IEE EE MIT T Call fo or Papeers Submisssion Dead dline: September 18, 2015 Meet Innova ation Technolog gy Spons sored by MIT IEEE Stu udent Branch and IEE EE Boston S Section MIT IEEE E Student Bra anch believes s that a new technical t con nference is ne eeded for all the undergra aduate students globally. So,, we planned d to inaugura ate the first premier ann nual IEEE M MIT Undergra aduate ence will be h hosted on MIT campus w where the stu udents Research Technology Conference. The confere can meet to present, discuss, d and develop solu utions to adva ance technolo ogy for huma anity. It is an IEEE n opportunity for the underrgraduates to o publish pap pers of their sschool official conference thatt provides an projects, researches, r innovations, or o case studie es. Participan nts can attend d a rich progrram with reno owned speakers leading the keynote sessions, technical sessions , student dessign competiition, exhibitss, and nts. It is a grea at opportunityy for the stude ents to interact with the ind dustry exciting networking and social even s well as theirr peers. experts as The confe erence theme e is “Meet Inno ovation Techn nology (MIT)””, and the fourr focus technical tracks are e: 1. 2. 3. 4. Energy, Renew wable, and Su ustainability Humanity H and Social Develo opment Communicatio C n and Connectivity Computer C and Information Technology T Authors may m submit co ontent in the form f of a tech hnical paper, p poster, or ligh htning talk. All submiissions must be written in English. Paper subm issions mustt not be long ger than 4 p pages. Minimum font size is 10 point, and d single-spac ced. Submisssions may include figuress, illustrationss, and A submission for pos ster and lightn ning talk will b be limited to 5 500 words. graphs. Abstract All submis ssions will be peers review wed. Notificattion of accepttance or rejecction will be se ent via email. Submissio on will be online, and the deadline is September S 18 8, 2015. Notifiication of accceptance will be by October 9, 9 2015. Conferenc ce Proceedin ng of all the accepted a pap pers that have e been prese ented at the conference w will be published, and may in nclude in the e IEEE Xplorre. Electronicc media and online conta aining all acccepted submissio ons will be dis stributed to the registered attendees. a Please join the mailing g list (MIT-Conference@iee for m ore informatio on on the sub bmission, technical program, registration, and a accommo odation. For any in nquiries, pleas se email the conference c ch hair, Miri Cho oi (mirichoi@m http:///ieee.scrip u/conferen nce
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