APPLICATION FORM FOR NON-FACULTY POSTS xSjf’k{k.k in gsrq vkosnu çi= Advertisement No./foKkiu la0% Name of the post applied for / vkosfnr in dk uke% Particulars of fee Remitted: Amount_Rs. Bank Draft No. Date Issuing Bank ’kqYd dk fooj.k jkf'k ¼#-½____________ cSad Mªk¶V la[;k_______________ fnuakd____________ tkjhdrkZ cSad________________ 1 Full Name (in Block Letters) iwjk uke fgUnh esa ¼lkQ v{kjksa es½a 2 Fathers’s/Husband’s Name firk@ifr dk uke ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3 (a) Address for Correspondence i=kpkj ds fy;s irk _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Tel. No. (with STD Code) __________________ Fax No. (with STD Code) __________________ Mob. No. ________________________________ 5 (a) Sex: fyax % (b) Category oxZ v-fi-oxZ General lkekU; Age on the last date given in this advertisement SC v-tk- bl foKkiu esa nh xbZ vfUre frfFk dks vk;q Years o"kZ Months ekg Days fnu VH oh-,p- HH ,p-,p- OH vks-,pPlease tick in the appropriate box mi;ZDq r ckDl esa lgh 7 oSokfgd fLFkfr % fookfgr@vfookfgr (a)Nationality jk"Vªh;rk (b)Religion /keZ Applicant’s Signature: vH;FkhZ dk gLrk{kj % MKS ST v-t-tk- OBC (c) if person with disabilities fodykax gksus dh n’kk esa dk fu’kku yxkb;sA 6 Marital Status : Married/Unmarried Ñi;k vius orZeku dh ikliksVZ vkdkj dk QksVks fpidk;sa (b) Permanent Address LFkk;h irk ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Tel.No. (with STD Code) __________________________ Fax No. (with STD Code)__________________________ Mob. No ___________________________________ e-mail: ______________________________________ 4 Date of Birth & Place tUe frfFk ,oa tUe LFkku Affix recent passport size selfattested photograph 1 Academic Qualification (Commencing with the High School or an equivalent examination). 8. ’kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk ¼gkbZLdwy vFkok led{k ijh{kk ls çkjEHk djs½a s Examination/ Degree Subject/ Specialization ijh{kk@mikf/k fo"k;@ fo’ks"kKrk Year Division Ok"kZ % of Marks/ Grade vad % xzsM No. of Attempts Subjectwise. fo"k;kuqlkj ç;kl la[;k University/ College/ Board fo’ofo|ky;@ Distinctions/ Scholarship fof’k"Vrk@ Nk=o`fÙk dkWyt s @cksMZ Administrative/Teaching/Professional/Research Employment (Give particulars in descending order starting with the present post) 9. iz'kklfud@'kSf{kd@O;olkf;d@vuqla/kku fu;kstu ¼orZeku in ls çkjEHk djds vojksgh Øe esa fooj.k ns½a Employer fu;ksDrk *Status of Institute/ University laLFkk dh fLFkfr i *Govt./Autonomous/Private. 10. Period of Employment Post Held Pay Band in osrueku fu;kstu dh vof/k From/ ls To/rd AGP/GP Nature of Duties/Work dk;ksZ ds Lo#i ljdkjh@v/kZljdkjh@Lok ;Ùk’kklh@futhA Details of Experience in Educational Administration Kindly provide the details of experience in about five hundred words on a separate sheet. 