Document 13159

Castillo on revenue sharing: "not enough to go around"
Leonel Castillo, city comptroller of accounts, gave a lecture here on the Thursday before break. The Comptroller
keeps Houston's books and reports the balance to the Mayor
and City Council. Thus, Castillo has had a lot of contact
with Federal revenue sharing.
U n d e r the revenue sharing
program, Houston received 14
million dollars to help get the
federal government "off the
(backs and out of the pockets"
of local government. Next, we
got a thick book of instructions
on how to spend it. (Mr. Castillo shrugged — "I have never
heard of a program involving
federal funds without some
kind of control from Washington.") We also had 40 or 50
million dollars worth of federal
services cut. These were mostly social welfare and pollution
programs, trimmed, frozen, or
cut completely—largely without
consent of Congress.
Mr. Castillo answered the
Nixon claim that the cuts were
meant to "trim the f a t off" of
some programs by saying, "You
don't trim fat by slashing away
wildly with a butcher's knife."
He reported further that Federal grants have been cut "virtually across the board."
To make things worse, the
cuts were arbitrary and unexpected. No one knew if they'd
get their pay. One dental program pulled a lot of poor people's teeth, but never got the
money to replace them.
Instead of continuing federal
services, Houston is planning to
the rice thresher
volume 60, number 23
thursday, march 8, 1973
spend the money on capital improvements
(streets, sewers,
etc.). These are important, but
the poor can't eat concrete, especially with no teeth.
The hope was raised, however, that community g r o u p s
would pressure the city to reconsider the plans for the
money. Unless this happens, or
more cash arrives from the Federal Government, there is little hope for obtaining sufficient funds to maintain Houston social services.
Castillo is not, in principle,
opposed to revenue s h a r i n g , but,
a s he said with a t w i n g e of
m o u r n f u l n e s s in his voice, "everyone t h o u g h t t h e r e would be
m o r e revenue to s h a r e " .
Rice Recycling Center to open tomorrow
The f o r m a l opening of the
Rice Recycling Center will t a k e
place f r o m 3:30 to 5 p.m. on
F r i d a y , March 9. Beer will be
served and g u e s t s will have a
chance to be p a r t of t h e solution to the solid w a s t e disposal
problem — t h e i r empties will be
President Norman Hackerm a n and C r a i g Collins, S. A.
E x t e r n a l A f f a i r s Vice President,
will cut t h e ribbon on the Recycling Center. S t a t e S e n a t o r
Bob G a m m a g e and S t a t e Repr e s e n t a t i v e J o e Pentony, both
of whose districts include the
Rice campus, are expected to be
p r e s e n t , a s well as Houston
Comptroller Leonel Castillo.
The Recycling Center h a s
been in operation since November 1972. Each week, it processes a p p r o x i m a t e l y two t o n s of
n e w s p a p e r s and magazines, 700
pounds of aluminum, steel and
bimetal cans and 500 pounds of
glass. The m a t e r i a l s a r e picked
u p f r o m collection points on
campus. The center, which is
open f r o m 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays, is also intended f o r use
by people living n e a r the campus.
Most Rice s t u d e n t s r e m e m b e r
to toss their soft-drink cans in
the collection barrels beside
each vending machine. The
b r i g h t l y -colored collection boxes built by B&G f o r each college are usually full of old
"The value of the recycling
center is more t h a n recyclingcity w a s t e , " Collins says. "It
m a k e s more individuals a w a r e
ot' w h a t each of us m u s t do."
The m a t e r i a l collected by the
15 Rice
who work w i t h the center is
delivered to Houston companies
who buy w a s t e ; p a p e r is b o u g h t
by Ed Sacks Co., Delta P a p e r
Stock Corp. and M u s t a n g W a s t e
P a p e r Co. Cans go to Reynolds
Aluminum Co. and Continental
Can Co., Inc. Glass is sold to
Anchor-Hocking Corp.
The materials a r e delivered
in a truck provided by the
University. So f a r , the volunteers have m a d e $50 on t h e i r
recycled goods, money which
t h e y plan to use f o r a can
The Center asks t h a t p a p e r
(newspapers, magazines, o l d
at the
To get to the Recycling Center, take the Stockton S t r e e t
entrance to the Rice c a m p u s
(off of University Blvd.) and
t u r n onto the shell r o a d between the Rice Media Center
and the J a k e Hess Tennis Stadium. J u s t before r e a c h i n g the
old football stadium, t u r n left
onto another shell road. The Recycling Center is the one-story
metal building on the l e f t .
More on 'Move Rice' proposal
Rarely if ever has an idea
engendered so much controversy as the proposal to sell Rice
University which was recently
presented in the Rice Thresher.
Associate Professor William T.
Cannady of t h e School of Archit e c t u r e has been contacted by
students f r o m several parts of
the University with questions
and criticism. I, as co-author
of the Thresher article have
also met a b a r r a g e of questions. This article will a t t e m p t
to deal with the points m an y
s t u d e n t s and f a c u l t y h a v e
Tuition cut
. The Cannady proposal to sell
Rice University was based on
ideas. F i r s t
these was the f a c t of Rice's current financial squeeze. In Cannady's initial article in the
Faculty Club Forum in High Emprise, he showed t h a t Rice could
realize a p r o f i t of $60 to $90
million by sale and relocation.
This money, when added to existing endowment f u n d s , could
allow tuition to be cut to about
$250 per t e r m , considerably below the c u r r e n t $1100. As a
second issue, Cannady raised
the point t h a t operational expenses could be cut in a new
physical plant. F u r t h e r , he
pointed out existing circulation
open space systems. Finally, a
new campus would allow flexibility to be built-in so that it
might b e t t e r respond to changing educational needs in the
phone books, etc.) be bundled
or sacked, t h a t a l u m i n u m cans
be separated f r o m o t h e r kinds
and t h a t clear glass be separated from colored.
Questions about the Cannady
proposal have generally centered on two areas. The first
are criticisms on how a new
campus would look. The second
deal with problems of relocation.
question regarding
whether such a move is possible under the Rice charter has
also been raised. However, most
students h a v e not questioned
the financial advantages to be
gained, nor the idea that new
physical facilities might be
better planned.
•"I wouldn't have come to Rice
if it didn't have such a p r e t t y
campus. A new campus wouldn't
have any t r e e s . " This is t h e
m o s t common criticism of t h e
Cannady proposal. It rests on
the underlying: assumption that
the existing campus is the best
of all possible worlds. Cannady has commented, "Isn't it
s t r a n g e how people immediately assume t h a t relocation will
produce a poorer environment.
Without thinking, the implicit
assumption is t h a t a new campus can't b e ' b e t t e r looking."
One m i g h t also added t h a t
the existing campus s u f f e r s
f r o m s e v e r e environmental
problems due to poor drainage,
the problem of dying birds in
J a n u a r y and F e b r u a r y , and
f r o m the severe Houston smog.
A move to the wooded a r e a
n o r t h of Houston would probably result in a more heavily
f o r e s t e d campus. Such a location f o r the campus would be
in the hills (no d r a i n a g e problem), a m o n g s t a t u e s q u e pines
and away f r o m bird m i g r a t i o n
routes. If the new c a m p u s
facilities were some kiml of
m e g a s t r u e t u r e , they would t a k e
up less space t h a n the c u r r e n t
t h e r e b y leaving more land in
its n a t u r a l s t a t e .
Down with B y z a n t i n e
An objection h a s also been
raised to the the f a c t t h a t new
buildings would all be "modern". Admittedly a new c a m p u s
would not a t t e m p t to reproduce
t h e kind of I t a l i a n a t e Byzantine of Lovett Hall, b u t t h a t
doesn't m e a n it wouldn't be attractive. F u r t h e r , much of the
existing architecture, built in
t h e days b e f o r e air conditioning, is i n a p p r o p r i a t e to Houston and h a s not responded well
to a i r conditioning installation,
(anyone who lives on c a m p u s
wTill t e s t i f y to the f a i l i n g s of
the existing air conditioning
system.) A new c a m p u s could
solve t h i s ' p r o b l e m .
A more severe t e s t f o r t h e
Cannady proposal is t h a t of
relocation. If Rice w e r e to move
to the n o r t h of H o u s t o n to one
of the new towns c u r r e n t l y in
t h e planning, it m i g h t be isolated. Cannady responds to
t h e s e questions with several answers. First, he note t h e relative isolation of the existing
campus and its dependence on.
Houston freeways. Students already travel long distances to
cultural and commercial facilities such as Galleria and
Sharpstown. Further, a n e w
c a m p u s in one of t h o s e new
towns, such as the Woodlands,
could be located in or n e a r t h e
t o w n center. A f a r b e t t e r interphase
commercial facilities m i g h t be
achieved t h a n exists b e t w e e n
Rice and Main or Rice and t h e
In response to q u e s t i o n s concerning f a c u l t y housing, Cannady notes t h a t m o s t c u r r e n t
faculty a r e underhoused. This
could be solved by moving to
t h e Woodlands w i t h t h e campus. A n'Cw town also p r o m i s e s
b e t t e r elementary schools a n d
high schools f o r f a c u l t y children.
New housing
H o u s i n g f o r . o f f - c a m p u s students poses a n o t h e r problem.
