il rrt.E.ef,{.c.-qr*q srqfil{ {rd si .rTs €*r.Trq (a{ ; q6frq dro €f,-{dtrR {€rr{) qrr€c, iid el+oro (vru-s) ICAR.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESINS AND GUMS ( Formerly Indian Lac Research Institute ) Namkum, Ranchi - 834 010 Phone: (91) 0651- 2260117, 2251155 Website: b!!p jlLL|ellClLh, Fax : 065L - 2260202 E-mail : [email protected] rso eool Quality lvaruation Laboratoryfor Lac and Lac Eased products ADVERTISEMENT No. - ADMIN-1/RECTT./KvK/2014 Applications are invited (in the prescribed protorma only) for the following posts of ICAR-IINRG Krishi Vigyan Kendra - Khunti at Diyankel, Torpa, District-Khunti attached to lndian lnstitute of Natural Resins and Gums {llNRG), Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand under the administrative control of lndian Council of Asricultural Research (ICAR). The continuation of on tenure of the KVK. Dis.ipline sl. &e limit No. Quali6cation No. Desirable PB-3 a) Specialist/T-6 UR. la-35 Rs 15600 39100+ Masters degree in Ag.iculture or other relevant ag.iculture discipline with specialization in Agronomy/Soil Water Manasem.nt / Conservation GP Two yea6 experiencc in Teaching / Res.arch / Ertension Education in relevanr ffeld or wo.king / Fa.hina ManaSement/ Ag.icuhure Prod!.tion/W.ter b) Systems Fo.a8e S.i.n.e and Mastels degree in Agricultural U.R. EntomoloBy/lrntomology/ Zoology(Entomology) (, c) R Two yeaB exFrience in leachins / Rcsearch / Extension Education in /Sericultu.e/Apiculturc/Planr .elevant 6eld or workin8 Masier's desree in Ae.icultural Extension/ Vctc.iDary 'lwo yeaN €xperience in Teachin8 / Research / lxtension /Ddiry Ertension/ Fishcries Extcnsion/ llome Extension Education in relevant field or working Science Extension/ ASri.oltu.e Communication iD Agricultural Sciences/Rural Dcvelopment/ I d) Master's o.8.c. in Agricultu.e/Ho.ti.trlt!re/ Olericultu.e/VeB€table Science/PomoloSy/Floriculture / Eotany with specialization in Vegetable Sciences/F.uit Sciences/Flori.ulture an.l tandscaping/ Two y€aB erpe.ience in Teachin8 / Research / Ext€nsion Educ.tion in relevant 6eld or working Spices or in Aromatic /Plantation Crops and/ Medicinal and PlaDts/Post Harvesr Technolory {Ho.ticuku.e} I II Master's R degree in Sciences/Pooltry sciences with spe.ialization in I IJ Lrvestock ManaSement/Animal tlusbandry/ Poukrv scienc.s Masteis degree in A8ri.ultural Engineerin&iCivil EnSineering with specialization io Soil and Water Conservation/kriBarion R Enginc.rinS Two yea.s experience in Teachina / / Extension Educarion .elevaDt ffeld or in wo.king Two years experien(e in TeachinS / / Ertension Education in relevant field or workinS and Drainage/Water Resources llngineerinS/ Water S.icnce PB2 I s.c. l6-30 Ba.h.lor's in ASriculture Horticuhure/any othe. / 1:4 Rs.930034800+ GP Rs 42OO branch r€levant to asricukure. , Master's in ASriculture/Horriculture. 2) Experience in l) farm Cood command over local lanPuaee. Hindi & Enelhh. ili , I. (Compute.)/ I ST 18-30 Bachclors degree in Comput.r Applications/ Scien.c or its Rs.9300 34800 , equivateDr ,) Experi.nce in rhe relevanr field. l) Good .ommand ove. local lansuaae, Hindr & Endish GP Rs.4200 PB.2 (tib. s. t. la 30 Bachelor's degree iD Agriculture or aDy other braDch of Rs.93OO scien.e/social scieD.e relevant 34800+ Master degrrc in Compurea Compurer Applicarion / Compure. GP Rs.42O0 deSree l)cood coftnand over PBl UR. Crade-lll 18-27 Rs.s2002o2OO+GP Rs. 24OO rz Class pass / eqoivalenr 6om a .ecognized Board or Prcfcisionrl etfl The candidates ili€nc] will be Bivcn : one dictation tesr in Engljsh or in Hindi at 80 w.p.m. for ro minrtes. Tbe candidates wh6 opt to take the tesr in En8tish will be.equi.ed to in ')Master's/Ho.ti.ukure Agricukure 2)Experien.e in the 6eld local lanSuaBe, I{indi & [nstish t) Good cohmand over langua8e, Hindi & EnStish. r) Cood worling Kn.wt.d8e or Compu(er applKalon. l) WorkinS experience iD any reputed omce/organizarion. transc.ibe the matre. in 50 mjnutes on Compute. and thc candidates who opt to takc rhe test in Iiindi will bc required ro the mafte. in 65 transcribe minutes on comPuter 6, Drive. /T I PB- T 2 r-u.R. l8 30 I S.T. Rs.5200 2O2OO+cP Rs. 2000 ,. Matriculation qualification from z. P"s" recognized Board Possession ol a valid and aPproPriare drivinE Iicense 6om prescribed co!.r authoriry (the candidate will have ro pass thc pracrical skiU test ro be taken by an appropriate Commitre. of the lnstirdF Skilled Supporr Stafl PB,I 2 r-u.R. la-25 Mat.iculation o..quivalent I s.c. Rs.5200 20200+cP tone year r.ade ceftificare in rhe relevant fleld ftoh lTl ;or !) [xperience of drivinS in a recognized Institltion with LMV or HMV for passenser driver & tractor driler ih relevant drivinB licen..; o. l) ') Erperien.e of motor Good .ommand ovcr OR 2) Proff.iency in cyclin&/rwo Rs. laoo l) Cood workinS expc.ien.e Other delails conditions rn"tualnC I 2 l upplli httn://ilri.ernet in/-iinrs/vacancvt.hlmt htlpTA\'w$ icar org inlen/carccFin-ag cuhurc hlm The hst d,te for receipt ofthe applicrtion is 30 drys from thc drte of publicrtior ofthis advertisement in thc f,molovment News (to b' crlcuhted from the first dsy of the week) (tbr applicanl residing in Assam. Meghalaya, Arunachat 1r"a"ffi frffi-, Nagaland, Tripura, sikkim' Jammu & Kashmrr, tahaul & spiti Districts and Pangi sub-Divlsion ofchamba Districr ofHimachat pradestr, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lakshdwecp or abroad, th€ las! date for receipt ofapplcation will be 45 days from the date ofapp"aran"e ot the advertisement in the Employment News) AII the posts arc temporary in Projectscheme nature IINRG' Ranchi wrll nor be responsible for alternare employmenr aller i€rmination ofKflshivrgyan Kendra DIRf,CTOR I t Cenerrl inslructions for candidrtes: l. Age limit - The upper age limit prescribed above will also be relaxabl€ as follows Upto a maximum of livc years ifa candidate belongs to SC or ST Uplo a maximum ofthree years in respect ofcandrdates belonging to Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy layer) For candidates being Persons with Disability (PwD), the upper age limrt will be rclaxable upto a maxrmum of lO years. Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC (Non'Creamy layer) who are also covered under the Person wrth Disabiliry category will be eligible for grant ofcumulative age relaxation undcr both the calegories d) To oth€r bonafide displaced persons/repatriates of Indian origin/Defence Services Personnel/Border Sccur(y force personnel etc as per the existing irstructions ofthe Governmenl ofIndia on the subject e) 'fherc will be no age limit for the regular cmployees ofthe ICAR belonging to respectrve category for the posl ofSl. No. 1,2.3,4 & 6 Howcver, the upper agc limri is relaxable upto 45 years in the case of serving regular employees of ICAR in the administrative (ministerial) caleSory fbr thc posl ofSl No 5 f) Ag€ relrxation to Research Associrt€s & Senior Reserrch Fellow working in time bound Res€arch Projcct of ICAR :- cranr of benefil ot age rclaxation to RAS/SRFS who have been engaged on contractual basis in time bound proJects in ditferent ICAR Institutes, were issued by ICAR, New Delhi vrde letler No. 19(25)/201 l dated 12 12 ll & 24.012012 One ofrhe crireria required for consideration ofthese applicanls is that lhe applicant/candidate should have been engaged conlinuously in ditferent time bound projects of ICAR without inordinate spell of breaks and this may be suitably got re-conl_irmed from available rccords before entenainmg rheir applicatrons ibr being admitted in the written cxamination or viva-vocc etc as per provisions in the prescribed recruitmenr rules fbr the positions of 'l -3 and 'l -6 The maxim Lrm age rclaxation to bc allowed under th is would be I 6 years 0 3 months as per above letter dated 24ll/2012 of ICAR Ncw Delhr Inordrnate spell of above 6 months will be trcated as break in continuoLrs engagement and age -lhis relaxalion will not be available dispensation is only lbr relaxing the maximum age limit and does not rmply any other relaxation whalsoever regarding essential qualifrcaton/experience etc RAS/SRFs want age relaxation must have to produce original certificale rn .espect ofhrsAer claim at the lilnc ofsclcction/appointmenvintervr€w failing which age relaxatron will not be given The crucral date for determining the age limit ofthc candidatcs will be the closing date for receipt ofapplication The lrst drte for receipt ofthe epplicrtion is 30 days from th€ d{t€ of publicrtion ofthis advertisemcnt in th€ Emolovment News (to be c{lculsted from the first dey of the week) (for applicant residing in Assam. Meghalaya. Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, 'fripura. Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti Districts and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nrcobar Islands. Lakshdweep or abroad, the last date for receipt ot application will be 45 days from the date ofappearance of rhe advenisemcnt in the lmployment News). Governmenr slrives io hav€ a worktbrce that rellects gender balance dnd women candidates are encouraged to apply womcn oandidates iulfill'ng the requrrements tbr ihe post are cncouragcd 1o apply against the recruitmenl advcrtisemenl lhc specific benelits available ro rvomen employees may be perused in the website. namely hltp./Ayw$ pcrsmin nic rn The prcscribed cssential qualification is minimum Mere fulfillment of the qualification does nol confer any automatic right for being shonhsted/considered forlal any stage ofrccruitment whatsoever. Similady, higher/enhanced qualification also does not entrtle candidare(s) to be automatically called for Written tes/Trade tes/Stcnography tes/Practrcal tesvAptitude tesl./lnterview, ifany Merely being allowed to appear at any stage ofrecruitment does not confer any automatic righl for selection The Director,llNRG. Ranchircserves the right to lix and adopt any methodology/procedurc tbr shon listing the candrdates in context ofcriteria fixed by it at its own discrerion In l})e ev€nt after short hsting/screening of applications, the Direclor, llNRG, Ranchi finds that the number of applicants fulfilling elrgibrlity criteria is fairly large, the Director. IINRG. Ranchi may in its discretion conduct the writt€n Examination of such shonlisled candidates in the manner to be decided by the Direclor, IINRG, Ranchi All such decrsions of the Drrector. llNRG, Ranchi shall be final and brnding on all rhe candidares. No chan ge of Exam ination Center wi ll be cons idcred Candidates must ensure lhat lhcy fultill all the eligrbility conditrons for the post(s). If on verification at any later stage it is found that they do nol luliill any/all of the eligibilily conditrons prescribed, or they have provided any lalse/misleading information at any stage, their candidaturcs will be cancclled/rcjected and lbe paid will be fbrfeited and IINRG reserves the right to take any action as deemed fit in such a) b) c) 2. 3. 1. 5. - 6. case(s). 7. Applicalion form must accompany wilh a Demand DrallofRs 750/- (Rs Seven hundred fifty) only for each post dra\.rn in favour of "le\R Unit llNRG" payable at Ranchr should be attached with the application form No ofher merns of payment i.€. IPO/Money order etc. lvill be rcc€pted rnd such rpplicatio[s will be rejected ourighi The date of demand drai should not be prior to the date of issue of the advertrsement in the Employmenl news and the same should be valid fbr a period of 3 months. Candidates must write hrs,/her name, Post Ad\4 No & Sl. No. on the back side oflhc Dcmand Drafi. No fee for SC/S'f/PWD.nd Women candidetes. No fee exemption is, however. availablc to OBC candidates and lhey are requ'red to pay the tull prescribed fee. name. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Thc rppliration fe€ is Non -Refundrble The number ofposts rndicated above is tenlal;ve whach may increase or decrease. These posts arc Non-Govemmenl under the Autonomous body lndian Council of Agricultural Research but pensionable under New Pensron Scheme (contribulory pension scheme) inlroduced by the governmenl oflndia w.e f l-I-2004 and as amended, clarified or modified from time to time. Other conditions of service arc mutatis mrlandB as applicable to similarly placed employees ofthe Indian Council of Agrrcultural Research as amended liom trme ro lrme These posls are temporary but likely to continue 'lhe selected candidate will initrally report at IINRG, Ranchi The present place of posting ofthe selected candrdate would bc KVK. Khuntl However, he/she is liable to be transferred toany olher oflice/lnstitute oflndian Councilof Agncultural Research, located throuShoLrl India. Thc appoinlment will be made on probation for a pcriod oftwo years and the period ofprobation may be exrended, ifconsidered necessary and governed in accordance with the relevanl scrvrcc rules. ln cas€ of written test conducted lbr thc post cjtcd al Sl.,6 &7, the paper will