International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 03, Issue: 03, April 2015, Pages 117-123 Original article: Dengue and Chikungunya co-infection associated with more severe clinical disease than mono-infection Bhooshan S. Gandhi1, Kaushal Kulkarni1, Manasi Godbole1, Shreya S. Dole 1, Shivani Kapur1, Prajna Satpathy1, Akshay M. Khatri1, Priyanka S. Deshpande1 ,Fatema Azad1, Nikhil Gupte2, Renu Bharadwaj1, Robert C. Bollinger2 and Amita Gupta2 1B.J. Government Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals, Pune, India 2Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Corresponding author: Dr Manasi Godbole Abstract: Background: Dengue and chikungunya infections appear to be increasing in India. While Aediesaegypti is the transmitting vector for both viruses and co-infection occurs in the same communities, studies on the clinical significance of co-infection are limited. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective case-control analysis of consecutive hospitalized patients presenting with febrile illness to the Sassoon General Hospital/BJ Medical College in Pune, India, who were screened for serologic evidence of dengue and chikungunya infection. Fischer’s Exact test and Mann-Whitney test were used to compare mortality and morbidity between patients with dual and mono-infection. Morbidity outcomes included lowest blood pressure (in first 5 days of admission), requirement for intensive care and mechanical ventilation, blood product transfusion requirement, as well as complete blood count. Result: Co-infected patients had a higher overall mortality, than mono-infected patients (12% vs. 2%, p=0.04). Requirement for mechanical ventilation & number of blood units transfused were greater for co-infected vs. monoinfected patients (2% vs. 0%, p = 0.02 and median 6 vs. 4units, p=0.03, respectively). Conclusion: Our study suggests that dual infection with dengue and chikungunya viruses is associated with more severe clinical disease, than mono infection. Further studies are required to determine whether our findings are associated with simultaneous or sequential co-infections, as well as to study the underlying pathogenesis of this association Keywords: Dengue, chikungunya , co-infection, case control analysis, prognosis Introduction 100 million annual cases of acute febrile illnesses Dengue is an endemic arboviral infection which worldwide, including more than 500,000 reported affects the tropical and the subtropical regions around cases of the severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) the world, predominantly the urban and the semi and dengue shock syndrome (DSS).Since 1996, urban areas. * Dengue viruses (DENV) cause 50 – dengue has been widely prevalent in India and 117 ISSN: 2319-7072 International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 03, Issue: 03, April 2015, Pages 117-123 reported from 18 States/Union territories, placing (2) associated with more severe disease than mono- more than 450 million people at risk . Chikungunya infections, we conducted a study of sequential febrile virus (CHIKV) infection has been identified in nearly patients presenting with clinical syndrome consistent 40 countries, and in 2008 it was listed as a US with either disease in Pune, India. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Materials and methods (NIAID) category C priority pathogen (2) .In India, it is estimated that more than 1.5 million people were (3) Clinical Samples This was a retrospective case-control chart review . It is known to cause which was conducted among consecutive patients large epidemic of hemorrhagic fever along with hospitalized with severe febrile illness to the Sassoon dengue virus causing fever, crippling joint pains, General Hospital/BJ Medical College in Pune, India. lymphadenopathy, and conjunctivitis. Thisstudywasapprovedbytheinstitutional infected with chikungunya the ethicalcommittee. (1) urbantransmission cycle of both DENV & CHIKV . A In many areas of South Asia, the DENV and CHIKV serologically screened for both DENV and CHIKV epidemics affect the same communities, providing between September and December 2010. There was opportunities for Aedesaegypti to become infected no sampling biasor any attempt to specially recruit with both viruses. This increases the risk of human patients case records co-infection, either through a single mosquito bite or ofthe364hospitalizedcaseswereanalyzedfor the via sequential infections. clinical and the laboratory data. Aedesaegyptiis the principal vector in Human co-infection with DENV and CHIKV have (4) total of for 364 the hospitalized study. The patients were Laboratory Diagnosis been reported in India since 1967 . Since DENV DENV infection was defined as sera positive by IgM and CHIKV share a seasonal transmission cycle and Capture ELISA using a commercial assay (NIV have a number of similarities in clinical presentation, DENGUE IgM Capture ELISA Kit, Manufacturer: they difficult to distinguish without specialized National Institute of Virology, Pune), with a reported serologic or molecular diagnoses. sensitivity of 97.94 % and a specificity of 96.98 % While risk of severe disease, particularly DHF and (26) . CHIKV infection was defined as sera positive by DSS, have been associated with