Fawn Ridge APRIL.pub

APRIL / MAY 2015
HCA Emergency Facility Construction: Our Road
is injured and needs Boo Boo Piggy!
Our new neighbor, “under construction,” the HCA Emergency
Facility is quickly taking form and soon will be open for business.
While there are a few questions about how we may co-exist, there
is no question that on occasion, just like we do with certain
neighbors, we will find ourselves having to be a little tolerant and
practice a little patience.
With reference to the freshly excavated road segment on Fawn
Ridge Boulevard. Batten and Shaw Construction Company had
excavated Fawn Ridge Blvd., in order to tie into county utilities.
On Saturday, February 28th after five or six hours of constant
precipitation the road flooded and the rainwater washed away the
fill that had been set inside the open road segment. As a result of
the washout several vehicles that drove through the open segment
were damaged.
Since then the construction company has refilled the segment with
heavier gravel and has assured us that it is safe to travel through
the open segment of road once more. It is safer and less impactful
if cars are driven over it at slower rates of speed. Some residents
report minimal discomfort when traveling at 25 mph or less
through the open section. If you drove through the open segment
of road on Saturday February 28th and your vehicle was damaged
please contact Batten & Shaw at (615)-292-2400. Please reference
the date of February 28th and HCA Citrus Park Emergency Facility
and explain your circumstances.
Please note: If you are going to call to complain about the
construction and how you think the facility is going to negatively
affect your way of life - the time for that has come and gone.
Batten & Shaw is a construction company not a public relations
firm. They are a friendly, professional company that have a job to
do and want to do the right thing.
Fawn Ridge Annual Meeting
Fawn Ridge Annual Meeting is set for Tuesday,
May 12th 2015. The meeting will be held at the
Hillsborough County Public Library - Meeting
room # 204. All Fawn Ridge Homeowners will
be receiving a notice of election. Pursuant to the
Association Bylaws an election will be held to
fill an upcoming Board vacancy. All eligible
homeowners are encouraged to submit their
names as a candidate for the board member
position. Soon thereafter all homeowners will
receive a ballot and a proxy. It is imperative that
we get all proxy forms signed and returned
before the Annual meeting. Please keep an eye
out for this important information.
On behalf of
the Fawn
Ridge Board
of Directors
and Fawn
residents, we
wish to thank
David Nobles - Association President for his
hard work and dedication to his community.
David and his wife Cynthia are original Fawn
Ridge owners. David has served numerous
times in different capacities over the two
decades of his residency in Fawn Ridge. David
has many years of leadership experience
through his vocation as an IT manager. His
empathy and deliberative style will be sorely
missed simply because it will not be easily
emulated. Thanks, Dave for serving your
community again.
New Gauge Property Management
Mike Castro - 813-922-1339
Fax: 813-4365115
[email protected]
Homeowners Board Of Directors
David Nobles
[email protected]
Marilyn Carter– Secretary
Mike Castro– Property Manager
Board Member
ARC Review
Open Position
For Advertising Contact:
Kim @ 813-991-7843
[email protected]
The Fawn Ridger newsletter is mailed to the residents of Fawn Ridge monthly at no
cost to the Homeowners Association. IKare Publishing or Fawn Ridge is not
responsible for the actions or credibility of any the advertisers in this newsletters. It
is the individual’s responsibility to check references on all advertisers. IKare
Publishing is provided all articles in this newsletter by the Board Of Directors or
residents. IKare Publishing is not responsible for content.
You may view the current and past
issues of the Fawn Ridger newsletter
in it’s entirety by logging onto
Neighborhood Watch
Chair - Open Position
Social Committee
Chair - Kim Desmet
John Desmet
[email protected]
Fawn Ridge, Citrus Park
Extension Restoration Council
Chair - Barbara Dawes
Visit our website at www.fawnridge.org to
see more about what is going on in
Fawn Ridge.
All you have to do is use an advertiser in this issue! Yes, It’s that easy! When you need
something done in your home, or any services available in this newsletter call on the advertisers
that give your community a free newsletter! Your community does not pay for your newsletter.
The advertisers in this newsletter pay to print and mail each issue.
Email [email protected] and tell us the company you used, your full name, address and phone number. Upon verifying
the information, we will select a winning name at random each month.
If you don't win this month use another advertiser send us your name again and get another chance to win $25.00.