11. Summary of experience/performance dk;Z vuqHko@fu"iknu dk laf{kIr fooj.k A v Teaching Experience v/;kiu vuqHko i Under Graduate/Lukrd ii Post Graduate/ LukrdksRrj iii Total Teaching Experience/ iv Administrative Experience (in years) From To Total years & Months ls rd dqy o"kZ vkSj eghus dqy v/;kiu vuqHko iz'kklfud vuqHko ¼o"kksaZ es½a v Short term/ Continuing Education/ Specialist Courses conducted vYikof/k@vuojr~ f’k{kk@fo’ks"kKrk ikB~;Øeksa dk vk;kstu Note:- List of publications with details, reprints of papers and acceptance letters (in case of accepted papers) must be enclosed izdkf'kr 'kks/k&i=ks dh lwph] mudh iqueqZfnzr izfr;k¡ ,oa Lohd`r ’kks/k&i=ks ds Lohd`r i= dh Nk;kizfr;k¡ layXu djsaA Applicant’s Signature: vH;FkhZ dk gLrk{kj % MKS 2 B y Extra curricular activities- give details, if any, of proficiency acquired in games, sports and of participation in other extra curricular or social activities such as NCC, Public Lectures, Debates, Social Service etc. vU; xfrfof/k;ksa dk fooj.k& ;fn dksbZ gS] [ksydwn] ,u-lh-lh-] laokn çfr;ksfxrk vkSj lekt lsok vkfn As a student fo|kFkhZ thou esa After entering into service / ukSdjh esa vkus ds ckn 12 Training courses and conference/seminar/workshop papers izf'k{k.k dk;Zdze vkSj lEesyu ,oa ifjlaokn xks"Bh@ dk;Z'kkyk esa i= 13 (c) Are you willing to accept the initial salary of the grade? (If no, state what is the minimum salary acceptable with justification thereof). ¼l½ D;k vkidks vkosfnr osrueku dk U;wure Lohdk;Z gS\ ¼;fn ugh] dkj.k lfgr Li"V djsa fd fdruk U;wure~ ewy osru Lohdk;Z gS½A (d) if appointed, what period would you require before joining the post? ¼n½ fu;qfDr gksus ds fLFkfr esa dk;Z xzg.k djus ls igys fdrus le; dh vko’;drk gS\ (e) Any other relevant information, if not given above: ¼;½ vkosfnr in ls lEcfU/kr vU; dksbZ lwpuk tks Åij u nh x;h gks% 14 (a) Has there been any break in your academic career? If so, give details. ¼v½ D;k dHkh vkidh fo|ksiktZu dk Øe Hkax gqvk\ ;fn gk¡ rks dkj.k lfgr fooj.k nsaA (b) Have you been punished during your studies at college/University? If so, give details. ¼c½ D;k dHkh vkidks fo|ksiktZu ds nkSjku fo’ofo|ky;@dkyst }kjk n.M fn;k x;k\ ;fn gk¡ rks fooj.k nsaA (c) Have you been punished during your services or convicted by a court of law? If so, give details. ¼l½ D;k dHkh ukSdjh ds nkSjku vkidks nf.Mr fd;k x;k gS ;k fdlh U;k;ky; }kjk vkidks nks"kh ç fd;k x;k\ ;fn gk¡ rks fooj.k nsaA (d) Were you at any time declared medically unfit or asked to submit your resignation or discharged or dismissed? If yes, give details in a separate sheet. ¼n½ D;k dHkh vki LokLF; ijh{kk esa v;ksX; ?kksf"kr gq;s] vkils R;kxi= nsus ds fy;s dgk x;k vFkok vkidks fdlh ukSdjh ls ineqDr ;k c[kZkLr fd;k x;k gS\ ;fn gk¡ rks i`Fkd i`"B ij fooj.k nsaA (e) Do you have any case pending against you in any court of law? If yes, give details. ¼/k½ D;k vkids fo#} dksbZ U;kf;d ekeyk fopkjk/khu gS ;fn gk¡ rks fooj.k nsaA 15 Give names, designations and addresses (Phone/Fax No./e-mail, if any, of three references not related to you. References should be of persons with or under whom you have worked, or who have intimate knowledge of your work. rhu lUnHkZ O;fDr;ksa ds uke] muds Mkd irs ¼Qksu] QSDl u- ;fn gS½ ds lkFkA lUnHkZ O;fDr og gksuk pkfg;s ftlds lkFk ;k ftlds v/khu