Year 9 Homework Booklet Autumn Term - 2 Name Form Subject Minimum tasks to complete Due In Work will be set weekly by your teacher. Work will be due in in the week after it is set. English Working through the Maths Booklet, due in weekly. Maths My booklet is level Art 4 5 6 7 8 Work through the Art homework booklet Design Technology Minimum tasks to complete Science 3 Complete the Research section of the DT Homework Booklet. My Booklet is Level Bronze Silver Gold Due In 9F 9J Drama Music Geography History RE French / German PE My sport for this half term is This booklet gives guidance about each homework task which is due to be completed this half term. In English work is set weekly and the broad themes have been included. In Maths, Art and Design Technology students will be issued with a separate booklet which can be written in for completion. English Y9 Autumn Term 2: Homework Topic: Poetry & Media Task Details Time Required To respond critically and creatively to texts. Students explore the poetry of the First World War in a four week module. This is followed by a three week module in which they explore the conventions of magazine journalism. 30 minutes each week, together with 30 minutes independent reading. 1. Poetry: Research on key writers: Owen, Sassoon. 2. Poetry: Annotate a poem. 3. Poetry: Comparison task. 4. Media: Analysis of magazine covers. 5. Media: Research questionnaires. 6. Media: Identify key features of a text. Tips: Use an appropriate vocabulary when analysing texts. Poetry: metaphor, simile, hyperbole, symbol, alliteration, personification, extended metaphor, persona. Media: demographic, design brief, features, campaign, caption, editor, researcher, presentation strategies, layout, font. Resources: Your teacher will provide you with detailed guidelines and resources in class. Success criteria: Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 I can find some information based on the text I am given. I try to make my writing match the purpose. I can pick out the main points of a text. I can refer to the text when explaining my views about it. My writing usually matches my purpose I can select and present quotations and references using point, quote, comment. My writing matches the purpose, adapting the level of formality as needed. I can blend quotations and references using point, quote, comment, linking to other points. My writing sustains an appropriate style throughout and I use a range of techniques. I can blend quotations and references succinctly, choosing the most relevant to the question. I write skillfully, sustaining an appropriate style throughout and crafting my work to meet the needs of the reader. Maths: Homework Topic: Level Consolidation Task Details Time Required The Suffolk New Academy KS3 Mathematics Homework Booklet includes a wealth of exercises ranging from level 3 to level 8. It is tailored to suit students of all abilities at KS3. Each student will be issued a homework booklet at the beginning of each half term based on their current level in Mathematics. Teachers will inform students of the set and due dates of each home work task and pupils will be expected to complete and submit tasks following the timetable below. Students write in their mathematics homework booklets and should ensure they bring them to all maths lessons. Success Criteria Marking of the booklets will provide feedback on progress towards the Level of the booklet. Students successfully completing tasks in a booklet demonstrate achievement at that level for that particular topic. ART: Homework Topic: Experimental Painting Task Details Time Required In art all students receive an Art Homework booklet. Each booklet is for completion during half a term. The booklets have a variety of activities in them that need to be completed. This Half term the topic is experimental painting and the booklet contains activities to develop and enhance this aspect. Tips If you are unsure what to do please come and talk with your Art teacher. Bring your booklet to every lesson so we can see your progress. Success Criteria Towards NC Level 3 NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ Pupils explore ideas. They investigate and use a variety of materials and processes to communicate their ideas and meanings, and design and make images and artifacts. Pupils explore ideas and collect visual and other information for their work. They investigate visual and tactile qualities in materials and processes, communicate their ideas and meanings, and design and make images and artifacts for different purposes. Pupils use a variety of approaches to explore and experiment with ideas, information and resources in order to develop their intentions. They investigate and develop a range of practical skills and use the qualities of materials and processes purposefully to suit their intentions when designing and making. Pupils take some creative risks when exploring, experimenting