Joanna Klatten

KPMG Women's PGA
Championship 2015
Thursday, June 11
Quick Quotes
Joanna Klatten
Q. Obviously a good opening for you. You have to
feel pretty good about that, don't you?
JOANNA KLATTEN: Yeah, very, very. I think I just did a
good job mentally out there. I was patient and I just
was trying to enjoy myself and really I did a good job
staying shot by shot and yeah, it worked out really well.
Q. Did you feel like this could potentially be a good
week for you? I know you started off well at
Kingsmill two weeks ago?
JOANNA KLATTEN: That's right. Yeah, yeah, if I keep
doing the same good mental job, yes, it could be,
because I really like the golf course. It sets up well for
me and the par 5s, they are all -- almost all of them are
reachable. I think it's an advantage for longer hitters
and you've got to hit it kind of high on those greens
because there's a lot of false front on the greens. So I
feel comfortable here.
Q. You mentioned it's a mental approach but is
there anything that you've been working on over
the last couple of weeks that you feel like is
starting to click?
JOANNA KLATTEN: No, I mean, nothing new. I think
it's just -- I think it's just sometimes it takes time to
click. I struggled a couple months ago but for a month,
it's been better. I just need to focus better, and today I
did well in that area.
Q. You mentioned you struggled earlier. What was
JOANNA KLATTEN: Well, it was mostly my putting. I
was having nightmares with my putting and today was
actually really good. Like I don't know how many putts
I had but it was not many. It was really good.
Q. So we're here at this beautiful course, obviously
a great setup around it. Can you talk about how
big this event feels?
JOANNA KLATTEN: It feels amazing. You can tell it's a
major. Hard to put into words, but the way it's
organized, the way it's set up, the way the golf course
-- the shape of the golf course is phenomenal. It's
great. I really enjoy it here.
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