At the moment, ICJR is conducting rapid assessment on the Supreme Court decision related to capital punishment. Support us to stop capital punishment in Indonesia. Issue No.1/2015 This edition of ICLaD (March 2015) is focusing on the changes within the Indonesian criminal justice system, which was recently realized by the decision of the Constitutional Court. ICJR notes that there are some significant changes within the criminal justice system: change on KUHAP and other laws that incorporate criminal justice system. Additionally, ICLaD also discusses case review (peninjauan kembali) for criminal cases. Provision on case review has generated debates due to the recent capital punishment stories. For the first time in history, Indonesia is executing death penalty in large numbers. The Attorney General Office, including the Supreme Court, are trying to regulate on how many times a case review may be filed, in order to ease the capital punishment execution. ICJR encourages the government and the Supreme Court to revoke the regulation that limits the case review submission, and at the same time re-regulate the definition of novum (new evidences). With a good comprehension on novum, ICJR believes that there is no necessity to limit the rights of the convict to submit a case review petition. Enjoy Reading, Ifdhal Kasim Editor in Chief Case Review and the Lack of Criminal Procedural Law Reform Robert F. Sidauruk Even though of Some of the “classic problems” regarding extraordinary legal remedy (upaya hukum case review are yet to be responded by the luar biasa) in the form of case review Supreme Court. For instance, a case review (peninjauan kembali) has been used since from decades ago, the debates and controversies (sentenced 15 years of imprisonment, and surrounding it are inevitable. The lack of a fugitive), was allowed by the Supreme clarity submission Court in 2013.2 In addition, other problems procedures, and requirements to file one such as case review submitted by the (legal ground), are some of the issues that prosecutor, including case review against need to be addressed by the House of acquittal (putusan bebas).3 for the case mechanism review the wife of Sudjiono Timan Representatives (House) when revising the Criminal Procedural Law (KUHAP). The root of these problems is actually the lack of procedural law for submitting a case Trying to fill the hole left by the lawmakers, review petition, including the definition of the Supreme Court decided to conduct its “novum”. The Concept of case review itself own way. The result, however, does not is based on criminal justice system that give any clear solution and consequently sometimes lead to unfair trial (peradilan many case review petitions are piled up at sesat).4 In general, KUHAP stipulates that a the Supreme Court. case review petition may be submitted by the convict or his/her heir to the Supreme Another problem came when the Constitutional Court rendered Decision No. Court, against a final and binding decision—not including acquittal.5 34/PUU-XI/2013, stating that the one-time limitation of case review submission under Article 268 (3) of KUHAP is unconstitutional.1 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Under the case review petition, the applicant the must elaborate three main issues: 1) there is submitting a case review, either by issuing a new condition that if discovered during the a Supreme Court regulation nor a circular trial, the proceeding will lead to acquittal, letter. In fact, a further elaboration on less sanction, or the indictment is rejected by “novum” definition is necessary to assure the court; 2) inconsistency between one that decision and another; and/or 3) judge’s comprehension mistake when rendering a decision.6 review, and filtering the case reviewed filed The Supreme Court fails to further elaborate above all mentioned justices will when grounds have the examining for same a case by the convicts or their heir.7 There are at least four Supreme Court Circular Letters that stipulate case review, but all of them fail to strictly define “novum”: 1. Circular Letter No. 8 of 2011 on Cases That Do Not Fulfill Cassation and Case Review Requirements. This circular does not discuss about case review for criminal cases Khusus perkara pidana and only stipulate cassation procedures. 2. Circular Letter No. 10 of 2009 on Submission of Case Review Petition This circular only affirms that case review petition for both criminal and civil cases for more than once are unacceptable and are not in line with laws. 3. Circular Letter No. 1 of 2012 on Submission of Case Review Petition for Criminal Cases. This circular only states that a case review petition may only be submitted by the convicts or their heirs, therefore petitions that are filed by the legal counsel without the presence of the convict may not be continued. 