Embassy Suites; Rogers, AR July 10-12, 2015 http://www.icareconference.com Call for Abstract for Posters Abstract Poster Submission Form deadline: Friday, April 3, 2015 @ 5:00 pm Extended to Friday, April 10 @ 4:00pm CST The Organizing Committee of the ICARE Conference invites submissions for the Poster Session. We welcome submissions from students, faculty, and public health professionals. The conference focuses on the spectrum of acute care concerns ranging from pre-hospital to critical care units. The conference will feature a 45-minute dedicated poster session on Saturday, July 11. Poster viewing sessions will allow presenters the opportunity to discuss their posters with conference attendees and to answer questions about their work. Abstracts and titles for posters will be disseminated to attendees prior to the conference. Additionally, three posters will be selected to be highlighted in a “Symposium of Excellence” live presentation before the entire audience. Individuals submitting abstracts for poster sessions should consider the target audience and overall focus for the ICARE Conference. The target audience includes an interprofessional audience of healthcare and public health professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, EMS, health/medical educators, and other allied health care professionals. The focus is on acute and critical care research in a variety of settings, ranging from pre-hospital to emergency department to critical care units. The committee particularly encourages the active involvement of graduate and medical students, residents, fellows, and allied professionals in providing information on clinical practice, small studies, case reports, and research related to treatment of patients in any facility type or population sample. Abstract submission form may be submitted two ways: 1. 2. Fax to (501) 661-7968 Email: [email protected]. All abstract submission forms must be received by April 3, 2015 @ 5:00 pm. Friday, April 10 @ 4:00pm CST If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Miranda Morris in the Office of Continuing Medical Education, UAMS, 501-661-7962. Disclosure Information: As a provider of accredited continuing education for healthcare professionals, it is the UAMS College of Medicine’s policy to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its educational activities. In compliance with ACCME regulations, everyone who is in a position to control the content of an educational activity must disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. This information is required of all submissions for each author/contributor. Submission will not be accepted without complete disclosure information. Submission Guidelines and Regulations 1. Abstracts can be submitted until April 3, 2015; 5:00 PM CST. Friday, April 10 @ 4:00pm CST 2. There is no fee required for submission. 3. Eligibility: All abstracts are welcome and there are no membership requirements. 4. Until the close of the Call for Abstracts on April 3, 2015 Friday, April 10 @ 4:00pm CST, submitting (contact) authors may submit revisions to the abstract. NO REVISIONS will be allowed once the call for submissions closes. Authors cannot be added nor the order rearranged after this deadline. 5. It is the responsibility of the submitting (contact) author to ensure that ALL co-authors review the abstract prior to submission. Confirmation of abstract acceptance or rejection will be emailed to all co-authors listed on the abstract. Failure to obtain permission to submit from co-authors is liable to result in abstract rejection. 6. Upon acceptance of the abstract submission, at least one author on the abstract agrees to register and attend the ICARE Conference and accompany the poster during the accredited, dedicated poster time. Should that poster be selected for the “Gallery of Excellence,” the author agrees to present the poster to the full conference audience. Submission of and acceptance of an abstract DOES NOT register you for the meeting. Online registration, PDF registration forms, and program information can be found on the conference website: www.icareconference.com. 7. Authorship on multiple abstracts is permitted. 8. The abstract text, excluding the words “background, objectives, methods, results, conclusion” is limited to 2,016 characters not including spaces (about 300-325 words). (Including those words, the limit is 2,060 characters.) It is the author's responsibility to submit abstracts free of typographical or other errors. We strongly encourage that the submitter cut and paste a proofread, "spell checked" document into these fields. Please ensure your text follows this format: Background, Objectives Methods, Results, and Conclusion. 9. Graphics (figures and tables) may not be submitted. ICARE Conference poster abstracts are required to be text-only. 10. All content contributors on a poster must complete a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form. You may use the document attached to this packet, or you may complete the form online at: http://medicine.uams.edu/icare-poster-form. 11.Abstracts are reviewed, graded and accepted/rejected by the Annual Meeting Planning Committee. Abstract Title Name of person submitting this application, including credentials List name(s) of authors to be listed on Poster Program, along with credentials Affiliation Contact information (address, phone, email and fax) Area of focus/overall topics to be addressed Please provide a brief summary of your proposed presentation (no more than 300 words, no graphs or illustrations) Abstract Form (please limit to 3,000 characters, without spaces) Include the following sections in your abstract: Objectives; Method; Results; Conclusions. Title: Backgound Objective(s) Methods Results Conclusions Office of Continuing Medical Education Disclosure of Financial Relationships Form Name, degrees, and/or credentials _________________________________________________________________________ CME Activity name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation title ______________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate role: Speaker/author Course Director Planning committee Moderator/Panelist In order to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor at all programs, the planners, faculty, moderators, and panelists must make full disclosure indicating whether they, and/or a spouse or domestic partner, have had any relevant financial relationships with commercial interests within the last 12 months. A relevant financial relationship is one in any amount with a commercial interest excluding the holding of mutual funds. A commercial interest is defined as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on patients (excepting non-profits, government organizations or providers of clinical service directly to patients). Disclosing a relevant financial relationship with an organization does not preclude involvement in the development, management, presentation, or evaluation of a CME activity. However, the Course Director must have resolved any conflict(s) of interest and the audience must be informed of all such relationships prior to the start of the activity. Individuals who refuse to disclose will be disqualified from participation in the CME activity. Failure to complete and return the form is the same as refusing to disclose. Mark the applicable statement: Neither I, nor my spouse or domestic partner, have at present and/or have had within the past 12 months a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest. Speakers Bureau? Stocks/ Bonds? (Exclude mutual funds) Consultant? Grant/ Research Support? Name of Commercial interest/ Company Spouse/ Partner? I, or my spouse or domestic partner, have at present and/or have had within the past 12 months a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest as listed below. Please attach an additional list, if needed. Please also complete the second page of this disclosure. Other (describe) Treatment Recommendations and Research Citations: If you make treatment recommendations or reference scientific research as part of your presentation, you must read and initial the following. Please note that all studies and evidence must be referenced on presentation slides or handouts. ____I attest that all clinical recommendations are based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine and all scientific research referred to, reported, or used in support of or justification of patient care recommendations conforms to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis. Signature _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ All information disclosed must be shared with the participants either written on the program handouts, promotional materials and/or audiovisual presentation or verbally prior to the CME activity.
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