At present most off-campus
s t u d e n t s live in the M o n t r o s e
a r e a . If p r e s e n t t r e n d s continue, land values will eventually rise to the point w h e r e it
will be feasible to destroy exi s t i n g a p a r t m e n t s t r u c t u r e s to
office or
s t r u c t u r e s . In the f u t u r e most
o f f - c a m p u s s t u d e n t s will be
looking elsewhere f o r h o u s i n g
a n y w a y . A second point is t h a t
a new campus m i g h t encourage
m a n y students who c u r r e n t l y
move off due to poor f a c i l i ties to s t a y on-campus. A new
c a m p u s m i g h t also allow f o r
new t y p e s of housing to be
All colleges might be built
as co-ed if desired. The University could offer some types
of co-ops or apartments. (It is
difficult to justify existing
housing policy which forces all
grad students and all married
(Continued on Page 3)
M l
. .N. / .
Rice Summer School seeks interested students, funds
To the editor:
Much has been said and written in defense of Rice as an
elitist school. But we must be
careful in the use of the word
elitist. What is meant by elite?
It means of course different
things in different contexts and
to different people. To some
people elite might imply a high
social standing and to others it
might imply a high rank on
some sort of economic scale.
But the use of elite of Rice has
been with reference to intellect.
When we are speaking of an
elite at Rice, we are speaking
of an intellectual elite.
Intellectual and socio-economic. elites are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, there is evidence that the social and economic upper classes in our society produce more than their
share of the intellectual elite.
But the large contribution of
the less than rich to the intellectual elite is obvious from the
very large percentage of students at Rice who receive some
f o r m of financial aid. The intellectual elite comes from all
economic and social classes in
our society. For this reason
Rice must continue to have a
healthy financial aid program
and to t r y to improve financial
aid. Xo student should turn
down Rice for financial Teas' ins.
Hut this is an a r e i in which
students can do very little until they become rich alumni.
However, there is an area where
students can show a significant
support for the idea of developing our intellectual elite. This
is the Rice Summer School for
high school and junior high
school students. The Rice Summer School is operated by the
education department for two
purposes. The f i r s t and most
obvious is to provide necessary
teacher training for its Texas
teacher certification program.
The teachers a t the Rice Summer School are Rice students
who are student teaching. They
pay one hundred dollars each in
order to be allowed to teach in
The second purpose of the
Rice Summer School is to provide an interesting and enjoyable educational experience to
Houston area high school students. The Summer School is
not designed for students who
flunked a course and need to
make it up; it is for students
who are interested enough in
learning to want to go to school
even in summer. Very few of
the courses at the Rice Summer
School duplicate courses offered in an ordinary high school.
Thus students who sign up for
the Rice Summer School have
marked themselves as at least
potentially a member of the intellectual elite. But this interest must be encouraged, particularly in those students who
probably do not receive encouragement a t home or among
friends. The R i c e Summer
school works to encourage a
real interest and enjoyment in
learning. But each student must
pay $75 tuition, plus books and
supplies. This is a very light
burden for the parents of a
relatively well off suburban f a mily. But for a student from a
poor family, who could otherwise be working at some summer job, this $75 is prohibitive.
Unfortunately, the t u i t i o n
which is set by Dr. Hackerman,
(Continued on Page 3)
Heyman urges atonement for war guilt
To the Rice community
The war seems officially
over, but for most of us at Rice
it was never really on—never
more than a television show.
Whatever our political beliefs,
it must seem evident to us all
that for the Vietnamese people,
suffering has become a way of
life. This is a tragedy to which
we have all been witness and,
whatever our personal attempts
to lessen the pain, our efforts
have been removed from where
the worst suffering takes place.
We of the Rice community,
as with all Americans, would
seem to have a clear responsibility to finally take advantage of a temporary renewal of
interest in the war, sparked by
the return of American prison-
the rice thrasher
ers of war, to take steps toward becoming involved in what
is at best a belated show of
interest. The s h a m e is that
most Americans, myself included, have waited until now to
personally • t r y and reverse to
some small degree the wrongs
committed by a government
acting in our name. We are
seemingly helpless to do much
that is of concrete value to the
people most directly hurt — the
Vietnamese people — apart
from financial aid, which is the
favorite way in which Americans commit themselves and
the easiest. The crimes committed in Vietnam seem beyond
our touch — we can only urge
our Congress to vote as consistently for money to rebuild
as they did for the funds used
to destroy.
We can do little directly for
the Vietnamese, but the suffering from this war extends to
others: those who, again, in our
name, fought in this unjust
war. Most were drafted, a f a t e
most of us escaped" by coming
to Rice, and as seems evident
from the ever-present stories
about "someone I know who
was in Vietnam", most return
to find their suffering derided
or at best ignored. Many have
died, and their loss is something which not even a thousand of Mr. Nixon's speeches
can justify. But to those who
return, it must seem that Americans never even heard of
Vietnam — or perhaps we have
heard so much that now we no
longer want to hear.
Houston must certainly contain numerous veterans willing
to let us t r y and help—for our
help may be unwanted, as Rice
has not been noted of late for
its interest in the needs of our
community. Certainly there are
many efforts in which R i c e
could take part, but we seem to
prefer our studies. I mention
the needs to returning veterans only in the hope that it
will bring one issue out loud,
a f t e r which it will probably
join the silent company of the
o t h e r s while we talk of the
birds and mid-terms. Whatever
the talk of Rice apathy, I can't
but believe t h a t there is some
issue SOMEWHERE w h i c h
will awaken enough people to
There are eight colleges at Rice. Theoretically, this
means eight experiments in community government.
Actually, most people take one of two attitudes toward
the college system: either "It works; leave it alone" or
"It doesn't work; forget it". Once in a while, though,
something interesting comes up. Example: the proposed
constitutional amendments for Sid Richardson.
One of the proposals would change the names of sevsity" address seems to be a
eral officers and offices; the-President would become, at To the editor;
Two letters which were re- significant indication of the
his discretion, the Emperor during college functions,
cently published in consecutive
Senate's fecklessness. Perhaps
while the Cabinet would be renamed the Privy Council, issues of the Thresher present- I am mistaken, but I looked for
to be composed of the Vice-Chancellor, Treasurer and the ed vastly different viewpoints Senate members in the auseveral Imperial Ministers. The immense value of this on the value and effectiveness dience and saw only three: Rob
of Rice's student Senate. Robb Quartel, Craig Collins, and
reform needs no explanation.
Also contained within the amendments, however, Dickinson, President of Weiss, Leighton Read. Instead of conwrote for what might be cerning themselves with nationare two procedural changes intended to streamline the termed the Party of Disillusion- al lobbying efforts, state lobcollege government. The first of these would dissolve ed Students, while B o n n i e bying efforts, the Place of the
the lower court. Instead, the President would have ori- Hoskins, the President of Jones, University in Today's W o r l d ,
ginal jurisdiction over all cases. The effect of this should spoke for the Partisans of the United Nations seminars in
he to replace a slow and haphazard "mechanism with a Senate. Having read each of the Colorado, etc., the Senate memfaster and simpler one. Furthermore, the President is letters several times, and hav- bers should concern theming given thought to the issues selves with issues which affect
directly accountable to the college; the SRC court, like involved, I am inclined to su- the University directly. If they
most counts is not. Appeals procedures, of course, will port the viewpoints of my had been at Dr. Hackerman's
President. I wish to give sup- address, they could have asked
remain intact.
The other change provides for a regular representa- port and encouragement to Dr. Hackerman the questions
tive to the4 Student Senate, to serve whenever the Presi- President Dickinson and to any which all of us should be askother disillusioned students who ing : in the words of a R i c e
dent's other business keeps him from attending. This feel as I do.
Professor, why are we allowing
makes a lot of sense; it is really unreasonable to comFrom what I have seen and Rice to become the S.M.U. of
bine the posts of college executive and university legisla- heard of the Senate, I cannot Harris County? Why d o e s
tor. Not every President wants both jobs; if the SA won't help but be thankful t h a t my Rice spend more than seventy
provide for substitute senators, the colleges can. Will association with that group has thousand dollars per year on
been limited. Wiess College rep- recruiting the ten percent of
Rice already does.
resentatives at Senate meetings the student body with athletic
The Richardson amendments are probably real im- bring stories to the College of ability, but neglect to spend a
provements, and certainly worth trying. They deserve bickering among Senate mem- comparable amount for the rebers, needless wastes of time, cruiting of top quality stuto pass.
give at least the illusion that
we t a l k about more than sports
and studies, at least the appearance of concern — notwithstanding the joys of cynicism.
Failing all else, we could give
scholarships to the children of
our war dead so that they can
come here and study about the
tragedy of American military
involvement in the war and the
greater tragedy of our civilian
uninvolvement, when the subject eventually reaches Rice—•
in the history department. Besides, giving money is the
American way of helping.
—Dennis Heyman
Will Rice '75
P.S. My time is open for any
suggestions of ways in which I
can do the least damage with
my help—I wrote this letter instead of my English paper and
can only believe that were every Rice student to give one
night's study time to ANYTHING else, neither it nor his
studies would suffer any irreparable setbacks. Also, my sincere apologies to the many Rice
students who, unlike me, have
not been inactive but have
worked hard on many projects.
