Multi-wavelength surface emitting quantum cascade laser based on equivalent phase shift J. C. Zhang, F. Q. Liu, D. Y. Yao, L. J. Wang, F. L. Yan, J. Q. Liu, and Z. G. Wang Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 115, 033106 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4862649 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Surface emitting multi-wavelength array of single frequency quantum cascade lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 071104 (2015); 10.1063/1.4913203 Design for high-power, single-lobe, grating-surface-emitting quantum cascade lasers enabled by plasmonenhanced absorption of antisymmetric modes Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 131108 (2014); 10.1063/1.4869561 Surface-emitting quantum cascade lasers with metallic photonic-crystal resonators Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 221101 (2009); 10.1063/1.3143652 Single-mode surface-emitting quantum-cascade lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 211102 (2005); 10.1063/1.1929070 Surface-emitting distributed feedback quantum-cascade lasers Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 2086 (2000); 10.1063/1.1313807 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 02:19:44 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 033106 (2014) Multi-wavelength surface emitting quantum cascade laser based on equivalent phase shift J. C. Zhang,a) F. Q. Liu,b) D. Y. Yao, L. J. Wang, F. L. Yan, J. Q. Liu, and Z. G. Wang Institute of Semiconductors, Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100083, People’s Republic of China and Beijing Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Beijing 100083, China (Received 9 October 2013; accepted 7 January 2014; published online 16 January 2014) A novel surface emitting distributed feedback quantum cascade laser emitting around k 4.6 lm is demonstrated by employing an equivalent phase shift (EPS) of quarter-wave (k/4). The EPS is fabricated through extending one sampling period by 50% in the center of a sampled Bragg grating. Single-lobed far-field radiation pattern with a low divergence angle of about 0.6 16.8 is obtained. Selective single-mode lasing with a mean side mode suppression ratio above 20 dB and wavelength coverage range of 72 nm is achieved simultaneously on a single wafer only by C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. [] changing the sampling period. V I. INTRODUCTION Since their invention in 1994, quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have undergone a rapid development and are now well established as reliable semiconductor light sources in the mid-infrared, far-infrared, and terahertz spectral region.1,2 For chemical sensing and pollution monitoring, however, there is a need for widely tunable single-mode surface emitting lasers. Since light generated in laser core is transverse magnetic (TM) polarized, QCLs are not instinctively suitable for vertical cavity but in-plane configuration. Second-order distributed feedback (DFB) gratings,3–5 photonic crystal (PhC) lattices,6,7 and ring cavity grating8,9 utilizing their first-order Fourier diffraction are capable of surface emission with spectra and spatial purifications. Among these designs, the fabrication of PhC patterns and ring cavity grating experience a technologically challenging in the device preparation. Therefore, the easy-to-fabricate second-order DFB grating is preferable to realize QCLs with both single mode and surface emission. An elegant and, up to this point, unexplored method to obtain surface emission is the fabrication of DFB QCLs utilizing a sampled second order Bragg grating. This has the additional advantage that the multi-wavelength surface emitting QCLs can be fabricated on a single wafer through changing the sampling period. Only conventional holographic exposure combined with the optical photolithography technology is needed, leading to improved flexibility, repeatability, and costeffectiveness. In addition, the sampled Bragg grating with an equivalent phase shift (EPS) of quarter-wave (k/4) should be proposed in order to stabilize the lasing frequency and achieve single-lobed far-field radiation pattern. Though this k/4-EPS technology has been demonstrated for the edge emitting devices at wavelengths around 1.5 lm,10 it was first used for the surface emitting devices. In our experiment, we designed and fabricated a sampled Bragg grating with k/4-EPS in the transmission a) Electronic mail: [email protected]. Electronic mail: [email protected] b) 0021-8979/2014/115(3)/033106/4/$30.00 spectrum with Fourier order of þ1st (positive first order) in a surface emitting DFB QCL. Selective single-mode lasing at different wavelengths with a mean side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) above 20 dB is achieved simultaneously on a single wafer by changing the sampling period. A wide wavelength coverage range of 72 nm is obtained in pulsed mode at room temperature. Furthermore, single-lobed far-field radiation pattern with a low divergence angle of about 0.6 16.8 is obtained. II. DEVICE DESIGN AND FABRICATION The EPS structure is demonstrated to realize various physically realizable functions by a specially designed sampled Bragg grating. The principle of the EPS structure can be described briefly as follows:11 2pz þ c:c; (1) DnðzÞ ¼ sðzÞ exp j K X 2mpz sðz Þ ¼ ; (2) Fm exp j Z m where K is the period of the Bragg grating, s(z) is the sampling modulation as a periodic function, Z is the sampling period, and Fm is the Fourier coefficient of the mth order channel of the sampled Bragg grating. When a sampling period increase DZ is applied to s(z) at z0, the index modulation of