and responding to ideas and selecting information and resources in order to develop their work. When designing and making, they develop and use their technical knowledge and skills to manipulate the qualities of materials, processes and the formal elements appropriately. Pupils accept creative risks, exploring and experimenting with ideas independently and inventively and using a range of appropriate resources imaginatively to develop, design and make work. They apply their technical knowledge and skills to realise their intentions, using the qualities of materials, processes and the formal elements effectively. DT: Homework Topic: Design Project – Research 2 Task Details Time Required 4 hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Students will be issued with a Design Technology homework booklet at one of 4 levels. This half term the task will be to ensure all of the research section in the booklet is completed. Design technology staff will provide support and guidance with the booklets and set a specific deadline for completion. Tips 1. Read the instructions in the booklet carefully – ensure you’re doing the work appropriate to your Target Level 2. Bring the booklet in regularly so your teacher can check the work and tell you how to improve it 3. If you don’t understand the work, ask your DT teacher to explain it Resources Design Technology KS3 Homework Booklet appropriate to your Target Level Success Criteria Write what you are going to design. Towards NC Level 3 Write a brief specification to describe what you will design. NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ Write specification based on research (moodboard or product analysis) Write specification based on at least 2 items of research (moodboard and product analysis) Write a detailed specification based on 3 or more items of research. Justify the points. Level 7 Produce independent research into the materials you would use to produce your product. For part of Food Technology homework it is expected for pupils to organise bringing in ingredients and a suitable container clearly named for practical lessons. Pupils are always given two week notice of a practical, and are encouraged to speak to their teacher should any problems with getting ingredients arise, or if there is a requirement to adapt a recipe to suit the needs of your family. Below are the ingredients lists that will be set during Year 8 food lessons: Fish Cakes or Chicken Nuggets Chicken nugget Ingredients 1 garlic clove, 1 lemon, 2 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp flour, 1 egg, 6 cream crackers, 2 chicken breasts OR Fish cake ingredients 300g white fish fillets 1 large egg 4 tablespoons plain flour, Bread crumbs, crackers or bread Party products Designing in lesson – ingredients to follow Shepherd’s Pie 1 onion 1 carrot 3 medium potatoes (700g) 1/4 Savoy cabbage 250g lean minced lamb 1 tbsp spoon plain flour 1 tbsp spoon tomato purée 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 stock cube 150ml semi-skimmed milk Oven proof dish Minestrone Soup 1 clove of garlic ¼ cabbage 1 onion 1 rasher of bacon 1 carrot 1 stick of celery 1 potato 1 stock cube 1 x 5ml mixed herbs 25g small pasta shapes Brunch Designing in lesson – ingredients to follow Pudding Ingredients Designing in lesson – ingredients to follow Brownies Ingredients 175g margarine 350g caster sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence 3 eggs 100g plain flour 1tsp baking powder 75g cocoa powder Swiss Roll Ingredients 75g self raising flour, 2 eggs, 75g caster sugar, 23 tbsp jam Carrot Cakes 150g margarine 250g carrots 200g sugar 200g flour 2 x teaspoon cinnamon 2 x teaspoon baking powder 2 large eggs 125g sultanas 12 muffin cases Choux Pastry (Sweet or Savoury) Own Cake Savoury Ingredients Ingredients 60g strong white flour, Pinch of mustard powder, Pinch of cayenne Designing in pepper, 2 eggs (large) , 50g butter, 150ml water, 25g grated lesson – parmesan cheese, Twist of black pepper, 100g cream cheese, 2 ingredients to slices of ham, 1 tomato follow OR Sweet Ingredients 60g strong white flour , 2 eggs (large), 50g butter, 150ml water, 100g plain chocolate, 300ml double cream Year 9: Homework Topic: 9F Sculpture park Task Details Time Required 2 hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze Produce a presentation or leaflet on using metals and preventing corrosion. You should choose one of these areas: artwork and sculpture; transport; jewellery and fashion; or building and the home. You should link your work to ideas about metal reactivity. Your work should name some metals and what they are used for and whether they are reactive or unreactive. Silver – complete the Bronze task and your work should include reasons for why a metal has been used for a particular purpose and described scientifically how metals corrode Gold – complete the Silver task and your work should include the criteria used for choosing metals and used appropriate word equations. You could also include evidence for reactivity in metals. Resources Worksheet 9F Assess yourself Success Criteria NC Level Named a metal and said what it is used for. 3 NC Level Named at least two different metals and described accurately examples of 4 how they are used. Described what corrosion is. Described one simple method of preventing corrosion, e.g. painting. Stated whether the metals I have named are reactive or unreactive. NC Level Used scientific words or ideas to explain how metals corrode. 