Tulip Street Cooroy QLD 4563 Phone: 07 5472 2222 Fax: 07 5472 2200 Email: [email protected] Summit Road Pomona QLD 4568 Phone: 07 5480 8111 Fax: 07 5485 2270 Email: [email protected] Website: www.noosadistrictshs.eq.edu.au Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://noosadistrictshs.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe 29 November 2013 PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE… Future of our Pomona Campus – votes are in…. All Year 4, 5 and 6 parents at our eight (8) main feeder cluster primary schools have been given the opportunity to vote on which one of four (4) options they would prefer for the organisation of our Cooroy and Pomona campuses from 2015 onwards. Readers of our Newsletter would be aware of the four options 1. Leave things as they are – Year 7, 8 and 9 offered at both campuses 2. All Year 7 and 8 students at Pomona, Year 9,10,11 and 12 students at Cooroy 3. All Year 7,8 and 9 students at Pomona, Year 10,11 and 12 students at Cooroy 4. Sell Pomona campus – all students in all year levels at Cooroy The initial count shows almost 80% of respondent parents are in favour of either option 2 or 3, with the vast majority of these favouring option 2. A full report will now be prepared for the Minister for Education, and we look forward to his decision in the near future, to provide some certainty for our school, and time for us to initiate all changes that may be required ready for the start of the 2015 school year. Farewell to our Year 10 and 11 students for 2013… Today, Friday, 29 November, is the last official day for attendance of students in Year 10 or 11. I wish each of these students a happy holiday, and thank them for all their efforts this year. It was disappointing this morning to see quite a few students at school, but dressed for the beach or skateboard park, who told me their parents said it was alright for them to miss today’s school. Just to clarify – Year 10 and 11 students all should have been at school today unless ill – it is important that parents support the school, particularly with regard to attendance requirements. Thank you to the vast majority of parents who do this, and who are prepared to have the conversation with their teenagers when they want to do the wrong thing – rather than give in to them. In the long term, it is important that our young people develop a responsible attitude to their obligations, and indeed to the Law. Junior Summit awards…. It was really good to see so many students, parents and teaching staff from our cluster primary schools at our Hall on Monday afternoon to see the work of their students in our 2013 Junior Summit program. I was very impressed with what they have been doing this year, and also with the confident way they could explain their work and even speak from the stage about their projects. I am delighted to say that we have nearly 150 applications for the 80 or so places in next year’s programs – this is a great way for some of the best and brightest students in Years 6 and 7 in 2014 to work with some of our teachers, get to know our school and develop productive friendships with similar students with similar interests from other local schools. Sincere thanks to our organising teachers, our mentor teachers, supporting primary school principals and teachers, supporting parents – and, of course, the students themselves who are a joy and a delight. Kindest regards to all Chris YEAR 11 REPORT What a fantastic year for our Year 11s. Next year will be even better. Planning has already begun for our senior jackets with most students already having selected their size and nickname. Jacket design is still being finalised, but we are down to two designs that will cost around the $85 mark, so make sure that you save over the holidays! We aim to have them by April at the latest to get maximum use. Before we know it the formal committee will be selecting our theme for this year’s graduation. Stay tuned for information if any parents are interested in supporting this great event. 1 Take care during the holidays and see you next year. Bernard Weekes Year 11 Coordinator Finally, thank you to the Primary School staff, parents and students for your overwhelming responses to our Junior Summit program applications. Obviously the success of this program this year has enticed more students to apply for 2014. This program was showcased last Monday afternoon with a fantastic parent support for our awards ceremony and expo. The work on display from our Junior Summit students was of a very high level. I would like to congratulate all students involved in our inaugural year, particularly the winners of the faculty prizes. We are currently meeting with the local Primary Principals to sort through the many impressive applications for 2014. JUNIOR SECONDARY NEWS – COOROY & POMONA CAMPUS If you have any questions about the enrolment procedures or any other events in the Junior Secondary School, please feel free to contact us at the appropriate campus. With less than three weeks to go, it is important that the Junior Secondary students continue their high standards in their academic work, behaviour and presentation until the final day. Students have been reminded of this each week on their year level parades. It can be a draining time at the end of a busy term and we would like all students to finish strongly. The final day of school is Friday, 13 December, with final reports sent out in the first week of the holidays. During the next couple of weeks quite a lot of exciting activities are occurring: • The annual Year 7 Orientation Day is on Tuesday, 10 December for our new enrolments into Year 8 for next year. We currently have over 200 students starting with us at the Cooroy campus next year, and over 50 at the Pomona Campus. All students will meet their Year 8 Home Group teachers and classmates on this day. • The final Junior Secondary School Formal Parade will be held on Wednesday, 11 December during Period 2 to recognise the special efforts during Term 4. The Pomona Campus will hold a school parade on Wednesday afternoon to farewell Year 9 students. • The Student Report Reward (SRR) excursion is on Thursday, 12 December at the Caloundra Roller Rink and Kings Beach for a fun day of ice-skating and beach activities. This semester we have 40 Year 9 students and 56 Year 8 students who have qualified for this incentives-based excursion to reward students on their outstanding effort and behaviour from their Term 3 and 4 reports. Students who were eligible received a letter to invite them to the excursion this week. Over the next few weeks, the Junior School team will be analysing the current Year 8 results and talking with their core teachers about learning styles. From this, there could be some movements in and out of some of the ‘themed’ classes for 2014. If any parent has a request for a move for Year 9 in 2014, please contact us at the school so we can discuss any changes. All Year 8 students will be contacted before the end of the year if they have been moved from their ‘themed’ class. 2 Murray Gordon HOD Junior Secondary School Cooroy Campus Lyndel Zagami HOD Junior Secondary School Pomona campus YEAR 10 REPORT Term 4 has concluded as well as all assessment for all subject areas. I hope all students have completed their assessment tasks to the best of their abilities. Results for Year 10s will be distributed to students in the next few weeks. Students should have an idea of their results before Christmas Day. Hopefully, the results on these reports will match your student’s SET Plans ready for an industrious, successful Year 11. The Year 10 cohort this year, other than being the largest, has also been full of challenges concerning some students and their behaviours. This has almost clouded my judgement on the quality of the cohort but luckily I was able to view and decide on the academic dux and awardees before the Excellence Night. This broadened my view and I have come to better know the excellent, co-operative students who are part of this Year 10 cohort. I am looking forward to moving forward with this year level as Year 11 Co-ordinator next year. With these students in mind, I would like to briefly mention that with a new Leadership structure in our school next year we will be inviting potential leaders for Year 11 to nominate in Term 1. These 25 student leaders will then be invited to an excellent camping experience in Term 4 with Year 10 Leaders (25 students) as well. The camp is named “Emu Gully”, which you are welcome to research, and from my previous experience with other secondary schools I firmly believe it is one of the best Leadership Camps in Queensland, theming its activities on historical adventures encountered in our Armed Forces. This will bring out the best in our future current leaders for 2015. One last request as we head into the Christmas period is if parents/guardians could ensure that school uniform be worn for the 2014 year. If you will be purchasing new uniform items, in particular shoes, over the holidays, can you please make sure that they are black leather or suede. They should not be boots. Also, the school uniform policy states that students are to wear only one small stud as a facial piercing. Facial piercing and make-up is not encouraged as part of the school uniform but these issues have taken a lot of our time at our Student Services Faculty this year. Year 11 is a very important year that does not need to be interrupted with consequences for uniform infringements. Merry Christmas and a safe, happy New Year and thanks to all the parents of the Year 10 students for your support with the many projects and presentation nights this year. Regards, Respect is all about treating others (and yourself) with compassion and love. Albert Einstein summed this concept up brilliantly, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” A good way to see the world! Bridge Muir Yr 9 Coordinator NDSHS & NOOSA LANDCARE http://www.noosalandcare.org/e-news-dec2013.html STUDENT SERVICES REPORT Staying Safe Chris Powell Year 10 Coordinator YEAR 9 REPORT A value which I believe underpins the way we should all conduct ourselves is RESPECT. This is a value about which I have spoken to the Year 9 students on a number of times at parades. Respect is the cornerstone of society, without it society would not function. School rules and legislation around the world is based upon respect. We need to respect ourselves and our property, other people and their property, and our environment. Life would be pretty miserable without respect. The concept of respect evokes different perspectives that are dependent on relationships, attitudes and endeavours. Respect is easy to demand of others, but it can be difficult to freely and consistently give. In some cases, hearts, minds, words and actions need to change to develop a culture of respect. At Noosa District State High School, I like to think that we strive for a culture of respect and it is something I challenge my Year 9 students to consider and take on during their last few weeks at school before the Christmas break. Year 9s should respect themselves by wearing the correct uniform, ensuring they are meeting (and exceeding) their teachers’ and own expectations with their school work and study