group inbox for contacting this team so Jim Herren told us to email questions to him.
2. Dual Commodity Training: DCE has begun and I’m a mentor for an electric
estimator in the Concord office. At our last board meeting, our visitor Geisha
Williams spoke in favor of DC citing the desire for one point of contact for our
3. CSD New Estimating Tool: Steve Annuzzi is taking part in a road show to get
estimator input on this project. They are not demonstrating a tool, only gathering
comments. I hope to attend one of the meetings.
4. Gas Distribution Clearances: Steve Frankiewich and Brandon Ham made a
presentation at the ADE meeting about clearances. They told us to follow the existing
procedure, having W&R coordinators write the clearance for applicant installed work.
But said that if we have a successful local practice that works and is contrary to the
procedure, to continue with it.
5. Work assignments change at the RMC’s: The gas ADE’s at the Concord RMC
have been instructed to send Applicant Designed work to Bishop Ranch for plan
checks and estimates. The Concord group will work on commercial work and Joint
Trench composites for Rule 20’s and other large electric UG relocation projects. This
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is encouraging to see the work designed by our members rather than being contracted
out. I’ve also been told that the gas SCADA estimate work is all back in RMC hands,
not contracted out. Scott Hart & Russ Martino are part of the new distribution
SCADA group, helping Ed Wong. I know there will challenges to learn new work,
but I know we’re up to it.
Executive Director Karen Sawislak
1. PG&E Bargaining. Continued to work on potential resolution to SMOC bargaining.
2. Labor-management meetings. Attended Review Committee on January 15, 2015.
3. Representation and organizing. Have consulted with staff and officers on various
grievances, arbitrations and other representation issues. Working on ESC response to
PG&E’s newly aggressive “no Union” campaign among Gas Contract Administrators and
4. Legal/Political. Continuing to review and monitor issues at CPUC. Met with J. Sperry
and Brian Cragg on December 22 to review opportunities to become involved in CPUC
proceedings; made appointment to meet new CPUC President in early February.
Continuing to work on PG&E’s responses to Armor-Globe organizing. Worked with staff
and outside counsel to respond to election in Gas Contract Management.
5. Other. Attended Chairman’s Safety Council meeting on December 19. Had lunch with
Steve Rayburn on January 7. Continued to work on implementation of new HH retiree
medical plan and new signatory contract with CANUS. Worked on hiring process for
new rep to take over Susan’s PG&E assignment.
Joshua Sperry
Report items
12/17 Concord, SMOC action; San Ramon, Project Services LM
12/18 Monthly mtg w/ CSD mgmt.; bargaining on Expert PCA
12/19 Auburn, LIC on gvce over IT doing Power Gen Maintenance Planner work
12/22 Concord LHQ, mtg on Local LOA for EOT callout; mtg w Land Dept stewards; mtg w
12/23 SFGO, mtg w/ Meter Engineers; SF mtg w/ our regulatory attorney;
1/6 Call w/ Land Dept stewards; monthly steward call
1/7 Walnut Creek, mtg on Gas Ops Super Crew; San Ramon, recruit new stewards in Gas
Estimating, Elec Substation Design, Gas Field Engineering
1/8 San Ramon, bargaining on Expert PCA; recruit new steward in Gas Project Controls
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Walnut Creek, Mapping Salary ad-hoc committee, Quarterly Benefits Committee
San Ramon, Monthly mtg w/ Gas Ops mgmt.; bargaining on Associate Power Gen Mtce
1/14 San Ramon, Estimating Best Practices, mtg on Gas PCA staffing, mtg on Travelling HH
Gas Mappers; mtg on Permit Facilitator
1/15 San Ramon, Design Drafting LM, Review Committee
• SMOC bargaining and campaign. The Federal Mediator arrived for his first session,
and it is possible that some progress has been made, but it is too soon to say. Further
bargaining is scheduled for one day each in January, February and March 2015. Our
Concord RMC members came out strongly in solidarity with the SMOC members for a
group photo, which we turned into a holiday card addressed to Karen Austin and Chris
• Elec PCA contractor headcount. Despite the hiring of 14 more additional regular Project
Controls Analysts per a grievance settlement from the fall, there are now 36 Contract
PCA’s in Electric Substation, compared with 24 at the time we filed the grievance. It
seems the thirst for contingent “contract” employees is unquenchable. This item will be
on the agenda for the upcoming quarterly Project Services LM meeting.