5 Explained how a more complex method of preventing corrosion works, e.g. galvanising. Named and described the uses of at least three common metals. Explained why we use at least one metal for a particular purpose because of its properties. Explained several reasons why metals are used for a particular purpose. NC Level Explained why a metal is used for a particular job and the criteria used 6+ when choosing metals, e.g. cost, strength and resistance to corrosion. Found out about a metal that I had not heard of before, or found out about an unusual use of a more common metal. Used word equations to describe reactions. Described evidence for patterns in the reactions of acids and oxygen with metals. Described how new materials are designed to have specific properties. Explained what the reactivity series of metals is. Explained how methods of corrosion prevention link to the reactivity series of metals. Used symbol and chemical formulae correctly. Explained the evidence for the reactivity series of metals. Year 9: Homework Topic: 9J Satellites and space Task Details Time Required 2 hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze A new satellite manufacturing firm has just moved into your area. This company wants to recruit lots of local people to work in their factory, so they are holding an open day to explain to local people what satellites do, how they work and how important they are to our way of life. They would also like to encourage more pupils in local schools to study science and engineering, so they can recruit more qualified staff in the future. Your task is to design a set of display boards to be put up in the factory during the open day. Your work should describe what a satellite is and how it is able to orbit the Earth. You should also give uses for satellites. Silver – complete the Bronze task and Your work should explain why we don’t notice the effect of gravity between ourselves. You should also discuss why engineers keep satellite masses small. Gold – complete the Silver task and Your work should include details on what the evidence satellites gathers tells us and how this can be used. You could also discuss why gravity needs to be considered when any spacecraft is launched. Success Criteria NC Described what a satellite is. Level 3 Described the direction in which gravity pulls things. Described a use for satellites. NC Explained that all objects attract each other, and that this force is called Level 4 gravity. Explained what keeps satellites in orbit around the Earth. Recognised that satellites can be useful for a number of tasks. NC Described how the strength of gravity depends on the masses of the Level 5 objects involved. Explained why we don't notice the force of gravity between ourselves and other objects around us. Explained why engineers need to keep the masses of satellites as small as possible. Describe some uses of satellites for scientific research. NC Described how the force of gravity changes with distance. Level Described different possible orbits for satellites. 6+ Explained why different orbits are suitable for different uses. Described some evidence gathered using satellites and what this tells us. Explained the importance of the use of satellites for monitoring sustainability. Explained that new technologies can provide more evidence to help scientists to answer questions. Explained how satellites can be used to provide data about other planets or moons that could not be obtained in other ways. Evaluated the benefits and drawbacks of using satellites (as opposed to other types of space probe) to explore the Solar System. Explained how evidence from planetary motion supports the idea that gravity determines the motion of bodies in the Solar System. Drama: Homework Topic: Year 9 – Risky Behaviour Task Details Time Required 2 hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze 1. Pick the lyrics to one song of your choice which you think talks about a form of risky behaviour. Write about how these could be used to create a performance. Write a brief outline of this. 2. Complete Performing Arts Self Assessment sheet. Silver – complete the Bronze task and 1. Using your chosen lyrics and including the brief outline as above, script a short scene from the performance you would create. Gold – complete the Silver task and 1. produce a complete script of the performance you