vH;FkhZ us dk;Z fd;k gks ;k tks vH;FkhZ ds dke ls iw.kZr;k voxr gkaAs Sl. No./ Ø-la- Name /uke Designation/ in uke Address/ irk Phone/Fax No./ Mobile No./ Qksu@QSDl u- eksckbZy u- E-mail / bZ&esy i ii iii 16 List of Enclosures/ layXu çys[kksa dh lwph (Please tick in the box ckDl esa lgh dk fu’kku yxk;s½a (a) Bank Draft & Photograph cSad Mªk¶V ,ao Nk;kfp= (b) Copies of Mark-sheets & Certificates of educational qualifications & certificate of clearing NET/SLET/JRF etc. vad&i=ks]a ’kS{kf.kd çek.k&i=ksa ,oa jk"Vªh;@jkT; ik=rk ijh{kk@dfu"d v/;srk ikl djus ds çek.k i=ksa dh Nk;kçfr;k¡ (c) Copies of certificates of experience. vuqHko çek.k i=ksa dh Nk;kçfr;k¡ Applicant’s Signature: vH;FkhZ dk gLrk{kj % MKS 3 17 Declaration to be signed by the candidate I hereby declare that I have carefully read and understood the instructions attached to the advertisement as available on IIT(BHU) website and that all the entries in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that I have not concealed any material information which may debar my candidature for the post applied for. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact like category or educational qualification etc. made in my application form, I understand that I will be denied any employment in the Institute and if already employed on any of the posts in the Institute, my services will be summarily terminated forthwith without notice or compensation. Place : ________________ Date : ________________ (Signature of the Candidate with Date) ?kks"k.kk eS ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk@djrh gw¡ fd eSus foKkiu] tks fd vkbZ0vkbZ0Vh0 ¼ch0,p0;w0½ ds osclkbV esa miyC/k gS] ds lHkh funs’Z kksa dks /;kuiwod Z i<+ fy;k gS ,oa vkosnu i= esa Hkjs x, lHkh fooj.k esjh vf/kdre tkudkjh vkSj fo’okl ds vuqlkj lR; gSA eS ;g Hkh ?kks"k.kk djrk@djrh g¡w fd eSus dksbZ Hkh egRoiw.kZ lwpuk ugha fNikbZ gS ftlls fd vkosfnr in gsrq esjk vkosnu fujLr fd;k tk ldsA eSa le>rk@le>rh gw¡ fd vxj Hkjs x, vkosnu i= esa dksbZ Hkh lR;rk tSls tkfr ;k 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk vkfn fNik;k ;k fo:fir fd;k x;k gks rks eS laLFkku esa dksbZ Hkh jkstxkj ds fy, vLohdkj fd;k tkÅ¡xk vkSj ;fn eS igys ls gh laLFkku ds fdlh in ij dk;Zjr g¡ rks esjh lsok fcuk fdlh lwpuk vFkok gtkZus ds rqjUr lekIr dj nh tk,xhA LFkku % fnukad % 18 ¼vH;FkhZ dk gLrk{kj fnukad lfgr½ Forwarded with the remarks that the institution/organization has no objection to the candidature of the applicant being considered for the post applied for, as above. bl vk’k; ds lkFk vxsfz "kr fd vH;FkhZ ds mi;qZDr in gsrq vkosnu djus ,oa bl in ij p;u gsrq fopkj gksus ij laLFkk dks dksbZ vkifÙk ugha gSA Place: LFkku Dated fnuakd Telephone VsyhQksu Fax QSDl e-mail bZ&esy Signature /gLrk{kj (Head of the Institution/Organisation laLFkku@laxBu Designation in Address irk Remarks/ Candidate already employed should submit application through his/her employer. fu;ksftr vH;FkhZ vkosnu i= vius fu;ksDrk ds ek/;e ls HkstAsa MKS 4 izeq[k)
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