THE FAWN RIDGER ۩ IKarePublishing.com
Fawn Ridge Park A Renewal
There are many that will complain but few that will do. Lucky for Fawn Ridge residents, long-time resident, Jeanne
Gorecki, knows how to complain and take action as well. Since the end of 2014 Jeanne has been busily making calls
and meeting with the authorities at the Hillsborough Parks Department. Her goal has been to get the park looking like
it belongs to the neighborhood. A park that has safe equipment, clean surfaces and is free from graffiti. A park that
bolsters a positive and healthy perspective in the kids and parents that frequent it.
Lucky for us Jeanne is on a mission. And with the willful cooperation from Commissioner Sandra Murman’s office
and the Parks Department several improvements have been completed with many more scheduled. See below for a
partial list of improvements.
Fresh sand has been delivered and spread
Play equipment and bathrooms pressure washed
Bathroom and doors painted
Broken Bollards replaced with posts and chain
Ball field grated and white lines applied
Handicap water fountain installed
Basketball courts have been repainted.
There is still more to do. Yesterday Jeanne reported that Fawn Ridge Park had gotten bumped up on the county
schedule for the acquisition of brand new playground!
It is safe to say that Jeanne has gotten the ball rolling and our community will greatly benefit from her sharing her
concerns and tactfully holding our county authorities accountable.
Jeanne also advised that our residents must remain vigilant and keep an eye on the park. There will always be people
that have no respect for good works
of others and have no issue with
destroying and defacing the park
and it’s equipment. If you see
something, say something, call
someone. You may call:
Sherriff’s Deputy office
813-247-8200 (non-emergency)
Parks Department.
813- 635-3500, 813-975-2118
Don’t let people that disrespect the
park and ultimately disrespect your
neighborhood get away with it.
Motor vehicles are not allowed in
the park itself, and neither are
ATVs and mini-bikes. The park is
supposed to be closed at sunset,
with exception of tennis courts. Let
us appreciate this gift of renewal for
our park and care for it so that our
kids can safely enjoy it for a long
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this great calorie burning, muscle-building,
and fun activity. Get a rope long enough
and three or four people can partake,
double-dutch style.
Rev up a game of hopscotch outside by
packing a box of sidewalk chalk into
your child’s basket. It’s a simple way to get
them outside and active, and to teach them
to play games without cords and
controllers. Enrich their minds and bodies
with this idea! In addition, don't forget
about balls, which are inexpensive and can
entice kids of all ages to play outdoors.
Easter is on its way! Along with Peter
Cottontail, you and your kids will encounter
more than your share of sugar-packed
jellybeans, malted milk balls, cream-filled
chocolate eggs and life-size chocolate
bunnies. The common Easter basket is filled
to the brim with pastel-colored candy eggs,
bunnies, lambs and more, but while
celebrating with sweets is fine in
moderation, eating a pound of chocolate
eggs in a matter of days doesn't fall under
that definition.
This year, why not load your baskets and
office candy jars with some alternative
treats? Teach your children, grandkids,
friends and co-workers that you can enjoy
this spring holiday, basket and all, without
overindulging in sugar. And when you do
choose to treat yourself, be conscious of
your choices. Instead of eating on a whim
from a bottomless basket, plan your treats
each day and track your calories. Don't
throw away your wrappers when you're
finished; keeping them in sight will become
a visual reminder of how much you've
already eaten, and you'll be less likely to
keep reaching into that basket without
thinking first.
Here are some more ideas that will inspire
you to think outside the basket and still have
fun this Easter!
Those hard-boiled, decorated Easter eggs
are a healthful addition to any basket. Don't
let all that protein go to waste! Peel and eat
your dyed eggs plain, with or without the
yolk. Consider slicing them onto a salad,
including them in a wrap or pita, or making
them into egg salad with light mayonnaise
for a tasty springtime sandwich.
Plastic eggs are a great way to add a
celebratory twist to your basket, but be
careful how you stuff them. Tuck sugar-free
THE FAWN RIDGER ۩ IKarePublishing.com
gum, small boxes of raisins, or miniature
packets of peanuts into the colorful eggs
for a healthy twist. For kids, fill the eggs
with age-appropriate prizes, such as beaded
jewelry, lip balm, small toys or other fun
tokens. Coins and small bills make for
exciting treasure as well!
Beyond Bunny Carrots
For a festive look, pack orange crackers
(like cheddar Goldfish made with whole
grains) or dried apricots into a triangle
pastry bag. Tie some green ribbon or raffia
to the top and you have a healthy carrotshaped goodie. You can even take a black
permanent marker and draw a carrot onto
the outside of the plastic bag to create a
more distinguished look.