would create, using your chosen song lyrics as stimulus. Tips Try to be an imaginative as possible, using the lyrics as stimulus. Try and imagine the performance in your head. Resources – A4 Paper – Lined Performing Arts Self Assessment sheet Success Criteria NC Level 2 - I can talk about my work and the work of others NC Level 3 - I can discuss my work and the work of others commenting on the intended effect NC Level 4 - I can suggest improvements to my own and others’ work, and identify strengths and weaknesses NC Level 5 - I can evaluate and analyse performances using the language of music and drama and use this to refine my work NC Level 6 - I can make improvements to my own and others’ work and justify my judgments NC Level 7 - I can evaluate and make critical judgments about performances, and give thoughtful and sophisticated ideas for improvements NC Level 8 - I can analyse performances with exceptional understanding Music: Homework Topic: Blues 2 Task Details Time Required 2 hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze 1. Listen to a recording of ‘Mercy’ by Duffy and identify when the chord changes and be prepared to identify the changes in lesson via a listening task using the lyrics to mark the chord changes 2. Complete Performing Arts Self Assessment sheet Silver 1. Listen to a recording of ‘Mercy’ by Duffy and identify when the chord changes and be prepared to identify the changes in lesson via a listening task using the lyrics to mark the chord changes. To know and identify what the chords are which are being used. 2. Complete Performing Arts Self Assessment sheet Gold 1. Listen to a recording of ‘Mercy’ by Duffy and identify when the chord changes and be prepared to identify the changes in lesson via a listening task using the lyrics to mark the chord changes. Research another popular song which uses the 12 bar blues chord sequence and share it with the class. 2. Complete Performing Arts Self Assessment sheet Tips If you are struggling to find a recording of the track come down to Kenny at lunchtime and you will be able to access it. Resources – Performing Arts Self Assessment sheet Success Criteria NC Level 2 - I can talk about my work and the work of others NC Level 3 - I can discuss my work and the work of others commenting on the intended effect NC Level 4 - I can suggest improvements to my own and others’ work, and identify strengths and weaknesses NC Level 5 - I can evaluate and analyse performances using the language of music and drama and use this to refine my work NC Level 6 - I can make improvements to my own and others’ work and justify my judgments NC Level 7 - I can evaluate and make critical judgments about performances, and give thoughtful and sophisticated ideas for improvements NC Level 8 - I can analyse performances with exceptional understanding Performing Arts Self Assessment Sheet Project Date Role within Performance NC Level Achieved What was good about your performance? What was not so good about your performance? What was good about your working skills? What was not so good about your working skills? How could you improve your performance? How could you improve you working skills? What was your favourite performance and why? Teachers Comment Homework set Completed? Teacher sign Project completed (please sign) Student: Teacher: This is a copy of the Performing Arts Assessment Sheet which will be used every half term in Music and Drama. After an assessed performance the students will be required to complete the assessment sheet. This assessment sheet will be assessed using the success criteria on the music and drama homework sheets. Year 9 French Term 1b: Homework Topic: mon temps libre Task Details Support tasks will be set each week. Time Required 3 hours Bronze - complete the worksheets and vocabulary sheets Qu’est-ce qu’on passe? Désolé je ne peux pas Ce n’était pas mal Le weekend prochain Vocabulaire – learn spellings and meanings of vocabulary box ‘la télé’ This will be tested in the week commencing 9th December Silver – complete the Bronze task and Write an article for a French website about English TV Include: What type of tv programme you like to watch and why What type of tv programme you dislike watching and why What your favourite programme is and why What your least favourite programme is and why Gold – complete the Silver task and Use connectives and opinions Add a paragraph using the perfect tense about what you watched last weekend Future plan – what you are going to watch next weekend Tips Practise vocabulary every week – meaning and spelling. Use the vocabulary sheet to help complete the support worksheet tasks and the final consolidation task. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, fitting together the phrases you wish to use. Don’t use an online translator; use to help you find the right word. Resources Worksheets and vocabulary lists attached. Success Criteria Towards NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6 Recall and use key vocabulary Link sentences including opinions with connectives. Paragraphs including two tenses. Paragraphs including three tenses. To help you study….. username:chantryhs password:bmw Year 9 : German Homework Topic: Ich habe Reiselust! Task Details: Write a letter about your summer holiday Time Required: 3 hours Bronze Task Vocabulary test. Vocab from boxes Holiday destinations and Holiday activities on vocab sheet . Worksheets Fußball, Freizeitpark oder Freibad and Berlin Meaning/ knowledge test. Vocab from box At a restaurant on vocab sheet, plus test of knowledge of using time, manner, place and modal verbs Worksheets Unterwegs and Mein Ferienproblem Silver – complete the Bronze task and Write a letter talking about your summer holiday. Include: Where you went, when, how you go there, what you did and how you found the holiday Gold – complete the Silver task and Link your work into a paragraph. Write in TWO or THREE tenses. Tips: Your vocab sheet is your bible! Use it to help complete worksheets and to test yourself when learning new vocabulary. Use the back of your Edexcel book to go back over any grammar rules you’ve learnt. Resources: Worksheets and vocabulary lists attached. Success Criteria NC Level 4 – Link your sentences into a paragraph, using und, aber, weil and obwohl. NC Level 5 – write in two tenses. NC Level 6 – write in three tenses. NC Level 7+ - write extensively, include unique language, other people’s perspectives and complex sentence structures Geography Y9: Homework Topic 2 : Ecosystems and Rainforests Task Details Time Required 3 hours. The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze 1. Find five common species of trees found in the UK including Oak. For each find out their size, leaf shape, fruits and flowers and the human use of that tree. 2. Do some research on local woodlands either through the Suffolk Wildlife Trust web site or the Woodland Trust. Gather five key facts about woodlands and their use by people. Silver 1. Find five common species of trees found in the UK including Oak. For each find out their Size, leaf shape, fruits and flowers and the human use of that tree. Include some information on local places where these trees are found 2. Do some research on local woodlands either through the Suffolk Wildlife Trust web site or the Woodland Trust. Gather five key facts about local woodlands and their use by people. Do the same for the National Forest in England. Produce a fact file on it. Gold 1. Find ten common species of trees found in the UK including Oak. For each find out their size, leaf shape, fruits and flowers and the human use of that tree. Include some information on local places where these trees are found. 2. Do some research on local woodlands either through the Suffolk Wildlife Trust web site or the Woodland Trust. Gather ten key facts about local woodlands and their use by people. Do the same for the National Forest in England, include a map Tips 1. Make sure your fact file information is not pasted from the internet and put this in your own words. 2. Remember to include location maps for woodlands you research. 3. Your teacher will check any draft work you have before the deadline. Resources Internet access is a must so use the library or homework club facilities. Success Criteria Towards NC Level 3 NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ Research is incomplete and information patchy. Has produced some basic facts about trees and woodland. Research has covered five trees and mentioned local woodlands as well as the National Forest Research and information gathered is detailed and covers at least five trees and examines in detail both local and national forests. Both of the above tasks are outstanding and show some original research as well as key ideas listed in both tasks. History: Homework Topic: The Great War 1914-18 Task Details Time Required 3 hours. The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze 3. Pick a major event from World War 1 e.g. Gallipoli, Battle of Jutland. Create an A4 poster/movie/PowerPoint presentation showing why the event was important. 4. Include answers the following questions: What, where, when, why? 5. Include relevant images. Silver 1. Pick a major event from World War 1 e.g. Gallipoli, Battle of Jutland. Create an A4 poster/movie/PowerPoint presentation showing why the event was important. 2. Include answers the following questions: What, where, when, why? 3. Include relevant images and evidence from primary and secondary sources. 4. Include a bibliography. Gold 1. Pick a major event from World War 1 which involes countries outside of Europe. Create an A4 poster/movie/PowerPoint presentation showing why the event was important. 2. Include answers the following questions: What, where, when, why? Make sure you explain the significance of your event when assessing other events of WWI. 3. Include relevant images and evidence from primary and secondary sources. 