4. Circular Letter No. 7 of 2014 on Submission of Case Review Petition for Criminal Cases. While explicitly states that this circular is a response to the Constitutional Court No. 34/PUU-XI/2013, it somehow reaffirms that a case review petition may only filed once, as previously stipulated under Circular No. 10 of 2009. The lack of clarity on the definition of panel rejected new evidences in the form of “novum” leads to a condition where judges expert opinion regarding another case that are was rendered after the convict’s case.9 using their own standards when examining a case review. For instance, From these cases, it can be concluded that under 15 “novum” as a prerequisite to submit a case PK/Pid/1983, the panel rejected the case review petition must be regulated strictly. review petition, which was based on the Each judge must refer to the same guide, to convict’s interpretation of a notarial deed. examine whether the new evidence can be In Court accepted and has the possibility to alter the refused to categorize the provision that decision, if it was presented during the trial stating at lower court. Supreme February the conducted Court Decision No. 2015, medical operation Prawani, dr. Hendry Simanjuntak, and dr. solution for the Supreme Court to respond Hendy Siagian, was in line with the SOP the according to Honorary Council of Doctors 34/PUU-XI/2013. By doing this, the Supreme Ethic Etik Court may show a better performance in Kedokteran), because it is not an absolute handling and filtering case review, instead of (Majelis Dewa Ayu measure A clear definition on “novum” will also be a fact. dr. Supreme Sasiary 8 by the Kehormatan Further, under the Supreme Court Decision No. 157 PK.PID.SUS/2012, the Constitutional Court Decision No. limiting on how many times a case review can be filed. The lack of clarity on the definition of “novum” leads to a condition where judges are using their own standards when examining a case review Notes 5 See Art. 263 (1), KUHAP. 1 6 See 263 (2), KUHAP. See Constitutional Court Decision No. 34/PUUXI/2013, dated 6 Maret 2014. 7 2 See Supreme Court Decision No. 97 PK/Pid.Sus/2012 1c0c45538854adeed5d8dc073ab3e0e and, “MA Bebaskan Sudjino Timan”, /MA.Bebaskan.Sudjiono.Timan. 3 See, “PK Oleh Jaksa Rusak Tatanan Hukum Indonesia”, 482/pk-oleh-jaksa-rusak-tatanan-hukumindonesia. 4 See, “Mantan Hakim MK: Yang Perlu Diperbaiki Pengaturan Novum, Bukan Pembatasan PK”, 6385381/Mantan.Hakim.MK.Yang.Perlu.Diperbai ki.Pengaturan.Novum.Bukan.Pembatasan.PK 8 See Supreme Court Decision No. 97 PK/Pid.Sus/2012 f1c0c45538854adeed5d8dc073ab3e0e and, “MA Bebaskan Sudjino Timan”, 1/MA.Bebaskan.Sudjiono.Timan. See ICJR, “Peninjauan Kembali Lahir Karena Munculnya Pengawasan Penuntutan”, ‘Peradilan di Sesat’ Tingkat dan Minimnya Penyidikan dan 9 See downloadpdf/bbaaf0f4371c18c0fc0f35a16d8e5d 98/pdf kembali-lahir-karena-munculnya%E2%80%9Cperadilan-sesat-%E2%80%9Cdan-minimnya-pengawasan-di-tingkatpenyidikan-dan-penuntutan/ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Decisions that Change Indonesia’s Criminal Justice System Adi C. Bawono and Anggara A. Change Towards Criminal Justice System Outside KUHAP System, and when the Constitutional Court revokes and interprets some of the provisions under those laws, it created a The Indonesian Criminal Justice System is significant impact to the protection of human indeed rights under the criminal justice system. heavily relied on the Criminal Procedural Law Code (KUHAP). However, it does not necessarily mean that there is no In the context of the Juvenile Justice Law, other criminal justice system outside KUHAP. the Constitutional Court decided to rise the For age instance, there are laws that of criminal responsibility, from incorporating criminal justice system into the previously 8 years of age to 12 years of provisions such as Law No. 3 of 1997 on age.1 The change, which was stipulated Juvenile Justice (“Juvenile Justice Law”), under the Constitutional Court Decree No. Law No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information 1/PUU-VIII/2010, brings a positive impact to and Transaction (“IT Law”), and Law No. reduce the number of children in conflict 4/PNPS/1963 on Securing Printed Materials with the law. Another positive outcome from With Content That May Harm Public Orders this Decision is that the Juvenile Justice Law (“1963 Law”). has been repealed and replaced by Law No. 11 of 2012 on Juvenile Justice System. The above mentioned laws are strongly related to the Indonesian Criminal Justice About ICLaD Indonesia Criminal Law Digest (ICLaD) is a new feature from Institute for Criminal Justice Reform. ICLaD is presented by the ICJR as one of the instrument and communication medium to inform the recent development on criminal law and criminal justice system reforms in Indonesia. Significant change also shown for book censorship, which was under the authority of the Attorney General—who may determine which books that can be distributed. The Attorney General Office issued Editor in Chief: Ifdhal Kasim Managing Editor Attorney General Decree No. 139-143/A/JA/12/2009, dated 22 December 2009, which prohibits the distribution of five books that are considered hampering public orders. Anggara Wahyudi Djafar Editorial Board: Adiani Viviana Adi Condro Bawono Anggara Erasmus A.T. Napitupulu Indriaswati D. Saptaningrum Robert Sidauruk Sriyana Supriyadi W. Eddyono Syahrial M. Wiryawan Wahyudi Djafar Those five books are “Dalih Pembunuhan Massal Gerakan 30 Wahyu Wagiman September dan Kudeta Soeharto”, “Suara Gereja Bagi Umat Tertindas Zainal Abidin Penderitaan, Tetesan Darah dan Cucuran Air Mata Umat Tuhan di Papua Barat Harus Diakhiri”, “Lekra Tak Membakar Buku Suara Senyap Lebar Kebudayaan Harian Rakyat 1950-1965”, “Enam Jalan Menuju Tuhan”, dan “Mengungkap Misteri Keberadaan Agama”. 