ISSN-2349-1841(Online) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Research paper Available online at: Review On:-Finger Vein Detection using Repeated Line, Even Gabor and Multilinear Discriminant Analysis(MDA) Manpreet Kaur#1, Geetanjali Babbar#2 # Mtech student, CEC LANDRAN, PTU 1 [email protected] 2 Assistant Professor CEC LANDRAN, Punjab Technical University 2 [email protected] Abstract— As a new biometric technique, finger vein detection has attracted lots of attentions and used in wide range of applications. Finger vein detection is a physiological characteristics-based biometric technique, and it uses vein patterns of human finger to perform identity authentication. Vein patters are network of blood vessels under a person’s skin. Even in the case of identical twins the finger-vein patterns are believed to be quite unique [1].This make finger vein detection secure biometric for individual identification. Many techniques and methods are available for finger vein detection. Although these methods produce efficient results but have certain limitations. In this paper, following different techniques are discussed and analyzed i.e., Repeated Line Tracking, Gabor Filter and Multilinear discriminant analysis(MDA) to reduce the limitations of previous methods .The work focuses on study and performance measuring analyzes of these techniques using MATLAB. Keywords:- Finger vein, biometric system, Repeated Line tracking, Gabor filter, Multilinear discriminant analysis(MDA). I. INTRODUCTION Personal identification technology is applied to a wide range of systems including controlling access, computer login, and ecommerce. Biometrics is the statistical measurement of human physiological traits. Biometric techniques for person detection have been attracting attention these days because conventional means like keys, passwords, and security PIN numbers have All Rights Reserved problems like theft, loss, and reliance on the user’s memory. In the area of biometric identification, security and convenience of the system are important [1]. In particular, the systems require high accuracy and fast response times. Biometric methods include those based on the pattern of fingerprints [9– 11], facial features, the iris, the voice, the hand geometry, or the veins on the back of the hand. However, these methods do not necessarily ensure confidentiality because the features used in the methods are exposed outside the human body. This result in forgery in these methods. To reduce these issues, biometric system using patterns of veins within a finger, that is, patterns inside the human body is proposed [2,3]. In embryology, the formation of vascular tissues is subject to the combined action of both deterministic and random processes in embryogenesis [13,14]. This demonstrates that the uniqueness of finger-vein pattern essentially comes from the randomness of vein networks. The finger veins used for biometrics are a kind of superficial veins that are usually present between the two layers of superficial fascia and not accompanied by arteries [11]. As the veins network course in the subcutaneous tissue, the visible light usually not capable of imaging them correctly though some of them can be directly seen under the skin. So, to visualize veins in the human tissues, the near infrared (NIR) light (700–900 nm) is often used in practical applications because they can penetrate the human skin and be absorbed greatly by the deoxyhemoglobin [12]. P a g e | 50 Manpreet Kaur International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 50-54 if they are from the same finger of same hand and of the same person. Two literatures mentioned are the foundation of finger vein recognition, which open the era of finger vein recognition. (a) Imaging device (1) (b) Imaging device(2) (c)Finger vein image (1) (d) Finger vein image (2) Fig.1 Prototype of finger-vein imaging device (a, b) and examples of infrared images of a finger (c, d) Finger Vein proved that each finger has unique vein patterns so that it can be used in personal verification. To get the vein pattern, a person inserts a finger into an attester terminal containing a near-infrared LED light and a monochrome CCD camera as shown in fig.1. The hemoglobin in the blood, absorbs the closer infrared light rays, the pattern of veins in the palm side of the hand of finger is captured as a pattern of shadows, which makes the vein system. The camera records the digitized raw data and the image, and sent it to a database of registered images. The finger is scanned as before and the data is sent to the database of registered images for authentication purposes which takes less than two seconds. A typical finger vein identification system mainly includes image acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction and vein matching, as shown in Fig.2. In the finger vein image acquisition process, the light intensity has a great impact on the quality of finger vein image. The Stronger light can cause the overall image bright and make the vein disappear. The lower