sequential infections IgM Capture ELISA, using kits developed and with multiple dengue serotypes and a variety of evaluated by the US Centers for Disease Control immunologic mechanisms, there are limited studies (CDC), Fort Collins, USA (NIV ChikungunyaIgM examining sequential Capture ELISA Kit, Manufacturer: National Institute infection with DENV and CHIKV are associated with of Virology, Pune ), with a reported sensitivity of 95 more whether severe clinical co-infection (5,6,7, disease or 8,9,10,11) . The % and specificity of 98 % (26) . Mono-infection was pathogenesis of CHIKV is less well studied than defined as a positive IgM assay for only one of these DENV, with a variety of immunologic pathways virus infections. implicated to be associated with clinical severity (12, Co-infection was defined as a positive IgM assay for both of these infections. 14, 19, 20, 21) . To address the question whether DENV and CHIKV co-infection or sequential infection was 118 ISSN: 2319-7072 International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 03, Issue: 03, April 2015, Pages 117-123 Clinical Assessment similar (29 years and 26 years, respectively). Mono- Documentation of the basic demographic information infected patients with DENV were younger than and patient mortality among the study population was mono-infected patients with CHIKV (median 25 done. In addition, morbidity outcomes that were years, range 9-76 vs. median 36 years, range 7- assessed included the nadir blood pressure within the 72)The gender distribution of mono-infected patients first 5 days of admission, the requirement for with mono-infection and co-infection was similar, intensive care unit admission, the requirement for with the majority of both groups male (64% vs. 68%, mechanical ventilation, the number of blood product respectively). A higher percentage of mono-infected units transfused, as well as nadir laboratory findings patients with DENV were male compared to mono- within the first 5 days of admission including platelet infected patients with CHIKV (67% vs. 59%) count, total leukocyte count and total serum protein. Overall, 6 (1.6%) of the 364 patients died mortality Directly measured hematocrit or estimated hematocrit was higher among patients admitted with serologic (i.e. hemoglobin g/dl X 3) (27) , were also documented. evidence of DENV-CHIKV co-infection vs. mono Data Analyses infection. Prevalence, median and range of demographic died vs. 3 (2%) of 150 mono-infected patients (p- characteristics, as well as mortality and morbidity value = 0.039). were compared between mono- and co-infected study morbidity were more common among co-infected subjects, using Fischer’s Exact Test. The association patients vs. mono-infected patients. Two (8%) of of duel infection with increased mortality and patients with morbidity the ventilation compared to none of the mono-infected Anderson-Darling Normality and Mann-Whitney patients (p-value=0.02). The median Units of Blood Tests. (references?) transfused to Co-infection patients were 6 (4-6 units) Results while that to mono-infection patients (150) were 4 (1- Of the 364 consecutive hospitalized patients screened 20 units), and this was found to be statistically for both viral infections, 25 (6.8%) were IgM positive significant (p-value 0.0319; p < 0.05) [Table 2 ]. for both DENV and CHIKV. A total of 150 (41.2%) Discussion: patients demonstrated serologic evidence of infection Aedesaegypti mosquito transmits both the Dengue with only one of these viruses. Ninety-six (26.4%) and the Chikungunya virus. Chances of co-infection were mono-infected with DENV and 54 (14.8%) are higher if the mosquito carries both the viruses and were mono-infected with CHIKV. The remaining therefore the problem of co-infection is more 189 (51.9%) patients were IgM negative for both pronounced in areas where both these viruses co- viruses. The epidemic curves for DENV and CHIKV circulate. among hospitalized patients during this time period is Clinical features are shared by both infections during shown in Figure 1. the acute phase like common symptoms of both the Figure 2 shows the age distribution of hospitalized diseases include fever, joint and bone pain, nausea, patients with DENV and CHIKV infection. The vomiting, headache, and fatigue. However, in our median age of mono- and co-infected patients was institution, all patients suspected of either Dengue or outcomes was assessed using Three (12%) of 25 co-infected patients A number of indicators of higher co-infection required mechanical 119 ISSN: 2319-7072 International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 03, Issue: 03, April 2015, Pages 117-123 Chikungunya are tested for both, hence eliminating expected, the concerned authorities should be notified the selection bias in our study. in advance. Though symptoms of these diseases are common, From the clinical perspective, diagnosis of a co- their outcome differs. Chikungunya is mostly non- infection should alert the physician to be more fatal while dengue may lead to severe complications vigilant for complications. He should also frequently including death. Thus co-infection may result in monitor the laboratory parameters, especially TLC illness with overlapping signs and symptoms, making (Total Leukocyte Count) since