2 On 13 October 2010, the Attorney General’s authority on book censorhip finally revoked by the Constitutional Court, which states that the authority to prohibit book distribution (book censorhip)—without any trial involved—is the nature of an authoritarian rule, instead of rule of law—as stipulated under Article 1 (3) of the 1945 Constitution. Any act that is considered violating the law, which should undergo a trial instead of determined government regulation on interception. by a single institution without mandated the issuance of a any proceeding.3 This decision affirms that the In prohibition (book stated that interception is a violation to the censorhip) falls under Article 38 of KUHAP, in right of privacy as a part of human rights, which which is limited to a certain extent. Further, of such book act of distribution prohibition must be approved by the court. the decision, the Consitutional Court the Constitutional Court asserted that such limitation may only be stipulated by a law as In terms of wiretapping or interception, the mandated under Article 28J (2) of the 1945 IT Law states that the procedures for such Constitution. Therefore, a specific law is measure necessary to stipulate the procedures on will government be stipulated regulation.4 The under a Ministry of interception conducted institution, (“Kemenkominfo”), cannot stipulate limitation on human rights.8 made a a authorized Communication and Information Technology has as by government regulation Government Regulation Draft on Interception (“Interception Draft”), since May 2008. In Even the Constitutional Court has mandated 20 Oktober 2009, Kemenkominfo submitted the government and the House of realize a the draft to the Ministry of Law and Human law on interception, there is no clear effort Rights.5 from both sides to actually discuss the issue. This nationwide draft instantly controversy, such generated as the Indonesia Corruption Watch who accused that the government is trying to weaken the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) with the Interception Draft.6 Responding to the Interception Draft, several Jl. Cempaka No 4, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan citizens were filing a judicial review on Article Jakarta – Indonesia 12530 31 (4) of the IT Law.7 Within a year after the [email protected] judicial review submission, the Constitution @icjrid Court granted the judicial review, and consequently revoking the reviewed article, The debate regarding cassation against acquittal—which is basically prohibited under Article 244 of KUHAP—has been the center of the spotlight for more than two decades. B. KUHAP Changes via the Constitutional Court Justices The debate regarding cassation against acquittal—which is basically prohibited under Article 244 of KUHAP—has been the center of the spotlight for more than two decades. The story began in 1983, when the prosecutor filed a cassation against the acquittal of Natalegawa, who was indicted for corruption.9 It marked the first use of the term “fully acquitted” (bebas murni) and “half acquitted” (bebas tidak murni) in a court decision. In regards to what can be considered as “half acquitted” (bebas tidak murni), the Supreme Court has drawn the line as follows: (1) if the acquittal is based on a wrong interpretation to a crime in a indictment, and not based on the condition where the crime cannot be proven; or (2) if the acquittal is actually a free from all charges;or (3) the court has went beyond its jurisdiction” The Constitutional Court finally ended the debate when rendering Decision MK No. 114/PUU-X/2012. Under the decision, the Constitutional Court declared that the phrase “excluding acquittal” (“kecuali terhadap putusan bebas”) under Article 244 KUHAP, contradicts the 1945 Constitution and does not have binding power. In other words, any acquittal may be challenged by the prosecutor using the cassation mechanism.10 The Constitutional Court also brought changes on the provision regarding pretrial. On this issue, KUHAP previously stated that decision on pretrial may not be appealed, except for the pretrial on the termination of investigation or indictment (Article 79, 80, and 81 of KUHAP). Appeal to this pretrial may be filed to the local court of appeal.11 However, under Decision No. 65/PUU- The Constitutional