light can cause the overall image dim and result in very little difference between the blood vessels and the background. In order to get sufficient extraction of the finger vein feature, the image requires preprocessing. The preprocessing is mainly divided into image normalization and image Enhancement. Methods of feature extraction mainly include: threshold segmentation methods, the maximum principal curvature methods. Kono et al [3], Japanese medical researchers, proposed finger vein based identity detection and gave more effective feature extraction method. Yanagawaetal [4] proved the diversity of human finger vein patterns and the usefulness of finger veins for identity identification on 2, 024 fingers of 506 persons. They state that, two finger vein patterns are identical only in that case All Rights Reserved A. Why we use finger vein? As a biometric characteristic, finger vein has various desirable properties, such as universality, permanence, distinctiveness and acceptability. In addition to this as compared with other biometric characteristics (for example, face, fingerprint and so on) it has following two advantages : 1. Living body identification: means that only vein in finger are captured and further used to perform identification. 2. Internal characteristic. It is hard to copy or forge finger vein, and very little external factor can damage finger vein, which guarantee the high security of finger vein recognition. These above mentioned two advantages make finger vein an irreplaceable biometric traits, and gain attentions from more and more research teams. This make it fairly recent technological advance in the field of biometrics that is being applied to different fields such as financial, medical, law enforcement facilities and other applications where high levels of security or privacy is very important. B. Application of finger veins Various applications of finger vein detection are: 1. In the field of forensic science and crime scene investigations: Vascular technology means vein matching, is a technique of biometric identification through the analysis of the patterns of vessels visible from the surface of the skin. Though used by the Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation , the method of identification is still in development. This can also be used in conjunction with existing forensic data in support of a conclusion [4]. Criminals identification based on finger vein will be more reliable as compared to finger prints. 2. Employee time and attendance tracking: This innovative reader eliminates buddy punching and increases productivity without the need for ID cards. This make hardware configuration scalable from one reader to multiple readers for attendance and access control. 3. Controlling Access: The finger vein authentication system prevents leakage of corporate information and entry of unidentified persons into home or office buildings. This system can also be utilized with combination of corporate identification cards or antitheft monitors to achieve multiple layers of security control. P a g e | 51 Manpreet Kaur International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 50-54 4. Protecting Computer Login: PC users can now guard against illegitimate access or leakage of information on their computers by using the vein patterns of their fingers as their PC login. As this method is free from any forgery, results in better protection. This finger vein authentication technology can also centralize information scattered in different locations to enable more effective information management. 5. Revolutionizing Banking: Vein pattern recognition technology eliminates the need for bank cards or security PIN numbers , thus overcome problems relating to loss, theft or duplicity of cards and passwords. Banks may also use finger vein authentication systems to effectively manage transactions at bank counters and depositories; hence reduce case of thefts like frauds. 6. Designing more secure safe : Safe accepting finger veins is more reliable as compare to safes with finger prints hence more efficient in protection of confidential files and data. Since finger vein does not suffer from any forgery related problems. Such safes also used for protecting military weapons. II. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED WORK The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in Figure Load Image Preproce ssing Feature extraction Image Normalization Matchi ng 1. Binarization / Normalization: Each of the acquired fingervein images is first subjected to normalization, in which binarization is done[1][5].A binary image is a digital image that has only two possible values for each pixel. we convert grey scale image to black and white i.e in a binarized form 1 and 0. 2. Edge detection: In this step edges of a finger vein image are detected using soble edge detector so that we extract finger vein area properly. 3. Vein ROI: ROI(REGION OF INTEREST) is used to acquire important region of a finger vein image, due to which less time is consumed and unwanted area is excluded. 