leading up to their exams. They should respect their teachers and friends by maintaining positive relationships and following the school rules. The Year 9s should value and respect the unique natural environment we have at Noosa High by keeping their classrooms and playground tidy, and treating the equipment and facilities we have at NDSHS with care. As we farewell our senior students for the holidays it is timely to reinforce the importance of keeping safe over the break. During the year in our Activate lessons we have endeavoured to educate students in understanding how they should act in a safe and respectful manner. We have addressed issues such as safe partying, effects of drugs and alcohol and the appropriate use of social media. It is important parents stay vigilant in monitoring what your children are doing in this long break and that student’s act as responsible bystanders if they have a friend needing support. If there is a need to get help there are organisation like United Synergies who will be operating over the holidays. Uniform Policy Please find attached the school uniform guidelines. Generally students and parents are working with the school to present themselves appropriately for a work context, however there are some areas where the standards of student presentation are not appropriate. The biggest problem is the modification of the girl’s skirt. Please read the policy where it states skirts are to be to the knee. Many parents are allowing their students to cut their skirts off to unreasonable lengths- not appropriate for a work environment. It is our Year 10 and 11 girls in particular who are not adhering to the guidelines. Many students and parents have said that they will be getting new skirts and I request they DO NOT cut them off. Some boys are wearing non-school shorts. It has been brought to our attention that boys would like an elasticed short. At present the Uniform Committee are looking at alternatives with an elastic waist. In the meantime it is important boys wear the correct school short. A reminder - Canvas and cotton shoes are not acceptable for Workplace Health and Safety. This year we also have seen a number of students wearing boots. Please consult Uniform Guidelines for appropriate footwear. 3 YLC I would like to thank our Year Level Coordinators for all the fine work they have done this year supporting the students in their respective year levels. We are saying goodbye to Rob Gibbs who has been the Year 12 YLC. He has been a supportive member of the team and we thank him for the work he has done over the last two years. We would like to welcome Jess Haisty to the team as she takes up the role of Year 8 YLC for next year. All the other coordinators will be moving with their year levels: Year 9- Jeff Sprecker Year 10- Brigid Muir Year 11- Chris Powell Year 12- Bernard Weekes Souvenir Sale We have souvenirs left over from the 50th Jubilee now at a reduced cost. If you are interested in any items you can call H Block on 54722204 or the school payment office. Please see attached the flyer for items for sale. Liz Garbacz HoD Student Services COOROY COMMUNITY BANK OFFERS UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship will support a local student with tertiary and study related costs. The successful applicant will receive funding of $5,000 for one year and depending on academic performance, the scholarship will be renewed to assist the second year of their study. Noosa District State High School principal, Chris Roff said he was delighted with the news that another NDSHS student will attend university next year, thanks to the generosity of the bank. “This will be the second year this scholarship will be awarded and we’re delighted to be chosen as the school who will give a student the opportunity to take their dreams to the next level. Last year, the inaugural scholarship was awarded to local lad, John Noble. He will soon enter his second and final year and is doing very well in his chosen field, which is great news. This years’ winner will be a very lucky and worthy recipient. We’re also very happy to strengthen our relationship with Geoff and his team at the Cooroy Community Bank branch - it’s a great initiative,” Mr. Roff said. Applications are invited from eligible students from Monday, 2 December 2012 on line at www.bendigoadelaide.com.au/ scholarships and will be assessed in January 2013 after the application period expires on January 24. The lucky recipient will be announced in time to put the funds towards set up costs for university study. In the meantime, brochures are available from NDSHS reception or by visiting the Cooroy Community Bank branch at 36 Maple Street or by calling 5447 7131. The Cooroy Community Bank Scholarship is part of the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Scholarship Program, with more than 100 Community Bank branches and other partners taking part across Australia. Media enquiries: Ian Williams 0437 017 835 One Year 12 student from Noosa District State High School will soon be adding to their graduation celebrations. Well known for its support of the annual Australian Business Week (ABW) activities, the Cooroy Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank has now pledged its support to one local student when their new scholarship program application period opens in early December. Branch manager, Geoff Edwards said providing support to a local student to further their tertiary education was part of the Community Bank branch’s commitment to the school and building a stronger community. “The high cost associated with tertiary study can have a significant impact on a young person’s ability to further their education. Because of this, some may not get the chance to achieve their academic dreams without some help. The scholarship is designed to assist regional and rural students planning to attend university for the first time in 2014,” Geoff said. ‘’Our Cooroy Community Bank branch is proud to support local youth by furthering their education and easing some of the financial pressure on the recipient and their family. Maybe one day our community will benefit directly from the skills and knowledge they bring,’’ he added. 