Document 130808

• S-.UM
Caledonia •Qdvetti&Qt.
Vol S3
All athletic teams strive to add
Illness resulted In a complete valuable new talent from time to
revamping of the
Barbershop time and the touring Harlem AmQuartet Nite presented at CMCS bassadors have done a tine job
by the local Lions last Thursday. in this respect while preparing
Apparently illness among the vil- for their third campaign of toplagers was also a factor in the flight comedy basketball.
small turnout. However, the proThe Ambassadors, who have not
gram was excellent and the crowd lost a game in two full seasons of
responded with real enthusiasm play in twenty-five states, Canada
for the close harmony.
and Nova Scotia, will he in CaleLion President Carl Sutter an- j donia Wednesday night, February
notinced that the Warsaw, chorus 28, to meet the Area AM Stars in
and two of their quartets had to the
be replaced within the week, Even ' gymnasium.
the master of ceremonies was
Featuring the dribbling wizard
unable to come. The first surprise Leon Millard, who starred with the
of the evening was the new "MU", Globetrotters for ten seasons, the
none other than "the world's tall- Ambassadors lay claim to being
est midget!'. Jack Slattery ot one of the most entertaining cage
WHAM. Jack did a masterful Job units ever assembled. But they
of introductions plus Jokes and put winning first on their agenda.
running comments as the evening
Teamed with veterans HiHard,
Donald (Ducky) Moore and Bailey
The Rochester SPEBSQSA Chor- Robertson (brother of Big O),
us No. 1 raised the curtain with are Butch Hutton, Buford Davis
some old-time melodies under the and John Shehee.
direction of Frank Gallagher. The
Shehee, with the Ambassadors
first quartet jto sing was the during part of last season, cap"Four Fifths", four of the Roches- tained Dayton Roosevelt to the
ter, chorus, making their first Ohio high school championship
appearance as a quartet. Their in 1960. A good outside shot, he
version of the quartet from the stands an even six feet and is
opera "Rigoletto" showed what 20 years old.
antics a clever quartet can pull.
Davis, 6-4. is also a Dayton
The "What-Fours" added the Roosevelt luminary. An outstandfeminine touch. These lovely la- ing rebounder, he is also a good
dies from Lin wood have been jump shot and is rated as one of
heard at various community af- the most fierce competitors in
fairs in the past and continued pro Dan.
to display their charm and vocal " Hutton, 6-6 former Brooklyn Colskill. Joyce Noble, Adalyn Mc- lege player, is a powerful reboundIntyre. Cynthia Cuccinotta, and er and a consistent scorer. He
Jean Cbpeland sang such stand- played last year with the New
ards as "Where did Kobineon York Skyscrapers.
Crusoe go with Friday on SaturLike HiHard, the other veteran
day Night?" and "A good Man members of the team — Moore
is Hard to Find".
and Robertson—are former OlobeThe Lords
from trotters. Robertson, a blank shot
Rochester, 1961 Senecaland Dis- specialist and a great defensive
trict finalists, made two appear- player, established a state colances and delighted the audience
with a selection of what they
called "tj's" (tear-jerkers) and
"go's" (gut-busters).
Fourth quartet on the program,
and another of the replacements,
were the "Notecrackers" from
Rochester, in 15 years of blending
their voices they have been finalists and winners in many competitions across the country. Their
(Continued on back page)
Barbershop Fest
Give Hue Program
No. 31
Home Delivery to
Start In Caledonia
Wm. Elkins, Jr.
word last week he has won a
Regents College Scholarship.
The examination was written
77,000 nigh
school' seniors in about 1200 secondary schools of the state on
October 5, 1961.
There are a total of 16,242 regents college scholarships awarded this year. The number allocated to each country is determined by the ratio of the number of
high school graduates in each
county to the total number of
high school graduates in the state
last year.
For an indefinite time Mrs. Hoot
will be taking care of the Village
work lit her home, 93 North Street.
Please feel free to phone or call at
the house as in previous years.
Thank you.
legiate scoring record while playing for Indiana Central.
Saturday, March 3. will bring
home delivery to the village.
Before this can be put into effect,
with as little time lost as possible,
several things should he noted.
All homes must hear a number.
This is very important since mail
at the post office is cased by the
carriers by numbers, and not by
names. However, in many instances, many homes have been Incorrectly numbered and until such
a time when this condition maybe
corrected, it will be important
that names also appear on the
mail boxes, to prevent unnecessary errors in mail delivery.
If mail boxes are not installed,
mail will not be left, and will
be returned to the office.
As of March 3, all local drop
letters must bear the four cent
postage, instead of the rate of
.03 as in he past.
At a later date, three street
boxes will be installed for the
convenience of mailing letters.
Caledonia's unit of the volunteer
Fire Police held its annual meeting on Tebruary 19. Officers for
the coming year are:
Robert Robinson
Robert Bostwick
Senior Lieutenant
Fred Welsby
Jr. LX.
Robert McCombs
Auditing Com
Barrows and Melvin Stone
The officers were approved by
Fire Chief Raymond Grant, thus
making the election results final
according to by-laws.
The local fire police was one
of the first of its type to be
established in Livingston County
having been promulgated in Caledonia when Bob Robinson was
fire chief.
The Livingston County Fire Police Association was set up with
an organization meeting in Caledonia. Robert Barrows of Caledonia was the first president and
still holds that position. Village
Police Chief "Barney" Hayward
is instructor for both the Caledonia and County units.
The annual World Day of Prayer
meeting, In Caledonia will be held
in the Church of God on 'Main
Street Friday, March 9 at 7:30
p.m. Each year women of the
community Join with other women
all over the world to pray and to
give thanks for the blessings they
have received. This year there will
be a dramatization preceding the
service in which several women
will participate. While this service
is organized and planned by
women, men as well as women
are cordially invited to attend.
The Caledonia Mumford P.T.A.
Steering Committee met Monday
evening and set March 19, as the
date for the organization meeting
of the Caledonia Mumford P.T.A.
The committee
people to serve on the By Laws,
Nominations, * Hospitality Committees. The Steering Committee
will meet February 26, at the
school. Ail interested persons are
{invited to attend the Steering
Committee meetings.
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York 13069