4. Image Enhancement: .it is used to improve the quality .Image got damaged or its quality decrease during the process of clicking the image or transferring the image then the image enhancement is use to improve quality of finger vein image .it improves the color ,contrast, brightness and moreover reduces noise present in an image[14]. Feature Extraction: - Transforming the input data into the set of features is called feature extraction. The feature extraction is done to extract the thickness, length and shape of the vein pattern. The three methods are used to extract the features are Repeated Line Tracking, Even Gabor filter and MDA. Database Edge Detection Result Analysis ROI Extraction Image Enhancement Fig 2: Block diagram of proposed system Image Acquisition:- Image acquisition means acquiring an image from the source stored in some hardware or from direct source. In image acquisition the browse image is loaded for further processing. All Rights Reserved Preprocessing:- After acquiring finger vein image preprocessing of an input image is done in second step which includes; Finger Vein Matching: - The output come from all the previous steps will be matched with the data stored in the database, which shows whether the acquired vein is matched or not. Here SURF (speed up robust feature) is used for matching vein pattern. The SURF has better speed and accuracy as it uses object reorganization feature. The database consists of the features of all vein images [14, 16]. III. LITERATURE REVIEW Ajay Kumar et al. proposed a method for Human Identification Using Finger Images. They proposed a new approach to improve the performance of finger-vein identification systems presented in the literature. The proposed system simultaneously capture the finger-vein and low resolution fingerprint images and then combines these two evidences using a novel score-level combination strategy. The utility of low-resolution fingerprint images acquired from a webcam is examined to ascertain the matching performance from such images. They develop and investigate two new score- P a g e | 52 Manpreet Kaur International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 50-54 level combinations, i.e., nonlinear fusion and holistic, and comparatively evaluate them with more popular score-level fusion approaches to ascertain their effectiveness in the proposed system[1]. Pengfei Yu et al. proposed a method Fingerprint Image Preprocessing Based on Whole-Hand Image Captured by Digital Camera. They present, some fingerprint image preprocessing approaches based on a whole-hand image captured by digital camera. The pre-processing methods include 1.key point location 2.finger image segmentation 3.fingerprint region extraction. At first, the key points including fingertips and valley points, that are key points, are located from the hand contour image. In Second step, the middle finger is cropped from the hand image based on the information of the key points' positions and the knuckle's texture near the finger root. At last, the fingerprint is extracted from the middle finger through the first knuckle's texture. Due to , low resolution of fingerprint images, linear projection methods like Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are used for fingerprint feature extraction. Experimental outcomes on a database of 86 hands (10 impressions per hand) show that these approaches are effective and more accurate [2]. Miura, N., Nagasaka et al. : propose a method of personal identification based on finger-vein patterns. In this paper they proposed a technique in which an image of a finger captured under infrared light contains not only the vein pattern along with irregular shading produced by the various thicknesses of the finger bones and muscles. This method extracts the finger-vein pattern from the unclear image by using line tracking method that starts from various positions. Experimental results show that, it achieves robust pattern extraction. The equal error rate was 0.145% in personal identification [3]. Jinfeng Yang et al. proposed a technique for an improved method for finger-vein image enhancement. They found an improved approach, incorporating both, directional decomposition and Frangi filtering, to enhance finger veins. Firstly, background subtraction is processed, for improving image contrast and eliminates uneven illumination. Secondly, the vein information as ridge-like directional characters in image is detected by directional filter bank and enhanced through Frangi filtering after noise removal. At end the enhanced images are obtained from enhanced directional images with help of a fine reconstruction rule. Experimental results state that, the new proposed approach is more robust, effective and accurate in enhancing finger-vein images [14]. All Rights Reserved IV. DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES OF FEATURE EXTRACTION Various techniques used in proposed work are: 1) Repeated line Tracking: Repeated line tracking method gives a promising result in finger-vein identification [1][3]. Line tracking starts at different positions, and moves along the direction of vein pattern pixel by pixel. The idea is to trace the veins in the image by chosen directions according to predefined probability in the horizontal and vertical orientations, and the starting position, that is, seed is randomly selected; the whole process is repeatedly done for a certain number of times [3]. 