Report on THREE WAYS TO BUILD HIGH PAYING SATISFYING CAREER UNEMPLOYMENT IS NOW BIG PROBLEM! • Unemployment rate estimated to be at 4.7 per cent. (Union Ministry of Labour and Employment) • Overdose of pharmacy students with unemployment rate of 5.4%.Number of pharmacy graduates are increasing every year. Every year nearly 30,000 B. Pharm, 6000 M.Pharm and 700 D.Pharm students graduate in the Country. (Yahoo Finance) • About 40,000 biotechnology students pass out every year but the total industry size of about 500 biotech companies gives supply and demand gap of about 25:1 ( Indian Express ) • Of the 1.5 million engineering students in India, over 70 percent are unemployed. The IT sector has also suffered, with 75 percent of graduates going unemployed. ( Times of India) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDUSTRY • Intellectual property has become one of the most important resources in the 21st century. It’s now an accepted fact that, just like financial capital or commodities or labor, IP is more than an economic asset – it also forms the basis of a global market. (Forbes, 2012) • India is becoming a major global source of R&D; about 100 multinational corporations have already set up R&D centers in the country, leading to the deepening of technological and innovative capabilities among Indian firms. (World Bank Report ) • IP filings have tremendously increased in India. ( Indian Patent Office) Trend in Patent Applications Filed 43674 43197 36812 34287 16061 11208 10296 6069 2008-2009 Why unemployment is on rise? A mismatch exists between the skills these young people possess and the skills that are in demand by the prospective employers. Granted 39400 • "devastating" 27.7 percent of 2012 law graduates are still underemployedeffectively operating as fixers, making their living as affidavit wallahs hawking for work outside small claims courts or as notaries. (Bar Council of India (BCI) • 43% of currently employed people are looking for new options because of low compensation or lack of career options. (Indian Talent Survey) Examined 2009-2010 12268 11031 7509 6168 4381 2010-2011 2011-2012 4126 2012-2013 Trend in Trademarks Applications Filed Examined Registered 205065 202385 194216 183588 179317 141943 130172 115472 THREE WAYS TO BUILD HIGH PAYING SATISFYING CAREER Way 1 Career planning at school level Way 2 Individualized Counseling Sponsored by This report is brought to you by IIPTA Launch a Career. Be Awesome Way 3 Investing in developing skills by suitable industrial trainings required by changing industrial needs and considering learning throughout life (Source: OECD, Skills Report) • Training in high-demand and growing sector or working profile • Training which can offer long term satisfactory career with good compensation packages • In order to be responsive to market requirements, training and skills development should include both technical and core skills for employability (e.g. communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills) that are portable across occupations, enterprises and sectors 105219 116263 102257 67490 51735 44361 25875 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 • Tata Consultancy Services has significantly increased its patent filings in 2011-12. It filed 460 patents in several countries last financial year, thus taking the total patents filed to 855. ( Business Line ) Top 5 Indian applicants for patents in the field of Information Technology Name of Companies Applications TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LIMITED 162 SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED 135 INFOSYS 81 TEJAS NETWORK LIMITED 40 HCL TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 36 • PwC estimates that India’s 10 largest drug firms spent US$480 million on R&D in 2008. The bulk of this investment went towards developing new formulations leading to increase in importance of patent regime. IP INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES CREATED 27.1 MILLION JOBS With increasing importance of intellectual property, IP intensive industries totaled 27.1 million jobs and contributed in economy. Employment in IP-Intensive Industries,2010 27,065 Jobs in thousands 22,590 Patent intensive Trademark insentive Copyright insentive IP intensive IP Professionals are required in manufacturing units of various industries, R&D institutions, Law Firms, Legal/Knowledge Process Outsourcing companies, IPR firms and MNCs or MSME providing innovative products or solutions. Candidates from industrial domains like biotechnology, pharmacy, microbiology, bio-informatics, life-sciences, electronics, computer