Onak tells SA to go climb a tree
Business Manager
Lew Hancock
Advertising Manager
H. David JJunglo
Aosistant Editor
Virginia Jee
Assistant Business
Morty Rich
Assistant Editor
Jim Lawler
Head Photographer
Ralph Umbarger
Calendar Editor
Bill Jones
Sports Editor
Greg Norris
Sports Editor
S t a f f : Andy Hurley. Chip Lansdell, Frank Fresler, Mike Ross, Gary Brewton,
Mark Onak, Cathe Krause, Michael Peck, Craig Stafford, Randy G'uebert, Forrest
Johnson, Wendy Nordstrom, James Wilhoit. Guyle Cavin, Irene Schumiliver,
I.aura Johnston, Bob Bunch, Ann Wilhoit, Rick Brown, Ira Beckerman, Kate
Jones. Kathy Ford, Don Shewey, Lee Sowers
The Rice Thresher, official student newspaper of Rice University, is published weekly on Thursday except during holidays and examination periods by
students of Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001, telephone 528-4141 X221 or
645. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of anyone except the
writers. Obviously.
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page £
and complicated political maneuvers
Richard Nixon
would be unable to duplicate.
Rarely do Wiess College members hear of the Senate's doing anything constructive. Perhaps, as President Hoskins
claims, there is a communications failure, but there is also
a strong possibility t h a t the
Senate spends more time quibbling than performing.
The non-attendance of most
Senate members at Dr. Hackerman's "state of the Univer-
dents ? Why do over seventy
per cent of the blue chip students accepted here decide to
go somewhere else? Why does
Rice have so many ridiculously
easy courses ? Why does the
University allow the Colleges
to o f f e r garbage courses
(Witchcraft in the Byzantine
Empire, Ayn Rand and the Absolute Truth, etc.) ? Why does
Rice spend a smaller per cent
of its income on its library
facilities than most other major
universities spend on theirs ?
Why are the Food Service and
the Health Service so poor?
I could suggest many more
topics t h a t a responsible Senate would be interested in, but
there is one. question which the
Senate (responsible or not)
should consider as quickly as
possible—what are we going to
do about the birds ? While some
•Senate .members may nof be
concerned about the question,
many of us have an interest in
the issue, as we are finding it
increasingly difficult to breathe.
I would like to suggest a solution to the problem which would
restore the student body's faith
in the Senate: instead of meeting in Sewall Hall, each Senate member shall climb a tree
in a different part of the campus. Each meeting, of course,
must be held at night, otherwise no benefit will occur. The
merits of my proposal are obvious. By climbing the trees,
the Senate members will scare
most of the birds sh
(Perhaps we don't want that,
but it cannot be avoided). Because the members will be
spaced out, so to speak, they
will be required to yell, quibble, etc., even more loudly than
usual. Therefore, the remainder
of the bird population will leave
the Institute. If the procedure
were followed, say, every night
f o r two weeks, not only would
the bird problem be solved, but
also the Senate would begin to
restore its credibility.
Mark Onak
Wiess '74
Tentative registration plan to solve drop-add problem
The Committee on Examinations & Standings meets weekly to discuss academic regulations and policies. The decisions
it reaches are of two kinds:
those concerning individual students and those which affect
the whole university.
The committee is responsible
f o r the readmission of students
who are on suspension f o r
academic or disciplinary rea-
sons. It also approves each student's choice of m a j o r ( s ) or
area major. The committee
spends almost half of its time
considering individual cases in
these two areas.
The remainder of the committee's time is spent reviewing
academic regulations and policies. Here are some of the actions taken by the committee so
f a r this year:
SA Senate action
The Student Senate, in its regular meeting March 7, approved
the results of last month's elections, in addition to receiving reports
about several ongoing SA projects.
Rob Quartel made a preliminary report about the recent
National Student Lobby meetings held in Washington, D.C. Complete details of the convention will be carried in the Thresher.
In an action which aroused some controversy, the Senate
tabled a bill which would establish operating guidelines for the
Rice Recycling Center, which apparently has no such guidelines
now. The move was called controversial because the center is expected to make a profit and will be paying salaries.
The senate also appropriated $50 for Frank Pavlick f o r work
clone on the freshman handbook. In addition, Paul Carney was
appointed to the control board of the campus store.
International student I.D. cards, which can be used for discounts on air fares, will be sold a t cost—approximately $2—to
Rice students. The cards are good for one year.
Expecting a large turnout for the recycling center opening
Friday afternoon, the senate appropriated money for a second keg.
The Senate adjourned, to meet as a committe of the whote
to discuss nominations f o r the Mentor Award, which is presented
annually to the faculty member or administrator who has been of
greatest service to the student body.
Proposal reactions
(Continued from Page 1)
students to live off-campus.)
Another alternative might be
student owned and run co-ops
similar to those recently inaugurated at Berkeley.
It is also worth noting that
the University of Houston will
build its north campus in the
Woodlands; the feasibility of
shared facilities in t h a t new
town might be examined. The
combination of Rice and UH
students in the new town would
certainly vitalize it.
Charter hassle
If the Cannady proposal is to
succeed1, it will demand a reinterpretation
charter, which states that the
campus cannot be used, sold,
etc. except f o r educational purposes. (Indeed, this would not
even allow the alternative proposal of leasing the back 120
acres and/or joint venturing a
commercial development with a
9 a
Hines.) However, the charter
also outlawed black students
and tuition. Liberal interpretations of the charter in the
courts have said that the goal
of the charter was to make
Rice a fine institution of learning. Therefore, it is likely t h a t
a similar rethinking of the
charter in the courts would be
favorably received.
Cannady points out that the
main idea behind his proposal
is that people should consider
the purpose and meaning of
physical facilities. A new campus could provide Rice with the
f i r s t step toward the future.
Experiments in education might
be built-in: cable TV, video-taping of lectures, an integral
computer system, alternative
housing patterns. The Rice
would become a commitment to,
innovative excellence.
The committee also nominated two juniors f o r a joint
program with Baylor College of
Medicine. This program will allow these students to receive
the BA from Rice and their MD
f r o m Baylor a f t e r six years.
The nominations were submitted to Dr. Hackerman, who had
received the proposed program
f r o m Dr. Michael DeBakey.
IThe committee decided t h a t
credit should be given to some
people who had taken College
L e v e l Equivalency Program
tests in certain subjects. It also
sent a proposal to Dr. Hackerman stating these tests might
be useful a placement tests for
certain departments, such as
Singers outline
role of music
in social change
The role of music in American social movements will be
the theme of a three-day, threeartist festival next weekend.
Rice grad Bill Haymes joins
Don Sanders and £teve Askins
in a program entitled ''Music
and Its Role in Social Change."
Steve Askins, experienced in
East Coast coffeehouses, leads
off Friday night, March 16 with
selected w o r k s of Woody
Guthrie. On Saturday, Haymes,
formerly of Baker College and
frequent performer on the Rice
campus, will present a discussion of music of the civil rights
movement, illustrated w i t h
songs of the 1950-60 era. Sanders, a well - known Houston
singer, will explore contemporary music of social change
on Sunday afternoon.
A relaxed atmosphere will
prevail and questions from the
audience will be encouraged.
Exact times and places will be
announced later.
chemistry and biology. Hopefully these tests will be given
next fall.
The committee recently endorsed a proposal f r o m new SA
president Doug Appling which
would allow students to change
their pass-fail status to a grade
status up until the end of the
tenth week of the semester.
This proposal is awaiting action by the University Council.
The most sweeping action
taken by the committee .concerns registration. Currently,
students, as well as the registrar's office, face the problem of
drop-adds each semester. A program which w i l l hopefully
lighten this burden has been
approved. As before, students
will rr.(:<: t with their advisor
near the end of the spring .-. At this time they will
fwl — t " v ; ; r degree plan, but
i n . - : : r . : > : being a f i n a l
registration for the fall it will
only be a tentative one, used
to make room assignments and
allow teachers to estimate the
size of their classes. At the beginniing of each semester, students will be allowed two weeks
to decide on final registration.
During these two weeks, they
will be encouraged to "window
shop" courses they might be
interested in. At the end of two
weeks, only one registration
form will have to be submitted. Students would still be
able to add and drop according
to university regulations a f t e r
the second week, paying $10.
The Committee welcomes suggestions on what has been or
could be done, especially comm e n t s on the registration
changes, and on advising you
have received at Rice. This is
a topic to be considered in the
near f u t u r e bv the committee.
a # ®
,03 s
.1 ^
March 12—Madness and Creativity
nfth lecture series by Alexander Smyth
sponsored by Richardson College of Rice University.
301 Sewall Hall
School . . .
(Continued f r o m Page 2)
cannot be lowered, for reasons t h a t are clear to Dr. Hackerman. In fact there is some consideration of the idea of raising
the tuition. This means t h a t unless some form of financial aid
is found the intellectual elite
nourished by the Rice Summer
School will be merely the economic elite. But Rice in the
past has been a very generous
school. Students, faculty and
staff and colleges have all
given support to the poorer students of Houston who have
wanted to attend the Rice Summer School.
As has been indicated, the
Rice Summer School offers an
alternative to the dry discipline
oriented classroom of the typical high school. All the courses are pass-fail graded. The
classes are small with encouragement of individual achieve-
ment. And the courses are interesting. Typical courses in
science and math are Oceanoraphy, Our Environment: Its
Number Theory and Computer
Programming. In the humanities there are such courses as:
The Roots of Soul: The Evolution of Black Culture, Science
Fiction, and America Since
W W I I : The Good, The Bad, The
Ugly. Every student must also
take a t P.E. course such as
Badminton or Archery or many
This summer school isn't for
everybody, just as Rice, or college, is not f o r everybody, but
if a student is interested and
capable, to deny his interest f o r
financial reasons is to deny the
f u t u r e of the so called intellectual elite.