• “CFM Pilot” The CFM department is piloting a work process change where they will
contact customers “on behalf of the job owner” in order to discuss fmancial aspects of the
contract. CFM is directly soliciting our members to test out the new process for giving
their work away. I told management that this is both a contract violation and an Unfair
Labor Practice, and have asked them to terminate the pilot project.
• CPUC. We will be working to engage in a new CPUC rulemaking over new rules for gas
leaks. This could be an important opportunity to ensure that best practices related to
design and record-keeping are captured in CPUC regulations and not just PG&E work
• Gas Contract Management Organizing Drive. We have no update from the NLRB on
when they will consider our eligibility challenge or objections. There will probably be a
hearing on both issues, but no word yet on when the hearing will be.
• UWUA/IBEW policy conference. This meeting was an excellent forum. The main topic
was implementation of SB 1371, which will be a new CPUC rulemaking on reducing
emissions of methane from natural gas pipeline systems. I think ESC has an opportunity
here to capture some of our members’ important work in new CPUC regulations, for
example the critical importance of proper design of facilities prior to construction; of
timely mapping; and of performing gas loss calculations, among others.
• Electric Transmission Ops and Gas Engineering bargaining. Scheduled for Jan-Feb
March. Main outstanding item is pay, also separation of duties within ICE Engineering
for Gas.
• Expert Scheduler and Expert Earned Value Analyst classifications. Bargaining is going
well and hope to conclude by February. This is moving towards a single new Expert
PCA classification plus different HQ’s by work assignment for journey and Sr. PCA’s in
Gas Ops.
• Gas Distribution Clearances. I am incredibly frustrated at the lack of progress on this.
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Gas Ops management, which identified this as an important safety issue and process a
year ago, has still not set a meeting with us and the IBEW. They are meeting among
themselves, which is not very transparent to ESC.
Gas “SuperCrew” (new leak survey and repair process). Dennis Macaleese, the director
of this project, has really been very open and transparent to ESC. He has been sharing
information with us and taking input. I do think there are work jurisdiction and work
flow issues which need to be adjusted, but I think that can all be done collaboratively.
We will need some Estimators/ADE’s and Mappers to work on his committee to ensure
this gets resolved successfully.
• Alternate Work Schedules. ESC was asked to prepare a “business case” for AWS in
Estimating. I have drafted an outline and looking for input from board members.
• Mapping Salary ad-hoc. Management presented a proposal with increased pay for
routine and Senior mapping techs, and a 2-year training period instead of the current 3.
Our committee is open to this, but would like to see some movement for more
senior/experienced mappers.
• Power Gen Maintenance Planners. Bargaining session on establishing an Associate and
Entry Level position was held on Jan 10. This went well and we are close, one more
meeting will be needed and we may also be able to resolve the grievance over work
jurisdiction with IT.
• Gas Field Engineering: no updates from last meeting.
• Scheduler training program: Still no progress.
• Gas Meter Engineers. It is clear that this needs to be negotiated with other Meter
Engineers and not with the other Gas Engineers. There is much crossover with the
Electric Meter Engineers, and really none with Gas Plant or ICE Engineers.
• Sr. Materials Inspector. I continue to work through unexpectedly complicated issues
regarding this one individual and converting them to ESC status. I have ongoing talks
and emails with Eric Bachman and with the employee as well.
New stewards
• Shawn Story, Brian Dellosso, Gas Estimators, Bishop Ranch RMC
• Anna Sinning, Gas Project Controls Analyst, Bishop Ranch
• Diana Sanchez, Field Engineer, Bishop Ranch (GC Gas QC group)
• Kirandeep Brar, Design Engineer, Bishop Ranch (Elec Substation Design)
Committee Appointments
• Permit Coordinator committee:
Discussion Topics
• Permit Coordinator
• Stamping documents in job description for Gas Project Engineers
• Having different R&R programs for CSD and GDED Estimators in same office
• Retirement of Brenda San Julian
• AWS business case appoint for an AWS committee for Estimating?