consisl of 100 Objective'fype/Mulripte Choice quesnons (br-hngual) as per the standard ofth€ post Candidales will have the optron to answer all the question papers in English or thndi. The scop€/ syllabus ofwritten test oleach posl l,l. will be menlioned in admit card as well as lnstitute website The candidates, who wlll quahfy the wrilten examination and found eligiblc after examinaiion of their applications, Practical Test /Skill test/lnterview will be called for 15. For the post ofstenographer Grade-III, shortlisted candidates will be called for the rurtten tcst Ihe candidates. who will qualify rhe wrirten examination. will be called lbr skilled test in stenography as per numbers decidcd by the compcrenr Author(y. The srenography tesl fbr rhe posts ofStenographer Gr. III wrll be held at Ranchi. only such sc/sT/oBc,rywD candidates who are selected on the same standa-rd as applied to uR candidates shall be treated as own meflr candidates lfanv sc/sT/oBC and PwD candidate qualify after getting any relaxation in age or qualifying marks than what rs provrded for Unreserved cateSory candidales then such SC/ST/oBC,PWD candidates shall be considered a8ainst reserved vacancies and thiy cannot be considered for appointment against unreserved vacancy. 17. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in written tesl cxamination. However, sc/sT candidales not rn central/state cov( service or centre/state coorp., Psus Local Govt Institution, Panchayats will be paid Second class rail lare or ordinary Bustareto& fro Journ; for shortest route excluding reservalion/sleeper/other charBes Reimbursement wilt be alowed only oncc lE. i.e when called io, Slnog.ap},y Tes/lnterview candidate claimin8 for TA has lo submit the original bus/railway trcker and also a cerli,icale ofhisir,.. r,n.n1ptoyn1"ni tio, Gazetted Offrcer ofthe place where the candidate normaly reside. Persons ahcady in Sovt employment should route their application through proper channel only In case a candidate anticipates any delay in lorwardingofhrs/herapplicationthroughproperchannel.he/shemustsendanadvancecopyoflheappticationalongwiihtb"*ii"tn1uo reach this office on or before the closing date, but at the same time, hc / sh€ may ensure rhar the ori8inal applicarion is forwarded by ther to th is ot]lce with in I 5 days alier thc last date of receipt ol applicat ron form fail ing which h rs,4rer €and idature sha not be considercd and no correspondence to this cffect shall be enGnained. The candidale wlll have to submrr Noc fiom their Employcr ar the time of lntervrew emp lover and must reach 19, 20 21' 22. The candidat€s are advised lo read thc adve.tisement carefully beibre fillin8 up lhc application fbrm. candidares are strongly advised to fill lhelr application with utmost care and cautjon since no requ€sr lor any modification(s) thcrein will b€ enterta'ned ailer submissron of $e form to the IINRG, R.nchiunder any cjrcumstances. copies ofselfattested Mark shcercertificate, in support ofproofofage, educational qualiticarions, expericnce, caste certrficatc apptrcable for cenkal Gofl. job issued by the competent authority in the prescribed protbrma (casre certificare issued tbr stalc covr job are not applicablc), PlyEx_serviceman and cer!ficate for getting agc relaxation etc. should invariable be amched with the Application Besidcs affixing latest passpon size photograph on the Application proforma (which should be selfattesred), one more/spare passpon siz3 pholograph should also be attaohed with the application lbrm In the absencc of the all these documenrs, photographs and prescrjbed fee (where applicable) etc the candidature ofthe Applicant will not be considered and shall be rejectcd summarily For each post' s€paratc applicalion form and separare fee are requrred The Applrcatron in the prescrjbed prolbrma, filled in own handwrjtrng or neatly typed and complete on all respect, should reach the Director, Indian Institute of Naturrl Resins rnd Gums, Namkum, R{nchi - 834 010 (Jh{rLhand) within specified date. The envelope containrng th€ applicarion fbrm shoutd super-scribed in botd tctter as "APPLICATTON FOR THE POST OF _--__, ADVT. No. _________, Sl,. NO. __---____-_-, CATECORY _________- as rhe case may be. Thc Name and address ofApplicant should also be wrinen on the envelope at appropriate placc. Applicatrons not received in lhe prescnbed fbrmat, unsigned, incomplete or unfilled. withour required documents & one spare photograph, without prescribed application fee, allcr due date & time and / or received through fax/€-rnail, erc would be summarjly reJecled without any notice to Applicant and no reprcsentation or correspondence regarding such rqection shall be enlerlarned by llNic, Ranchr under any circumstances 23. 24 Application recejved after the dulr date^ime fbr whatsoever reasons including poslal delays will nol bc enrerrained and would be summa tv reiecred No correspondences from anv candidate/applicanl fbr not berng shortlisted/consrdered tbr setectron/examination/tesrrnterview/apporntment be cntertarned bv IINRG. Ranchi at any stage under any crrcumstances Canvassrng in any ibrm will summarity dis;at,ty rhe elc would candidates. 25' Success in the recruitment process confers no flght to apporntment, unless IINRG/ICAR rs satisfied, afier such cnquiry as may be considered necessarv that ( l) the candidate is medically fit (declared by compelent Medical otTicer/Board) tbr appoinrment, and (i) ihe c;ndidate havrng h6/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respect for appointment to the posr The Director. IINRG. Ranchi reserves the right to cancel the Recruitmenl to any pos(s) ai any stage without assigning any reason rhereof The decision of llNRG, Ranchi as to 6e eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the examj;ati;n/wrin€n regard 26. 27 28. 29, 10 test/trade tesvstenography tesVinterview shall be final In case ofany discrepancy between English and Hindi versions ofthe advenisement/inlbrmarion, the English versjon will be treatcd as trnal The full advertisement and il's any subsequent changes/announcemenr io this effect will be availablc on the following websrte(s) (a) httpi//ilri.ernet.inl-iinrE/vacancv.html(b) htto://ilri.ernet_inl-|nrslvacancvl.htmt {c),in,agrtculture.htm only candidates are strongly advrsed to kecp in louch wilh the above websire(s) lbr any lalest updare(s)/infbrmatron sinc€ thcre wrlt not 30 31. any other mode ofcommunrcatron with the candidates therefbr. Every candidate applving fbr the above posl willhave to give a declaratron in para b€ 2l (b) ofApplication profbrma slating whether He/Shc relaled/not related to any employee of the IINRG. Ranchi or of any other Institute of ICAR or of rhe ICAR 's Headquancr and,, then I le/She will have to specily the name, designation and address ofthe person(s) and the relationship Disputes/litigations, ifany, in this regard wi be subject to Ranch i jurisd icl ion only (Abbr€viotion osed: UR= Un Reserved, sc= Schedul€ crste, ST= schedul€ Tribe, oBC= other beckw.rd Ctrss, pwD= person with Disebility' SRF= Senior Resexrch Fellow, RA= Res€arch Associrt€, IINR6= IndiNr Institute of Naturrl R€sins ,nd cums. tcAR= lndisr Council of Agricultural Research) Director fl INDIAN INSTITUT€ OF NATURAI RESINS AND GUMS NAMKUM, RANCHI- 834 O1O APPLICATION PROFORMA Affix latest (To be sent neatly typed/handwritten) passPort size self attested Photograph Application for the post of ofth€ post applied from thisadvt. Name & Sl. No. of other post(s) if applied from this same Sl. No. 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ad\t. ofthe applicant (lN BLOCK LETTERS) Fathers/Husband's Name Date of ainh and place (DD/MM/YYYY) age as on closing date of application Nationality Sex (Male/Female) Marital Status (Married/unmarried) correspondence Address with Pin Code Name Years : Months Days (IN BTOCK LITTERS) Permanent Address 10. a)E mailaddress b) contact No./Mobile No. 11. areyouregularemployeeof lndianCouncil of Agricultural Research? lVes/No) 12 . a)wherher bilf belongs to sc/sT/oBc ? yes, State name of the Caste c) Whether person with disability? Percentage of disabilityNature of disability as per OA certificate d)Ji) Are you er-serviceman ? (ii) Period of s€rvice rendered From in oefence (iilTotalperiod of service rendered in : -- ---'. To Years---.-.