With great pleasure, we would like to announce that the 1st King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Talent Management Symposium will be held from the 14th - 15th of September 2015 (1st-2nd Dhu Al Hijja 1436) beginning at 8:30am in the Post Graduate Center Auditorium; with live transmission to KFSHRC Jeddah and KNCCC. The symposium, themed, “Talent Management: As A Business Agent For Organizational Development”, is a FREE event being hosted by the Talent Management Department, under Human Resources Management – Corporate Level, for the Gen. Org (Riyadh & Jeddah), in order to bring awareness to KFSHRC, and the local community of the Riyadh, KSA -healthcare and non-healthcare organizations, profit, and non-for-profit institutions and potentially others within KSA & the GCC regarding the purpose, research, processes, methods and effects of full cycle Talent Management objectives and practices. The Symposium will feature keynote speakers and presenters from across the world; internationally from the United States of America, Nationally within the GCC, and Locally from KSA and internally from within KFSHRC. With representation from the National Center on Healthcare Leadership, the Talent Management Institute- Effectiveness Inc., General Electric (Global), Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee (Supporting Human Capital Development), Saudi ARAMCO, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF); Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity and from within KFSHRC – Ophthalmology, Nursing Affairs (Riyadh & Jeddah), and Respiratory Care Services, Riyadh. The Objectives of the Talent Management Symposium are: To provide a public forum & a discussion place to present a platform for the region on the topic of Talent Management. To provide an open discussion area to present the development of the Talent Management process, concepts, methods, technology, & best practices. To present research and studies that has been developed to validate the need for Talent Management practices, processes, and implementation. To demonstrate & educate the region on the positive effects of implementing Strategic Talent Management Processes within organizational business strategies. Symposium Scientific Topics of Discussion and Focus: Psychology of Talent Management Organizational Excellence – Potential & Performance Defining Talent Talent Management and the Effects on Productivity Global Talent Management vs. National Talent Management Succession Planning – Strategy (Centralized or Decentralized) Targeted Audience: All Staff working at KFSHRC; Externally: Healthcare Organizations & NonHealthcare Organizations within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: including: CEO’s, COO’s & VP’s, Executive Directors, Deputies, & Chairmen of Organizations, Talent Management Advisors, Consultants, Officers, Directors, Heads of Departments, Specialists, Managers, & Representatives, etc., Recruitment Consultants, Officers, Specialists, Managers, & Representatives, HR Advisors, Executives, Consultants, Officers, Directors, Specialists, Managers, & Representatives. Chief’s, VP’s, Executive Directors, Deputies, Directors, Heads, & Managers of: Recruitment, Nationalization, Human Resources, Training & Development, Staffing & Personnel, Talent Acquisition/ Talent Sourcing, Organization Development Professionals, all other professions focused on Manpower Planning & Development. Registration is NOW Open Please click here to access iLearn to register Please be advised that the Talent Management Department will not be responsible for arranging Business Leave, travel and accommodations, for those registering to attend the symposium. Registration Deadline is August 27th, 2015 For more information please contact: Angela Martin, Sr. Specialist Talent Management and Symposium Scientific Committee Co-Chairperson x33481, pager 48257, or Jawaher Al Otaibi, HR Analyst; Organizing Committee Co-Chairperson x33692, pager 41630 Ghadeer Al Sadiq, Hospital Assistant I, x77332, pager 43181 Or Email [email protected]
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