МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Амурский государственный университет» Факультет международных отношений Т.А. Гудкина, А.А. Литвинская, Е.П. Нестерова Let’s Get Started Благовещенск 2012 ББК 81.2 Англ-923 Г93 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета факультета международных отношений Амурского государственного Университета Cоставители: Гудкина Т. А., Литвинская А. А., Нестерова Е.П. Let’s Get Started. Практикум по развитию навыков говорения на английском языке. – Благовещенск: Амурский гос. ун-т, 2012. Целью настоящего практикума является развитие навыков устного общения в различных повседневных ситуациях. Практикум составлен из аутентичных языковых, лингвострановедческих и культурологических материалов. Акцент делается на использование американского варианта английского языка. Практикум предназначен для студентов I-II курсов языковых вузов и факультетов, изучающих английский язык как непрофессиональную дисциплину. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Обучение иностранным языкам в современных условиях является комплексной задачей, не ограничивающейся формированием базовых навыков и умений. Использование разнообразных лексико-грамматических структур ориентировано на достижение определенных коммуникативных целей, одна из которых – осуществление полноценного речевого акта с носителями иностранного языка в условиях делового общения. Настоящее пособие представляет собой сборник диалогов и упражнений, направленных на формирование и закрепление навыков общения на английском языке при поездке за границу предназначено для студентов, изучающих английский язык как непрофессиональную дисциплину. Аудио записи, сопровождающие пособие, предоставляют возможность развития навыков восприятия устной речи на слух. Весь материал организован в тематические блоки. Пособие состоит из двух частей, каждая из которых рассчитана на один год обучения. Первая часть («Let’s Get Started») включает в себя следующие разделы: Meeting People, What’s Your Job, Spare Time, Talking About Schedules, Gadgets & Devices, Locations & Places. Каждый раздел включает диалоги и коммуникативные упражнения, направленные на отработку вокабуляра и навыков, необходимых в ситуациях повседневного общения (например, при знакомстве с людьми, обсуждении свободного времени, работы и т.д.). Все разделы сопровождаются списком ключевых фраз. В пособии применен коммуникативный подход к подаче грамматического материала и разработке упражнений на формирование грамматических навыков. Таким образом, грамматика интегрирована в общее содержание обсуждаемых тем и представлена в разговорном формате. 3 UNIT 1. MEETING PEOPLE Making Suggestions Shall we do….? Let’s do What about doing? How about doing? Why don’t we do? I suggest doing. I’d love to. I don’t feel like it. Sounds like a good idea. I don’t know. Sounds fine / great. I’m not sure. Fine (by me). I’d like to, but I have plans. Fine (with me). Practice go to the movies go shopping go to a cafe / restaurant go for a snack go to the football game go to the concert visit a museum / church / temple visit a market take a bus tour take a boat ride walk around the city go downtown go for a drive to “Mukhinka” / in the country 4 1. Good to Meet You! (Express 1, Unit 2) A. CONVERSATION Laura: Hello, Luis? Excuse me. Luis: Hi, Laura. Laura: This is Jiao-Long Chow. He’s from our office in Taipei. He’s a designer. Luis: Glad to meet you Mr. Chow. Chow: Call me Jiao. Laura: And this is Luis Mendez. Luis is a programmer. Chow: Good to meet you. B. SITUATIONS Introductions 1. A: Tom, this is Eddie. B: Hi, Eddie. Nice to meet you. 2. A: Jun-Su, this is _______________ friend Eriko. B: Glad to _______________ you, Jun-Su. 3. A: Mia is _______________ friend from Brazil. B: Hi Mia. It’s _______________ to meet you. 4. A: Mr. Anderson, I’d like you _______________ meet Mary Taylor. She’s _______________ Media View. B: Good to meet _______________. 5. A: Dad, I’d _______________ you to meet Ann. She’s _______________ student at BU. B: Pleased to meet _______________, Ann. 5 2. What is it? (Express 1, Unit 4) A. CONVERSATION Laura: Sam: Laura: Sam: Laura: Sam: Laura: Sam: Laura: Sam: Laura: Sam, can you come here a second? Sure. What is it? What is this folder? That’s the Europe file. Then, what’s that folder? This one? This is the North America folder. And what are these papers? Let me see. These? These are receipts. And those brochures? I don’t know. Sam, this place is a mess. B. SITUATIONS Information questions 1. A: How do you spell Brazil? B: B – r –a –z –i –l A: Thanks. 2. A: What’s _______________ ? B: May be _______________ a person. A: No, I think _______________ a tree. 3. A: _______________ present is for you. B: Thank you. How do you_______________ “thank you” in Japanese? A: “Arigato”. 4. A: What _______________those? B: _________________ my zip disks. A: And _______________ that? B: That’s my robot. RXD! 6 5. A: What is _______________box? B: That’s cereal. Put _________________in Aisle 7. A: What about _______________ boxes? B: Those are bananas. Put them in Aisle 2. 3. Let’s Get Started! (P2P-St, Unit 1, p.2 CD 1, Track 2) Good afternoon. Bob: Eun-mi: Good afternoon. I’m your instructor today. My name’s Robert Simpson. Bob: But please call me Bob. Eun-mi: Hi, Bob. And what’s your name? Bob: Eun-mi: I’m Eun-mi. Great. And how are you today? Bob: Eun-mi: Fine, thanks. Terrific! So let’s get started. Are you ready? Bob: Eun-mi: Yeah, let’s go! 4. Do You Want to Meet Him? Nishi: Who’s that guy? Eun-mi: That’s Tony. Nishi: Who’s he? Eun-mi: Oh, he’s in my aerobics class. Nishi: He’s really cute. Eun-mi: Yeah. Do you want to meet him? Nishi: You bet I do! Eun-mi: Tony, this is my friend Nishi. Tony: Hi, Nishi. Nice to meet you. Nishi: Hello. Nice to meet you, too. 7 (P2P-St, Unit 1, p.6 СD1 Tr 8) 5. Nice to Meet You (Tune In-1, Unit 1, ex 1) A. Are these first names or last names? 1. Brown __last__ 6. Woods _______ 2. Jackie __first__ 7. Jennifer _______ 3. Rowling _______ 8. Kennedy _______ 4. Nicole _______ 9. Will _______ 5. Peter _______ 10. Emma _______ B. Listen and understand. (CD 1 Track 02) People are introducing themselves at the party. Number their names from 1 to 6. a. Sumio ___ c. David ___ e. Sarah ___ b. John _1_ d. Matt ___ f. Hannah ___ Script 1. A: Nice party, isn’t it? B: Yeah, it’s great. Hey, my name’s John. A: Nice to meet you, John. I’m Amy. B: Nice to meet you, too. 2. A: Excuse me. Are you Sun-hee? B: No, I’m Young-hee. That’s Sun-hee over there. A: Oh, sorry. Good to meet you anyway. I’m Matt. 3. A: Great music, isn’t it? B: Yeah, it is. By the way, my name’s Sarah. A: Hi, Sarah. I’m Bob. How are you? B: Pretty good, thanks. 8 4. A: Are you enjoying the food? B: Yes, I am. I’m David. Sorry, what’s your name again? A: It’s Jennifer. And you’re David? B: That’s right. 5. A: Hi, Su-wei. