International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 Review of Internet of Things (IoT): A vision and future directions Kalyani C.Badkas 1 , Prof M.R. Shahade 2 , Upendra S.Ramteke 3 1 2 B.E Final year,Department of IT, J.D.I.E.T Yavatmal, [email protected] Assistant Professor, Department of IT, J.D.I.E.T Yavatmal,[email protected] 3 B.E Third year, Department CSE, J.D.I.E.T Yavatmal, [email protected] ABSTRACT In these paper we will discuss about the challenges, vision and motivation of Internet of Things. IN a modern day living Wireless Sensor Network(WSN)technologies cuts across many areas .Fueledby the recent adoption of a variety of enabling Wireless Technologies such as RFID tags and embedded sensor and actuator nodes.It also represent a cloud centric vision for World Wideimplementation of Internet of Things .In these era we are introducing a new computing Technology called Internet of Things.Machine to machine, machine to infrastructure, machine to environment, the Internet of Everything,the Internet of Intelligent Things, intelligent systems—call it what youwant, but it’s happening, and its potential is huge.For interacting and communicating with other machines,objects, environments and infrastructures the IoT is comprised to smart machine. The Internet of Things (IoT)1 is a fast-emerging ecosystem of IP-connected devices with the potential to deliver significant business benefits valued at trillions of dollars in the coming decade across industries.These paper concludes with that likely to arise a vision of the Internet of Things becomes the reality of today future. KeywordsInternetof Things Wireless Communication RFIDSmart Object -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined in many different ways, and itencompasses many aspects of life—from connected homes and cities to connected cars androads, roads to devices that track an individual‘s behavior and use the data collected for―push‖ services. Some mention one trillion Internet -connected devices by 2025 and definemobile phones as the ―eyes and ears‖ of the applications connecting all of those connected―things.‖ By these internet of things billions objects can communicate over world wide over a public, private internet protocol network In 2010, the number of everyday physical objects and devices connected to the Internet was around 12.5 billion. Smart cities, Smart cars, Publicsafety, Smart Industries and Environmental Protection has been given the high intention for future protection by IoT Ecosystem .For the development the government of Europe, Asia and America has consider the Internet of Things has area innovation and growth.Many visionaries have seized on the phrase ―Internet of Things‖ to refer to the general idea of things, especially everyday objects, that are readable, recognisable, locatable, addressable, and/or controllable via the Internet, irrespective of the communication means (whether via RFID, wireless LAN, wide- area networks, or other means).Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensor network technologies will rise to meet this new challenge, in whichinformation and communication systems are invisibly embeddedin the environment around us. This results in the generation ofenormous amounts of data which have to be stored, processedand presented in a seamless, efficient, and easily interpretableform. This model will consist of services that are commodities anddelivered in a manner similar to traditional commodities. Due to internet of things hospitals are shifting to remote self-monitoring for patients. Due self-monitoring it gives the patient greater freedom and independence for their health and free the equipment for emergency propose for patients. IJRISE||[email protected] [129-134] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 Fig-1:Remote Patient Monitoring N 2. RFID RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is primarily used to identify objects from a dista nce of a few meters, with a stationary reader typically communicating wirelessly with small battery -free transponders (tags) attached to objects. It also provide two important basic functions for an Internet of Things – identification and communication – RFID can also be used to determine the approximate location of objects provided the position of the reader is known .These technology is a major breakthrough in the embedded communication paradigm which enables design of microchips for wirelessdata communication. The barcode attach to any of the product the RFID recognize to what the product belongs. To communicate ID to the RFID, the passive RFID tags are not battery powered and uses the power of the reader‘s interrogation signal. This has resulted in many applications particularly in retail and supply chain managementThese application can be used in replacement of sticker, registration sticker, for transportation and access control. The combination of these factors has improved the viabilityof utilizing a sensor network consisting of a large numberof intelligent sensors, enabling the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of valuable information, gathered in a varietyof environments .Active RFID is nearly the same as the lower endWSNnodes with limited processing capability and storage. Thescientific challenges that must be overcome in order to realize theenormous potential of WSNs are substantial and multidisciplinary in nature. Tags on packages, shelves, and payment countries also being gradually adopted by businesses to enhance retail experiences,by the use of RFID. 2 billions of