December 2014 PGE Board Minutes - Engineers and Scientists of

December 16, 2014
Meeting called to order: 8:30 am.
Board Members in Attendance:
President John Mader
Executive Vice President Tim Brock
Vice President Divisions Joel Foster
Vice President N.G. Joe Anastasio
Vice President G.C Andrew Johnson Excused
Vice President G.O. Roberto Gonzalez-Ramos
Treasurer Wayne Ash
Secretary Lee Carter
Also in Attendance:
Karen Sawislak Executive Director
Joshua Sperry Sr. Union Representative
Bill Robotka Union Representative
Susan Greenwood Union Representative Excused
Nick Steinmeier Union Representative
Adolfo Riedel Union Representative
Nancy Ostrowski Union Representative
John Ward Union Representative
Danielle Lucido Staff Attorney
Review Agenda
Review Minutes MIS/C to approve November 18, 2014 minutes
Correspondence Review:
1) LOA Vacation Sale for Ramon Aguila, Nuclear Security Officer (NORA), DCPP
2) Hiring Hall Extension to 5/29/15 for Lew Morris, HH Mapping Technician Elect,
Mapping at SLO
3) Hiring Hall Extension to 5/29/15 for George Finigan, HH Sr. Mapping Technician
Elect, Mapping at SLO
4) LOA Vacation Sale for Chad Kryla, Engineering Electric Estimator in Eureka Service
5) Hiring Hall Extension to 8/6/15 for Caitlin Heckathorn, HH Project Manager, at
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Possible LOA 12-04-14: Electric Vehicle Incentive
Outline for GT Estimating LOA
Anti-Union emails to Gas CM group (11/17/14) and Election Information (12/9/14)
Hiring Hall Extension to 6/26/15 for Cynthia Hardester, HH Mapping Tech Gas, at
Sacramento Division Gas
10) Hiring Hall Extension to 4/3/15 for Richard Adams, HH Senior Mapping Tech Gas,
at Sacramento Division Gas
President John Mader
Tie Breaker talks
BMIC Transmission Mappers
Contract Contractor Election shenanigans
SMOC negotiations
BMIC PM and analyst
Executive Vice President Divisions
Tim Brock
Labor/management: San Francisco: excused.
Unit board meeting; Oakland: excused.
December 10
Estimating best practices: Concord: Heard updates on dual commodity training
gas for electric. There are no plans to train gas estimators for electric, as there is a shortage of
gas estimators in CSD. Company stated that there is more gas work and they intend to have
electric estimators pick up that work. A pilot has started.
Company moving forward to purchase the “O’Calc” pole loading program from Osmose. There
is also a new process for determining whether other utilities can purchase into our solely owned
anchors. Estimators must go through a series of check point validation in order to allow
attaching to our anchors, including corrosion analysis.
The Company is moving forward with on-line customer interaction, including working with Citi
bank on credit/debit card transactions for customers. Several ADEs complained about the
environmental review for estimates taking up to 60 days. This holds up service to the customer,
and will ultimately affect customer satisfaction.
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ADE test review committee: The company has requested ESC’s participation in the ADE test
compilation for 2015. Our first session will be December 17
in Concord.
Other issues: The usual pre-arranged overtime POT versus EOT. Timekeepers have raised issues
on how to accrue an 8 hour break in the previous 16, and how to accrue 12 hours of work in a
single day, with a day ending at midnight.
The company is starting a pilot in Eureka on certain work assignments transitioning from ADEs
to schedulers.
Vice President Divisions
Joel Foster
11/17-18/2014 Attended meeting at Concord LH to review and grade three potential pole
loading programs to replace the existing Excel-based calcing tool currently used by PG&E
estimating. The three software suites were; Ocalc, SpidaCalc and PLS-Calc. Attendees rated
each software on a score sheet based on the presentation of the software reps. Whichever
software is chosen will likely take even more time to perform structural calcs.
Attended ESC Executive Board meeting at Hudnall Hall.
12/5/2014 Attended Hudnall Hall grand opening celebration in Oakland. The party was well
attended and a great time!
12/8/2014 Attended Review Committee with Karen Sawislak, Joshua Sperry and John Mader.
We discussed two cases, one termination may settle if the line of business agrees. ESC has an
offer on the table.