it has been shown in diagnosis and treatment difficult for physicians. our study that patients with co-infection have higher Hence it is pertinent to address the issue of co- total leukocyte counts than mono-infected patients. infections. Conclusion: These viral infections are most common few months Our study suggests that dual infection with Dengue after the monsoon i.e. the peak of both co-infections and Chikungunya viruses is associated with more and mono-infections was observed between first severe clinical disease, than mono infection. Further week of October and mid-November (according to studies are required which will help in eliciting the the Figure 3 of our study). pathogenesis of this probable increased severity of In our study we analyzed 175 patients out of which co-infection. 150 patients were infected with either Dengue or Limitations: Chikungunya and 25 were co-infected. According to The limiting our study, deaths due to co-infection are higher than unavailability of RT-PCR diagnostic test in our mono-infection (12% v/s 2%, p=0.04). One of the institution because it is not a standard of care. study stated that individuals with co-infection appear Although to be more likely to suffer from complications and to Chikungunya& Dengue for diagnosis of Dengue and have a higher risk of death [31]. This data is significant factor studies of our using IgM study could antibodies be to Chikungunya co-infection have been conducted since there is no specific treatment for these earlier (29). infections but early detection and access to proper Also our hospital being a tertiary care institute, some medical care lowers fatality rate. patients usually presented 5 days after onset of Also patients having co-infection have higher symptoms, thus limiting the use of RT-PCR. morbidity and it is significant from our study that Financial Disclosure: there is greater requirement of mechanical ventilation This study was supported by Nikhil Gupte for and units of blood transfused in co-infected patients printing of Data Collection forms. as compared to mono-infection patients (2% v/s 0%, .Author contributions: p = 0.02 and 6 v/s 4 units, p=0.03, respectively). The Among the masthead authors, this study was hospital set up should therefore be well equipped for supervised by Robert C. Bollinger, RenuBharadwaj, providing services of mechanical ventilation since the Nikhil Gupte and Amita Gupta. Bhooshan S. Gandhi, requirement may go up during a co-infection KaushalKulkarni, ManasiGodbole, ShivaniKapur , epidemic. As an increase in blood transfusions is PrajnaSatpathy, Shreya S. Dole , Akshay M. Khatri , Priyanka S. Deshpande , Fatema Azadcarried out the 120 ISSN: 2319-7072 International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 03, Issue: 03, April 2015, Pages 117-123 data collection, analyses and prepared the and accuracy of the data and the analyses. The manuscript. All the authors participated in these corresponding author had full access to all the data analyses and their interpretation, read and edited this and the final responsibility to submit for publication. manuscript, and decided to submit this manuscript for Competing interest: There are no disclosures for the publication. The authors attest to the completeness individual authors. Figure 2. Age Distribution of Hospitalized DENV and CHIKV Patients Figure 1. Hospitalized Patients in Pune, India, with IgM Positive Serology for DENV and CHIKV from 1 September to 31 December 2010. Dengue Mono-infection Coinfection Chikungunya Mono-infection 14 Number of cases 12 Cases 10 8 6 Age group of patients 4 2 Dec27-31 Dec20-26 Dec6-12 Dec13-19 Nov22-28 Nov29-Dec5 Nov15-21 Nov1-7 Nov8-14 Oct25-31 Oct18-24 Oct4-10 Oct11-17 Sep20-26 Sep27-Oct3 Sep13-19 Sep1-5 Sep6-12 0 Dengue Mono-infection DENV Only CHIKV Only CoInfection Monoinfection pvalue* Total Patients 96 54 25 150 Deaths n (%) 1 (1%) 2 (4%) 3 (12%) 3 (2%) 0.04 Median Nadir Systolic BP** (Range) 104 (84190) 110 (80170) 110 (80120) 110 (80190) 0.54 Intensive Care Unit Admissions (%) 1(1%) 1 (1.9%) 1 (4%) 2 (1.3%) 0.37 Required Mechanical Ventilation (%) 0 0 2 (8%) 0 0.02 Required Blood Product Transfusion (%) 24 (25%) 4 (7%) 7 (28%) 28 (18.6%) 0.28 Median Blood Product Units Transfused (Range) 4 (112) 6.5 (220) 6 (4-6) 4 (1-20) 0.032 Median Hematocrit(%): Median (Range): 31.5 (2249.5) 39.6 (27-48) 39 (1549.5) 0.085 Chikungunya Mono-infection Co-infection Abbreviations: DEN Dengue DENV Dengue Virus CHIK Chikungunya CHIKV Chikungunya Virus DHF Dengue Hemorrhagic fever DSS Denguue Shock Syndrome ADE Antibody Dependent Enhancement CMI Cell-mediated Immunity IFN Interferon TNF Tumour Necrosis Factor 34.95 (1554) Table 1: Morbidity& Mortality of Hospitalized Patients with DENV and CHIKV Infection in Pune, India 121 ISSN: 2319-7072 International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 03, Issue: 03, April 2015, Pages 117-123 RRV Ross River Virus ELISA Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay HI Haemagglutinattion Inhibition RT-PCR Reverse transcriptase- Polymerase Chain Reaction DAMA Discharge Against Medical advice NIAID National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, USA NIV National Institute of Virology, Pune References: 1) Gratz NG. 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