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Extend Mobile Gas HH
Bill Robotka
Primary activity (Location/Members/Mtg Purpose)
Mon, Dec 01, 14
WAH, Sutter Hospital (Tour and HR for Lab/Pharm Issues Mtg)
Tue, Dec 02, 14
In Office (MPU Bd), KP SRF LMPSC (Call), PG&E Stwd Trg (Call)
Wed, Dec 03, 14
Thu, Dec 04, 14
Fri, Dec 05, 14
Sat, Dec 06, 14
Sun, Dec 07, 14
Mon, Dec 08, 14
So Co DHS (Member EHS Complaint), Mtg w/ So Co New BOS
(James Gore)
Tue, Dec 09, 14
KP SRO Ldrshp/Lbr Mtg, Sutter SRO (Pharm/Lab Issues), KP SRO
CLS StwdMtg
Wed, Dec 10, 14
Thu,Decll, 14
So Co EmpRelPolicy M/C, SoCo WIB ExComm Mtg
SoCo Memb (EHS Invest) Mtgs, PG&E SRO Stwd Mtg & So Co
Fri, Dec 12, 14
Mts w/ CARA Rep (SRO)
Sat, Dec 13, 14
Sun, Dec 14, 14
Mon, Dec 15, 14
WAH, SoCo EHS Memb Mtgs/Invst Mtgs
Tue, Dec 16, 14
PG&E Unit Board Mtg
Wed, Dec 17, 14
N Bay CLC Budget Mtg, S0C0EHS(Invest Mtg), Mtg w/ KP SRO
OD Chf (Petaluma)
Thu, Dec 18, 14
WAH, KP SRO Lab (Mtg on CLS Issues)
Fri, Dec 19, 14
WAH, 1/2 Day Comp
Sat, Dec 20, 14
Sun, Dec 21, 14
Mon, Dec 22, 14
Comp Day
Tue,Dec23, 14
Comp Day
Wed, Dec 24, 14
Christmas Eve Holiday
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Thu, Dec 25, 14
Christmas Holiday
Fri, Dec 26, 14
ESC Winter Holiday
Sat, Dec 27, 14
Sun, Dec 28,14
Mon, Dec 29, 14
ESC Winter Holiday Mtg w/ Susan Gorin (So Co BOS)
Tue, Dec 30, 14
ESC Winter Holiday
Wed, Dec 31, 14
New Years’ Eve Holiday
Susan Greenwood
Santa Maria
No current issues, scheduling L/M meeting
No current issues, scheduling L/M meeting
No current issues, scheduling L/M meeting
LIC scheduled for 1.28. L/M meeting rescheduled on 1.28
Stewards meeting on 1.27, L/M scheduled on 1.28
DCPP All outstanding grievances and LIC’s done, a few outstanding issues being worked on and
should be agreed to by the end of Jan.
My goal has been to leave no grievances at the Local level and on 1.28 the last open grievance will
be closed or sent to PRC, I believe it will be closed.
I have attended many meetings to close as many issues as possible and all grievances in process. All
upcoming HH extensions have been completed and LOA’s for vacation sales should be attached.
While I have planned on taking vacation prior to retiring, I have committed to Karen I will do all I
can to assist my replacement.
Nick Steinmeier
Mon, Dec 01, 14
Primary activity (Location/Members/Mt Purpose)
Telecommute AM; KP RWC Lunch with OD Steward and Manager
and sickPM
Tue, Dec 02, 14
Telecommute AM; KP SJ/Lab IRCA Meeting and LSC in the PM
Wed, Dec 03, 14
KP SC LSC and Telecommute AM; SCCc Merit System Rules
Committee PM
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Thu, Dec 04, 14
Office/bargaining prep AM; SCCc VMC Bargaining PM
Fri, Dec 05, 14
Telecommute AM; Sick PM
Sat, Dec 06, 14
Sun, Dec 07, 14
Mon, Dec 08, 14
Washington Rep Meetings AM; Telecommute PM
Tue, Dec 09, 14
SCCc VMC Bargaining AM; SCCo VMC Bargaining and
Telecommute PM; Meeting with RMC CT members in Morgan Hill
Wed, Dec 10, 14
Telecommute Bargaining Prep
Thu, Dec 11,14
SCCo VMC Bargaining AM/PM; Telecommute PM
Fri, Dec 12, 14
Sat, Dec 13, 14
Sun, Dec 14, 14
Mon, Dec 15, 14
VMC Bargaining
Tue, Dec 16, 14
PG&E Unit Board Office
Wed, Dec 17, 14
KP RWC Lab Rep Meeting AM; SCCo VMC MSR Meeting
Thu, Dec 18, 14
PG&E Central Coast LM Meeting AM; Telecommute PM
Fri, Dec 19, 14
VMC Bargaining
Sat, Dec 20, 14
Sun, Dec21, 14
Mon, Dec 22, 14
Tue, Dec 23, 14
Telecommute AM; RCA GS Rep meeting on Step issues
Wed, Dec 24, 14
Thu, Dec 25, 14
Fri, Dec 26, 14
OFF 2/3
Sat, Dec 27, 14
Sun, Dec 28, 14
Mon, Dec 29, 14
OFF 3/3
Tue, Dec 30, 14
Aldofo Riedel
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Nancy Ostrowski
Primary activity (Location/Members/Mtg Purpose)
Fri, Dec 05, 14
Office, PGE/Marysville Grievance Withdrew (Sup’r followed cease and
desist via email to staff), Kaiser/CV CLS Stewards issues/mentoring,
Kaiser/SSC LPPC follow up, Travel to Oakland/Overnight
MPU Board Meeting, Kaiser/SSC Email to OD Chief re changing one
OD’s lunch and break times, PGE/Modesto Conference Call w Stewards
re Injury in Workplace Questions, PGE/Leave Mgr Call re Member’s
Concern, PGE Steward Conference Call, Return to Sacramento
PGE/Modesto Followup w Steward and Member re Members
Complaints re handling by PGE (Injury At Work Claim), Alleged Safety
Violation (Stairs), Workplace Station Accommodations, PGE/Gateway
Call w Steward, mentor C&C member concerns, schedule meeting w
mgmt and member meeting, PGE/Stockton Call w Rhonda Stribling and
member (On FFD Leave) re appeal process.
Office, Kaiser/No Valley and CV Lunch Meeting w P Kwan for
upcoming No Valley Steward Trainings by Kwan, Discussion
Kaiser/Modesto Holiday Scheduling, Kaiser/Fresno IR/CA 2 member
issue, PGE/Modesto Email to Mgmt and LR re member’s concern
OSHA violation (stairs), member’s work area accommodations status
and info. Conference call w Steward and member, PGE/Workmen Comp
Rep call to advocate for member at Modesto’s re recent injury and his
complaint process, Kaiser/Fresno Conference Call w member, steward
re member’s IR/CA 2, Kaiser/Modesto CLS Stewards, L Viebrock, P
Kwan re Modesto Holiday Scheduling Issues.
Office, PGE/Modesto Unanticipated Vacation Grievance Placed in
Abeyance (Email), Travel to Oakland, L20 Open House Event,
Sat, Dec 06, 14
Return to Sacramento
Mon, Dec 01, 14
Tue, Dec 02, 14
Wed, Dec 03, 14
Thu, Dec 04, 14
Sun, Dec 07, 14
Bagel Shop Purchase Member Breakfast Meeting Items, PGE/Gateway
Meeting 7:30am w Tom Abinate, Charmaine de Sousa (Mgmt), Steward
re recent C&C’s and members issues in workplace, Member Breakfast
Meeting, Office, PGE/Modesto Followup w Mgmt and LR re Member
Injury at Work Issues
Offlce,Kaiser/CV LSC (Conference In), Train Station Pick Up/Drop Off
KS, Lunch w KS, D Hall (Pre SSC Meeting), Kaiser/SSC Optometry