12/10/2014 Attended meeting in Santa Rosa to discuss the piloting of the estimator assessment
process using technology, such as smartphones to relay information from the field to the OEC to
be used to create packages for crews during storms. This brought up the issue of using personal
cell phones for company business as not every employee has been issued a smart phone.
From December 3
through today, there has been a huge amount of storm activity. ESC
members have been extensively involved in the storm work throughout the system. Amazingly, I
received only one complaint of bypass which management corrected immediately when
notified. As usual, I have been helping many members with timecard questions due to storm
activity. There have been some reports of management playing games with rest periods, double
time conditions and the definition of “prearranged OT”— mostly around arguing cumulative
versus consecutive hours worked. I am hoping this is only a mistake and management isn’t going
to really be that silly. Once again, the company will spend amazing amounts of money to avoid
paying double time sometimes prearranging 10 crews to avoid calling any in on double time,
which ends up with crews sitting around waiting for work.
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Vice President Nuclear Generation
Joseph Anastasio
The big news is that ISSS has been announced. The general contractor is Fluor
Corporation. The Engineering will be Sargent and Lundy. There are 2 other companies, J.
Givoo Consultants and Anderson Burton Construction. These appear to be shell companies
(Givoo lists their address as a nice house in a residential area in Jersey, thank you Google Earth)
that help make us look more diverse. What is funny is that Fluor’s superintendents currently on
site are uniformly white, southern, and if you believe the craft, ignorant and useless.
As a board we need to discuss ESC policy on working with contractors. Some of our members
feel that they need to train contractors to do our work. I think we have words on that in a Josh
email but we should look at this as an official position. Let’s discuss.
Sargent and Lundy has already posted for a “Designer”. According to one of our stewards, the
job description was taken verbatim from our job description. This has not been well
received. Also, Fluor folks were teasing DCPP maintenance folks that they were here to take
over their jobs. This also has not set well. This led to the following Email from Jeff Summy,
senior director of Engineering and Projects:
During our bi-weekly call with Susan Greenwood and other union leaders regarding our
Integrated Service Supplier (ISS) contract, it was brought to our attention that a rumor is
running rampant among our ranks regarding Fluor Corporation.
The purpose oftoday ‘s communication is to put that rumor to rest by reinforcing three main
points and to thank Susan for bringing this up during our call.
First there will be no reduction in PG&E headcount at DCPP including among our
Engineering Services ranks as a result of the integrated Service Supplier contract we signed
with Fluor Corp.
Second, we have been and will continue to be open, honest and transparent in our
communications with all ofour stakeholders, including union leadership, and we will honor the
terms and conditions ofour bargaining unit contracts.
Third, Fluor leadership met yesterday with their DCPP-based team to review and
become aligned on the contract and to underscore to them that there will be no reduction in
PG&E headcount at DCPP and we will honor the terms and conditions ofour bargaining unit
Lastly, as a station and as a team, we need our Integrated Service Supplier to succeed. Ifyou
have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to reach out to me or any member of the
DCPP Senior Leadership Team.
Thanks for your support on this important issue.
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Engineering management did a presentation on this Thursday. It appears that they have no idea
of how this is going to work going forward. I expect we will have fun.
We had the trifecta of labor management meetings on 12/9.
Engineering was poorly attended by management, due to vacations, shift work over the weekend
and illness. We discussed the need to develop policies on callout (do we need callout lists, the
difference between being on call (fitness for duty, in area etc.) and available (I will be
around). We also discussed the need to have a committee to work out policies for shift change
for exempts.
Planning was very positive. I think that we are close to ironing out the application of Title 7.5
for shift change.
The Professionals (everybody else) we have similar issues for callout and shift change. The big
difference is that engineering job descriptions include “may be required to respond to plant
support callout”. There is no such statement in the professionals’ job descriptions. This has
caused us to suggest that the company would benefit by asking for callout, even though they
have people on formal on call lists. Initially, they said they were not interested. We suggested
that callout was not part of the job descriptions. They seem to be coming around.
Vice President G. C.
Andrew Johnson
Vice President General Office
Roberto Gonzalez-Ramos
Attend a monthly PG&E Unit board meeting. Unit finalized a signatory contract with CANUS to
allow PG&E retirees to work on Hiring Hall (HH) through CANUS. This is an alternative for
health care coverage when in HH. Unit discussed the order creation for AED. Unit also discussed
the proposal from the Company for the creation of a timesheet code for unanticipated vacation.
