RETURN BY EMAIL BY 12 NOON ON MONDAY 27 TH APRIL, 2015 TO ANN GODFREY, BELFASTTRAD, at [email protected] NO FORMS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE AND TIME WILL BE CONSIDERED. WE WILL COMMUNICATE WITH YOU BY EMAIL TO LET YOU KNOW WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE SUCCESSFUL. BelfastTrad welcomes applicants regardless of age, racial group, religious belief, political opinion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, marital status and whether or not people have dependents. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT (Strictly Confidential) Position Applied For: PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Surname (Family Name): Forename(s) (Other names): Mr/ Mrs /Miss /Ms: Email address: Home Telephone No: Mobile No: Home Address: Work Telephone No: Post Code: May we contact you at work? Yes/No EDUCATION: EXAMINATION RESULTS/QUALIFICATIONS Subjects Studied and College or University attended where qualification gained. (For school education, please just say school, as name of school is not required). 2 Results/Grades Please indicate Pass/Fail PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Please give details of any current professional qualifications you hold, or are in the process of obtaining, including level of membership of professional bodies. Name of Institute/Professional Body: Exams (indicate Pass/Fail): And Level: Current Class of Membership Other Qualifications and Training: Please give brief details of other qualifications or training courses attended of relevance to your application: 3 PRESENT (OR MOST RECENT) EMPLOYMENT, PAID OR UNPAID. Name and Address of Business: Position: Period Employed (Years/Months) Telephone No: Basic Salary/Wage: Nature of Business: Other Benefits: Duties: Reason for leaving (if most recent job): Notice required by present employer: 4 RELEVANT PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Employers Name, Address and Nature of Business Position held and Position Held Brief Description For: of Duties Years Mont hs Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary. 5 Salary/Wages or Unpaid & Reason for Leaving RESPONSE TO PERSON SPECIFICATION Please provide detailed examples from your educational, employment and voluntary work history as to how your experience specifically meets all requirements of the post as detailed in each person specification section. If necessary repeat anything in other parts of form, if relevant to each section. 1. WORK SKILLS – see detail on Person Specification 2. IT SKILLS - see detail on Person Specification 6 3. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS - see detail on Person Specification 4. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE -see detail on Person Specification 5. KNOWLEDGE -see detail on Person Specification 7 6. EDUCATION - see detail on Person Specification 7. JOB RELATED CIRCUMSTANCES - see detail on Person Specification 8 REFERENCES Please give name, address, relationship and position for TWO referees. One of these should be your current or previous (if unemployed) employer. 1. NAME 1. NAME Relationship and Position Relationship and Position Telephone Email address: Telephone Email address: May contact be made with this referee May contact be made with this prior to interview? referee prior to interview? Yes/No Yes/No Do you have a disability? Yes/No. If yes, please give details. Our classes and workshops are open to children as well as adults. Adults may be vulnerable adults. You are required by law to disclose any reason why you should not work with children or vulnerable adults. Yes/No. If no, please give details. To withhold falsify or omit relevant material fact will lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal in the case of a successful applicant. Successful applicants may be asked to provide evidence of their qualifications and previous salary. Signature (can be scanned or typed in): Date: 9 Unless you receive notification within one weeks of the specified closing date, please assume that you have been unsuccessful. For Office Use Only: Date Received Date Acknowledged Short listed Interviewed 10 Reason MONITORING QUESTIONNAIRE Ref No: Private & Confidential BelfastTrad does not discriminate on grounds of age, racial group, religious belief, political opinion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, marital status and whether or not people have dependents. To demonstrate our commitment to equality of opportunity in employment we wish to monitor certain attributes of our applicants and employees. THIS FORM WILL BE SEPARATED FROM THE APPLICATION FORM AND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS. Regardless of whether one practices one’s religion, most people in Northern Ireland in particular are seen as being either Catholic or Protestant. We are therefore asking you to indicate your community background by ticking the appropriate sentence below. I have Protestant community background I have a Roman Catholic community background I have neither a Protestant nor a Roman Catholic community background Sex: Please indicate whether you are: Female Male Age: Date of Birth (dd/mm/year) __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ Do you have a disability: Yes No If yes, what is the nature of that disability? Please state your Ethnic Origin: 11 Bangladeshi Pakistani White Black African Black Caribbean Black Other Chinese Indian Irish Traveller Mixed Ethnic Group Any other ethnic group: please state Nationality: My Nationality is (Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, German, British, Irish etc.) Please specify:________________________________________ PLEASE DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON THIS PAGE 12
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