------ ICAR - CENTRAL ISLAND AGRICULTURAL .. _-- ""------------ ._---------- RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) ~ \tl + Post Box No.181, Port Blair - 744 101 ,*"f{ Fax: 03192-251068 tCA.R. Phone: -250436-250234-250239 F.No.1(1)/KVK-CIARI/TSP Dated: 09.03.2015 TENDER DOCUMENT Sealed tenders are invited from Manufactured/reputed of following specification to this Institute(KVK- Port Blair). local dealers for supply of Equipment/Misc. Name of the equipment/items Quantity SI.No 1. Vertical Autoclave(Fully automatic)working pressure Digital Temp. upto 2.3 kg/cm2(Approx.)Microprocessor Controller cum Indicator Unit Rate(Rs.) Total (Rs.) 01 No. Chamber size: 300 x 500 mm (dia x depth) Load = 2.0 KW Double walled completely made of SS inner & outer with foot lifting arrangement. Fitted with safety valve, steam release valve and pressure with safety device 2 Air Conditioner 1.5 ton capacity 01 No. 3 star rating ,Copper coil cooling and split Type 3 Coconut Grator 10 Nos. i) Power of motor X hp ii) Made up of stainless steel Total Terms & Conditions:1. The sealed tender cover should contain our tender enquiry No. due date, time of opening superscripted by 'Tender for supply of Vertical Autoclave, Air Conditioners & Coconut Grator. 2. Bidder must enclose the following i) ii) ii) with their tender else, it will be treated as non-responsive: Dealership certificate/authorized letter. Bid Security equivalent to 2.5% of total quoted Bank drawn in f/o. India, Garacharma 4. and Copy of PAN Card and latest income tax clearance certificate. Nationalized 3. document Delivery of Equipment/items The rate quoted price in the form of Demand Draft of Any "ICAR Unit, CIA RI, Port Blair, payable at State Bank of Branch, Port Blair (Code - 9670). should be made within 10 days from the date of placing of supply order. should be inclusive of the installation charges and free comprehensive maintenance for 01 year after the date of installation/supply. 5. The rate should be inclusive all taxes upto delivery at K.V.K., Sipighat Farm, Port Blair. 6. The successful bidder should furnished Performance Security equivalent to 10% of the order value in the form of Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit Receipt/Bank Guarantee from a commercial bank for safeguarding the purchaser's 7. Performance interest in all respects. Security will remain with this office for a period of 12 months from the date of installation and commissioning. items ~ J. . 9. Bid Security will be released to the successful bidder immediately Payment will be made within alongwith on receipt of Performance 15 days from the date of delivery and on submission guarantee/warrantee certificate of manufacturer Security . of bill in triplicate and bank details of the firm such as, Bank Name, A/C No. & IFSC Code. 10. The supplier agreement. writing should mention the correct immediately about the change. Institute to postal delav/undeliverv/Non-reciplent 11. The supplier obtained 12. postal address and contact If there is any change in the postal address/contact 13. Director, for non-receipt in the to the Office in of document due any) of all details of the tender document may be (Smti. Harapriya Nayak & Er. B.K. Nanda, K.V.K., Sipighat, Port Blair. In case of failure to supply the item within any point of time without performance shall not be responsible inform at your end. may quote the rate after clarification(if from the Indentor No. in the space provided no., the supplier incurring the stipulated any liability period of time, the order may be cancelled at what so ever to the affected firm and in such cases, the security shall be forfeited. ClARI, Port Blair shall have the right to accept or reject any or all the tender/bid without assigning any reason thereof. 14. The Director, ClARI., Port Blair reserves the right to cancel due to some administrative/technical reason. You are requested Autoclave, Document to submit Air Conditioner will be 20.03.2015 the sealed tenders & Coconut Grator" the supply order after award of supply order superscribed on the envelop as "Tender for Vertical under TSP-Port Blair . The last date for issue of Tender at 03.00 P.M. and due date for submission of tender will be 21.03.2015 at 02.30 P.M. The same day tender will be opened at 03.00 P.M. in the presence of any bidders/authorized representative, if any. / ~~\) Signature of Supplier Name & Complete postal address and telephone No. and date and Seal and telephone No. & Date . ~ Chief Administrative .rt r• lo '\'u \ \ Officer •
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