Lunch with Contract Management group. Group to vote on joining ESC. Provided information as
requested and encouraging group to vote without fear.
Witness the vote of a new group joining ESC. The Gas Contract Managers voted on joining the
Unit. Results are not final. More development is expected on this group.
Participate in grievance facts establishing meeting. Grievance involved the ESC claim that three
(3) Project Engineers, one (1) electrical and two (2) civil, contractors fall under 27.2 c
(Temporary Agencies). The case for the electrical PE was dropped. ESC asked more time to
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gather more data on the two civil engineers.
The Company maintains a firm agenda to keep pressing PM’s on performance metrics.
Recently, Company asked ESC to jointly approve a survey for a “Maturity Model
Assessment” where PM’s would be interview by a contractor firm to explore potential
changes in procedures and/or training. We believe this effort is geared to find the where
each PM stands on their performance. ESC believes that some departments are using this
firm to do the work for supervisors and managers, evaluate their personnel. The
following was shared with Monthly Union Stewards and members participating in STIP.
“Short Term Incentive Program (STIP) is not working as intendedfrom its design. In
turn, performance “calibration” has been the method used by management to meet
metrics. Management promise thatforce rankings will not be practiced. ESC believes
that calibration methods are a form offorce ranking. ESC has been vocal about this
claim to management and working on methods to prove it. “It shall be noted that the
engagement between employee and supervisor, in most of the ESC groups, is solid. The
concern from ESC is that managers and directors determine the final ratings of each
individual without knowing the meaningful engagement with employees.
Some supervisors are sending evaluations requests to ESC individuals so that they
provide other ESC individuals performance feedback. This shows the lack of engagement
from some of the supervisors to their employees.
Wayne Ash
Lee Carter
11/18 Engineering/Mapping Labor Management meeting -SF -AM
11/18— ESC PG&E Unit Board meeting Oakland PM
11/20— Chairman’s Ethics Council meeting SF
12/4 Gas ETP Review meeting San Ramon All day
12/8 Gas ETP Review meeting San Ramon All day
12/9 Gas Operations Labor Management Mtg Bishop Ranch
12/10 Mariner Tool Business Managers Grievance meeting with Labor Relations Walnut
12/11 Gas Measurement & Regulation Tech Team meeting San Ramon All day
12/15 Gas Estimator Manual Tech Team meeting San Ramon all day
1. Gas Support: STILL ongoing, it’s been 27 months now without a GAS support
person in CSD. In the meantime, I think the service planning and estimating support
department has changed its name and the word “support” is no longer in the title. I
guess if you’re called CSD Business Technology, you aren’t supporting anyone.
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2. Gas ETP Module Rewrite: I completed my review of all 6 of the Gas ETP Modules
and have passed the torch to Mosaic who will be turning the changes and corrections
over to the company. I do not know the timing of the updates of how they will affect
current students. More things were deleted or corrected than added. If anything, there
may be fewer questions since many were thrown out due to outdated material. Per the
company, a major rewrite of both G&E ETP will occur next year. I do not know who
they will have from gas estimating on the project.
3. Dual Commodity Training: I have been asked 3 times to review the first 3 gas
modules for content so that they can be taught to electric estimators. I have responded
that I was not available. The original pilot fell apart and I believe, and have stated to
tell Mike Carter and Gil Martinelli, that the company needs to come back to the union
and ask for participants and let us know what their plans are. Joel and Josh have also
been in email communication with LR about this issue. The company sent a list of
potential participants in the DC effort. One Gas ADE is in Gas Ops and I don’t think
that’s it appropriate to go outside CSD for advice on the NB process. One gas person
was from an RMC and I’m questioning why the RMC would be involved with single
family homes. Another gas ADE was listed by LR as a Sr Elect estimator. They need
to be more accurate. I’m hoping for a good discussion about this at our board
4. Storm response: I want to ask the board for advice on an issue that arose on storm
response in our area. Electric estimators, ADE’s and seniors, were called in for the
recent storm response and were sitting at their desks in Antioch all night waiting to be
given tags by the Concord storm room. Instead, the Antioch tags were being given to
Electric Metermen to make damage assessments. Our estimators feel that the
metermen should have assisted only after all the estimators were all out in the field
responding to tags.
