Entr y po int: trod uce be c our t reat opic ing p , we atte with will r our f ns in eet a pain t nd h ands ! To in s/Carers Calling all Parent ery to come into Nurs If you would like or sh either in Engli and tell us a story, e age, please se your home langu can arrange a we d Mrs. Holland an visit . A rem inder : St Bede’s Catholic Infant & Nursery School on a s are n o s ay es d Frid P. E. L n a y a nesd Wed Patterns Nursery Project, Spring 2 2014 An E all invit aster par atio Egg us in d ents a n is e s x wit n e h e corat d car tende xci d to i n g ers We event ting p East to joi er dn att n w at 1 esday ill be h erns. Eggs T t 0.3 0am he 9t eld on his and h of A p 2.3 0pm ril Core Values Our Core Values are the foundation of what we teach the children at school, and will help them to become independent and confident learners. We hope that everyone in our school community (the children, staff and parents) will use the Core Values in daily life. When we follow the Core Values, we live out the Gospel Values in our Mission Statement of Love, Peace and Justice. Our Core Values are: We are Respectful We are Responsible We are Resilient We are Reflective Everyone Matters! What’s the big idea? In this unit the children are going to learn about patterns and will be asking which patterns they can remember. They will: Go on a pattern walk Making and matching patterns Be finding out about patterns in nature Read stories about a patterned elephant called Elmer Look at words with patterns Be clapping and moving to musical patterns Our project Entry Point The children will begin this topic by using paint to make patterns with their feet and hands. Knowledge Harvest The children will be learning how to recognise a pattern. Explaining the Theme We will be looking at different ways to recognise and make patterns—in talk and books as well as art and music. How you can help at home Talk to your children about what patterns are and how to find them. Talk about the patterns they have been making at nursery. We will be learning to question why things happen and give explanations. We will also be learning to use vocabulary focussed on the topic. Ask your child what they think a pattern is. Look for patterns in the environment. Go on a pattern hunt! Try and find as many patterns as you can. Ask your child to describe the pattern. What elements are repeating? Project Work (Explorer Time) A pattern competition—how many different patterns ca n you make with just four different colours? Will they be lines or swirls? PRIME Communication & Language: SPECIFIC Understanding the World: We will be learning how to operate a mouse and keyboard and use these skills to complete a simple program on the computer An invitation to join us and decorate Easter eggs with patterns! Thursday the 9th of April at either 10.30 am or 2.30 pm Patterns PRIME Personal, Social & Emotional Development: We will be learning how to be aware of our feelings and know that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings. We will also be learning how to keep play going to what others are saying or doing. SPECIFIC Expressive Arts & Design: We will be learning to capture experiences and responses with a range of media. Make your own patterns! Talk about the patterns you see in your home— on your clothes, in your food SPECIFIC Literacy: Exit Point PRIME Physical Development: We will be learning to move in different ways and avoid obstacles as we move. We will also be learning how to use one handed tools effectively. Look at the variety of patterns you find on the wrappers of Easter eggs. We will continue to learn how to read and write our names and some high frequency words. We will also be learning about how words make sentences. SPECIFIC Mathematics: We will continue to learn how to count forwards and backwards to 20 and to know that numbers identify how many are in a set. We will also continue learning about the properties of familiar shapes.
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