1. Include a bibliography/webography. Tips 4. Try to show evidence of a ‘World War’. 5. Use more than one method of research. 6. You can work in pairs but it must be clear you have both worked on the project. 7. Your teacher will check any draft work you have before the deadline. Resources Use your notes in your History book to help you. Ask your teacher for any specific resources e.g. A4 paper Success Criteria Towards NC Level 3 NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ Basic display. Not written in full sentences. No reasons. Copied text. Basic display. Not written in full sentences. No reasons. Copied text. Includes relevant images. Imaginative display. Written in full sentences. 1 reason explaining importance. A few examples of copied text. Few spelling mistakes. Imaginative display. Written in full sentences. 2 reasons explaining importance. Include evidence from sources. Few spelling mistakes. Imaginative display. Written in full sentences. 2 reasons explaining importance. Include sources and explanation of significance. Few spelling mistakes. Excellent literacy. RE: Homework Year 9 Topic: Morality Task Details: What are your human Time Required 2 Hours rights? The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. To demonstrate your knowledge of what human rights we have. To identify & compare the rights you think we should have to the rights we actually have. To suggest reasons why human rights are important & why we should respect the rights of others. Bronze Write down 5 rights you think everyone is entitled to (e.g. ‘we are all entitled to be listened to’). Silver Write down 5 rights you think everyone is entitled to (e.g. ‘we are all entitled to be listened to’). Compare your list to the ‘Unites Nations declaration of Human Rights’. Identify which rights appear in your list AND in the UN list. Gold Write down 5 rights you think everyone is entitled to (e.g. ‘we are all entitled to be listened to’. Compare your list to the ‘Unites Nations declaration of Human Rights’. Identify which rights appear in your list AND in the UN list. “All human rights are important and should always be respected’. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. Tips You will have an opportunity in lessons to discuss some ideas. Also refer to the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’. Resources The ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’. Success Criteria Towards NC Level 3 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6+ I can identify something to which I think I am entitled. I can describe 5 rights I think human beings should have I can also compare my list with the UN human rights list. I can also give a reason why human rights are important. I can also give several reasons why human rights are important and suggest reasons why we should respect the rights of others. RE: Homework Year 8 Topic: Light and Darkness Task Details: Design your own symbol Time Required 2 Hours To demonstrate your understanding of what a symbol is. To be able to compare your symbol with one others and to evaluate why symbols are important The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to the minimum sections they are required to complete. Bronze Design your own symbol for Suffolk New Academy and explain its meaning. Silver – complete the Bronze task and Compare your symbol to the school’s one. Explain ow are they different / similar? Gold – complete the Silver task and Use your knowledge of symbolism to explain why you think people use symbols. Tips The present school symbol is the different coloured circles. You need to design a new one. Remember – symbols have more than one meaning! You need to think about what your new symbol should represent (e.g. learning / achievement / hope etc…) Resources You will have an opportunity in lessons to discuss some ideas. Also – use the “My School Symbol Homework sheet” as a guide. Success Criteria Towards NC I have designed a symbol suitable for a school. Level 3 NC Level 3 I have designed a symbol and have identified some meanings which I think it has. NC Level 4 I have identified some similarities and differences between different symbols, NC Level 5 I can explain why symbols are used. NC Level 6+ I can explain why symbols are important to people. PE Homework: year 9 Topic: Badminton Task Details Time Required 2 Hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze 1. Sketch a badminton court and use this along with a written explanation to demonstrate your understanding of how to score a doubles match2. Explain rules around scoring Silver – complete the Bronze task and 1. Now add to the diagram of the badminton court the different positions a doubles pairing can choose to stand in. 2. Explain why a pair would choose to stand side by side or front and back. Gold – complete the Silver task and 1. Write about what tactics could a doubles pair choose to use to try to win a matchthink about shot selection and movement around the court. 