phone can also be established in 2015 by the use of these RFID. Virtual shopping carts can be created and orders placed automatically with warehouses for goods to be delivered to their homes. The development of RFID over recent years is reflected not only in technical progress but also in cost reductions and standardization . While the adoption by major retailers represents a remarkable success, the evolution of RFID and its associated infrastructure technologiesin recent years also highlights challenges involved in realizing an Internet of Thingsin the broader sense of the term.Forerunners of communicating everyday objects are already apparent, particularlyin connection with RFID – for example the short-range communication of key cards with the doors of hotel rooms, or ski passes that talk to lift turnstiles. More futuristicscenarios include a smart playing card table, where the course of play is monitored using RFID-equipped playing cards. However, all of these applications still involve dedicated systems in a local deployment; we are not talking about an ―Internet‖in the sense of an o pen, scalable and standardized system. IJRISE||[email protected] [129-134] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 2.1 Basic Component - The chip holds information about the object to which it is attached and transfers the d ata to reader wirelessly via an air interface. - The antenna allows transmission of the information to/from a reader. - The packaging encases chip and antenna, and allows the attaching of t he tag to an object for identification. Fig-2:RFID Communicati on 3 Wireless Communication Recent technological advances in low power integrated circuitsand wireless communications have made available efficient, lowcost, low power miniature devices for use in remote sensing applications . These combination factors has improved the viability of utilizing a sensor network consisting of a large numberof intelligent sensors, enabling the collection, processing, analysisand dissemination of valuable information, gathered in a varietyof environments [7].The role of the communication node is to transfer information gathered by the sensing nodesand processed by local embedded processing nodes to the destinations identified by the localembedded processing nodes. A nd, once the data is remotely processed and new commandsare generated, the communication node brings back the new commands to the local embeddedprocessing nodes to execute a task.Sometimes this could be as simple as sensing a fridge door being left open based on energy use, and after analyzing the data, automatically closing the door via a mechanical mechanismor generating a warning for the homeowners‘ ―home automation app.‖ Or, it could be assophisticated as communication to an autonomous vehicle to avoid an accident.Use cases could vary drastically, but what is common to these command and control communication links is that they typically only need to carry few kilobytes of data for any givennode, unless high-bandwidth image processing or video data is involved.The IoT will encompass all aspects of one‘s everyday life, hence there is no limit to the distances for which command and control communication can/will be used. To get a betterunderstanding of the dynamics of this segment, let‘s take a step back and look at the variouscommunication topologies that exist today, from wireless body area network (WBAN) towide area network (WAN), and all of the options in between. If you were to design wired andwireless technologies for the IoT from the ground up, you may or may not end up with thecommunications landscape as we know it today. IJRISE||[email protected] [129-134] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 However, many of the companies offeringwireless and wired solutions are positioning their products as ―the communication engine ofchoice‖ for the IoT market. Fig-3: Wireless Landscape 4 Applications There are several application domains which will be impactedby the emerging Internet of Things. The applications can be classifiedbased on the type of network availability, coverage, scale, heterogeneity,repeatability, user involvement and impact. Wecategorize the applications into four application domains: (1) Personaland Home; (2) Enterprize; (3) Utilities; and (4) Mobile. 4.1 Personal and Home The sensor information collected is used only by the individualswho directly own the ne twork. Usually WiFi is used as the backboneenabling higher bandwidth data (video) transfer as well ashigher sampling rates (Sound).Ubiquitous healthcare has been envisioned for the past twodecades. IoT gives a perfect platform to realize this vision usingb ody area sensors and IoT back end to upload the data to servers.For instance, a Smartphone can be used for communication alongwith several interfaces like Bluetooth for interfacing sensors measuringphysiological parameters. So far, there are several applicationsavailable for Apple iOS, Google Android and Windows Phoneoperating systems that measure various parameters. However, it isyet to be centralized in the cloud for general physicians to accessthe same.An extension of the personal body area network is creatinga home monitoring system for elderly care, which allows thedoctor to monitor patients and the elderly in their homes therebyreducing hospitalization costs through early intervention and treatment.Control of home equipment such as air conditioners, refrigerators,washing machines etc., will allow better home and energymanagement. This will see consumers IJRISE||[email protected] [129-134] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 become involved in the IoTrevolution in the same manner as the Internet revolution itself. Social networking is set to undergo another transformationwith billions of interconnected objects. 