2) Even Gabor filter: Gabor filter, is a linear filter used for edge detection. Its frequency orientation representation is similar to those of the human visual system; and they have been found to be particularly appropriate for texture representation and discrimination. Hence in spatial domain; a 2D Gabor filter is a Gaussian kernel function modulated by a sinusoidal plane wave [1][5]. Gabor filters: are self-similar, which means, all filters can be generated from one mother wavelet by dilation and rotation [10].Its impulse response is defined by a Gaussian function multiplied by a harmonic function. Because of (Convolution theorem) the multiplication-convolution property, the Fourier transform of a Gabor filter's impulse response is the convolution of the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function and Fourier transform of the harmonic function [15]. These filters have been shown to posses optimal localization properties in both frequency and spatial domain. And thus are well suited for texture segmentation problems. Gabor filter can be viewed as a sinusoidal plane of particular frequency and orientation [1], modulated by a Gaussian envelope. G(x, y) = s(x, y) g(x, y) Where g(x, y) is 2D Gaussian envelope and (x, y) is complex sinusoid Formula: ′2 𝑔 = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (\𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐{𝑥 ′2 + 𝛾 2𝑦 }{2𝜎 2 }) 𝑛𝑔 \𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑖(2𝜋\𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐{𝑥 ′ }{𝜆} + 𝜓)) 3) Multi-linear Discriminant Analysis (MDA): It is Dimensionality Reduction-based Methods in which multiple interrelated subspaces can collaborate to discriminate different classes. Subspace learning methods usually transform image into low-dimensional space to classify. In P a g e | 53 Manpreet Kaur International Journal of Research Development & Innovation (IJRDI) Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015, Pg. 50-54 transformation, they keep discriminating information and remove noises[5]. [6]Prabjot Kaur et al., “Comparative Study on Human Identification for Finger Vein Images” International Journal of Latest Scientific Research and Technology 1(2), pp. 37-40 ISSN: 2348-9464, July – 2014. Various advantages of MDA: 1) The MDA algorithm can avoid the curse of dimensionality and serves the small sample size problem. 2) The computational cost in the learning stage is reduced. 3) The extension from vector to tensor for data representation and feature extraction is general and it can also be applied on SVM and many other algorithms to improve algorithm learn ability and effectiveness. [7]Naoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake “Feature Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Based on Repeated Line Tracking and its Application to Personal Identification” Published by Springer on Machine Vision and Applications”, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 194-203, October 2004. V. CONCLUSION To implement new algorithm for the finger-vein detection, which is more reliable in extracting the finger-vein features and result in higher accuracy than the previously proposed fingervein detection approaches. Numbers of Finger Vein detection techniques have been proposed earlier but they were not secure enough and have some limitations. [10]Naoto Miura, Akio Nagasaka, Takafumi Miyatake “Extraction of FingerVein Patterns Using Maximum Curvature Points in Image Profiles Published by IEEE in 2005. Finger Vein image detection using Repeated Line Tracking or Gabor Filter alone could not provide better results. New fingervein matching scheme is based on finger vein processing using three methods i.e. Repeated line tracking, Even Gabor filter and Multi-linear Discriminant Analysis(MDA) which results in better Average Recognition Performance and PSNR value ,as compared to previous algorithms and works more effectively in more realistic situations and turned to a more accurate performance. REFERENCES [1] Ajay Kumar,Senior Member, IEEE, and Yingbo Zhou; “Human Identification Using Finger Images” IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 21, no. 4, april 2012. [2] Pengfei Yu, Dan Xu , Haiyan Li , Hao Zhou; “Fingerprint Image Preprocessing Based on Whole-Hand Image Captured by Digital Camera”. International conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering2009. CiSE 2009. [8].David Mulyono & Horng Shi Jinn “A Study of Finger Vein Biometric for Personal Identification” Published by IEEE in 2008. [9]Kejun Wang, Hui Ma, Oluwatoyin P. 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