the mth order channel can be expressed as follows: 8 > 2pz 2mpz > > Fm exp j þj z z0 < K Z (3) Dnm ðzÞ ¼ > 2pz 2mpz > > þj jh z > z0 ; : Fm exp j K Z where the phase h is obtained as h ¼ 2mp DZ : Z (4) When m 6¼ 0 and DZ is changed smoothly, an equivalent chirp can be achieved. Especially, if one sampling period at 115, 033106-1 C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC V [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 02:19:44 033106-2 Zhang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 033106 (2014) the center of the sampled Bragg grating is extended by 50%, k/4-EPS will be obtained in the reflection bands with odd Fourier orders. The formed reflection band at odd Fourier orders is similar to the one created by the uniform grating with a p phase shift structure. The subtle grating design is to utilize the þ1st order reflection of the sampled Bragg grating with k/4-EPS for high performance surface emitting operation, which possesses three distinct features: (i) robust single-mode emissions at high current level, (ii) realize wide wavelength tunability, and (iii) achieve single-lobed far-field radiation pattern. For the surface emitting devices lasing at the þ1st order wavelength, the sampling period Z can be precisely designed and determined as12 Z¼ k0 ¼ neff K ; (5) k0 2 ; 2neff ðkþ1 k0 Þ (6) where k0 is the Bragg wavelength of the base grating, kþ1 is the þ1st order wavelength, and neff is the effective index of the DFB mode. Thus, the lasing wavelength of surface emitting devices at the þ1st mode can be easily controlled by the manipulation of the sampling periods Z. As is similar to edge emitting DFB QCLs, the Bragg wavelength of surface emitting devices is also set at the edge of the gain curve, while the þ1st order wavelength is set around the peak of the gain curve.13 The base second order Bragg grating period, sampling period, and duty cycle (the ratio of the grating area to the sampling period) are 1.38 lm, 13 lm, and 50%, respectively. The neff of the DFB mode is about 3.16, and then the resulting k0, kþ1 are 4.331 lm and 4.592 lm, respectively. Fig. 1 shows the calculated transmission spectrum of the sampled second order Bragg grating with k/4-EPS based on transfer matrix simulation. The QCL wafer was grown on an n-doped (Si, 3 1017 cm3) InP substrate by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) based on a two-phonon resonance design, as is similar to that in Ref. 14. The active core and waveguide layers are identical to that in Ref. 13. The sampled grating with k/4-EPS is then formed on highly doped InP cladding layer by conventional holographic exposure combined with FIG. 1. The calculated transmission spectrum of the sampled second order grating with k/4-EPS. the usual photolithography. The base second order Bragg grating with a period of K ¼ 1.38 lm (duty cycle of 35%) was fabricated using holographic lithography technique and transferred by wet chemical etching to the depth of about 525 nm. The sampling periods (changing from 7 lm to 22 lm) were formed by the usual photolithography. Fig. 2 shows the scheme and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the sampling grating with k/4-EPS. Then the wafer was etched into double-channel waveguide laser with an average core width of 11 lm using a photolithography and nonselective wet chemical etching. The ridge structures were passivated with 450 nm-thick SiO2 layers deposited by chemical vapor deposition. The devices were then fabricated with e-beam evaporated Ti/Au layer, followed by a 4 lm-thick electroplated gold layer. After thinned down to about 120 lm, the Ge/Au/Ni/Au metal was deposited as substrate contact layer followed by metal lift-off leaving 150 lm wide windows to allow emission of the first-order diffracted output beams. The processed wafer was cleaved to a 2-mm long laser bars and a high-reflectivity coating consisting of Al2O3/Ti/Au/Ti/Al2O3 (200/10/100/10/120 nm) was deposited on both of the facet. III. DEVICE CHARACTERIZATION The lasers were mounted epilayer side down on copper heat sinks with indium solder. The lasers were then wire bonded, and mounted on a holder containing a thermistor combined with a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) to monitor and adjust the submount temperature. The emitted optical power from the substrate of the laser was measured with a calibrated thermopile detector placed directly in front of the laser. All measurements are taken under pulsed operation at a duty cycle of 1% with 1 ls pulses. Fig. 3 depicts the surface emission spectra of a DFB QCL with sampling period Z ¼ 11 lm operated in pulsed mode at different heat sink temperatures between 293 K and 333 K. The measurements were performed using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer with 0.125 cm1 resolution in rapid scan mode. It can be seen clearly that the lasing wavelength locates accurately in the center of the þ1st order Bragg modes, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the design. Since the center Bragg wavelength is designed in the edge of gain curve, the lasing at þ1st order Bragg mode is easy to occur. Single-mode emission with SMSR about 20 dB in all tested temperature range is observed, which is limited by our measurement setup. The peak emission tunes FIG. 2. (a) Microscope (b) SEM images of the sampled grating with k/4EPS. [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 02:19:44 033106-3 Zhang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 033106 (2014) FIG. 3. Surface emission spectra of a DFB QCL with sampling period Z ¼ 11 lm operated in pulsed mode at currents of 1.05 Ith for different heat sink temperatures of 293–333 K. The