5. Gas Ops Labor Management Meeting: I was surprised to hear Jesus Soto tell us
that the gas department budget would focus on gas service replacement in 2015,
rather than on gas main replacement which has been the focus for the past few years.
For me that means more local headquarters involvement. We must watch to see if
they try to give this work to the RMC’s instead.
Executive Director Karen Sawislak
1. PG&E Bargaining. Continued to work on potential resolution to SMOC bargaining.
Labor-management meetings. Attended Review Committee on December 8.
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3. Representation and organizing. Have consulted with staff and officers on various
grievances, arbitrations and other representation issues. Working on ESC response to
PG&E’s newly aggressive “no Union” campaign among Gas Contract Administrators
and Managers.
4. Legal/Political. Continuing to review and monitor issues at CPUC. Continuing to work
on PG&E’s responses to Armor-Globe organizing.
Other. Attended Chairman’s Ethics Council meeting on Nov. 20. Attended Charman’s
Safety Council on November 21. Had breakfast with Chris Johns on December 10.
Continued to work on implementation of new HH retiree medical plan and new
signatory contract with CANUS.
Joshua Sperry
Report items
11/20— Gas Engineering bargaining
11/21 SMOC bargaining
(Thanksgiving break)
12/2 Meeting on HH retirees and health insurance; steward update call
12/3 SMOC bargaining
12/4 Gas Engineering bargaining
12/5 ESC holiday party/open house
12/8 Lunch for Contract Management group; Review Committee; Alameda CLC
12/9 Gas Ops LM; lunch for stewards; meeting on Gas FE training program; meeting on
Principal EV Analyst and Principal Scheduler
12/10 Bargaining on Expert Analyst LOP; vote count for Gas CM group; BMIC on Gas
Mariner “GCM” and automated order creation
12/12 UWUA/IBEW conference
12/13 BMIC on ET Mapping grievance; LIC on Elec Substation mapping gvce; NEO
• Gas Contract Management Organizing Drive. PG&E management has been absolutely
hideous in its anti-union campaign against these employees. Management subjected
them to a relentless series of anti-union meetings and emails, spread misinformation, and
organized employees to turn on one other. They even transferred a union supporter from
San Ramon (where the election was to take place) to Concord to prevent her from voting,
which was successful. The effect on the group has been very demoralizing and as of
today we do not know if the election was successful or not due to the one-vote margin
and an eligibility issue regarding one employee. This unfortunately shows that the Gas
Ops management who claim to want a positive relationship with ESC will also act in an
underhanded and aggressive manner in order to prevent employees from joining ESC.
• UWUA/IBEW policy conference. This meeting was an excellent forum. The main topic
was implementation of SB 1371, which will be a new CPUC rulemaking on reducing
emissions of methane from natural gas pipeline systems. I think ESC has an opportunity
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here to capture some of our members’ important work in new CPUC regulations, for
example the critical importance of proper design of facilities prior to construction; of
timely mapping; and of performing gas loss calculations, among others.
SMOC bargaining and campaign. The Federal Mediator arrived for his first session,
and it is possible that some progress has been made, but it is too soon to say. Further
bargaining is scheduled for one day each in January, February and March 2015.
Electric Transmission Ops bargaining. Other sessions for this year were cancelled.
Gas Engineering bargaining. We had a productive session focused on the liability and
responsibility of stamping drawings. Our committee developed contract language about
the requirements to stamp a document based closely on the definition of “responsible
charge” in the California Professions Code which I think will be very useful.
Expert Scheduler and Expert Earned Value Analyst classifications. We had a first
bargaining session which was also fruitful. After a mis-step where management posted
“Principal Analyst” positions (they finally agreed to reclassify these to “Principal
Business System Specialist” positions which do not perform our work), we were able to
get to work on negotiating on specialized positions with the Sr. Project Controls Analyst
classification which might have alternative entry requirements. Also there will be Expert
level positions which will require a specialized exam as an entry requirement; I said ESC
is in favor of promotional exams.
Gas Distribution Clearances. I spoke with IBEW representatives who are also very
frustrated with the lack of progress on this issue from management. They will contact
PG&E to ask that the promised meeting gets on the calendar.
