
Call for Papers
5th International Workshop on SOFL+MSVL
(SOFL+MSVL 2015)
Paris, 6th November 2015
Background and Objectives:
There is a growing interest in applying formal methods in practice to improve
software productivity and quality, but only with a few exceptions, this interest has
not been successfully converted into the reality of application. How to enable
practitioners to easily and effectively use formal techniques still remains
The Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language (SOFL) has been developed to
address this challenge by providing a comprehensible specification language, a
practical modeling method, various verification and validation techniques, and tool
support through effective integration of formal methods with conventional
software engineering techniques. SOFL integrates Data Flow Diagram, Petri Nets,
and VDM-SL to offer a visualized and formal notation for specification
construction; a three-step approach to requirements acquisition and system
design; specification-based inspection and testing methods for detecting errors in
both specifications and programs, and a set of tools to support modeling and
The Modeling, Simulation and Verification Language (MSVL) is a parallel
programming language. Its supporting toolkit MSV has been developed to enable
us to model, simulate and verify a system in a formal manner.
Following the success of previous SOFL+MSVL workshops, this workshop aims to
continuously promote the development and combinations of the SOFL formal
engineering method and the formal method MSVL, as well as the applications of
their fundamental principles or specific techniques to developing other formal
engineering techniques. We expect to bring industrial, academic and government
experts of SOFL and MSVL to communicate and to exchange ideas. Researchers,
practitioners, tool developers and users, and technology transfer experts are all
welcome. The scope of the interest includes, but not limited to, all of the possible
issues in relation to SOFL, MSVL, or their applications in both developing other
formal engineering techniques and specific software systems.
Topic areas:
Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
1. Modeling and Specification
2. Integration of prototyping and formal specification
3. Integration of Agile methods and formal specification
4. Specification inspection and verification
5. Specification animation
6. Automatic transformation
7. Specification-based inspection and verification
8. Specification-based testing
9. Evolution and refinement
10. Model checking
11. Software process
12. Project management
13. Service-oriented computing
14. Data intensive computing
15. Many core parallel computing
16. Security of software
17. Application
18. Semantics
19. Software Tools
All submissions will be reviewed by program committee members on the basis of
technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity; and those accepted will be
published in the workshop proceedings. Technical papers should describe original
research, and industrial experience should include practical projects and analysis
emphasizing outcomes, insights gained, and lessons learned.
All authors should submit papers via the online EasyChair system
Submitted manuscripts must be written in English and should be no longer than 20
pages in Springer’s LNCS format described at Authors of
accepted papers will have to submit the final camera-ready papers via the
EasyChair system and sign a copyright release form. The workshop proceedings
will be published as an LNCS post-proceedings by Springer.
Important dates:
Paper submission: 1st July 2015
Acceptance/Rejection notification: 29th August 2015
Workshop: 6th November 2015
Camera ready paper due: 15th December 2015
Program Co-Chairs:
Shaoying Liu, Hosei University, Japan
Zhenhua Duan, Xidian University, China
Program Committee:
Yuting Chen, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Stefan Gruner, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Gihwon Kwon, Kyonggi University, Korea
Richard Lai, La Trobe University, Australia
Karl Leung, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Mo Li, Hosei University, Japan
Xiaohong Li, Tianjin University, China
Weikai Miao, East China Normal University, China
Fumiko Nagoya, Aoyama Gakuyin University, Japan
Shin Nakajima, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
Kazuhiro Ogata, JAIST, Japan
Shengchao Qin, Teesside University, UK
Fenggang Shi, Thales Canada Transportation Solutions, Canada
Wuwei Shen, Western Michigan University, USA
Jing Sun, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan
Cong Tian, Xidian University, China
Xi Wang, Shanghai University, China
Xinfeng Shu, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Xiaobing Wang, Xidian University, China
Haitao Zhang, JAIST, Japan
Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK