ILKLEY & DISTRICT U3A – 2015 SUMMER SCHOOL Monday 13th - Friday 17th July 2015 Welcome to our programme for the 2015 Summer School! You will find here a wide selection of activities for you to try and I would encourage all members to really engage with Summer School and to get involved with as many sessions as you can. This is a great opportunity to try something new and to be adventurous. Who Knows – it may lead to an interest that you want to pursue later. So – I hope that you take time to explore the programme and find some things to interest and delight you for this week of activities. I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank all the leaders who have offered to run the sessions for us – without them Summer School could not happen at all. Also, I would like to thank all U3A colleagues plus staff at KIVCA who have all helped to make the Summer School possible. Angie Grain (Summer School and Groups co-ordinator) APPLYING FOR PLACES - There are three methods of applying for places at Summer School sessions: 1 For those with access to the internet: The most efficient method of application is via the website ( From the Summer School menu, follow the ‘Book Summer School’ tab and register for each session that you wish to attend. It is very easy and you will receive an e-mail confirmation for each of your bookings. 2 For those without access to the internet: a. Call in to one of the Drop In sessions and apply there. Regular Drop In sessions are held from 10.30 – 12.00 on the first Friday of each month at the Clarke Foley Centre, Ilkley b. Complete the application form on the back page and send it, with an SAE for the reply, to: Tony Willson, 17 Hawkcliffe View, Silsden, BD20 0BS. A system of ‘first come, first served’ will be used to allocate places at each session so please book early. The only exception to the above booking process is the ‘Dishes of the World’ session – for this you apply direct to the session organiser. See the programme entry for details. If a group is full, a waiting list will be kept – so, if you have to drop out of a session for whatever reason, please phone Tony Willson (01535 657568) so that your place can be re-allocated. It would be a shame to have empty spaces when some members have been disappointed in their application. Please do not simply fail to attend a session for which you are registered. NEW FOR 2015 !!! U3A SUMMER SCHOOL CAFÉ 12.00 – 2.00 Monday 13th – Friday 17th Clarke Foley Centre, Ilkley Do come along to meet fellow U3A members and enjoy the Summer School ‘buzz’ 1 SUMMER SCHOOL SESSIONS – JULY 2015 Table of Contents Day Monday 13th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Tuesday 14th Wed 15th Wed 15th Thurs 16th Thurs 16th Friday 17th Friday 17th Time 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 - 12.00 10.00 – 11.30 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.30 – 12.30 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – c4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.15 – c 3.30 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.30 – c 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 Activity Croquet Taster (Monday am) Future New Groups Poetry Reading Tai Chi in the Park Art Appreciation Bowls Croquet Taster (Monday pm) Last Ice Age Mixed Circle Dancing Croquet Taster (Tuesday am) Dishes from Around the World Singing for Pleasure Travelling by Train in the Victorian Era Badminton Chess for Beginners Croquet Taster (Tuesday pm) Table Tennis (Tuesday) Archaeology on the High Moor Croquet Taster (Wednesday am) Emergency Aid (i) Croquet Taster (Wednesday pm) In Defence of Immortality Textile Workshop Emergency Aid (ii) Northern Towns Pros and Cons of living in a Retirement Flat Life Writing Art for Fun (i) Highlights of Teaching in Malawi Robert Browning: from failed playwright to fine poet Table Tennis (Friday) Active Euthanasia Art for Fun (ii) Creative Crafts Ilkley During World War II 2 Page 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 SUMMER SCHOOL – 2015 Programme of Sessions Monday 13th July Croquet Taster Sessions for all (Monday am) The Ilkley U3A Croquet Group, currently play social croquet on four lawns at Ben Rhydding Croquet Club; tuition is provided by qualified Croquet Association coaches, to help newcomers to learn both Association and Golf Croquet and to improve previously acquired skills. All playing equipment is provided, including suitably sized and weighted croquet mallets, but please wear your own comfortable flat soled (no heels), for example, trainers. Tea and coffee provided; bring your own picnic lunch and join our lunch time gossip group! Time 10.00 – 12.00 Venue Ben Rhydding Sports Club No. of Places 6 Leader Richard Lorimer [email protected] Tel: 01943 603561 Monday 13th July Future New Groups If you are interested in joining a new group this autumn do come along to this session. You may already have ideas for new groups or are just interested in what might be introduced in the future. We will divide into separate groups depending on interest and discuss how each group might run. Information about proposed new groups will be circulated before Summer School. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Angie Grain Monday 13th July Venue Abbeyfield [email protected] No. of Places No limit Tel: 01943 465059 Poetry Reading The request for seasonal poetry generated so much interest at Christmas that it seemed like a good idea to create space for something similar at Summer School. Bring your chosen poem for summer to read to the group and enjoy it again as well as the choices of other group members. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Venue Sue Butler/Jenny Dixon Monday 13th July Dales Room, Christchurch [email protected] No. of Places 14 Tel: 01943 600905 Tai Chi in the Park The three Tai Chi groups combine in the summer months to enjoy Tai Chi outdoors. (Weather permitting, which it usually does) We usually meet on Monday mornings at Riverside Gardens. On the Monday of the Summer School, we will welcome other U3A members to join us - to see what Tai Chi is about and to take part in the exercises. (10.30 start for regulars) Time Leader 10.00 – 11.30 Jim Butterfield Monday 13th July Venue Ilkley Riverside Gardens [email protected] No. of Places No Limit Tel: 01943 430411 Art Appreciation This will be a very interactive session discussing some aspect of ‘Art’ and what we appreciate as art – whether traditional or modern. There will be opportunities to share and exchange views, to explore the work of a number of artists and hopefully enjoy the process of learning more about art. It will NOT be a lecture on Art History. Please bring along an image of an artwork that you really like. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Venue Angie Grain et al Games Room, Clarke Foley Centre, Ilkley [email protected] 3 No. of Places 25 Tel: 01943 465059 Monday 13th July Bowls This will be an opportunity for beginners or experienced players to have a go at playing bowls. Equipment will be provided, but please wear suitable clothing for ease of movement plus flat-soled trainers or similar. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Richard Lorimer Monday 13th July 2.00 – 4.00 Monday 13th July Venue Ben Rhydding Sports Club [email protected] No. of Places No limit Tel: 01943 603561 Croquet Taster Sessions for all - See Monday am The Last Ice Age A presentation about the changing climates, geology and environments of the last two million years and how they impact on us today. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 John Pullin Monday 13th July Venue Wright Room, Clarke Foley Centre [email protected] No. of Places 20 Tel: 01274 551451 Mixed Circle Dancing Circle dancing has roots both in traditional folk dance and in sacred dance: we dance in a circle generally holding hands, though some dances are danced free. Dances and the music come from countries throughout the world. Since the 1970’s many newer dances have been choreographed and found their way into the more traditional circle dance repertoire. Above all, it is joyful, inclusive and anyone can do it! If you have ever thought of finding out more about Circle Dance, here’s your chance, “Do come along and join us at Summer School , the hall is lovely to dance in, you will receive a warm welcome and find yourself dancing before you realise”! Gentlemen welcome too! Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Joan Peart Venue St Margaret’s Church Hall [email protected] Tuesday 14th July 10.00 – 12.00 Tuesday 14th July No. of Places 25 Tel: 0113 2842549 Croquet Taster Sessions for all - See Monday am Dishes from Around the World A practical cookery demonstration encompassing a variety of starters, Main courses and desserts from different countries. Please apply direct to Hilary Barrett to join this session; do not use the website to book. Time Leader 10.30 – 12.30 Hilary Barrett Tuesday 14th July Venue 3, Moorlands, Ilkley LS29 9QZ [email protected] No. of Places 9 Tel: 01943 609316 Singing for Pleasure Our Singing for Pleasure Group enjoys mainly classical music; members are also encouraged to suggest new music from any repertoire for the group to try. This introductory Summer School session will act as a taster session for this group. Our meetings will normally include warm-up exercises, learning new works and enjoying members’ own choices + a tea/coffee break. Musical knowledge is always useful but this group is open to anyone who enjoys singing – you do not have to be able to read music. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Brian Mason Venue St John’s Church, Ben Rhydding [email protected] 4 No. of Places 35 Tel: 01535 652585 Tuesday 14th July Travelling by Train in the Victorian Era During the morning we will consider various aspects of train travel in the nineteenth century, including stations, trains, engineering problems and hazards and rail routes. In the afternoon we will visit the Bolton Abbey and Embsay railway. For more information for non-internet users, please contact the Leader. Time Leader 10.00 – Venue approx. 4.30 Robin Leleux et al Tuesday 14th July JLA at the Clarke Foley Centre for am Visit to Bolton Abbey & Embsay in pm [email protected] No. of Places 40 Tel: 01943 839855 Badminton This is an opportunity for new players to try badminton. Members will need their own racquets and appropriate sports clothing and trainers. A pleasant social event with gentle exercise. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Tony Willson Tuesday 14th July Venue Ben Rhydding Methodists Church [email protected] No. of Places 12 Tel: 01535 657568 Chess for Beginners Muriel has offered to teach the basics of chess to a small group of beginners. This might lead on to further learning about the game if you find it interesting and enjoyable. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Muriel Jones Venue Muriel’s home address [email protected] Tuesday 14th July 2.00 – 4.00 Tuesday 14th July No. of Places 3 Tel: 01943 817348 Croquet Taster Sessions for all - See Monday am Table Tennis (Tuesday) There are 4 Table Tennis sessions per week during term time. This is an opportunity to have a go with perhaps a view to joining us. Most people start having not played for quite a while but don't worry, it is a pleasant social session as well as getting some exercise. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Anne Wilson Wednesday 15th July Venue Abbeyfield Activity Room [email protected] No. of Places 6 Tel: 01943 607706 Archaeology on the High Moor An all-day walking tour to see the remote archaeological remains on the high ground at the east end of Ilkley Moor and Burley Moor. We will visit the prehistoric enclosures on Green Crag Slack and Woofa Bank, the Woofa cairnfield, the Little Skirtful of Stones, the Great Skirtful of Stones and the Twelve Apostles stone circle. We should also see lots of prehistoric rock carvings. The walk will begin and end at the Cow and Calf Rocks car park, starting at 10.15 and finishing at about 3.30. If you can’t get into the car park, there is more parking in the large lay-bys on the left-hand side past the Cow and Calf Hotel heading towards Burley. Please bring stout footwear and warm waterproof clothing. It is always much colder on the moor than it is in the town! You will also need a packed lunch and drinks. For those without cars - Pick up will be made from Ilkley Railway Station (outside M&S) at 9.45. Please contact Peter Butler if you require this. Time Leader 10.15 – c 3.30 Peter Butler Venue Meet at the Cow & Calf car park [email protected] 5 No. of Places 25 Tel: 01943 600905 Wednesday 15th July 10.00 – 12.00 Wednesday 15th July Croquet Taster Sessions for all - See Monday am Emergency Aid (i) Pamela was a registered nurse with specialist critical care qualifications and proposes to offer 2 x 2hr workshops focusing on first aid following the national guidelines provided by the Resuscitation Council. The first will cover response to minor injuries, then recognition and intervention in the first minutes before the ambulance arrives in more serious sudden illness such as heart attack, stroke, seizure etc. The second workshop will be devoted to how to help the unresponsive casualty and will include how to put someone into the recovery position, how to perform CPR and how to help someone who is choking. I hope all those who can will be willing to participate actively, so comfortable clothes would be best. However if you're not too sprightly, don't let that put you off. Two linked sessions (see Thursday 16th) – both should be attended. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Pamela Pearce Wednesday 15th July 2.00 – 4.00 Wednesday 15th July Venue Baptist Church, Ilkley [email protected] No. of Places 12 Tel: 01943 968366 Croquet Taster Sessions for all - See Monday am In Defence of Immortality What we consider to be solid is not; nor are we. This is no news to young scientists of today but to those of us, who have not had any interest in science or have not had any time or interest to keep up to date over the last 50 years, I can tell you on good authority, we live in a mirage and there is no end to “living". That is, on the basis of cosmology, we are immortal. This may come as sad news to those of you who wish to truly shuffle off this mortal coil. To all intents and purposes, if you don't want to know, you won't know anything different from generations of the zombies we are and those who went before us. However, it can be reassuring to know that death has no sting for the dead, as far as we know, for there is no sensing mechanism. For all that, it is nice to be assured and as a member of the living dead I am here to do so. After a slide presentation at the start of the session we will discuss the content and how it could affect our philosophy. Notes will be provided by email or hard copy by special request. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 John Pullin Wednesday 15th July Venue Games Room, CFC [email protected] No. of Places 30 Tel: 01274 551451 Textile Workshop At the last Summer School 2014 Gwen Hewitt gave a talk about the work of a 16th Century Tudor clothier making of woollen cloth from “fleece to fabric”. Gwen and her husband David are “Living Historians” and help to bring history alive through their talks and demonstrations. This Summer they would like you to participate in a Summer School workshop to try out those skills: David and Gwen have some knowledge of textile related crafts but are far from expert. We would facilitate rather than instruct. Ilkley has many skilled textile craftspeople and artists and we would like to draw on those skills amongst U3A members at the workshop. Participants would be very welcome to share their expertise as would we. We would like people who are interested and would like to learn, to come too. You do not need skills or equipment. We will make you welcome and you can try your hand at some textile craft. Some equipment can be provided eg a handloom, an inkle loom, spindles, carders, lucet, braidmakers - a bit like French knitting - fleece, tops and wool. There will be books and pictures to view and examples of handmade cloth 16C style. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.30 Gwen Hewitt Venue Ilkley Baptist Church [email protected] 6 No. of Places 20 Tel: 01943 608306 th Thursday 16 July Time Leader Emergency Aid (ii) see Wednesday am 10.00 – 12.00 Pamela Pearce Venue Baptist Church, Ilkley (tbc) [email protected] No. of Places 12 Tel: 01943 968366 Northern Towns: a walk around Otley Thursday 16th July The Northern Towns Group visits a Northern Town once a month. Would you like to experience one of our visits? This will be centred in Otley and will include a tour of The Courthouse, a ‘Murder and Mayhem’ Walk, and activities to develop an understanding of the Irish settlement in Otley during the potato famine. Summer School participants will meet Northern Towns members for a buffet lunch at ‘The Horse and Farrier’. The visit will be funded by Summer School, the only cost for participants will be for lunch and coffee. (Approximately £10). Twenty places will be offered for Summer School. Time Leader 10.30 – mid afternoon Jean Smith et al Thursday 16th July Venue Meet at Otley Courthouse [email protected] No. of Places 20 Tel: 01943 461485 Pros and Cons of Living in a Retirement Flat Participants will be encouraged to look at and discuss factors which affect the decision to downsize in this way. These include personal and family circumstances, service charges, sinking funds and facilities at local properties, and the effect on hobbies and social life. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Caroline Moseley Thursday 16th July Venue At Caroline’s home [email protected] No. of Places 8 Tel: 01943 608836 Life Writing If you have ever wondered where to start recording, or telling a personal story - or that of someone else, come along to our introduction to Lifewriting. Using your own lifeline as inspiration, we may show you how to start setting important or interesting events down, for others to read and enjoy. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Sue Butler/Kath Luczyn Friday 17th July Venue Soroptimist Room, CFC [email protected] No. of Places 15 Tel: 01274 585884 Art for Fun (i) Come and practice your own form of art (watercolour, acrylics, silk painting, sketching, iPad art, whatever you like). There is no teaching, but by sharing the various ways of creating art (or the attempts to do so) we aim to create the right environment for you to enjoy this session. If you just want to have a go there will be some material for you to use. Otherwise bring your own and enjoy! If the weather is nice there is the possibility to go outside to the little park opposite or to the memorial garden. We will have an overview of what has been created during this last year and there will be some art for sale as well! Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Carol & John Metcalfe Venue Ilkley Baptist Church [email protected] 7 No. of Places 30 Tel: 01535 658629 Friday 17th July Highlights of Teaching in Malawi Gill has lots of experience of working abroad and has recently visited Malawi. She will share with us some of her experiences there and help to enlighten us about a country that many of us know so little about. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Gill Hunter Friday 17th July Venue Ilkley Baptist Church [email protected] No. of Places 60 Tel: 01943 830992 Robert Browning: from failed playwright to fine poet Robert Browning was a fascinating character and his writing and some aspects of his life are well known. We will explore and discuss his work and some of his achievements along with other less successful aspects of his career. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 June Oldham Friday 17th July Venue Soroptimist Room, CFC [email protected] No. of Places 12 Tel: 01943 607662 Table Tennis (Friday) There are 4 Table Tennis sessions per week during term time. This is an opportunity to have a go with perhaps a view to joining us. Most people start having not played for quite a while but don't worry, it is a pleasant social session as well as getting some exercise. Time Leader 10.00 – 12.00 Barbara Falloon Friday 17th July Venue Abbeyfield Activity Room [email protected] No. of Places 6 Tel: 01943 602028 Active Euthanasia A personal experience of witnessing active euthanasia, which is legal in the Netherlands within very strict rules and regulations. After the story telling a discussion might take place depending on the numbers of members present and their view on end of life decisions. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Gunilla Vriesendorp/ John Williams Friday 17th July No. of Places 20 Tel: 01943 603899 Art for Fun (ii) See Art for Fun (i) Time 2.00 –4.00 Leader Tony Dutton/ Merel Perrett Friday 17th July Venue Soroptimist Room, CFC [email protected] Venue Ilkley Baptist Church [email protected] [email protected] No. of Places 30 Tel: 01943 600993 Creative Crafts Join this fun afternoon activity when we will personalise a useful bag using fabric, buttons and felt. No special skills required. Cost, to cover bag and all materials £8.50. If you need further information, please contact Christine Lynes. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Christine Lynes Venue St Margaret’s Meeting Room [email protected] 8 No. of Places 10 Tel: 01943 600865 Friday 17th July Ilkley During World War II The local papers are a wonderful resource for exploring the effects of the World Wars on the local people – not only the soldiers and others directly involved but also those who stayed at home. For virtually all of them, their lives will have changed forever. We will use historical records to explore this impact. Time Leader 2.00 – 4.00 Richard Thackrah Venue Wright Room, CFC [email protected] NEW FOR 2015 !!! U3A SUMMER SCHOOL CAFÉ 12.00 – 2.00 Monday 13th – Friday 17th Clarke Foley Centre, Ilkley Do come along to meet fellow U3A members and enjoy the Summer School ‘buzz’ 9 No. of Places 25 JULY 2015 SUMMER SCHOOL SESSIONS – APPLICATION FORM This form is for use ONLY for postal applications. All applications are dealt with on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. HOW TO APPLY BY POST - Tick the sessions applied for and post this form to: Tony Willson, 17 Hawkcliffe View, Silsden, BD20 0BS. You can make applications for one or two members at the same address. Please enclose an SAE to receive a reply. All sessions are free to members; do not include any payment with this form. Name(s) of Members (i) (ii) Tel Number: Date Monday 13th July Tuesday 14th July Wed 15th July Thurs 16th July Friday 17th July Your Address Time Activity 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 -12.00 10.00 – 11.30 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.30 – 12.30 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – c4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.15 – c 3.30 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.30 – c 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 2.00 – 4.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 10.00 – 12.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 2.00 – 4.00 Members>> Croquet Taster (Monday am) Future New Groups Poetry Reading Tai Chi in the Park Art Appreciation Bowls Croquet Taster (Monday pm) Last Ice Age Mixed Circle Dancing Croquet Taster (Tuesday am) Dishes from Around the World Singing for Pleasure Travelling by Train/Victorian Era Badminton Chess for Beginners Croquet Taster (Tuesday pm) Table Tennis (Tuesday) Archaeology on the High Moor Croquet Taster (Wednesday am) Emergency Aid (i) Croquet Taster (Wednesday pm) In Defence of Immortality Textile Workshop Emergency Aid (ii) Northern Towns Pros/Cons of a Retirement Flat LifeWriting Art for Fun (i) Highlights of Teaching in Malawi Robert Browning Table Tennis (Friday) Active Euthanasia Art for Fun (ii) Creative Crafts Ilkley During World War II 10 To Apply (i) (ii) Place For Office Use Only Waiting List Apply direct to Hilary Barrett, not via this form
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