Create cute and tasty carrotshaped homemade granola bars by baking
your recipe in a pan and then cutting your
masterpiece into lengthy triangles. Wrap
them in baggies to pop into baskets. You
can even add a few drops of orange food
dye to make your "carrots" more colorful!
Vegetables aren’t the only thing your little
bunnies should be eating this Easter! Dried
fruit is a great way to meet your daily fruit
quota. For ease, purchase it at the store, but
be sure to read ingredients labels and avoid
items with added sugar. You can also use a
dehydrator at home to make your own
dried fruit. Try apricots, mangos, apples,
banana slices, cherries, and pear slices.
When you dry your fruit at home, you
don’t have to add any sugar and it tastes
great! It can also be a fun project for kids to
do with you.
Hop to Health
Who says an Easter basket should only
contain edible surprises? You can include
creative items that promote movement and
aerobic activity, too. A jump rope packs
easily into a grass-filled basket and can be
used year-round. Hop to heart health with
Brain Treats
Books are a great non-food gift for a loved
one of any age. Slip the latest teen fiction
series, a copy of the traditional Easter
Bunny tales, or the most recent non-fiction
best seller.
Other ways to pop some fun into your gifts
baskets are to add playing cards and a small
book of card games. This addition can
provide good old-fashioned family fun.
Small and portable travel games are always
useful, as are packets of crossword or math
puzzles. Pair these gifts with sets of colored
pens or pencils and it’ll be a sure hit.
Reach your 10,000 Steps
Increase your activity on Easter morning
and help your family reach the
recommended goal of 10,000 steps a
day by encouraging additional activity to
help offset some of the candy and sweets
you'll be eating. Hide your healthy Easter
baskets in a discrete spot in the house or
yard and put together a scavenger hunt to
lead your kids and friends to them with
multiple clues and stops. At each station,
leave a physical activity assignment (have
your scavengers perform jumping jacks,
frog leaps, push-ups or other silly tasks)
along with the clue for the next location on
the hunt. Make sure to follow the group
around as they search to help get your steps
in, too!
Enjoy your sweet treats in moderation and
get creative to include some healthier items
in your celebration! Encouraging your
children, friends and family members to
find alternate ways to celebrate Easter that
don't always involve
candy can keep
your traditions
alive and set a
example for
health living.
Happy Easter!
Please Read Color Palette Guidelines
Before Submitting Colors to ARC.
If will save you a lot of time, money and
All exterior paint and repainting must be submitted to Fawn
Ridge Architectural Committee (ARC) see page 15 in this
Useful Information:
• Older eggs are easier to peel than fresh eggs. If you are
planning to make hard boiled eggs for Easter and want to make
sure that the eggs are easy to peel, buy your eggs at least a week
ahead of time (two weeks even better, they'll keep).
• If you need easy-to-peel eggs and you have fresh eggs, you
might want to try steaming the eggs for 20 minutes. Somehow
the steam penetrates the shell a bit making the eggs easier to
• If you've boiled a batch of eggs that you are now finding
difficult to peel, try cracking the shells all around without
peeling them and soaking the eggs in water for a while. The
water often seems to seep in enough under the shell to make the
egg easier to peel.
1. Place the eggs in a single layer at the bottom of a saucepan.
Cover with at least an inch or two of cold water. The more eggs
that are crowding the pan the more water you should have over the
eggs. Heat the pot on high heat and bring the water to a full rolling
Adding a teaspoon of vinegar to the water may help keep egg whites
from running out if an egg does crack while cooking. Also some
people find adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the water helps prevent
cracking as well as making the eggs easier to peel.
2. Turn off the heat, keep the pan on the hot burner, cover, and
let sit for 10-12 minutes.
If you have the type of stove burner that doesn't retain any heat
when turned off, you might want to lower the temp to low, simmer
for a minute, and then turn it off.
Depending on how cooked you like your hard boiled eggs, the eggs
should be done perfectly in 10-12 minutes. When you find a time
that works for you, given your preferences, the types of eggs you
buy, your pots, stove, and cooking environment, stick with it.
If I'm cooking a large batch of eggs, after 10 minutes I'll sacrifice
one to check for doneness, by removing it with a spoon, running it
under cold water, and cutting it open.
I also find that it is very hard to overcook eggs using this method. I
can let the eggs sit, covered, for up to 15-18 minutes without the
eggs getting overcooked.
3. Strain out the water from the pan and run cold water over the
eggs to cool them quickly and stop them from cooking
further. Or, if you are cooking a large batch of eggs, remove them
with a slotted spoon to a large bowl of ice water.