inset of upper panel shows lasing spectra at different currents from 0.55 A to 0.85 A with a step of 0.1 A at 293 K. The inset of lower panel shows light power-current characteristics of surface emitting DFB QCL measured at 293 K in pulsed mode. linearly with temperature from 4.576 lm to 4.594 lm as the temperature changes from 293 K to 333 K. This corresponds to a wavelength tuning coefficient Dk/DT ¼ 0.45 nm/K, which is of the same order as those of complex-coupled sampled grating edge emitting DFB QCLs operated in pulsed mode.13 The inset of upper panel shows the lasing spectra of the same device at different currents with a step of 0.1 A at 293 K. Single-longitudinal-mode operation to relatively high current is expected. In fact, a certain amount of gain/loss coupling is always present in a second order DFB laser. This loss coupling should prevent the device from oscillation in both stop-band modes. The inset of lower panel shows light output-current characteristics of surface emitting DFB QCL measured at 293 K in pulsed mode. The typical threshold current density of the device is 2.59 kA/cm2 and the peak output power is 60 mW. Also we calculated the coupling coefficient of sampled grating surface emitting DFB QCL based on finite-element method. A 40 nm Ti layer was taken into consideration. For the complex-coupled DFB QCL, the coupling coefficient can be approximatively given by the equation15 j¼ p Da Dneff þ i ; kB 2 order DFB QCLs can lift the degeneracy of the two gap modes. This explains why we do not observe any instability between the two gap modes or spectral sensitivity. Radiation patterns for k/4-EPS grating devices were measured at 293 K in pulsed mode with a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector at a distance of 30 cm from the laser chip with a slit covered the detector window to limit its lateral size. Measurement results from the Z ¼ 11 lm device are shown in Fig. 4. The other k/4-EPS grating devices also had similar radiation patterns. The single-lobed pattern with a small beam divergence of about 0.6 full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the direction along the waveguide is observed, which is associated with the 2 mm wide longitudinal aperture. As is similar to p phase shift of uniform grating, the selection of the mode is independent considerably on manufacturing nonuniformities and residual facet reflections. The implementation of defect at the central of cavity has yielded single-lobed far-field behavior. On the other hand, the beam is relatively divergent (16.8 ) in the perpendicular direction due to a waveguide width that is of the order of the wavelength. The wavelength tunability of the device is also examined. Selective single-mode lasing with a different lasing wavelength is achieved on a single wafer. In a different area of this wafer, the sampling period is changed from Z ¼ 7 lm to Z ¼ 22 lm, leading to other þ1st order Bragg wavelengths. As is shown in Fig. 5, a wide wavelength coverage range of 72 nm (from 4.533 lm to 4.605 lm) is obtained at a heat sink temperature of 293 K by changing sampling period. Robust single-mode emissions with a mean SMSR above 20 dB are maintained for all the wavelengths. The lasing wavelengths of all the ten surface emitting lasers coincide with the designed þ1st order modes of the corresponding sampled second order Bragg gratings. The method of using þ1st order mode as the lasing wavelength, combined with the formation way of the sampled grating will make it easy to fabricate the multi-wavelength lasers by changing the sampling period on a single wafer instead of using the expensive and (7) where Dneff is the amplitude of the periodic modulation of the real part of the effective index. The corresponding modulation of the absorption coefficient has an amplitude Da. In the calculation, the sampled grating coupling coefficient is simply given by the product of the coupling coefficient of the uniform grating times the duty cycle of the superstructure.16 The calculated values for both Dneff and Da is 3.29 104 and 2.59 cm1, so the index-coupling coefficient ji and gain-coupling coefficient jg can be estimated to be 2.26 cm1 and 1.29 cm1 in the complex-coupled waveguide, respectively. It can be seen that the certain amount modulation of absorption coefficient present in the second FIG. 4. Far-field radiation pattern measured from the Z ¼ 11 lm k/4-EPS grating device at currents of 1.5 Ith. The low-divergence profile was obtained in the direction along the waveguide and the wide-divergence profile was obtained in the direction perpendicular the waveguide. [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 02:19:44 033106-4 Zhang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 033106 (2014) operation with a different lasing wavelength is achieved on a single wafer only by changing sampling period. A wide wavelength coverage range of 72 nm is obtained in pulsed mode at room temperature. These devices can be integrated into a surface emitting DFB array, which will be fabricated easier and more cost-effective. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2013CB632801, 2013CB632803), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61306058, 61274094), National Scientific Instrument Developing Project of China (2011YQ1300180204). We acknowledge the contributions of Liang Ping and Hu Ying in the device fabrication. FIG. 5. Surface emission spectra of DFB QCLs with different sampling periods ranging from Z ¼ 7 lm to Z ¼ 22 lm operated in pulsed mode at a heat sink temperature of 293 K. 1 TABLE I. Detailed values of the designed Z, k, and output power. 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