Gas Estimating.
o SuperCrew So far this initiative and its backers appear to be respecting ESC’s
roles. The exception being the “Picarro Analysts” who are clearly producing
maps, but the Company has acknowledged this issue and waived grievance
timelines so there is not urgency to file a grievance on this.
Electric Estimating/CSD
o Outsourcing. On Rule 20A work, I think ESC has been somewhat effective in
pushing CSD and Gas Ops to talk to each other so that CSD can perform the work
in-house. On pole replacements, the Company continues to outsource work even
though their long-term workload projection is for more work.
o Lack of Gas Estimating Support. Still no progress here.
o Understaffing of Gas Estimating in North Coast area. It seems like this issue is
getting worse, and upper management is leaving things in the hands of the tonedeaf local supervisor and manager.
Gas Mapping.
o GT staffing. More issues here. Management has hired roughly 12 more mappers
into GT, which is positive. However, they are placing many of them into
temporary offices for “training” (which doesn’t make sense since those are not
Transmission offices), and I am not sure if they are using a contractual process to
make those assignments.
Power Gen Maintenance Planners. LIC on this issue will be held Friday 12/19. PG&E
has also asked ESC to meet and negotiate over an Associate Maintenance Planner
position which would be an entry level for this line of progression. This could be a
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positive development for that classification and in fact could help with resolution of the
work jurisdiction grievance as well.
Gas Field Engineering: Company is hoping to offer the first 2-week training course in
April or May 2015, although this is not confirmed. Also we have developed a fairly
thorough OJT card which will ensure that newly hired FET’s and FE’s get exposure to all
kinds of work and many work duties, and not pigeonholed into one job function.
Scheduler training program: Progress has slowed due to recent storms.
Gas Meter Engineers. It is clear that this needs to be negotiated with other Meter
Engineers and not with the other Gas Engineers. There is much crossover with the
Electric Meter Engineers, and really none with Gas Plant or ICE Engineers.
Sr. Materials Inspector. There is only one Sr. Materials Inspector in all of PG&E; he was
previously a Materials Inspector and very much wants to return to ESC representation.
He submitted a signed authorization card, which I gave to management along with a
request for representation, but incredibly management has rejected the request. This is
another example of management’s pettiness and obstructionism when it comes to
organizing, even over one person. I have asked for legal research on whether we can file
for an election for one person; if not, the individual in question has said he would happily
give up this position and return to a Bargaining Unit position.
Committee Appointments
• Power Gen Associate Maintenance Planner bargaining: Dan Hitchman, Don Miller, Eric
Discussion Topics
• Unanticipated vacation
• Remote GT Estimating positions
• Policy proposals for SB 1371 rulemaking; potential to intervene in ongoing proceeding
on GOl 12E revisions
• Electric Vehicle Incentives
Bill Robotka
Primary activity (LocationIMembersfMt Purposel
Sat, Nov 01,14
Sun, Nov 02, 14
Mon, Nov 03, 14
WAH, So Co DHS (Flu Policy Mtg)
Tue, Nov 04, 14
WAH, 1/2 Day Comp
Wed, Nov 05, 14
Comp Day
Thu, Nov 06, 14
1/2 Day Comp, KP SRO CLS Strg Comm
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Fri, Nov 07, 14
So Co DHS IRICA Mtg, So Co Labor Coalition Mtg
Sat, Nov 08, 14
Sun, Nov 09, 14
Mon, Nov 10, 14
WAH, So Co DHS/BHS (Member Issues)
Tue,Novll, 14
Veterans Day Holiday
Wed, Nov 12, 14
WAH, EPA Hdqtrs (CCC Griev Mtg), So Co WIB Ex Bd (Call)
Thu, Nov 13, 14
Fri, Nov 14, 14
SoCo HSD/DHS Mtg (ESC Memb Representation), WAH
Sat, Nov 15, 14
Sun, Nov 16, 14
GM Dealer, In Office (OD Bd), KP SRO Lab (Member term Mtg)
Mon, Nov 17, 14
Tue, Nov 18, 14
In Office (PG&E Unit Bd)
Wed, Nov 19, 14
In Office (KP Stwd Trg), N Bay CLC
Thu, Nov 20, 14
WAH, Car Dealership, So Co DHS (Member Reprimand Resp)
Fri, Nov 21, 14
So Co DHS (IRICA Model Pilot Proj Mtg), WAH
Sat, Nov 22,14
Sun, Nov 23, 14
Mon, Nov 24, 14
In Office (Exec Bd), SRO (Mtg wI So Co DHS PHN Re PIP Issues)
Tue,Nov25, 14
WAH, 1/2 Day Comp
Wed, Nov 26, 14
Comp Day
Thu,Nov27, 14
Thanksgiving Holiday
Fri,Nov28, 14
Day After Thanksgiving Holiday
Sat, Nov 29, 14
Sun, Nov 30,14
Susan Greenwood
Santa Maria
No current issues
No current issues
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Bakersfield LIC rescheduling, other minor issues. L/M meeting being rescheduled due to storm.