4 Geoff Edwards from Bendigo Bank is joined by Chris Roff and Stacey Daveson from NDSHS and many of the hopeful Year 12 scholarship recipients ENGINEERING WITHOUT BORDERS WORKSHOP Last week, a keen group of students from Years 8 and 10 participated in an ‘Appropriate Construction’ workshop run by a group of engineering students from Queensland universities. This activity-based workshop was focussed on humanitarian engineering, in particular the construction of ‘floating house’ models, within the context of the floating villages in Cambodia. ‘Engineers Without Borders’ is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to improve the quality of living of disadvantaged communities through education and the implementation of sustainable engineering projects. Their visit to our school, as part of their High School Outreach program, allowed students to understand the many roles of an engineer, gain an insight into problems facing developing nations and gain an awareness of the need for global sustainable development. The hands-on component of this workshop involved groups of students problem solving to design and create a ‘floating house’ according to certain available materials and their associated costs meeting a strict budget, simulating real-life issues. Many creative ‘houses’ were constructed, with the most well-designed decided by the number of marbles (villagers) their ‘house’ could contain without sinking. We look forward to the possibility of further EWB workshops next year! H6 will be open at big lunch until Week 10 for student Yali collection. The Yali will not be available for collection outside of 11:30am-12:05pm. You must present your signed off clearance form to receive your Yali. Clearance forms must be signed by your YLC and the office and library staff. Students with outstanding uniforms, consequences, fees or items owing to the library will not receive a Yali. NDSHS HOLLYWOOD STARS Noosa District State High School Year 12 students dressed up like glamorous celebrities to mark the end of their high schooling at their Hollywood themed graduation and school formal on Thursday, November 14. 214 students walked across the stage in the school hall and collected their Year 12 certificate of completion. POMONA TRANSITION DAY Noosa District State High School Year 9 Pomona students participated in a transition day on Tuesday, 19 November which prepared them for Year 10 at the Cooroy Campus. The Pomona students met with Year 9 leaders, Year 10 students who attended Pomona in Years 8 and 9, and Year 10 Events Management students who helped with orientation around the Cooroy Campus and provided them with an insight into schooling at Cooroy. The Pomona students met with Student Services Head of Department, Liz Garbacz who explained the support on offer at the Cooroy Campus and School Nurse, Kay Thompson outlined her important role at the school. The students were transported by buses to their formal evening at the RACV Noosa, where they enjoyed delicious gourmet food and took to the dance floor to bust some of their finest moves. A highlight of the evening was the photo booth, where the students took the opportunity to try out a variety of poses with the range of props on offer including oversized glasses, plastic weapons and photo frames. Teachers, bus drivers and the RACV Noosa staff were impressed with the way in which the students conducted themselves on the night. The last day of school for the Year 12 students was Friday, November 15. Noosa District State High School wishes our graduating class much success with their future endeavours. A highlight for the Pomona students was a treasure hunt around the Cooroy Campus, which required them to find specific classrooms and locations around the school. Year 10 Coordinator Chris Powell and Year 10 students cooked a barbeque morning tea for the Pomona students, providing them with sustenance before they visited some Year 9 elective subject classes. The Pomona students met with elective subject teachers and were encouraged to interact with Year 9 Cooroy students who will be their classroom peers in 2014. YALI COLLECTION The Yali will be available for collection from Monday, November 25 at big lunch in H6. PANCAKE BREAKFAST FOR PHILIPPINES DISASTER RELIEF Hot pancakes and free dress enabled the students of Noosa High to raise over $1000 for the disaster relief in the Philippines. With the help of some local Rotarians in the school’s Interact club, it was a case of the young and young at heart working together for a good cause. The student leaders rallied support cooking from 7am and many students lined up for pancakes and donated their change while some just threw in a $10 note. Their generosity will make a difference as 1 Australian dollar converts to 40 Peso, allowing the students a grand total of over 40 000 Peso to be put into the disaster relief. 5 With the disaster claiming over 5000 dead and families still searching for food and water, this money will provide over 20 families food and shelter packages through CARE Australia. YEAR 10 BRONZE DUKE OF ED CAMP Grade 10 Bronze Duke of Ed Camp – Pumicestone Passage The boys finally got to participate in their assessment adventurous journey as part of their bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. The trip was rescheduled due to poor weather but the group got lucky on this trip experiencing low winds and fine weather. 'METEOR' COMPLETES JAPANESE GARDEN Noosa District State High School Japanese Department took delivery of a large rock weighing around 7 tonnes, which will become one of the focal points of the school’s Japanese garden. The garden is designed to create an outdoor learning environment for students studying Japanese as well as add to the beauty of the school environment. Japanese teacher Mr Michael Turner and his students have been assisted in its creation through the help of the Japanese teacher aide Risa Sensei (whose father is a Buddhist priest); the students have adapted their learnt principles of Zen in the garden’s design. The rock was donated by the Gerard family. Local company Bonnell Brothers Landscape Supplies used earth moving equipment and a large truck to transport the rock from Black Mountain to Noosa District State High School’s Cooroy Campus. Staff at Transpacific Cleanaway also provided assistance. The delivery of the giant rock created much excitement around the school. “We started a rumour that a large meteor landed in our Japanese garden. Many came running from all across Cooroy to see it,” Mr Turner said. The rock’s name is “ Kuroyama Oishi,” – the great Black Mountain rock. “With the rock in place we can now begin working on other projects in the garden,” Mr Turner said. The Japanese garden’s development is due to many weekend working bees, generous donated goods and a lot of time, energy and love put into the project from Mr Turner and his students. An early start on Wednesday morning saw the boys load all gear, boats and fuel and heading down the highway by 6.30am. Our destination was the Beachmere boat ramp where the boys unloaded four tinnies, motors and supplies in preparation of our journey North up the Pumicestone Passage towards Caloundra.. The highs schools support craft “Serranid” was in company acting as a safety boat. Day one saw the group work on marine navigation skills and put into use rules of the sea learnt in theory lessons back at school. It was evident there were different levels of experience amongst the group with some boys tackling the open water of Deception bay with ease whilst other were obviously a bit apprehensive. We made our way to the southern end of Bribie Island and proceeded up the passage. This is a heavily trafficked area and the boys had to be extra diligent with rules of the road and channel marker navigation. They made their camp at Mission Point Bribie Island at about 2.00pm. Here saw camp set up for the next two days. Day two saw the boys on the water for more boat handling skills, navigation and a spot of fishing. We made our way up a section of the Passage called the Skids to the mouth of Coochin Creek. This is a complicated section requiring careful navigation and route finding through the narrow channels. By the end of the day all the boys showed signs of improvement and all could readily use channel markers to navigate safely in the narrow channels. Day three saw an early start and a trip up the remaining passage to the finish point at Golden Beach Caloundra. All in all a great trip and we were treated to smooth water and wonderful scenery with the glasshouse mountains providing a majestic backdrop for the whole trip. “We hope this project will give students a sense of respect for their working environment,” Mr Turner said. Great news also from our sister school in Kyoto Japan. Their teachers have emailed us to tell us how well Nicole Gannon from our Year 10 class is doing in her time at our sister school. It makes us proud to think of her meeting the challenge by working hard, making friends and fitting in to a very different environment. Well done Nicole! 6 FRENCH NEWS We are in the middle of assessment for Year 8 French this week. All Year 8 French students have been presenting their models and speeches about their dream houses. Students had to write a speech in French describing their dream house and then build a diorama, (flat plan or powerpoint) or other presentation of their choice. Here are a few photos from Monday’s group of students. Univserisity of Southern Queensland http://www.usq.edu.au/scholarships/ Griffith University http://www.griffith.edu.au/scholarships Early offer scheme – UQ Ipswich France Trip News We now have 11 students for the France Trip for September 2014. Very shortly the booking will be made, so if there is any student still interested who has not yet paid a deposit please contact Miss Sparks in B Block. Candice Sparks French teacher HEALTH NEWS The Sunshine Coast Public Health Unit has been notified of a confirmed case of Whooping Cough (Bordetella Pertussis) in a Year 8 student attending Noosa District State High School – Cooroy Campus. For more information click on the buttons below: The University of Queensland Ipswich Campus is offering Year 12 students in state and non-government schools within the Ipswich region and Western suburbs of Brisbane the chance to obtain guaranteed entry into its degree programs in 2014. The Early Offer Scheme has been introduced to provide simplified entry procedures (securing access to the Campus) to these students, to assist them in their transition to post-secondary education. The Scheme provides benefits to these Year 12 students by offering them a place at one of Australia’s leading universities and helping them to reduce