Dan Henderson
WRC '72
Save up to $3.00!
Major label LP's! Top artists!
Many, many selections in this special purchase.
Classics included!
Hundred of records! Come early for best selection!
Friday, March 9, in the Book Department
.Get your favorites at Big Discounts!
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 3
Inside the NWPC as quiet Farenthold wins chair
The opening session of the
last day of the National Womans' Political Caucus proved
that women have reached equality in at least one area: it
was as boring as any male convention I've been to. Its parliamentary rigamarole went on
for a very long time. Then a
rumor spread through the press
Mrs. Farenthold spoke for a
few minutes, very quiet and demure, always looking at the
lectern, and than went off for
a strategy session with some
of her advisers. When she had
gone it became obvious t h a t
sentiment in the room was overwhelmingly against her running for the national office.
section that Sissy Farenthold,
defeated candidate for t h e
Democratic gubernatorial nomination, was considering running for the chairman/woman/
personship of the NWPC. At
that moment she Was meeting
with the Texas delegation in a
small hotel room to ask their
advice and send out her support.
Texas tries to keep her
1 received the impression,
though it was never stated, that
outside of Sissy there was no
real leadership in the Texas
women's movement, and they
didn't want to lose her. The
main objection raised by those
opposed was that "It'll ruin
her chances for the governorship i-n '76." When a vote was
taken o n l y
two delegates
wanted her to run for the higher office, though the general
feeling was that "we'll support
Sissy in whatever she decides
to do." The meeting broke up,
Bokay Shop - Village Florist
Include us in your wedding' plans
Spring- flowers now available
2106 Rice Blvd
Pre Easter Fabrics
Flocked Antron-nylons, washable, 15" wide
Floral prints, large & small
Harold's Garage
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Henry J. Engel, Owner
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Pizza Supreme
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Jalapeno Pepper
Black O l i v e
V2 Cheese V2 S a u s a g e . . 1.55
A d d e d Ingredients,
Gloria/Bella vs.„ Betty
Rumor had it that G l o r i a
Steinem had been instrumental
in getting Sissy to run, and
Bella showed up repeatedly between hotel rooms, bringing
TYPING—All Kinds,
Day 225-2411 Ex. 251
Eve. & Weekends 772-5444
2 4 0 0 W . Holcombe
(off t h e corner of H o l c o m b e & M o r n i n g s i d e )
M o z z a r e l l a Cheese
and soon an answer came. She
was going to go for it.
The convention had previously broken up into small state
caucuses. E a c h candidate for
office was to visit these caucuses, and make a short sipeech
explaining her position. The
final balloting was to be at
I followed Mrs. Farenthold
from caucus to caucus; judging only from what I heard,
her chances didn't look good.
The first thing that struck me
as she got up to speak in her
quiet gray dress and beads was
that "This is a lady". The second thing was "She is no public speaker." Each speech ran
about the same, which is normal for any political campaign.
"My name is Francis Farenthold. and I'm l'unning for the
chairpersonship of the National
Woman's Political Caucus. I'm
afraid that I've been away for
most of the convention, and I
probably couldn't give you any
answers to any specific questions, just right now. My first
act if I am elected will be to
find out exactly what was
decided at the convention." All
this in a very soft voice, al«ways looking at the floor. It
was not impressive.
The Boeing Co.
Mostek Corp.
Burroughs Wellcome
Production Credit Association (Div. of Federal Land Bank)
Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co.
13 First C i t y National
Bank, Houston
13 Automated Systems
Philco Ford Corp.
Southern Methodist
University, School of
Tulane University,
School of Business
10" Po-Boy bun covered with cheese; Canadian
Bacon; Salami; Lettuce and Tomatoes.
Served with Hot Chips
Pep p e r o n i
Pu/.a S u p r e m e
VJ Cheese
Vi Sausage
Balloting was by secret count,
the delegates voting in their
regional caucuses. The final
tally was McKay-149, Farenthold 476%. I can't be sure
about the last figure. People
were cheering all around me.
The upshot of the acceptance
speech was "We will take this
movement forward!" What this
election will do to Sissy's political clout in Texas remains to
be seen.
Indian still at
war with U.S.
will charge in Chicago that
he cannot be prosecuted for
setting fire to a yacht because, he says, he is still at
war with the United States.
Harold Potts, a member of
the Chippewa tribe, is preparing a defense in Federal court
*f>n the grounds that the
United Stateis vitiated an
1830 peace treaty with his
tribe, and that he must therefore be tried under the Hague
International R u l e s — not
under U.S. law.
Sissy takes it
The campaigning was soon
o v e r , and the nominatingspeeches began. McKay went,
first; the applause was mostly
from her home delegation of
North Carolina. After the first
speech for Farenthold it was
obvious how the chips were going to fall: three quarters of
the convention rose to its feet
and began chanting "We want
Sissy! We want Sissy!" with
battling Bella leading the cheers
in a New York bellow. The McKay camp looked very glum,
and I heard Ms. Fridan tell
another reporter, using five
words where one would do, "It's
not that I'm against Sissy, and
of com*se I'll support her if
she's elected. It's just that I
think we need some new blood
in the movement . . . "
After New York I followed
Marsha McKay, Sissy's opponent, about for a while. Ms.
McKay is tall, wore a pant suit,
short haircut, a fine speaker,
and very much the go-getter.
Two totally different personalities. If I hadn't known Sissy,
I would have supported McKay.
2595 n. lilac GREGOR DR.
Moi*arella Ch
( . r e m Pepper
campaign advice and news. Betty Friedan, though, was in the
New York delegation when Sissy spoke; the expression on her
face read, "You are going to
catch it, honey." After the
speech her question implied
"Where were you during the
Prices are right, by Day or by night
-60 Luxurious Rooms Designed For your ComfortW E ARE H E R E T O S E R V E Y O U .
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 4
C O M E BY A N D S E E U S !
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Houston Citizens Bank offers you No Service Charge
for Life on your checking account.
To encourage participation in our banking program, Houston Citizens Bank is
offering a new service especially for you.
We call it, "the no scrvice charge for
life" program. And it means just what it
says: No service charges for the checks
you write on your account in conducting
your regular business, for the rest of your
life. Naturally, this does not include
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or similar charges.
To start you off, we're offering 200 free,
fully personalized checks imprinted with
your name, address and telephone num-
ber. On subsequent orders your free
checks will 'include your name only. There
will be an additional charge for printing
your address and telephone number, if
you wish to include them. We'll also give
you postage-paid,bank-by-mail envelopes,
When you run out, just ask for more.
You'll,even find your own special
University Banking Center at the bank,
staffed by our young bankers. They're
there to answer questions and assist you
with any financial problem you might
have. The Center is open on our first floor
from 9 to 4, Monday through Friday.
Park free of charge when you visit us
in the large parking lot next to our building
or across the street in our multi-level
parking garage. Just ask any teller or
bank officer to validate your ticket.
We're offering these services because:
(1) We believe in you, your interests, your
dreams and plans for the future, and (2)
We frankly want to be part of those plans.
We're hoping that the more you get to
know us, the more you'll use us for other
things. When that time comes, you'll find
we put a lot of extra effort into giving
you very good service.
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 5
Owl baseball comes on strong; Lamar, TLC levelled
noon the Owls played Texas
Lutheran College f r o m Sequin,
Texas and again easily swept a
pair. Sequin, f o r those of you
who have never heard of it, is
the home of the world's l a r g e s t
This time it was L a r r y Reneau and Steve Holder doing
the pitching honors. Both went
the distance. Reneau pitched a
two-hit shutout, walking only
two, both in the f i r s t inning, as
Rice rolled to a 4-0 victory. A f t e r that f i r s t inning Reneau
was never in trouble. No one
advanced beyond f i r s t base.
On the other hand, Steve
Knight was hit f o r f o u r runs
on six hits in his f o u r innings
of pitching. Rice got a run in
the f i r s t on hits by Joe Zylka,
Mike Macha, and Bryan Boyne.
Then in the third Boyne hit a
three-run shot with the same
ylka and Macha aboard. I t was
the second round-tripper of the
new season f o r Boyne. A f t e r
t h a t the Rice offense shut down
f o r the game.
The Rice University baseball
t e a m opened play last week on
a positive note. In Beaumont
Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 27, Rice took
a p a i r of seven-inning g a m e s
f r o m L a m a r University 8-0 and
5-2. In the f i r s t game Mike
P e t t i t allowed Lamar only f o u r
hits. Freshman phenom Mike
Macha (pronounced " m a h a " )
hit a three-run homer in the
second. In the second game
Bruce Henly was the winner,
with help f r o m Steve Holder in
the sixth. With Rice holding a
S-l lead going into the bottom
of the sixth, L a m a r scored once
and threatened more. But Holder came on to retire the side
f o r the last two innings. His
job was made easier by Bryan
Boyne's two-run homer in t h e
Under threatening skies on
the Rice campus Saturday a f t e r -
Meat Market
We wuz robbed
The issue was never in doubt
in the second game as Rice hitters battered Robert Vargas f o r
Breeders Choice
Liver, Hearts, Kidney
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Vita Loaf
MUST SELL immediately
Triumph GT-6-Plus '70 model
A M / F M radio, Fine condition.
Doghouse Packing
2121 Richmond
t h r e e r u n s in the f i r s t inning,
r u n s t h a t were never answered.