Vacation sale LOA.
Fresno 1 LIC’s in Scheduling Dept settled, 3 LIC’s settled on Gas Estimating. Material Inspector
and Manager. Will be returning to Fresno on December 1
Working on re scheduling LIM meeting
for Fresno. Signed an HH extension. Met with Land Steward and member, met with Schedulers.
DCPP Met with LR on outstanding issues several times. Conference calls regarding ISSS
(outside contractors) every other Wednesday. LIC’ S on outstanding grievances settled one
grievance and heard another and sending one JSF up waiting for copy. Signed one more vacation
sale LOA. The Outage is over and successful. HH extensions.
Attended PG&E Unit Board meeting
Nick Steinmeier
Primary activity (LocationJMembersIMtt Purpose)
Sat, Nov 01,14
Sun, Nov 02, 14
Mon, Nov 03, 14
Tue, Nov 04, 14
VMC Bargaining AM; KP San Jose LSC PM
Wed, Nov 05, 14
Washington Rep Meeting AM; Telecommute PM
Thu, Nov 06, 14
Fri, Nov 07, 14
Sat, Nov 08, 14
Sun, Nov 09, 14
Mon, Nov 10, 14
Office AM; Comp PM
Wed, Nov 12, 14
Telecommute AM; RWC Lab PM
Thu, Nov 13, 14
Fri, Nov 14, 14
Mon, Nov 17, 14
KP San Jose LPPC AM; Telecommute PM
Tue, Nov 18, 14
Washington Rep Meeting AM; PG&E Board Meeting PM
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Wed, Nov 19, 14
KP Santa Clara Lab AM; VMC/SCCo MSR Meeting PM
Thu, Nov 20, 14
VMC Bargaining
Fri, Nov 21, 14
VMC Bargaining
Sat, Nov 22,14
Sun, Nov 23,14
Mon, Nov 24, 14
Tue, Nov 25, 14
OFFICE AM/PM; Washington Bargaining Team Meeting PM
Wed, Nov 26, 14
KP RWC Lab meeting AM; Telecommute PM
Thu,Nov27, 14
Fri,Nov28, 14
Sat, Nov 29, 14
Sun, Nov 30, 14
Aldofo Riedel
Nancy Ostrowski
Sat, Nov 01, 14
Primary activity (Location/Members/Mtg Purpose)
Process October Time and Activity Report, Pay Verizon L20 Laptop
Internet Device
Sun, Nov 02, 14
Prepare Grievance Update Documents for Fresno CLS Member
Meeting, PGE/Yosemite email LR re Info Status, PGE/Aubeny
Follow Up Member Meeting
Wed, Nov 05, 14
Sick (1/2 Day) Dr Appointments, Kaiser/Roseville Lab Meeting w
Stewards, Kaiser/SSC “Going Forward” Call w KS, MA and Dave
Hall, Travel to Fresno/Overnight
Kaiser/Fresno Lab FedX Kinko’s Copies for Lab Meetings, (All
Day) Member Huddles re Grievance Updates, IRCA Process,
Depart Fresno, Travel to Modesto, PGE/Modesto Lunch w Steward
re member’s customer service issue, Return to Sacramento
Thu, Nov 06, 14
Office, P GE/Stockton Call w member off from FFD, EAP Mgr, LR
Mgr, Kaiser/Roseville UBT-C Interview Panel
Fri, Nov 07, 14
Office, PGE/Stockton Debrief call w KS re member’s Leave,
Kaiser/SSC Member “huddles” re issues, Q&A, Meeting w Lab Mgr,
Mon, Nov 03, 14
Tue, Nov 04, 14
PGE Unit Board Publish Minutes
December 16, 2014 I Page 13
Steward, Member re scheduling/pay issue
Sat, Nov 08, 14
Sun, Nov 09, 14
Pick Up Kaiser Bargaining Bulletins from Point West Steward
Mon, Nov 10, 14
Office, Kaiser/Roseville On Site
Tue, Nov 11,14
Wed, Nov 12, 14