the stress often felt by secondary students in securing enrolment in their chosen degree. The Scheme reflects the commitment by The University of Queensland to students in Ipswich and the surrounding region. These students will also be able to take part in a special familiarisation program for the Ipswich Campus. URGENT DONATIONS NEEDED FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE PHILIPPINES http://www.uq.edu.au/ipswich/early-offer-scheme Federal State School is helping the people of the Philippines after the recent devastation of the typhoon. Calculations may change slightly and some students who do not currently qualify for youth allowance may begin to qualify. Any qualification for Youth Allowance means that student gain access directly to equity scholarships. Centrelink manage this program of scholarships. We are currently taking donations of sheets/clothes/shoes to help out. One of our parents will be travelling to the Philippines in early December and would like to take donations of clothes, shoes and sheets to the Philippines. If you are able to help please bring your donations to the Federal State School Admin Office, 40 Middle Creek Road, Federal 4568. Ph: 5480 8600 during school hours 8am-4pm before December. So far we have received many bags of items. Please no furniture just shoes, clothes and sheets. Thank you Federal State School Mrs Bronwyn Rolstone-Wood Administration Officer UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS, EARLY ENTRY SCHEMES AND CENTRELINK ENTITLEMENTS – YR 12 Universities offer scholarships for students. Some of these are related to academic ability however others are based on different criteria around income and equity. A range of links are provided below about scholarships at some institiutions. Centrelink Youth Allowance http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/payments/ youth_allow.htm Centrelink Healthcare cards Students at the end of Year 12 begin to qualify for the above card independantly of their parental income. This card may give some discounted rates at TAFE and also allow students to generally gain bulk billed doctors appointments and reduced cost medications. http://www.centrelink.gov.au/internet/internet.nsf/payments/ conc_cards_hcc.htm If you need information about the early entry scheme and scholarships at other institutions search the institution’s web site to find further information or see the Guidance Officers at school for further information. Please see Centrelink at the end of the year to check on your students eligibility for Youth Allowance and Health Care Cards. University of Queensland http://www.uq.edu.au/study/scholarships/ Queensland University of Technology http://www.scholarships.qut.edu.au/commencing/ 7 FREE BREAST CANCER SCREENING Free Breast Cancer Screening in Cooroy Eden Rehabilitation Centre 50 Maple Street, Cooroy 25 Nov – 11 Dec 2013 All women aged 40 years and over are invited to attend this free service. Women aged between 50-74 are strongly encouraged to attend. A doctor’s referral is not required. Phone 13 20 50 Anyone using or thinking about using the service is reminded that it is still a trial and passenger numbers play a key role in the continuation of this route. Flexilink operates slightly differently to ordinary public transport services—passengers must book their seat two hours prior to travel by calling 1300 511 163. Suncoast Cabs operates the service to a schedule, however if there are no bookings, the service does not run, making it cost effective and relevant to community needs. There are no designated stops along the route. At the time of booking the operator will advise you when and where along the route they can pick you up safely. If you require a wheelchair accessible vehicle, please advise the operator at the time of booking. Trips on Flexilink services cost just $2, or $1 for Concession/ Child. BreastScreen Queensland is the only nationally accredited breast cancer screening service in the State. Appointments are one-to-one with a female health professional and with state-of-the-art equipment, and they take only 30 minutes. Having a regular breastscreen every two years is the best way to detect breast cancer early and gives you a better chance of successful treatment and recovery. BreastScreen Queensland also offers free breast screening throughout the year in Noosaville. For bookings or further information phone 13 20 50. SEQ BUS NETWORK REVIEW If you have any questions regarding the SEQ Bus Network Review please contact TransLink External Affairs by email at [email protected] or phone 07 3338 4438. SECONDHAND UNIFORMS NEEDED If you have any unused uniforms at home and would like to sell them through the uniform shop, please send them in. Turnover of second-hand items have been reasonably quick and especially at the start of the year with the new enrolments. So pop the items through the washing machine and send them in with your student or bring them in and you may get some extra money for the up-coming holiday break! HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED Share your home with an International student. For your opportunity to be part of this cultural exchange experience please complete this form and return to Noosa District State High School. LAKE MACDONALD TO COOROY FLEXILINK TRIAL The Lake MacDonald to Cooroy trial Flexilink service has been extended until 31 December thanks to funding from the Public Transport Levy. 8 Kari Porter | Project Officer | TravelSmart Sunshine Coast DATES TO REMEMBER Check the school calendar on the left of your newsletter page.
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