I t could have been more except
f o r a questionable call by the
home plate umpire on a t a g a p peal. The three runs were on
the board and men were leading
off from f i r s t and third. The
centerfielder Bill Bippert made
a spectacular diving catch on
catcher Ednie Janik's low liner.
Bryan Boyne, hanging close a t
third, was able to quickly touch
and go home. Bippert made a
dosperate throw towards third
base and the third baseman
tagged. The
umpire called
Boyne out, retiring the side.
Possibly the umpire was too
intent on watching the centerfielder's heroics and could not
believe t h a t Boyne had gone
back to t a g third.
In the second game, leftfielder John Jacobson hit a
home run t h a t cleared the left
field fence by inches. The Owl's
scoring was capped in the f i f t h
by a single by Ted Nowak, and
infield hit by Zylka, and a stolen base by Nowak, who was
allowed to score on the catcher's
low throw.
Steve Holder had his strikeout pitch going, striking out ten
(out of 21) b u t had' streaks of
wildness. The senior fastballer
walked four and let loose two
wild pitches. However, when he
got the ball over, the TLC batter's were unable to hit it.
A better team
The Rice baseball team looks
improved over last year. The
hitting is definitely better. With
the addition of f r e s h m a n Mike
Since 1938
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Manuscripts, theses dissertat ions, etc. Neat, accuratc
work. Call ( a f t e r 6pni &
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Graduating Seniors
Macha and the added experience
of J o e Zylka and Bryan Boyne
t h e m e a t end of the batting order is potent. Zylka, with the
aid of the official s'corer, is now
seven f o r twelve f o r the f i r s t
f o u r games. Boyne went 4 f o r
6 f o r the doubleheader, including two doubles and a home
run. Macha w a s 2 for 5, including a double.
The fielding t h a t was such an
i m p o r t a n t aspect of the team's
sucess l a s t y e a r is still good.
However, the absence of Sheldon K a u f m a n h a s created problems on the infield. There the
t e a m is not set yet. Doug Osborn is still experimenting with
d i f f e r e n t defenses. Much of the
problem is where to put Macha.
Originally a third baseman, he
played in r i g h t field in the
second g a m e with TLC. He is
also being tried a t second.
Boyne, t h e r e g u l a r third baseman last year, s t a r t e d at second
Academic Regalia
Last Thursday, Friday, and
S a t u r d a y at the 42nd Annual
Southwest Conference Swimming and diving Championships held on the TCU campus,
the Rice swimming team competed with the seven other
eighth. SMU finished f i r s t ,
s t r a i g h t SWC Championship,
with UT second, Texas A & M
third, A r k a n s a s fourth, Texas
Tech f i f t h , U H sixth, TCU
seventh, and Rice eighth.
Because the SWC is one of
the most competitive conferences in the NCAA in swimming and because Rice is the
only school - in the SWC that
does not o f f e r scholarships in
swimming, the six swimmers
f r o m Rice who competed in the
SWC Championships against
the legions of swimmers f r o m
for lunch & dinner
Richmond & S. Shepherd
$3-5 hr
apply between 2 & 1 pm
Monday thru Friday
Topless and non-topless
Full or part-time
Shangri-la Club
* Are Now Being Taken
in the
Book Department
The team has a confident but
not cocky attitude towards this
season. Southwest Conference
play, which s t a r t s March 16-17
a g a i n s t U H , will not be as
easy as these games. B a r r i n g
any injuries, especially to a
pitcher, this team should make
a serious run on the conference
title. They a r e almost a cinch
to pass the eleven-win m a r k in
conference, a new Rice record
set last year.
New swim records set
Advanced Degree Candidates
Orders For
and shortstop in the doubleheader, switching with Ted
The pitching on this year's
team is of high quality but
lacks depth. There are only six
pitchers listed on the roster and
of those six, two a r e f r e s h m a n
who have not played yet. However, conference championship
teams usually need only three
good pitchers and Rice is
blessed with f o u r in Petit,
Henley, Reneau, and Holder.
11111 South Post Oak
Call 723-7751 or 668-1152
the other schools can hardly be
f a u l t e d f o r not winning. Although they finished a distant
eighth, the Rice swimmers can
take pride in their outstanding
personal performances.
Robert Visser smashed his
school record in the 200 yard
butterfly, while George Taylor swam to a new personal
best in the 200 yard .backstroke. Bruce McDonnell, Norman Kittrell, and Steve Whitney each set personal records
in the 100 yard and 200 yard
f r e e s t y l e and John Allen established new school records in
the 100 yard ami 200 yard
of the
Deadline Saturday, March 24, 1973
Payment Due When Regalia Is Picked Up
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 6
yard breaststroke last Friday
afternoon, John Allen, senior
captain of the Rice swimming
team, set a new school record
of 1:01.04 and became the f i r s t
Rice swimmer ever to qualify
for the N C A A Swimming and
Diving Championships. J o h n ' s
time w a s j u s t one tenth of a
second f a s t e r than the NCAA,
q u a l i f y i n g s t andar d of 1:01. o
set by the twentieth place finisher in l a s t y e a r ' s NCAA
Championships. T h a t n i g h t in
the finals, John took f i f t h
place in the 100-yard breaststroke in a field which included
three All-Americans, -one of
whom was an Olympic gold
medalist. The next night John
finished tenth in the 200 yard
breaststroke, again setting a
new school record. In two
weeks, John will travel with
his coach, Fred Breckwohlt, to
Knoxville, Tennessee, for the
NCAA Swimming and Diving
Championships, where he will
bo one of the only nonscholarship athletes, to compete.
Specializing in European Ten Speeds High Quality
at unbelievable prices Atala, CDI, Bottechia, C.N.C.,
Bertin, Juenet
Full line of Accessories—Repair all Makes
1500 W. Alabama
Open 11-6:30, 6 days a week
Ten speeds start at $89—Layaway—Mastercharge
Both teams unimpressive as UH wallops Rice 116-72
Rice and UH mopped up the
season Monday night in Hofheinz Pavillion. Both t e a m s
turned in sloppy performances,
Rice committed 30 turnovers to
UH's 26. I t was t h a t kind of
The game was over before it
started, and both teams seemed
to know it. F o r instance, Houston coach Guy Lewis s t a r t e d
senipr Clay Hoster over Maurice Presley a t f o r w a r d . Hoster
is a player of t h e quality of t h e
average Rice player. This was
probably the only s t a r t of his
college career.
I n the f i r s t half
hustle kept the UH f r o m run-
ning away with the game.
Forced to p u t high arcs on
shots or g e t t h e m blocked by
the outrageously s u p e r i o r
Cougars, Rice hit only 37%
f r o m the field in t h e f i r s t half.
Rice managed to get off 43
shots to Houston's 39.
For most of the half Houston
led by a comfortable ton-point
m a r g i n and w a s able to stretch
it to 49-36 a t the break. Mark
Werhle led Rice in scoring a t
h a l f t i m e with f o u r t e e n . However, he only played a limited
amount in the second half.
Neither were any of his
t e a m m a t e s able to score f o r
f o u r and a half minutes into
the second half. Then Charley
Daniels hit a f r e e throw. I n t h e
meantime the Cougars were
running up a thirty-point lead.
It is important to note t h a t Don
Knodel had been s u b s t i t u t i n g
little-used p l a y e r s d u r i n g this
time. By the end of the g a m e
ho had f o u r fi-eshmen playing.
Looking especially good were
Sparklen and Charley
iJaniels. Sparkler® scored tliirl :cn points and w a s playing
vvll enough to draw fouls f r o m
the likes of Presley and Sidney
Ivlwards. Daniels was also playaggressive basketball, not
'••(.ting himself be intimidated
by the taller Cougars.
The Owls were t r y i n g to play
run-and-shoot with Houston in
the second half, a sad mistake.
Thi• Cougars, much f a s t e r at
getting back on the defensive,
never allowed Rice to successfully run the l a s t break. Guards
trying to drive on t h e basket
Jim Lawler
More sports news, mostly good
Track — Last weekend the
track team went to Laredo f o r
their confrontation with def e n d i n g SWC track champion,
Texas. The Owls couldn't beat
the Horns, but did out do the
other eight t e a m s to finish second.
Owl winners —
Pole vault—Dave Roberts
Shot P u t — K e n Stadel
Discus—Ken Stadel
Javelin—Jim Pearce
High jump—Glen Ray
440 hurdles—Mike Cronholm 1st
440—Denny Dicke
Lin Bingham
880—John Powell
Mile—Bob Nellums
Tennis—The tennis team did
not play during the break, but
plays S a t u r d a y against Univ. of
Corpus Christi and Tuesday
against Columbia. The t e a m is
braced by lettermen Emilio
Montano, J o r g e Berman, Allan
Boss, and Gus Pellizi. Aiding
the cause are f r e s h m e n B a r r y
Josselson and Scott Turpin.
(Emilio Montano will miss Saturday's match as he will be
playing with the Mexican Davis
Cup team.)
Golf — Owl golfers opened
their spring season with a 9-0
win over visiting South Dakota State, in a match played
Tuesday at F o r e s t Cove Count r y Club.
Ernie Danner won the number one m a t c h f o r Rice with
a 4 & 3 win over Jim Reeves.
Bill Lee, playing number two,
beat Jim Uken 5 & 4.
Bartling 6 &
Ken Lacy and Hank (Sundance) English completed the
Owl sweep with wins over Roy
Shields and Bob Stephenson.
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found the ball knocked a w a y
soon a f t e r it l e f t their hands.
The scoring ended with U H
u p by a score of 116-72. Dwight
Jones scored 29 and totally dominated both backboards f o r
t h e Cougars. Rice's overall record f o r the season ended a t 719.
Houston does not enter the
Southwest Conference basketball race for two years. So the
title will be u p f o r g r a b s for
one more year. Go to it, boys.
W a n t e d : Couple or two girls.
F r e e rent (you pay electricity) in exchange for babysitting. Garage A p a r t m e n t ,
furnished. Private kitchen
and bath. 8 minute walk
f r o m Ha mm an Hall. St art in
in May. 528-1065
Huser's Jewelry
Diamonds — Watches
Jewel rv
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Jackson Lee
Exxon Service
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GETTING MARRIED? — Hire a professional
24 8xl0's in color in an album, $120.00 — Plans start $70.00
Mark Johnson won the most
lopsided match of the day with
a 8 & 6 win over Bill Sholton.
Johnson had his best day yet
as a Owl golfer with his oneover-par 73, taking Medalist
honors. Alan Ahrens also won
handily by beating SDS' Dave
An Old New York
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the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 7
Saroyan plagues 'Cavedwellers' with confused identities
The question is, a r e t h e y act o r s pretending to be actors,
with a set r e p r e s e n t i n g a deserted stage, or a r e they real
people living in an e m p t y theh e a t e r ? The cast of Brown
College's "The Cavedwellei's,"
Bernard Gold
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Serving Houston since
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opening tonight, never really
resolves t h a t problem f o r the
audience or l'or themselves.
William Saroyan, the playwright, wishes us to believe
the l a t t e r ; unfortunately, he
has made it extremely difficult
f o r any of his characters to
convey his desires. With a
script containing more empty
rhetoric and self-conscious moralizing t h a n a traveling evangelical revival, it's a wonder t h a t
the actors can stop cringing
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long enough to deliver any
lines a t all.
The highly symbolic -jiames
of the characters should'be sufficient to indicate the style of
t h e p l a y : Queen, Duke, Girl,
Construction Worker, etc., etc.,
etc. The only real name in t h e
show belongs to Gorki t h e
Trained Bear. Such is a r t .
"this is how it is," as
says, and you work with
you have. Miraculously,
of it actually does work.
K a t h y Clifford, as Girl, is
particularly good a t the beginning of t h e play, before Saro-
• • CAPSULES • •
' l i b e r t y Hall pulled a surprise two weekends ago when
Neil Young and Linda Ronsstadt, still in town a f t e r their
S a t u r d a y night concert in t h e
Coliseum, joined Gram Parsons
and his fine female lead Eramylou H a r r i s f o r a while during their final stint Sunday
night. Texan Willis Alan Ramsey, a Leon Russell protege (he
records on Russell's label, Shelt e r ) will play this weekend,
T h u r s d a y through Sunday at
8pm with 11pm shows on Friday and Saturday.
Frank Zappa and the Mothers move into t h e Music , Hall
this Monday; it's a conglomeration of the other Mothers, Hot
R a t s , Grand Gazooers and new
friends. Wild West Productions
hosts the man t h a t outraged
people with his bizarre, f r e e f o r m style in the sixties; Zappa continues to widen the barr i e r s of acceptability in music
On t h e t h e a t e r scene, Carol
Channing does the remake of
G<^tlemen P r e f e r Blonds, a
f i f t i e s hit. The remodeling is
called Lorelei, and Channing
continues to be the best t h i n g
in the production. The show
garnered a dumb, wishy-washy
review in the Chronicle. When
it moves out of t h e Music Hall
with its l a s t 8 o'clock show on
Saturday, Paul Zindler's second
play, and Miss Reardon Drinks
a little, will t a k e over a onenight
Among other s t r a n g e r s is a
woman who sneaks bits of r a w
m e a t f r o m a showbox a t dinnertime because her crazy sister
is a vegetarian; it's a really
s h a r p play. Pace Productions is
p u t t i n g this one on.
The Effect of Gamma Rays
on Man-in-the-moon Marigolds
is a play by Paul Zindler, full
of muted jjassions and significant outbursts. The Paul Newman-Joane
which made its initial e f f o r t
with the fine Rachel, Rachel,
seems to have mellowed it out
too much in their film version,
and the f i l m makes you think
t h a t p e r h a p s t h e play should
have remained unattempted on
Steelyard Blues, despite its
i n t i m a t e exposure . of w h a t ' s
going on in the lives of some of
the top members of the Hollywood f r e a k set, is so muted
t h a t it's blah. J a n e Fonda, Donald Sutherland and Peter Boyle,
among others, feeling t h a t their
characters a r e more exciting
t h a n you are, a s they drive t h e
establishment crazy "'with their
derby demolition dreams.
H. David Danglo
y a n drowns h e r in homilies
and t h e T r u e Meaning of Love.
Her n a t u r a l movements cont r a s t strikingly with t h e bombastic woodenness of t h e King
(Cliff Zabriskie), a h a s - been
actor who is not quite convincing as an actor or a person.
Cliff does a credible job f o r
someone stuck in this h a l f w a y
role, but Saroyan doesn't help
him a bit.
Monologues a r e t h e order of
the day; Cliff and J u d i t h Raudin, the Queen, each have one
good one, but these g e t lost
among all t h e really bad ones.'
Max Zimmerman, doubling as
director and Bear, made t h e
wise decision to cut most of
t h e play; maybe he should have
cut more. There are a f e w exchanges which pretend to be
conversations, but don't let
them fool you.
Cash Tilton as t h aging
p r i z e f i g h t e r gives the most consistent performance. He doesn't
have quite as much verbiage to
struggle with, and h a s a b e t t e r
gifip on his characterization
t h a n most of t h e others.
Two noteworthy cameos are
Ellsworth Thorp, as t h e Silent
Boy, and George T a m m as t h e
Construction Worker. I t t a k e s
a while a f t e r t h e y enter to
realize t h a t t h e y a r e p a r t of
the play, because t h e y seem
much more real, which leads
us back to the opening question.
Some of the cast a r e acting
with the f i r s t alternative a s
t h e i r conception of t h e play,
some are using t h e second, and
some of using both simultaneously. Until t h e y all decide
which to use, The Cavedwellers
will never be able to achieve
t h e continuity and c r e d i b i l i t y
whoch it so badly needs.
Fellini directs lively tour of Roma
"Fellini's Roma" is not so
much a place as the spirit of
a time here radiantly alive
with a nostalgic collage of the
Beauty Supplies
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B ULL'n A N C H £>"R
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t j } A l l DRINKS 2 f o r 1
director's youth and entry into t h e " E t e r n a l City."
A vibrant sensuality appears
t h r o u g h t h e sweat and grime
of people f e a s t i n g outdoors
d u r i n g his f i r s t night in Rome,
a vitality charged by a masterf u l use of heavy blue smoke
and glowing, pulsating lights.
L a t e r , sharp, piercing .lights
illuminate contemporary Rome,
a f i t t i n g juxtaposition.
ence and players, as they participate in theatricals during
w a r t i m e I t a l y t h a t p u t those
of " C a r b a r e t " to shame. A t
the same time, he lashes out
at the blind patriotism of the
Fascists as well as t h e repression of the f r e a k s singing
on the steps during the h a p p y
summer festival in Rome, which
he likens to a "general amnesty."
We follow the young Fellini
t h r o u g h darknened alleys' and
twi s t i ng stairways to the t a p roots
Though t h e prostitutes a r e
f r i g h t f u l l y grotesque, he understands them,
and sems to p r e f e r their b l a t a n t
sexuality to t h e ambiguous,
relationships of the hippies living on t h e ancient steps of
Rome, f o r these befuddle his
sensibilities. He longs f o r the
organic interaction of and open
The. p a s t looks at the present
of the ecclesiastical fashion
show. In it, Fellini pokes f u n a t
both t h e stodginess of t h e
of the church and t h e gaudy
superficiality of modern materialism.
5 blocks from Rice campus
$128 — bills paid '
First two weeks rent free.
— — — — —
The "degeneracy of the p a s t "
theme in " L a Dolce V i t a " and
"Satyricon" h a s yielded to a
certain nostalgic longing f o r
t h e spirit of t h a t p a s t in Fellini's later films. He h a s overcome t h e sentimental excesses
of his "Clowns" and in doing
so, h a s created a new impressionism. Anyone who b e t r a y s
a w i s t f u l smile when he h e a r s
the M i c k e y ^ l o u s e theme played
softly will appreciate "Fellini's
1 PM-2PM
3 PM-4 PM
4 : 3 0 PM
NOON sra 2W AFTER 5 PM 3 "
MON. THRU FRI. 4:30-
Vfe Price MON t h r o THURS.
DINE AND DANCE NO COVER • 2430 Rice Blvd. 524-6903
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 8
Demo's Auto Service
B :00 pm
Air Conditioning
Engine Analysis
Bowie picks up strange pupils for odd rock school
Undoubtedly one of the biggest influences on rock music
during the last year was Britisl^r David Bowie. He became
well-known for his concert appearances, which reached new
heights in flashy "rock theater," and for his records—most
especially The Rise and Fall of
Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, which could be
the soundtrack for a science
fiction version of A Hard Day's
Night. Along with these accomplishments, it seems that
now the David Bowie School of
AC/DC Rock has been established, with star pupils Lou
Reed and Mott the Hoople.