Office, Kaiser/Modesto Prepare CLS Ballots, Proposal Hand Outs,
Fed X Copy Store for Hand Out Prep, Travel to Salcida/Overnight
Thu, Nov 13, 14
Kaiser/Modesto (6:30am and 3:00 pm) VOTE CLS Holiday
Scheduling by Rotation, Kaiser/Roseville LSC (Conference In),
PGE/Merced member Q&A 546 Paperwork, SalcidalOvernight
Fri, Nov 14, 14
PGE/Stockton Conference Call w member on Leave, EAP Mgr,
Leave Mgr, Travel to Manteca, Kaiser/Manteca Steward Meeting,
Return to Sacramento
Sat, Nov 15, 14
Process VISA Report (November 2014)
Sun, Nov 16, 14
Travel to Oakland/Overnight
Mon, Nov 17, 14
OD Unit Board Meeting (9a Start), Oakland/Overnight
Tue, Nov 18, 14
PGE Unit Board Meeting, Oakland/Overnight
Wed, Nov 19, 14
Thu, Nov 20, 14
Kaiser Effective Stakeholder Training, Return to Sacramento
Office, Kaiser/Stockton Steward Mentorship re staff meeting
discussions, Email Joan and Connie to facilitate Stakeholder Training
in North Valley, Kaiser/Central Valley followup w AMGA re CLS
Steward Issues, PGE/Sacramento New Member Inquiry re “bridging
HH time”, PGE/Merced Steward followup re S0205 violation,
PGE/Stockton Schedule Meeting w potential Steward and Steward
Peg M, PGE/Gateway Follow up w new hires re C&C’s, schedule
member meeting, PGE/Merced followup w member re Sr FET/FET
Fri, Nov 21, 14
Office, Travel to Marysville, PGE/Marysville Local LoA discussions
re EOT Call Out by Rotation, Return to Sacramento
Sat, Nov 22, 14
Sun, Nov 23, 14
Mon, Nov 24, 14
Travel to Oakland, L20 Executive Board Meeting, Return to
Tue, Nov 25, 14
Office, Kaiser/SSC LPPC, Lunch Meeting w Leaders (Joan Mah,
Dave Hall, Liane Sorakubo)
PGE Unit Board Publish Minutes
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Wed, Nov 26, 14
Travel to Modesto, Kaiser/Modesto CLS Vote Count re Holiday
Scheduling, Kaiser/Fresno Call to member re recent IRCA 2, Return
to Sacramento
Thu,Nov27, 14
Fri,Nov28, 14
Sat, Nov 29,14
Process November Activity/Expense Report
Sun, Nov 30,14
John Ward
Primary activity (Location/Members/Mtp Purpose)
Sat, Nov 01,14
Sun, Nov 02, 14
Mon, Nov 03, 14
Office; NEO (San Ramon)
Tue, Nov 04, 14
Wed, Nov 05, 14
Land Department Labor Management meeting (Stockton)
Thu, Nov 06, 14
Fri, Nov 07, 14
Sat, Nov 08, 14
Sun, Nov 09, 14
Mon, Nov 10, 14
Conference Call with LR (Julia Alburquerque-Kurtz)
Tue,Nov 11,14
Veterans Day Holiday
Wed, Nov 12,14
Thu, Nov 13, 14
Concord RMC; meetings with Stewards followed by lunch with JS/SMOC
Fri, Nov 14, 14
Sat, Nov 15, 14
Sun, Nov 16,14
Mon, Nov 17, 14
OD Unit Board meeting; office
Tue, Nov 18, 14
PG&E Unit Board; office
Wed, Nov 19, 14
LPPC, San Francisco Optometry
Thu, Nov 20, 14
Site Visit, Richmond (meetings with Steward, Supervisor and members)
Fri, Nov 21, 14
LPPC, Daly City Optometry
PGE Unit Board Publish Minutes
December 16, 2014 I Page 15
Sat, Nov 22, 14
Sun, Nov 23, 14
Mon, Nov 24, 14
Tue, Nov 25, 14
Telecommute (Issues at Concord RMC, S.F. CLSs)