--Months-------Days Defence (ivi R€asons for Discharge from rervi.e * Please enclose self attested copy of the certificate issued by Appropriate authoritY on (a) (b) (c) or (d) a5 applicable 13. fducational/fechnicalQualification (Startingfrorn Matriculation sl. Examination (SSLC or equivalentl" Division Univ./Board No. .' passing % of matks/ Grade Attach self attested copies of all relevant certificate and mark sheet in support of proof of Date of Birth, Essential and desirable qualification. Please also attach conversion formula to change in p€rcentaBe from CGPA/sGPA etc. 14. stenography speed: English & Hindi @ W.P.M. (ln case application i5 for the post of Stenographer Gr.llll from earliest 15. E)(perience Pay Scale/5alary/ Consolidated Remuneration +" Attach self attested copies of experience certificate Subject 16. Experience with KVK Name of the KV( Designation Pay Scale/Salary/ Consolidated Remuneration 11. Please write about your significant contributions to the KVK (not more than one page attach with this applicetion form 19. Deta rls Nature of Outies^vorks To : oi Demand Draft No. Date of issue lssuing Bank and branch address 20. Any other information the candidate may like to add, if any 2L a) I solemnlY DECIARAT|ON hereby declare that allthe Statements made/ information furnished in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that in the event of any information or statements furnished by me being found to be false or ncorrect or incomplete or ineligible being detected et any stage before or after selection/inteNiew, my application/ candidature is liable to be summarily rejected and if akeady appointed, my services are liable to be terminated without any notice and I shall be bound by the decision of the Director, lndian lnstitute of Natural Resins & cums, Namkum, Ranchi. b) I sh/smt. /Km. are as under. sl.- declare that none of my relative are workinS in ttNRG/ICAR tnstitute or if so working the details Designation Present place of posting Relationship with Remarks applicant Date: Signature of th€ Candidate List ofdocument 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to be attached by rpplicants: Selfaftested copier of Mark sheet/Certificate - Matriculation onwards Self aRested copies of latest, va lid, 5T/SC/OBC/PwD certificate from prescribed authority Self attested copies of Experience Certificate, if any Application fee- Demand Draft of Rs 750/One additional passport size photographs (beside affixing on page 1 of application form) This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati*lKumari* son/daughter* of village/town* DistrictlDivision* of the Stabrunion Territory* belongs recognized as a ln to the scheduledl"*rr*";;;r** ste/Tribe which "*"i (Scheduled Castes) orders, 1eb0:. (Scheduled tribes) Ora"r, igbo, *The Constitution (Scherluled T"rbesi ru"." ,i;;;ilries) t";lfr"ries) Order, lg50; *rhe consritution (scheduled rrib;;i order. leb l : ]T|1 rne !:""lil"tion uonsrrtution in;l;; {as amended by the (Modification Order. teb6,.scheduled Castes and .scheduled Tribes List th" B"_b";i;;;""i.1u", Act, 1960, the puniab Recoganisation Act. 1g66, rh" "pradesh Act, 1920, ihe North Eastern Areas @ecognisation) a.r, the schedule d cas res and sche dute d r.ib"; St;;'"i;;ffiili isil;rdl o.;;;iat", i-" i,lj;;i,i;i" *The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Order, lgb6; *The Constitution (Andaman-and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order. ,f 11"1'-:ffi *f ,yr#";il"ff;".'"'l'i"r"n"a,r"a"r.i#"d.'J"? *The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Havtli) Scheduled Castes Order, lg62; * The constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) scheduled Tribes order, lg62; *The Constitution @ondicherry) Scheduled Castes Otder, lg64; * The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar pradesh) Order, l96T; * The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 196g; * The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Trlbes Oraer, ggs;' f * The constitution (Nagarand) schedgled rribes order, lgz0. tl;lm::l::l,Sikkiry) , 2. scheduled rribes order, rsz8.6b Shrilshrimati"iKumari* ordinarily reside (s) i, ,iilupto*n* arid/or" his/her* family of if District/Division* of the StateAJnion Territory* of Signature Designation (with seal of office) State/Union Territory Place D ate * Please delete the words which are nof applicable. Note: The term "Ordinarily resides" used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 ofthe Representation ofthe Peoples Act, 1950.66 I ; 7 F FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY OTHER BACK\ryARD AppL',rNG FoR ApporNr*r#lf;33r, OF u*oi,u, rHE G'VERNMENT INDIA This is to certifu that Shri/Sint.iKurnari of village/town in son/daughter of District/Division In the State/Union belongs to the community which is recognised as a backward class under the Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's Resolution No. date d------,-------. Shri/Smt.lKumari -* and/or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in the Dietric Division of the State/[Jnion Territory. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column B of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. B6ol2tL2tgg Estt.(SCT)dated 8.9. 1993.** Territory . District Magistrate Deputy Commissioner etc. Dated: Seal * - The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of Government of India, in which the caste ofthe candidate is mentioned as OBC. ** - As. amended from time to time. - Note:- The term "ordinarily" used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 ofthe Representation ofthe People Act, 1gb0. For being considered against the vac,ancies for the category ofperson with Disability (PwD), the challenged persons should have disability of 4oo/o or more. However, such candidates sha be required to meet one or more of the following Physical requirement / disability, which may be necessary fo, p"rfo"_irrf i;;;;: in the concerned post: Physical Requirements: 1. Work performed by manipulating by fingers. 2. Work performed by pulling and pushing. 3. Work performed by lifting 4. Work performed by kneeling and cmuching 5. Work performed by bending 6. Work performed by sitting"(on bench or chair) 7. Work performed by standing 8. Work performed by walking 9. Work performed by seeing 10. Work performed by hearingispeaking. I l. Work performed by reading and writing 12. Communication Functional Classifications 1. Both legs affected but not arms 2. Both arms affected. a. Impaired reach b. Weakness of grip. c. Ataxic 3. Both legs and both arms affected 4. One leg affected (R to L ) a. Impaired rcach b. Weakness of grip. c. Ataxic 5. One arm affected (R to L) a. Impaired reach b. Weakness of grip c. Ataxic 6. One arm and one leg affected 7. Muscular weakness 8. The blind 9. Low vision 10. Hearing ' 7 it NAME & ADDRESS OF THE INSTITUTE / HOSPITAL Certi{icate No. D ate DISABILITY CERTIFICATE This is certified that Shri/SmtlKum Shri Is suffering from permanent disability of following category :- A. l,ocomotor or cerebral palsy (r) Bl--both legs affected but not armb (ii) BA - Both arms : affected - (iiil Bl,A (iv) OL.One leg alTected (right of (v) OA-One arm Affix here (a) Impaired reach ft) - Son/Wife/daughter of Weakness of the dtsabillty duly attested by the Chalrperson of the Showing . grii Both legs and both arms- affected left affected . Medlcal Board 1a; Impairetl rea"f, (b) Weakness of grip (c) Ataxic (a) Impaired reach (b) Weakness of grip (c) Ataxic (vi) (vii) BH-Stiffback and hips (Cannot sit or stoop) MW-Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance. B. Blindness or Low Vision C. : recent attested Photograph (i) B_Blind (ii) pB_partially Blind (i) D_Deaf (ii) pD_partially Deaf (DELETE THE CATEGORYWHICHEVER IS NOT APPLICABLE) 2' This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likgry to improve. Re-assessment of this case is hot -recommended/is recommend-ed alter a period of _ years_months. 3. Percentage ofdisability in his/her case is percent. -- il i 4. Sh./Smt./Kum- meet the following physical requirement for discharge of his/her duties :- (i) F-can perform work by manipulating with fingers. yes/No (ii)PP-canperformworkbypullingandpushingYes/No (iii) L-can perform work by lifting yes/No (i") KC-can perform work by kneeling and crouching. yes/No (v) B-can perform work by bending yes/No (vD S-can perfoim work by sitting. yes/No (vii) ST-can perform work by walking yes/No (viii) W-can perform work by walking. : yes/No (ix) SE-can perform work by seeing yes/No (*) H-can perform work by hearing/speaking yes/No (xi) RW-can perform work by reading and writing yes/No (Dr. ) (Dr. )(D". t ) Member, Medical Board Member, Medical Board Chairperson, Medical Board Countersigned by the Medical Superintendent/ CMO/Head of Hospital (with seal) *Strike out which is not applicable .7'
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