Lou Reed's new L P Transformer (RCA Records) and All
the Young Dudes by Mott t h e
Hoople (Columbia Records) a r e
only t a n g e n t s to each other,
t h e point in common being t h a t
David Bowie produced t h e m
Transformer is a real joy,
one of the best records in
months. Influenced p a r t l y by
his historic career with New
York City's resident punk band,
t h e Velvet Undeground, partly
by his f u t u r i s t i c s u p e r s t a r /
producer friend Bowie, Lou
Reed wrote all of the songs on
the LP, some of which are predictably in the Velvet Underg r o u n d / Z i g g y Stardust tradition (such as the opening cut,
"Vicious," which sounds somew h a t like David Bowie's '<Queen
Bitch," which is reminiscent of
R e e d ' s "White L i g h t / W h i t e
H e a t " . . . ), but most of the
songs are suprisingly f r e s h ,
gentle, mellow.
Strange songs
Lou Reed w r i t e s really
s t r a n g e songs; a goodly number are about his f a m o u s
f r i e n d s and life in the Big Apple. Some, like "Andy's Chest,"
a r e weird — "If {his l a s t time
you were here, things were a
bit askew/Well, you know w h a t
happens a f t e r d a r k / W h e n t h e
rattlesnakes lose their skins
and their h e a r t s / A n d
the missionaries l o s e their
b a r k . . . " "New York Telephone Conversation" is coy —
"Who has touched and who has
dabbled/Here in the city of
shows ?/Openings, closings, bad
repartee/Everybody k n o w s . . . "
"Walk on the Wild Side" is
more explicit — "Holly came
f r o m Miami, Fla./Hitchhiked
her way across the U S A /
Plucked her eyebrows on the
way/Shaved her legs, and then
he was a she/She said hey,
babe, take a walk on the wild
Maybe David Bowie's influence has liberated Reed as
concerns his dual sexuality.
More open t h a n ever, in "Make
U p , " Lou Reed sings of t h e
joys of being a d r a g queen with
a chorus t h a t goes, "Now
we're coming o u t / O u t of our
closets/ Out on t h e s t r e e t s /
Yeah, we're coming out . . . "
A few gay innuendoes appear
on some of the other songs as
well ("'Goodnight, Ladies").
Ziggy Stardust
The best songs on the album
are the Ziggy S t a r d u s t — like
"Satellite of Love" (a f a n t a s t i c
song—it would be g r e a t as a
hit single), "Walk on the Wild
Side," and "Wagon Wheel," although the L P s t a r t s out g r e a t
and gets better, so really every cut is a winner.
The musicianship is consistently excellent — D a v i d
Bowie's production is impeccable and a presence in itself.
His g u i t a r i s t Mick Ronson supplies some guitar, lots of piano,
musical arrangements, and production assistance. Klaus Voorm a n is outstanding on bass,
Herbie Flowers' horn arrangem e n t s are perfect, and the
Thunder Thighs are terrific on
background vocals (especially
on "Wagon Wheel").
All the Young Dudes
Mott t h e Hoople h a s always
been an immensely likeable
hard-rock band. They have f o u r
widely (and r a t h e r unjustly)
neglected albums on Atlantic,
and now with a n e w ' l a b e l and
a new producer, perhaps f o r
once Mott the Hoople will be
Not t h a t they're a g r e a t rock
band of epic proportions. At
their very worst (such as on
"I'm Ready f o r Love") t h e y
sound like Humble Pie or maybe Free. But t h e f i r s t side of
All the Young Dudes p u t s together some good h a r d rock,
opening with one of the best
hard rock ballads ever, "Sweet
J a n e " written by Lou Reed
(small world, h m ? ) .
"Momma's Little Jewel" is
crisp, tight, and n a s t y ; it
sounds like a good John Lennon cooker, cutting straight
into "All the Young Dudes,"
which is undeniably transplanted f r o m David Bowie's material.
"All t h e Young Dudes" is an
odd song, like something out of
A Clockwork Orange, a suitable
tribute to t h a t c u r r e n t breed of
young men ( d r o o g s ? ) like Mott
the Hoople, like Marc Bolan,
like the c h a r a c t e r s on the cover
of t h e album. There are a f e w
classic David Bowie lines tossed
in, of course ("I need TV, but
I got T. Rex . . . " ) .
Those t h r e e songs, along w i t h
"One of the Boys," which opens
side 2, a r e the high points of
t h e album. The other tracks a r e
tight, competent British rock
and roll, Mott t h e Hoople style.
While lacking t h e originality
and r e s t r a i n t of T r a n s f o r m e r ,
All t h e Young Dudes shows
Mott t h e Hoople moving up
(hopefully) into t h e same r a n k s .
Discover the World on Your
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Bud Drinkers, can
you figure this out?
Ralph bought a 6-pak of Budweiser,) and invited four friends over to share it.
Since he bought, he expected to have two cans to himself, but unfortunately
when he returned to the refrigerator for his second, he found it missing. So he
asked who took it. A1 said, "Joe drank it." Joe said, " D a n drank it." Dan said,
"Joe, that's a lie!" And Bill said, "I didn't drink it." If only one of these
statements is true, who really drank it?
lfavi Sh>0p)kap
Tuesday evening M a r c h 20. 8 : 0 0 PM .
Music Hall
Tickets $3 0 0 $4 00. $5 00
H o u s t o n Ticket Service and ail 5 Wards Stores
Mail o r d e r s to H T.S
81 7 Main Si
Houston, Texas 7 7 0 0 2 •
,i Sit') 'hi 'ii ' V h n i K i j p< o d i K . h n r i
\ X
.A N !
• a i m } s s a j put? S u p j u u p
9 U I I ' } 9 J 0 U I ^ u a d s 0ABq p j n o o Aaq^ ' s ^ B d - g OAyt ^ q S n o q , p e q q d p 3 y
• 0 n i ^ ©q pjnoM. ^ u a t u a ^ s s 4 u i ? q tCjuo u a q ^ o o u i s ' j a q o ^ u s ® p n g a q ; st q i £ j
AlsnotAqo s ^ u o u i a ^ s s j j i g ; p u e s t a o p u a q ;
p i p u t j q ^ u i q ^ noA j i
p u y ' 0 n j ^ 0.11? s j u a u i a ^ s s t u i 3 Q p u e s j y u o q ^ ' o o p s t } i ^ u i q ^ noA
-an.rj o j b
s ^ u 0 u i 0 ^ s s j [ t y ; put? s 4 u b q ' a u o A q i n S a q ^ si [ y a u i n s s B noA j j
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 9
rloi pioplt's calendar
Thursday the eighth
9am K M C — E x h i b i t a n d sale of o r i g i n a l
o r i e n t a l a r t w o r k 'til 5. T o o l a t e n o w .
7pm T h e Graduate s h o w s at U H ' s
Oberholtzer Ballroom. 75c,,
7 : 3 0 p m RMC Chapel, " I n t o a n d O u t
of t h e Bo x —Th e S e n s e of R e s t r i c tion a n d t h e S e a r c h f o r m e a n i n g "
8pm Music Hall. Lorelei s t a r r i n g Carol
8pm Media C e n t e r A u d . P e t e r P l a g e n s
lectures on r e c e n t W e s t c o a s t a r t Spm H a m m a n H a l l . T h e Cave Dwellers
by B r o w n College T h e a t r e .
Spm L i b e r t y H a l l . Willis A l a n R a m s e y .
8 ::!0pm J o n e s H a l l . Sleeping B e a u t y
S :30pm J o n e s Hall, V S T , T h e B i r t h d a y
P a r t y . Call 522-7911,
lilpm The G r a d u a t e is p r e s e n t e d f o r t h e
last lime. Still only 75c. (they m u s t
h a v e had g r e a t f i n a n c i a l a i d ! )
Friday the ninth
Well, folks, they ( t h e nice people a t
the C a m p a n i l e ) decided t h a t you
should be given s o m e e x t r a time. So
t u r n in s o m e t h i n g , p l e a s e ? Vain KMC . . . Blood d r i v e r e g i s t r a t i o n
.">pm Real deadline f o r t h o s e C a m p a n i l e
.-I'm H a m m a n Hall. The Cave D w e l l e r s .
Would you k n o w a N e a n d e r t h a l if
lie s a t down <-.n t h e bus by y o u ?
8pm Music Room, F o n d r e n . . . V e r d i ' s
8pm L o v e t t C o m m o n s . M * A * S * H , t h a t
m i r a c l e of m o d e r n i n s a n i t y t r i u m p h s
8pm Media C e n t e r . Au H a s a r d a n d
8pm U H Science a n d R e se a r c h C e n t e r ,
Room 116. T h e M o t h e r & The L a w ,
a N O W film.
8pm Carol C h a n n i n g a t t h e Music H a l l .
8pm Willis A l a n R a m s e y a t L i b e r t y
H a l l . Call 225-0562.
8 : 3 0 p m J o n e s H a l l — La Sylphide,
F a n d a n g o , and T h e Moor's P a v a n e
S :30pm J o n e s H a l l , U S T . T h e BD
P a r t y . Yes, t h a t w a s a B.
10pm Lovett commons. M A S H . H o p e
it i s n ' t too hard to f i n d a c h a i r .
11pm L i b e r t y Hall late show.
Saturday the tenth
12n S t a g e steering c o m m i t t e e m e e t i n g
816 W . 23rd.
1pm Baseball here w i t h St. M a r y ' s . T w o
L a s t day f o r College Course p l a n s t o
be t u r n e d in.