Wed, Nov 26, 14
Thu, Nov 27, 14
Fri, Nov 28, 14
ESC Holiday
Sat, Nov 29, 14
Sun, Nov 30, 14
1. Review Bargaining Campaign
2. HH & ACA Update: The board approved the Canus agreement by ePoll.
3. Grievance Report
a. PRC Committee
b. BMIC report
c. Review Committee Report
d. Active Arbitrations
4. Regulatory Report
a. Potential Fine Review. Currently $1.2 billion could be higher, not yet approved by the
CPUC Board. 2 judges have recused themselves.
b. Initiate effort to intervene more AB 327
c. Rule 20.
5. Organizing / Bargaining
a. New group bargaining schedule (gas/ice/SMOC others) Wages still a major issue as a
2 hour minimum callout pay.
b. Gas Contract group Danielle filed a petition to bring the group in under Armor
Globe. Company asking for existing professionals in the unit to vote on whether these
employees can be brought into the unit. Company is actively holding anti-union
6. IFPTE Energy Committee Board discussed the anti-nuclear position of some IFPTE locals.
7. Follow up: Potential Gas distribution clearances. Pended
8. Discussion of new code for unanticipated vacation. Timecard code 2038. Discussion about if
the 24 hours of unanticipated vacation is a hard limit maximum or if it’s a guideline. Board
agrees that we will continue to file local individual grievances over misuse by timekeepers of
the 2038 code for vacation that was pre-planned, not unanticipated.
9. Seniority Tie Breaker: Company proposes to use a random number assignment to determine
seniority for those employees who have the same hire date. The lower number would have
PGE Unit Board Publish Minutes
December 16, 2014 Page 16
the higher seniority. Waiting for the company’s next proposal which can be circulated by
10. Scheduling: Company offering monetary payment for OT bypass. MSC to approve
settlement offer.
11. Gas Super Crew: Barbara Hogan & Erik Kvist appointed to the Gas Super Crew Committee.
Review Bargaining Campaign Viewed spreadsheet on screen
HH & ACA Update (provided during Karen’s report)
Grievance Report
a PRC Committee
b. BMIC report
c. Review Committee Report
d. Active Arbitrations RC 928 M&C upgrades; MSC that the board agrees with the
arbitration settlement.
Regulatory Report
a Potential Fine Review
b Update on intervene in AB 327
c. Update on intervene in Rule 20 & 1 12-E.
Organizing / Bargaining
a. New group bargaining schedule (gas/ice/SMOC others) Wages still a major issue as a
2 hour minimum callout pay.
b. Gas Contract group Discuss election and possible NLRB charges.
IFPTE Energy Committee Recommended draft policy recommend by IFPTE EBoard.
Local 21 voted no.
Follow up: Potential Gas distribution clearances. We are STILL waiting for a meeting about
clearances, as is the IBEW.
Committee Appointments Power Gen Associate Maintenance Planner bargaining: Dan
Hitchman, Don Miller, Eric Nelson. MSC to approve committee members
Remote GT Estimating positions
Policy proposals for SB 1371 rulemaking
potential to intervene in ongoing proceeding on GOl 12E revision
PLOA Electric Vehicle Incentives MSC to approve
Unanticipated vacation: Update grievance in northern area moved forward/
Seniority Tie Breaker: Update PLOA for board to discuss.
1. MSC wishing a speedy recovery to Chad Kryla and encourage members to be generous with
2. MSC congratulating Jim Hill in winning the Arroyo Grande Mayor’s seat. Bill was a write-in
PGE Unit Board Publish Minutes
December 16,2014 I Page 17
Schedule next board meeting: January20 (half day meeting) at ESC Local 20 office at 810 Clay
Street, Oakland.
Adjourn meeting at: 1:57 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
ee arter, Secretary
Mhder, President
Y:\PGE\PGE UNIT BOARD\2014 Board Minutes’December 162014 POE Board Minutes Official.docx
PGE Unit Board Publish Minutes
December 16,20141 Page 18