ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL FATEHGARH, CANTT HOLIDAY HOMEWORK Class 8 Sub- Social Science 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. On an outline map of India show the states and their capitals. On an outline map of India show the soils of India. Write a note methods of soil conservation. Write short notes on: a) The Battle of Plassey b) The Battle of Buxar Collect pictures of any five memorials built by the British in India and paste them and write a short note on each of them. Explain why rules and laws are necessary for a society. Write the Preamble of the Indian Constitution and learn it Learn all the chapters of History(1,2,3) Geog. (1,2) and Civics (1,2) SUB- ENGLISH (A) Write your views on the following topics in about 150 words… 1- Is internet and technology a threat to books? 2- Should schools have different sports teams for boys and girls? (B) 1- Write ten sentences on “My Best Friend” in simple present tense. 2- Write using simple past tense what you did in your summer vacations. (C)1-. You want to celebrate your birthday in a grand scale. Your father is reluctant so you are trying to convince him. Write a conversation between you and your father. 2- You want to get admission in Army public school. You go and meet the Principal.Frame dialogues between the principal and yourself. (D)PROJECT Make a portfolio of your life. Talk about the major events of your life. Include the following(I)- The moments that had a great impact on you. (II)- Mention what you have achieved in your life till now. (III)- Tell about some experiences – (a) Something that made you learn a lesson. (B) Some humorous incident. (c) Some sad experience that you are unable to forget. You may add photographs and keep sakes to make it more interesting. (E)- Learn the meaning of the difficult words from the chapters you have done and write them in your notebook.Make sentences of your own words to make their meanings clear. SUBJECT G.K 1-On a drawing sheet: write about any 8 folk dances of India. 2-On a chart paper write about natural calamities like Earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, tornadoes, avalanches 3-Learn all the work done. xzh’ekodk”k gsrq x`gdk;Z d{kk&v’Veh fo’k;& laLd`r 1- ,d ls lkS rd laLd`r esa fxurh fy[ksa rFkk ;kn djsAa 2- fgUnh eghuksa ¼Hkkjrh; eklksa½ ds uke dk ,d pkVZ cuk;sAa 3- vH;kl iqfLrdk esa fy[kk;k x;k lEiw.kZ dk;Z ;kn djsAa 4- fuEukafdr “kCnksa ds :i fy[ksa rFkk ;kn djs& a ckyd] ckfydk] eqfu] unh] xq#] ^fde~^ “kCn ¼rhuksa fyaM~xksa esa½ ] Qy] fir`] ekr`] okfjA 5- fuEukafdr /kkrqvksa ds ik¡pksa ydkjksa esa :i fy[ks rFkk ;kn djs& a iB~ ] xe~ ] fy[k~ ] Hkw ] vl~ ] ip~ ] n`”k~ ] d` 6- Hkkjrh; frfFk;ksa ds uke viuh x``gdk;Z iqfLrdk esa fy[ksa rFkk ;kn djsAa SUB.--HINDI 1--e/kqfjek ikB iqLrd ikB 1&5 rd ;kn djksA 2&O;kdj.k& vukSipkfjd i= fy[kks&1&ijh{kk esa vlQy jgus ij fe= dks lkaRouk i=A 2&HkwdEi ihfM+rksa dsfy, pUnk bdV~Bk djus esa vius ;ksxnku dk o.kZu djrsgq, firkth dks i= A 3&100”kCnksa esa vuqPNsn fy[kks& d&izd`fr ls nwj gksrk euq’;& ladsr fcanq&izd`fr dk vFkZ ]ekuo thou esa izHkko] laj{k.k D;ksa vko”;dA [k&thou dh vko';drk &eksckby Qksu & ladsr fcanq&foKku dk vfo’dkj] egRo] nq’izHkko ]fu’d’kZA 4&'kCn fopkj ;kn djds fy[kks& Lkewg1]2]3& foykse 45&90 ]i;kZ;okph19&38]vusdkFkhZ27&54] Lkewg4]5& vusd 'kCnksd fy, ,d'kCn26&52 JqfrlefHkUukFkZd 'kCn21&52 eqgkojs20&40 ] 5&izkt s sDV& Hkkjr dh fofHkUu _rqvksa ds ckjs esa 30&30”kCnksa dk ,d vuqPNsn fy[kks vkSj crkvks fd vkidks dkSu lh _rq ilan gS vkSj D;ksa\ SUBJECT MATHS CHAP-1 MENTAL ARITHMATICS PAGE 24 MCQ PAGE 25 ,26 VALUE BASED QUESTIONS HOTS CCE WORK SHEET CHAPTER 2 MENTAL ARITHMATICS PAGE 38 MCQ PAGE 39 VALUE BASED QUESTIONS 39 HOTS 39 CCE WORK SHEET 40-41 CHAPTER 3 MENTAL ARITHMATICS PAGE 62-63 MCQ PAGE 63 VALUE BASED QUESTIONS 63-64 HOTS 65 CCE WORK SHEET 65 Project: 1. Make pattern of triangular ,numbers with stars page 47 in file paper 2. Make the table of square number from 1 to 30 page 45 in file paper SUB SCIENCE 1. Explore and find out the details of first aircraft sent by India in the space .Find a) The name of the aircraft b) Which organization sent it to the space and when c) What were the objective of the mission d) Paste the pictures of the same 2. Search and find out the various other polymers that are used in our daily life . Make a table with their names ,monomers and their uses. SUBJECT COMPUTER a. Draw all the charts of excel on file sheets from chapter no. 1. b. Write the names of 20 functions used in excel and write a line about them. Use computer for help .Do it in a file sheet
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