T e n n i s team plays U. of Corpus C h r i s t i
2pm Music Hall hosts Carol C h a n n i n g
in Lorelei.
2:30pm Jones Hall. The Swan Lake
T r a c k team vs A&M. L S U . and U H at
College S t a t i o n .
8pm H a m m a n H a l l . T h e Cave Dwellers
final tiger hunt.
Spm Media C e n t e r f i l m s . KohayagawaN o Aki, The B i g Heat.
Spm L o v e t t ' s second a n n u a l C a s i n o
P a r t y i n t h e R M C . $2
8pm. L i b e r t y H a l l . Willis A l a n R a m sey a g a i n A t 11pm. too.
Draft — The Rice University
Draft & Military Information Service will sponsor a
Sunday the eleventh
T o d a y is one week a f t e r Ash Wednesday, b u t t h a t ' s all.
Spm Music Room, F o n d r e n . . . live
h a r p s i c h o r d c o n c e r t by K r a t z e n s t e i n .
I n d o c h i n a exhibit sponsored by Clergy
Stars — Spend an hour at the
Burke Baker Planetarium;
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 7549
Houston, Texas
(Now you know, DBo.)
Parachute: 7 panel T-U Army,
orange & white. Custom
made padded harness. $50 or
best offer. 529-5045.
Tuxedo, fits approx. 6'1" 160lo5 lbs, perfect condition $25;
white formal coat to match $10;
Will deliver, write Montgomery,
1204 Kipling, Houston, 77006.
* * *
Houston Civic Music Association will present the Westheimer
ir in Jones Hall on
Thursday, March 14, at 8:15pm.
Tickets available everywhere
except Will Rice, Richardson,
and Hanszen. Those at these
places should call 526.-D522 or
drop by 145* Wiess.
* * $'1.25.
Sony Portable cassette recorder
TC 95A. Perfect condition, with
1G cassettes & some accessories. $95, 114 Anderson days
or 524-9806 nites.
For sale: a standard ventura
guitar, (six string) in fine condition. $35. 523-4663.
Wednesday the fourteenth
2:30 J o n e s Hall, The S w a n L a k e ballet. A bailee m a t i n e t .
2 : 3 0 p m J o n e s Hall, St. T h o m a s . T h e
Birthday Party.
7 : 3 0 p m H H . McCabe & M r s . Miller. $1
a t t h e door.
8 p m Music H a l l . P a u l Zindler's A n d
Miss Reardon D r i n k s A Little. Z a n y .
Siim CL Lec. La C h a m b r e - - F r e n c h ,
I t a l i a n dept f i l m .
8pm Willis A l a n Ramsey's f i n a l show
at Liberty Hall.
8 ::(0pm .Tones H a l l . B u t I c a n ' t see
doing a ballet about b i r d s , really.
10pm I I H . McCabe a n d M r s . Miller
and L a i t y concerned, opens in RMC,
G r a n d Hall
Thursday the fifteenth
I n d o c h i n a exhibit set up f o r you in
t h e G r a n d H a l l . T a k e a look.
7 : 3 0 p m J o n e s H a l l , U S T . F i l m s on
P i c a s s o a n d Goya. 75c.
8 p m J o h n S p r i n g e r opens weekend
s t i n t at L i b e r t y Hall. C o n t i n u e s
through Sunday.
military counselor training
Session March 24-25. If you
are interested call Mrs. Reed
at ext. 320 from 10am to 3pm
and leave your name and
telephone number.
Tuesday the thirteenth
H o w about that, Friday the thirteenth
comes on a T u e s d a y this week.
l p m T e n n i s vs Columbia here, in our
very o w n s t a d i u m .
7 : 3 0 p m Space Science 106 Scuba Club
w i t h Guest s p e a k e r s .
F l a s h : T h e M u s e u m of F i n e A r t s h a s
received coptic textiles'.
leave the smog and city
lights behind for a night with
the stars. For reservations
and information, call 5264273. Admission
* * *is $1.25.
French — Jones College presents two plays in French:
a fifteenth century farce and
Tardiou March 15 and 16 in
misclassifieds [
MiscTassifieds are free ads for
Rice people. Buy, sell, trade, insult your friends. Bring your
stuff to the Thresher office and
we'll probably print it.
* * ifeBoris: Boris, my darling, you
haven't a glimmer/of how,
when you're near me, I sizzle,
I simmer!/Your tresses like
seaweed, saliva like glue!/Oh,
how I yearn for you, Boris
7pm 301 Sewall H a l l . Madness and
Creativity R i c h a r d s o n lecture series.
8pm H a n s z e n commons—Horsefeathers,
with the Marx Brothers.
Spm MuBic H a l l . A f r e a k - o u t - - F r a n k
Z a p p a a n d t h e Mothers.
8 p m Carol C h a n n i n g ' s last h o u r s a t
t h e - M u s i c Hall.
8:80pm Jewish Community Center —
T o Live A n o t h e r Summer, T o P a s s
A n o t h e r Winter
8:30pm Jones Hall, The Swan Lake
ballet a g a i n .
8 :30pm J o n e s H a l l . U S T . T h e B i r t h d a y
P a r t y . I t was triplets.
notes and notices
Election — TexPIRG will hold
its Local Board elections
March '11. Filing deadline is
(>pm March 20. For further
details contact Paul Sanner
or call the* office
* * XG45.
only a dollar.
Monday the twelfth
two drivers. Will pay gas and
some expenses. References exchanged. Mrs. Gould, 721-1312.
* * *
To the "Rice Weanie"—please
come by our office or call u®
about your slide rute . . . your
friendly Campanile staff.
Mike Schwartz Second Semiannual Slide Show is coming soon. We hope to outdo
our Sept. 29, 1972 smash hit.
If you submit a slide which is
accepted by our panel of distinguished judges, which includes Alton Parks, Geoff Winningham, and Walter Widrig,
then you get two free tickets.
Admission price for nonparticipants is* $1.00. The absolute
limit is about six entries per
person; deadline March 15
(may be extended in certain
Bluegrass guitar lessons.
Flatpicking and finger picking taught.
\ "..a
Jones Commons. Reservations at x 851 before 3pm
Mon-Fri. $1 adults, $.75 for
Friday the sixteenth
Baseball a t H o u s t o n w i t h U H
T e n n i s vs. T e x a s a t Rice. Hey, t h a t ' s
7 : 3 0 p m J o n e s H a l l U S T . Picasso a n d
Goya. A r t f i l m s f o r 75c.
8pm Media C e n t e r films. Antonio Das
Mortes, Pillow Talk.
7 : i n p m Music Room, F o n d r e n . . .
W a g n e r ' s Tristan and Isolde
8 : 3 0 p m J o n e s H a l l , Marcel M a r c e a u
m i m e s t h e world.
Saturday the seventeenth
8 : 3 0 p m H H G u i t a r concert by S h a r o n
7 : 3 0 p m CL Loc. Catch-22, a subscription f i l l u m .
Spm Media Center. L i o n ' s Love f r e e ,
of course.
8 :30pm J o n e s H a l l —• Marcel M a r c e a u ' s
final performance.
Sunday the eighteenth
Gam R o t h k o Chapel — C o n c e r t : E x p l o r a t i o n s on t h e Back of t h e Tortose, played on stones, windchimes,
& flutes.
Cax-1 h a s one, and now I ' m in a d i f f e r e n t decade t h a n e v e r y b o d y ! —
Spm C L L L a S y m p h o n i e P a s t o r a l e .
F r e n c h w i t h subtitles.
Girl Friday to help in law
office (errands, phone, filing, light typing) prefer full
Call Lin:
Faculty — The Faculty Club
Forum is holding monthly informal discussions with the
President. Topics are sometimes of interest to the staff.
Interested members of the
staff may contact the Secretary, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, X436.
8 : 3 0 p m J o n e s H a l l . Segovia c o n c e r t
h e r e h a s been rescheduled f o r t u d a y .
D o u g t u r n s over a n e w y e a r . H B D . D B .
TECHNICAL or manuscript
typing. (West University
area) Call 668-1468 mornings
of after 8 p.m.
Records — The Rice Campus
Store will begin its spring
record sale in the book department on Friday, March 9.
* * *
Invitations — Orders for senior
graduation invitations will be
taken in the RMC this coming week, March 12-16 from
A\ /
An Old New York
City East Side Bar
And Restaurant
Help Your Brother
Give Blood
Donors 18-20 years old
must have parental
2209 W. HolCt>mbe
Call MO 7-6142
Open Mon. thru Sat.
7:30am - 3:00pm
jfU itgj
A flatlander left but a mountain man returned . . . and Im
Middle-age woman needs help
driving to Maryland or NewJersey, end of March. One or
the honor of your presence
a Rice Program Council
at their
Warren Beatty — Julie Christie
in an erotic Western
March '10, 1973
From 8am-8pm af
461-9006 or 467-7626
to schedule interview
Grand Hall RMC
Hamman Hall
Sun. March 11
Second Annual Casino Party
Eight* until one
The Mason Jar, 9005 Katy
Freeway, is an extraordinary
new (everything's old) eating and drinking place which
will open in approximately 3
weeks. We are seeking high
caliber friendly young people
who enjoy having a good
time while they work. Openings are immediately available for broiler men, waiters,
and cocktail hostesses, all
jobs carrying a high income
THE MASON JAR 461-9006"
$2 per person
Campbell exit-Katy Freeway
the rice thresher, march 8, 1973—page 10