The best way to store hard boiled eggs is in a covered container in
the refrigerator. Eggs can release odors in the fridge which is why it
helps to keep them covered.
Approved Exterior Paint colors found on 1st page of
Only approved paint colors which are listed are permitted.
Must use a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of three (3)
colors are permitted per home.
One color must be declared as the house body color.
Any siding must be painted house body color only.
If home needs repainting than an approved color from palette
must be selected.
Colors shall not be similar to adjacent homes or homes directly
across the street.
Trim color must be within three (3) shade colors up or down, on
the same color strip as the body.- or - one of the trim ONLY
10. There are five (5) approved white house colors on the palette.
The trim must be within the top three (3) colors on any trim/
body color strip on the palette.
11. Garage door must match body or trim of units' exterior color or
simulation wood finish.
12. Sheen of the paint finish may not exceed semi-gloss for the
house body.
Body/Wall - Wall, siding, downspouts, utility connections, cable
and phone box, solar piping on wall
Trim - Soffit, gutter, contrasting border around windows, doors and
Accent - Front door and shutters
If you have any questions , email to
[email protected]
They should be eaten within 5 days. Simplyreceipes.com
THE FAWN RIDGER ۩ IKarePublishing.com
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Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
Its what hundreds of thousands of
kids do year after year on Easter
morning. Its what we all remember
doing as a child, searching for those
eggs, hoping we can find them all so
we don’t have a rotten egg in a few
days. There’s more than just a
traditional Easter egg hunt to do on
Easter morning! These are some fun
Easter scavenger hunt ideas for kids
to do to celebrate and have fun with
Roses are red, violets are blue, look
in the place, where u keep your
shoes (shoe cupboard/rack)
Let's escape to a fairytale today,
Cinderella or little Miss Hubbard!
Your clue is hidden in the….
Pens and pencils, books and lunch
you’ll find me here I have a
hunch (School bag)
I have four legs but cannot walk;
you sit at me, when using your knife
and fork! (Stick under the kitchen/
dining table)
Scrape the scraps off your plate; this
machine cleans them just as great!
A rubber ducky says rub-a-dubdub.? (Bath)
Ring ring time to rise and shine.
(Near the alarm clock)
You'll find in your closet a basket,
now GO! It's been hiding in there the
whole time, don't you know? (Closet/
You've been at this for some time,
now you're getting the rhythm your
next egg/clue is hidden behind your
favorite games system! (Playstation,
Xbox, Wii)
You sit on me all day, sometimes you
even lay, I'm where you watch T.V.
I'm very easy to see (Couch)
Cozy and Warm you rest your head
(Your Bed)
I'm always cold, I'm never hot, you
keep food here, I'm always
near (Refrigerator)
In the room we bake a pie, where do
we look out to see the sky? Your next
clue you will spy. (Put the next clue
I love to see my reflection – I am such on the kitchen window)
a pretty egg (Near the mirror)
Look, oh look see, and yourself you
will see.
Soaking, soapy, sudsy
And when you do, you will find your
bubbles, if you don`t find
next clue. (Mirror)
me I will be in
trouble. (Bath)
Sweaty and stinky this hunt has made
I have two wheels that you, don't give up. To clean yourself
this is where you'll need to go,
spin, ride it fast and
you may win, you
choose the direction,
This is close to where you sleep, you
but wear a helmet for
might keep toys under here, there are
protection! (Near their
no monster here as you see, you will
find something and say "YIPEE!"
Come find me before `the mouse’ (Under bed)
eats me! (Computer)
The numbers 1 to 12 are here, take a
look for some Easter cheer. (Clock)
If I take a spin I will come out all
clean again (Washing machine,
I have 4 legs, but cannot walk. You
laundry room)
may sit and me and use your knife
and fork. (Dinner table)
If the Easter bunny left you a letter –
where might you find it (Mailbox)
If eggs are what you are looking to
I play in it at the beach or in the yard, find, take a look in the paper you
unwind. (Toilet roll)
but there`s no need to build
castle (Near or in the sandbox)
The next Easter egg will be found
with ease
Check the desk, on a top-row shelf.
If you get a sudden urge to sneeze
I'll bet you can find the clue by
(In a box of tissues)
yourself. (Desk)
Leafy and green is where I can be
seen (Plants)
THE FAWN RIDGER ۩ IKarePublishing.com
THE FAWN RIDGER ۩ IKarePublishing.com
THE FAWN RIDGER ۩ IKarePublishing.com
IKare Publishing Inc.
The Fawn Ridger has been designed, published and mailed by IKare Publishing Inc. at no cost to the residents of Fawn Ridge.