Staff Meeting “Going Forward” w Administration and L20 Staff, D Hall
Kaiser/SSC LMP, Recurring Meeting w SSC OD Chief, Mgr, included K
Price, HR, Asst Chief, Purchase Beverages, Items for North Valley
Steward Training
Mon, Dec 08, 14
Tue, Dec 09, 14
Wed, Dec 10, 14
PGE Unit Board Publish
January 20,20151 Page 14
Thu, Dec 11, 14
Office, PGE/Marysville EOT Local LoA Response from PGE,
Kaiser/SSC “Going Forward” Email Followup
Fri, Dec 12, 14
Office, Purchase Food for Steward Training, North Valley Steward
Training (Folsom)
Sat, Dec 13, 14
Sun, Dec 14, 14
Tue, Dec 16, 14
Office, Kaiser/SSC Emails re Chiefs announcement “OA Intern
Program” and “OA Training”, PGE/Gateway Emails confirming
Member’s Reduced C&C, Travel to OaklandlOvernight
PGE Unit Board Meeting (8a Start), Kaiser/Roseville Discussions re
CLS Termination Meeting re HIPAA Violations, Kaiser/Stockton Email
followup re Flex Holidays, Travel to Fresno/Overnight
Wed, Dec 17, 14
Kaiser/Fresno LMP, Kaiser/Roseville CLS Resignation In Lieu of
Termination, Travel to SalidalOvemight
Thu, Dec 18, 14
Kaiser/Modesto Lab On Site, PGE/Modesto Lunch Meeting w Steward,
Kaiser/Mantea Lab On Site, Kaiser/Fresno Flu Vaccine/Mask Issue
Email Follow Up, PGE/Modesto Call w LR re Mgmt Follow up
Member’s Injury (Stair Safety), Kaiser/SSC “Going Forward” Conference
Call w Mgmt, Labor, K Price, Kaiser/Sacramento Steward discussion re
scheduling issues, Return to Sacramento
Fri, Dec 19, 14
Kaiser/Roseville Lab On Site, Kaiser/Lincoln OD Steward Meeting
Mon, Dec 15, 14
Sat, Dec 20, 14
Sun, Dec21, 14
Mon, Dec 22, 14
Office, Process VISA Report (Dec ‘14), Kaiser/SSC Reply re OD CE
Pay Issues, PGE/Stockton Review FFD Appeal Emails, Office Store
Copy Paper, Bulletin Board Supplies for Member’s Boards
Tue, Dec 23, 14
1 of 3 Holiday
Wed, Dec 24,14
Thu, Dec 25,14
Fri, Dec 26, 14
2 of 3 Holiday
Sat, Dec 27, 14
Sun, Dec 28, 14
Mon, Dec 29, 14
3 of 3 Holiday
Tue, Dec 30, 14
Wed, Dec 31,14
PGE Unit Board Publish
January 20,2015 I Page 15
John Ward
Primary activity (LocationlMembers/Mt2 Purpose)
Mon, Dec 01, 14
Tue, Dec 02, 14
Wed, Dec 03, 14
MPU Board meeting; PG&E Steward monthly conference call
Meeting with OD member/Steward (S.F) re Performance Reviews
and other issues
Thu, Dec 04, 14
LSC/UBT (South S.F.); office
Fri, Dec 05, 14
Office; ESC Holiday Open House
Sat, Dec 06, 14
Sun, Dec 07, 14
Mon, Dec 08, 14
Site visit and meetings, San Jose Land Office; office
Tue, Dec 09, 14
Wed, Dec 10, 14
LSC (S.F.); office
Meetings at ATS (San Ramon Technology Center) with Stewards;
Thu, Dec 11,14
Fri, Dec 12, 14
Sat, Dec 13, 14
Sun, Dec 14, 14
Mon, Dec 15, 14
KP: LPPC, Daly City; met separately with Stewards following
Tue, Dec 16, 14
PG&E Unit Board meeting; office
Wed, Dec 17, 14
Meetings with Stewards from Gas Scheduling Group (San Ramon)
re ongoing issues
Thu, Dec 18, 14
Safety/Shared Services Core LOB Safety Council
Fri, Dec 19, 14
Sat, Dec 20, 14
Sun, Dec 21, 14
Mon, Dec 22, 14
ESC Floating Holiday 1 of 3
Tue,Dec23, 14
ESC Floating Holiday 2 of 3
Wed, Dec 24, 14
Christmas Eve Holiday
Thu, Dec 25, 14
Christmas Holiday
Fri, Dec 26, 14
ESC Floating Holiday 3 of 3
Sat, Dec 27, 14
PGE Unit Board Publish
January 20,2015 I Page 16
Mon, Dec 29, 14
Tue, Dec 30, 14
Wed, Dec 31, 14
New Year’s Eve Holiday
1. Review Bargaining Campaign Viewed spreadsheet on screen
2. HH & ACA Update: (provided during Karen’s report)
3. Grievance Report
a. PRC Committee
b. BMIC report
c. Review Committee Report
d. Active Arbitrations RC 928 M&C upgrades; MSC that the board agrees with the
arbitration settlement.
