IEF International Economics and Finance Program STUDY ABROAD AT CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE IEF International Economics and Finance Program The International Economics and Finance Program (IEF) enables undergraduate students with structured majors such as economics and business to benefit from study abroad while remaining on track for graduation. Located in the heart of Prague at CERGE-EI (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute) and the Institute of Economic Studies (IES) of Charles University in Prague, IEF seeks to combine rigorous classes with an unparalleled international experience in one of Europe’s most exciting cities. IEF is run in conjunction with UPCES, a leading, long-established undergraduate study abroad program in Prague under CERGE-EI and Charles University. MISSION | IEF aims to provide students with tools and experiences in economics and finance. It enhances their understanding of today’s global commerce and economic interactions. STUDENTS | IEF is designed for academically serious and independent students who major or minor in economics, finance, or business and wish to gain new knowledge and skills from an international perspective. CURRICULUM | IEF students take challenging courses in economics, finance, or business that enhance their academic development and career prospects. IEF students can also choose from a wide selection of UPCES liberal arts courses. BUSINESS FOCUS | Business site visits, internships and immersion activities offer opportunities to discover new places, people and perspectives, and to explore Prague firsthand. Curriculum IEF offers students the opportunity to take five courses for up to 16 U.S. credits. All courses are taught in English. SUBJECTS | IEF students directly enroll in two or three courses at the Institute of Economic Studies (IES) of Charles University, exploring topics in modern economics and finance incorporated with issues related to policy, management, accounting, and strategy. Course titles include International Finance, Strategic Management, Public Policy, Economics of Global Business or Data Analysis. Students also choose one or two UPCES liberal arts courses with subjects ranging from architecture, art history, and literature to communication, political science, and sociology. IEF and UPCES students enroll together in a beginner Czech language course. This course spans the entire semester and includes an intensive session during Orientation. FACULTY | IES and UPCES professors have distinguished academic backgrounds and impressive teaching credentials. They are leaders in their fields and industry specialists. Professors come from academia and institutions such as the Czech National Bank, financial firms, consultancies, and government ministries. COURSE LEVEL | All IEF courses are intended for college students at the Junior and Senior level. IEF courses include international students and are all taught in English. Some courses require prerequisites. Guidance in course choices assures that students are placed at the correct course level. va í kpt. n á bře ž Chotkovy sady Why ief? Pod Bru sko u h ka sáre n a vor Stárkova U nemocniční pojišťovny Řásn ovk a Dušní m Z Rámová á uh Dlo Havlíčkova ěná ulh UB va hn n W ně a Šp National Museum vská á lsk Na Sm ick á sk ilso He lén Ital ton ing Wa sh Lic ova ská eta nce ká no ads lbí ranská ohr Ba Vin va á Krak o ečká ch Ve S m Op a Op ova ská Ště pán MUZEUM ánsk Štěp á Škols k Příčná let alo v a ov Vo dič k nova Jungman ova Vladislav ttigové M. D. 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The Náměstí řs iktská Jana Palacha Široká á Bened hlá ná tečn s s a Masná dedicated to advancing theSTAROMĚSTSKÁ frontiers universities. Launched in 2001, UPCES institute’s o Tru reputation for innovation M K ská í átor Poříč Salv of economic research and graduate benefits undergraduate students from and professionalism is widely known. Na Ka á Tyn ýnsk education. CERGE-EI is ranked amongprova a wideChurch variety of majors Tand interests. IES has for instance earned the Veleslavínova í oříč Platn Astronomical UPCES offers a personalized Na PCertified Financial the top 2% of research Crucially, distinguished Analyst éřská institutions NÁM. REPUBLIKY Clock Jakubská NÁM. REPUBLIKY Platnéřská Platnéřská approach to study abroad. Charl worldwide according to SSRN. (CFA) Institute University Recognition. Na es Bri o Florenci níh V Celnici Staroměstské U obec Štu d Karolíny Světlé ELECKÝ STROV Anežská Kozí Elišky Pařížs ky láv o eh Bř zné U milosrdných lýny Nové m ele Klárov MALOSTRANSKÁ Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody Klášterská ná bř. ko vo Ko sár Už t Na Františku bř ná The IEF program combines three successful institutions, providing a powerful educational experience: Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody Řásnovka Kozí ká ejns t eží še ene aB ard v Ed v mos skýc Čechů U Bru aldš nábřeží Edvarda Beneše Švermův most kova Opyši e Jaroš Má ne so va Pols
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