Court also asserted the IX/2011 the Constitutional Court stated that position Article 83 (1) and (2) of KUHAP contradicts governmental Article 27 (1), 28D (1), and 28I (2) of the organization 1945 Constitution. The Constitutional Court No.98/PUU-X/2012, declared that Article 83 of KUHAP does not third have binding power.12 Therefore, there is no berkepentingan“) under Article 80 of KUHAP further legal measure to challenge pretrial is decision, Constitution in particular regarding the termination of an investigation/indictment.13 of victims pretrial. party the contradict and does victims Another significant change comes from the governmental Constitutional Court Decision No. 34/PUU- organization”.16 or and Under phrase (“pihak power—as long as it “including informant, organization, in declared and mass Decision interested ketiga with not the have is not yang 1945 binding interpreted informant, organization, non- and nonmass XI/2013, which declares that Article 268 (3) of KUHAP contradicts the 1945 Constitution.14 As stipulated under Article 80 of KUHAP, the Before being revoked, Article 268 (3) of request to examine the legality termination KUHAP states that a case review may only be of an investigation or indictment can be filed submitted once.15 Due to the decision, a case by the prosecutor or third party that has review is no longer limited for one time only. interest in the issue.17 The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR), having established in 2007, is formed with an exclusive mission to support collective actions in honoring the Rule of Law and realizing criminal justice system and criminal law with strong human rights protection character. null and void.19 C. Controversial Decisions Even though the Constitutional Court has rendered important and better decision for The said decision came into spotlight at the the criminal justice system, some of its time when Susno Duadji refused to be decisions are still criticized. One of those is detained, due to the fact that the decision Decision which from the Supreme Court did not incorporate under the order as mentioned above. This opinion No. interprets the 3/PUU-XI/2013, word “immediately” Article 18 (3) of KUHAP. The article states also affirmed by Yusril that “copy of arrest warrant as mentioned former Minister of Justice.20 Ihza Mahendra, under paragraph (1) must be given to his/her family immediately after the arrest is conducted”. Another controversy was the Decision No. 65/PUU-VIII/2010, which basically broadened the definition of “witness” under KUHAP. The The Constitutional Court interprets Decision declared Articles 1 (26)-(27), 65, “immediately” as 7 days, which means that 116 (3)-(4), and 184 (1) of KUHAP null and the copy of arrest warrant must be given no void. As a consequence, “witness” is no later than 7 days after the arrest. This longer limited to the individuals that hear, deadline is considered too long just to send a see, and experience as defined under Article copy of arrest warrant to the suspect’s 1 (26).21 family.18 The definition of “witness” (who hears, sees, Another controversial decision is Decision No. and experiences) that has been used for 69/PUU-X/2012, which reviewed Article 197 decades refers to “testimonium de auditu”, (2) (k) of KUHAP. The reviewed article which means that a testimony from someone requires a decision to incorporate an order so else will not have any value as evidence.22 that the defendant is detained or released, Due to this decision, the Attorney General which means that any decision on criminal Office was considering to summon former cases that are not incorporating suh order President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and will be null and void. The Constitutional Court Megawati Soekarnoputri for the Sisminbakum revoked this article, and declared the lack of case.23 such order in any decision will not make it Notes 1 See, “Batas Usia Anak Dapat 4 Art. 31 (4) of the IT Law. 5 See, “Kontroversi Dipidana Naik”, Penyadapan, Diatur Lewat UU atau PP”, 9dccee142/batas-usia-anak-dapat-dipidana-naik. e6211c60d/kontroversi-penyadapan-diatur- See also Constitutional Court Decision No. 1/PUU- lewat-uu-atau-pp VIII/2010 6 utusan%20nomor%201.PUU.2010%20%20_Edit Menkominfo di RPP Penyadapan”, %20Panitera_.pdf Detikcom, “ICW Kembali Kritik Peran 1263081/10/icw-kembali-kritik-peran2 See, “Koalisi LSM Layangkan Somasi Terbuka untuk Kejaksaan”, 46d857a6f/pelarangan-buku 3 menkominfo-di-rpp-penyadapan?nd771104bcj 7 Lihat Dasar Hukum Pembuatan RPP Penyadapan Diuji ke MK See, “Riwayat UU Pengamanan Barang Cetakan Tamat“, 87b8d6270/riwayat-uu-pengamanan-barangcetakan-tamat. See Constitutional Court Decision No. 6-13-20/PUU-VIII/2010 inopsis_Putusan%206-13-20-PUU-VIII- a9abe4094/dasar-hukum-pembuatan-rpppenyadapan-diuji-ke-mk 8 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 5/PUU- VIII/2010 utusan%20%205_PUU_VIII_2010%20_edit%20p anitera_.pdf 2010%20_Kejaksaan,%20Pengamanan%20Thd% 20Brg.pdf This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 9 See, “Kisah Contra Legem Pasal 244 KUHAP”, d82fe8974/kisah-icontra-legem-i-pasal-244kuhap 10 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 114/PUU-X/2012 utusan_sidang_114%20PUU%202012%20%20KUHAP%20%20telah%20ucap%2028%20Maret%202013.pd f 11 Art. 83, KUHAP 12 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 65/PUUIX/2011 13 See, “Penyidik Tak Boleh Banding Putusan Praperadilan, Kok Masih Dilanggar?”, 18 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 3/PUUXI/2013 3-PUU-2013-telahucap-30Jan2014.pdf; See also ICJR, “Cara MK Menafsir Makna Pasal 18 KUHAP Dikritik ICJR”, 19 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 69/PUUX/2012 20 See, “BIsakah Susno Duadji Dieksekusi?