4.2 Enterprize We refer to the ‗Network of Things‘ within a work environmentas an enterprize based application. Information collected fromsuch networks are used only by the owners and the data maybe released selectiv ely. Environmental monitoring is the firstcommon application which is implemented to keep track of thenumber of occupants and manage the utilities within the building(e.g., HVAC, lighting).Sensors have always been an integral part of the factory setupfor security, automation, climate control, etc. This will eventuallybe replaced by a wireless system giving the flexibility to makechanges to the setup whenever required. This is nothing but an IoTsubnet dedicated to factory maintenance.One of the major IoT application areas that is already drawing attention is Smart Environment IoT. 4.3 Utilities The information from the networks in this application domainis usually for service optimization rather than consumer consumption.It is already being used by utility companies (smart meter byelectricity supply companies) for resource management in order tooptimize cost vs. profit. These are made up of very extensive networks(usually laid out by large organization on a regional and nationalscale) for monitoring critical utilities and efficient resource management. The backbone network used can vary between cellular,WiFi and satellite communication.Smart grid and smart metering is another potential IoT applicationwhich is being implemented around the world. Efficientenergy consumption can be achieved by continuously monitoringevery electricity point within a house and using this informationto modify the way electricity is consumed. This information at thecity scale is used for maintaining the load balance within the gridens uring high quality of service. 4.4 Mobile Smart transportation and smart logistics are placed in a separatedomain due to the nature of data sharing and backbone implementationrequired. Urban traffic is the main contributor totraffic noise pollution and a major contributor to urban air qualitydegradation and greenhouse gas emissions. Traffic congestion directly imposes significant costs on economic and social activitiesin most cities. Supply chain efficiencies and productivity, includingjust-in-time operations, are severely impacted by this congestioncausing freight delays and delivery schedule failures. Dynamictraffic information will affect freight movement, allow better planningand improved scheduling. The transport IoT will enable theuse of large scale WSNs for online monitoring of travel times, origin– destination (O–D) route choice behaviour, queue lengths andair pollutant and noise emissions. 5. Challenges to achieve full IOT potential There are key challenges and implications today that need to be addressed before mass adoption of IOT can occur. 5.1 Cost versus Usability IOT used the technology to connect all the networking devices and physical devices to the internet. For IOT adoption to grow widely the cost of the component that are need to support capabilities such as tracking, sensing and control mechanism need to be available at the cheaper rate in the coming year.It had been absorbed that the most technology component such as radio,Wi-Fi, sensor and GPS, could see a drop in cost of 15% to 45% from 2010 to IJRISE||[email protected] [129-134] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 2015. For organisations planning to adopt IOT, the reduction in costs of these components needs to be less than the increase in revenue margins that can be gained from a better product and service . 5.2 Privacy and Security As the adoption of IOT becomes pervasive, data that is captured and stored becomes huge and not easy to maintain. One of the main concerns that the IOT has to address is privacy. The most important challenge in convincing users to adopt emerging technologies is the protection of data and privacy. Concerns over privacy and data protection are widespread, particularly as sensors and smart tags can track user movements, habits and ongoing preferences. Invisible and constant data exchange between things and people, and between things and other things, will take place, unknown to the owners and originators of such data. IOT implementations would need to decide who controls the data and for how long. The fact that in the IOT, a lot of data flows autonomously and without human knowledge makes it very important to have authorisation protocols in place to avoid the misuse of data. Moreover, protecting privacy must not be limited to technical solutions, but must encompass regulatory, market -based 3. CONCLUS ION The proliferation of devices with communicating–actuating capabilities is bringing closer the vision of an Internet of Things, where the sensing and actuation functions seamlessly blend into the background and new capabilities are made possible throughaccess of rich new information sources. The requirement of specific purpose driven electronics circuits creates thousands may be millions of jobs. Even at this very moment, Cisco is developing Asia‘s very first Internet of Things hub in Bangalore. This can resolve the issue of unemp loyment of engineers.The evolution of the nextgeneration mobile system will depend on the creativity of the usersin designing new applications. 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