4. Regulatory Report
a. Potential Fine Review.
b. Update on intervene in AB 327
c. Update on intervene in Rule 20 & 1 12-E.
5. Organizing / Bargaining
a. New group bargaining schedule (gas/ice/SMOC others) Wages still a major issue as a
2 hour minimum callout pay.
b. Gas Contract group
6. IFPTE Energy Committee Recommended draft policy recommend by IFPTE EBoard.
Local 21 voted no.
7. Follow up: Potential Gas distribution clearances. We are STILL waiting for a meeting about
clearances, as is the IBEW.
8. Committee Appointments Power Gen Associate Maintenance Planner bargaining: Dan
Hitchman, Don Miller, Eric Nelson. MSC to approve committee members
9. Remote GT Estimating positions
10. Policy proposals for SB 1371 rulemaking
11. potential to intervene in ongoing proceeding on GOl 12E revision
12. PLOA Electric Vehicle Incentives MSC to approve
13. Unanticipated vacation: Update grievance in northern area moved forward!
14. Seniority Tie Breaker: LOA 14-27 MSC to approve by ePoll.
15. LOA 14-28 FET allowed to work remotely due to illness. MSC to approve.
Review Bargaining Campaign (Pended)
HH & ACA Update
PGE Unit Board Publish
January20, 2
O15Page 17
Grievance Report
PRC Committee
BMIC report
Review Committee Report
Active Arbitrations
Regulatory Report- Karen and Josh to meet with the new president of the CPUC
Potential Fine Review.
Update on intervene in
Update on intervene in Rule 20 & 11 2-E.
Organizing / Bargaining It is recommended that employees who we are organizing keep
a diary of poor treatment by management; ie: retaliation.
New group bargaining schedule (gas/ice/SMOC others)
Gas Contract group
IFPTE Energy Committee
Follow up: Potential Gas distribution clearances
Remote GT Estimating positions
Policy proposals for SB 1371 rulemaking
Potential to intervene in ongoing proceeding on GOl 12E revision
Unanticipated vacation: Update grievance in northern area moved forward
Dual Commodity Estimating Committee: MSC to approve committee members Laurel
Ferris, David Pittman, John Mader, Lee Carter, Steve Stoker, Joel Foster and Tim Brock.
Gas Package Quality Committee: MSC to approve conmiittee members Greg Beratlis,
Lee Carter, Erik Kvist, Carl Harland and Sergio Tonarelli.
Pension Credit Lawsuit by an outside law firm: Should PG&E employees who began
working for the company as contractors have their time bridged for retirement credit?
Alternate Work Schedules: ESC committee to write business case. Committee members
needed who can articulate the reasons why AWS is a good business idea.
Potential LOA for Mobile HH Gas Mappers, a 6 month extension.
Permit Coordinator position: Suggestions made for committee members; Kathy
Cleairmont, Andrew Johnson, Tern Wells and Jason Bruni.
Safety Reward & Recognition: Discussion about potential R&R program around safety
Gas Project Engineering Bargaining: Open issues) 1. Pay and working conditions 2.
Stamping drawings. Information request to be made to company regarding policy on
indemnification of PG&E engineers.
Napa bypass pay discussion, asking for Danielle to advise.
MSC to move forward with the “L.S” case.
AB 327
PGE Unit Board Publish
January 20,2015 I Page 18
1. MSC expressing our sorrow for the illness in the family of Andy Contreras.
2. MSC expressing sorrow at the news affecting Les Ingle, his wife and family.
3. MSC congratulating new shop stewards:
• Shawn Story, Brian Dellosso, Gas Estimators, Bishop Ranch RMC
• Anna Sinning, Gas Project Controls Analyst, Bishop Ranch
• Diana Sanchez, Field Engineer, Bishop Ranch (GC Gas QC group)
• Kirandeep Brar, Design Engineer, Bishop Ranch (Elec Substation Design)
4. MSC congratulating Brenda San Julian on her retirement and thanking her for her union
dedication and service.
5. MSC congratulating and thanking Susan Greenwood on her retirement. (John to write this for
Schedule next board meeting: February 17 (all day meeting) at ESC Local 20 office at 810 Clay
Street, Oakland.
Adjourn meeting at: 4:03 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
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PGE Unit Board Publish
January 20,2015 I Page 19