“, 580119/Sebenarnya.Bisakah.Susno.Duadji.Dieks ekusi 21 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 65/PUU- VIII/2010 22 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 34/PUUXI/2013 utusan_sidang_1651_34%20PUU%202013telahucap-6Maret2014.pdf See, “Perubahan Makna Saksi Dalam Hukum Acara Pidana dan Implikasinya Terhadap Sistem Peradilan Pidana”, f3ff83f2a/perubahan-makna-saksi-dalam-hukumacara-pidana-dan-implikasinya-terhadap-sistemperadilan-pidana 15 23 14 Art. 268 (3), KUHAP 16 See Constitutional Court Decision No. 98/PUUX/2012 utusan_sidang_98%20PUU%202012%20KUHAP %20%20telah%20ucap%2021%20Mei%202013.pdf 17 See Detikcom, “Kejaksaan Terus Kaji Putusan MK atas Uji Materi Yusril”, 1706921/10/kejaksaan-terus-kaji-putusan-mkatas-uji-materi-yusril?9922032 Art. 80, KUHAP This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Advocacy Updates Series of Press Release ICJR issues several media releases related to rejection to limitation of Request for Case Review due to contradiction with Indonesian Constitutional Court Ruling ICJR issues several media releases related to rejection to death penalty execution which is performed by Jokowi Administration ICJR issues several media releases related to criminalization to a facebook user and urge the Government of Indonesia to revise Law on Electronic Information and Transaction ICJR issues several media releases related to implementation of Qanun Jinayat in Aceh and asks the government to review the existence of Qanun Jinayat ICJR issues a media releases to push the government to increase the minimum age of children to be able to be held accountable for criminal acts ICJR issues a media releases to appreciate new interpretation of rape crime in Indonesia Criminal Code by the District Court ICJR issues several releases to push the establishment of a better provision on pre-trial procedure law in criminal case Advocacy on Criminal Law Reform ICJR together with other NGOs reactivate the National Alliance for Indonesia Criminal Code Reform (Aliansi Nasional Reformasi KUHP) and have met the Ministry of Law and Human Rights related to the plan to revise the Indonesia Criminal Code Supported by the National Alliance for Indonesia Criminal Code Reform, ICJR creates a website for advocacy on Indonesia Criminal Code Reform located at ICJR together with the Coalition of Anti-Death Penalty held several discussions with the media on rejection to death penalty. ICJR together with other NGOs formulate advocacy efforts to revise Law on Electronic Information and Transaction which criminalizes freedom of expression Advocacy on Criminal Justice System Reform ICJR together with Coalition of Indonesia Criminal Procedure Code (Komite KuHAP) held a hearing with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights related to discussion on Indonesia Criminal Procedure Code ICJR creates a special portal to monitor discussion on Indonesia Criminal Procedure Code at Litigation Support ICJR wins a judicial review case on Law on Anti Money Laundering which is filed by the former Chief Justice of Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court rejected the judicial review application ICJR together with the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) submitted a judicial review petition against Minister of Law and Human Rights Circular Letter related to remission for corruptor ICJR prepares a judicial review petition against the Supreme Court Circular Letter which limits Request for Case Review in criminal cases About ICJR Reformation of law and criminal justice system towards a democratic direction is one of the crucial issues faced by Indonesia during the current transition era. The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR), having established in 2007, commits to take the initiative to support measures in realizing the proposed reformation. ICJR is formed with an exclusive mission to support collective actions in honoring the Rule of Law and realizing criminal justice system with strong human rights protection character. Institute for Criminal Justice Reform Jl. Cempaka No 4, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Jakarta – Indonesia 12530 [email protected] @icjrid
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