2. Using research on the internet can you find some interesting facts about international doubles matches. Tips 1. Check your homework tasks after every lesson to complete every task with knowledge learnt from every lesson 2. Draw your diagrams in pencil in case you need to change things as you gain more knowledge 3. Use full sentences for explanations Resources Ask your teacher if you need paper You can research on the internet for information – make sure the information is not from Wikipedia Success Criteria Towards NC Level 3 NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ Badminton court sketched correctly and some rules included Scoring system for doubles explained correctly A basic explanation is given for doubles positioning on court Tactical awareness is evident, shot selection and positioning is explained correctly Research is carried out to an in depth level showing enthusiasm and motivation for the activity PE Homework Topic: Basketball – Implementing tactics Task Details Time Required 3 Hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze 1. Watch one quarter of an NBA match. Look for any tactics from either team. Be ready to discuss these in lesson Silver – complete the Bronze task and 1. Write/draw up a set play tactic to use in matches in lesson. Gold – complete the Silver task and 1. Use knowledge from lessons and use the internet to prepare to officiate a match with a partner. Tips 4. Check your homework tasks after every lesson to complete every task with knowledge learnt from every lesson 5. Draw your diagram in pencil in case you need to change things as you gain more knowledge 6. Use full sentences for explanations Resources Ask your teacher if you need paper You can research on the internet for information – make sure the information is not from Wikipedia Success Criteria Towards NC Watch part of an NBA match and discuss what you’ve seen Level 3 NC Level 3 Watch part of an NBA match and compare what you’ve seen with a partner NC Level 4 Devise part of a set play used from lessons NC Level 5 Devise own set play NC Level 6+ Begin to officiate matches in lessons Year 9: Homework Topic: Fitness Task Details: Plan a Fitness Programme Time Required 4 Hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze Research the principles of fitness training. Interview someone in your family about how they would like to improve their fitness. Silver In your PE lessons you will be working on a fitness unit of work, where some of the principles of training will be covered. Plan a six week training programme for a member of your family, ensuring that you have met their needs and aims. Gold Research what SMART goals are and relate to the exercise programme. Tips Listen and pay attention your PE lessons, interview the member of your family, listen to what they saw, ensure you progress their programme each week. Resources Websites, books, Fitness Suite Club, PE teacher. Success Criteria NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ A basic programme planned, no progression, no principles of training identified. Fitness programme planned showing some progression and overload, principles of training identified. Fitness programme planned in detail showing progression and overload, principles of training explained using technical language. All of the above and explain what SMART targets are. Year 9: Homework Topic: Trampolining Task Details: Design your own Coaching Cards Time Required 4 Hours The task is split into three sections, students will be directed as to which sections they are required to complete. Bronze Design coaching cards for four different trampolining moves (tuck, seat landing, full turn etc). Include pictures of the moves and coaching points of how to perform each move. Silver – complete the Bronze task and Try out your coaching cards in PE lessons, to support other peoples’ learning. Gold – complete the Silver task and On your coaching cards, include information on how to correct faults in moves. Look at more advance trampolining moves such as Front somersaults. Tips Think about the advice you will have been given in PE lessons, use your own experiences of how you have worked through Trampolining moves. Resources Websites, books, Trampolining club, your PE teacher. Success Criteria NC Level 3 NC Level 4 NC Level 5 NC Level 6+ 4 cards, with pictures and basic moves/shapes looked at. 4 cards showing some use of subject specific language, at least 4 coaching points for each move. 4 cards showing use of subject specific language, correct terminology for moves and coaching points, a range of trampolining moves looked at (shapes, rotation and landings) 4 cards showing advanced moves such as somersaults, with technical language used to correct faults.
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