science, information technology, mechanical, IT ; various areas of law – corporate law, international law, commercial law, trade and finance law etc. are required by IP-intensive industries. PrivatePractice Distribution by Specialism Biotechnology 14% 19% 1 14% 10% 14% % 28% Chemistry Electronics/Physics Mechanical Engineering In-house/Industry The main aim of program is to build skilled manpower pool to fulfill increasing needs of IPR intensive industries in India. To stay ahead in competition, companies are continuously innovating and coming up with new products to cater the needs of target market. Research and development units of companies generate intellectual assets in the form of innovative technologies, designs, know - how, new brands or artistic work. These intellectual assets are worth millions of dollars and need to be managed to generate profits. 25% 20% 22% 10% 6% 4 % Trademarks/Copyrights/Design Other Jobs in IP-intensive industries pay well compared to other jobs. Average weekly wages for IP-intensive industries were $1,156 in 2010 or 42 percent higher than the $815 averageweekly wages in other (non-IP-intensive) private industries. This wage premium nearly doubled from 22 percent in 1990 to 42 percent by 2010. (Source: USPTO) Average Weekly Wages $1,440 $1,407 $1,156 $1,111 $815 Trademark insentive Copyright insentive IP intensive Non IP intensive Since past 5 years, IIPTA is playing important role in equipping people with skills required by IP intensive industries and in improving their employability throughout their careers. IIPTA IPR Industry Network: • Clarivolex, Delhi • GVK Biosciences, Hyderabad • S Majumdar & Co, Kolkata • Novartis, Mumbai • IOTA IP, Delhi . • Lupin, Pune • Biocon, Bangalore Technical Skills Module 1: Introduction to IPR Module 2: Patent Law: India, US and Europe Module 3: Patent Searching and Analysis Module 4: Trademark Law: India • Longbow Legal, Kolkata • Titan Labs, Mumbai • Stellairx, Jaipur • IDS Infotech, Chandigarh • Brain League, Bangalore • IP Pro, Bangalore Project Project 1: Company’s Portfolio Analysis Project2: Technology Landscape Analysis • Altacit Global • Evalueserve, Gurgoan • URDIP, Pune • Thomson Reuters, Hyderabad Non Technical Skills Module 1: General Aptitude and Logical Reasoning Module 2: Personality Development Module 3: Communication Skills Module 4: Job Interviewing Skills • K & S Partners, Delhi • Dolcera, Hyderabad • Aranca, Mumbai • CPA Global, Noida • JSW, Bangalore • Pangea3, Mumbai Eligibility Criteria Candidates who are pursuing or completed graduation or post graduation in area of science or law are eligible to apply for the program. Candidates with B.Sc / M.Sc / B.Pharma / M.Pharma / B.Tech / MTech / PhD / LLB / LLM are eligible to apply for the program. • Kamal Verma & Associate • Intepat IP Services Pvt Ltd • Patra Code, Bangalore • Remfry and Sagar, Delhi • Scitech Patent, Hyderabad • Johnson and Johnson, Mumbai • Google, Hyderabad • Maxval IP, Chennai • Wipro, Bangalore • IPR International Services, Delhi • Lakshmi Kumaran & Sridharan, Delhi • Selvam & Selvam, Chennai • Motorola, Gurgoan • United Lex, Delhi • Lex Orbis, Delhi • Legsis Support, Pune • R.K.DEWAN & Co, Pune • Bcause, Noida and many more.... In order to be responsive to market requirements, training include both technical and core skills for employability. Duration: 2 months, Monday to Thursday, 4 hours of classroom study daily guided by Industry IP Experts Or 3 months, flexible study hours, distance learning mode guided by video lectures and guided assignments Career Development Support: After successful completion of program, all participants will get minimum 3 Why unemployment is on rise? opportunities of facing job interview and 6 month special subscription of IIPTA mismatch exists between the skills these young people possess JobASupport Portal. and the skills that are demanded by prospective employers. Patent intensive IIPTA is India’s leading talent development institute, building skilled manpower pool for industry requirements. IIPTA was set up in 2008, to help the nascent IPR industry overcome its human resource challenges • Ranbaxy, Gurgoan Telecommunications/Software 14% About us: • Khurana and Khurana, Noida This has created a need for professionals who can understand importance of intangible assets. 5,100 3,891 Job Oriented IP Career Mastery Training Program Fees: Classroom Mode – Rs. 40,000 I Distance Learning Mode – Rs. 20,000 • Orchid Pharma, Chennai Delhi Address: G – 85, Preet Vihar, Main Vikas Marg, Delhi 110092 Call us at: +91-9212344782 Email: [email protected] Web:
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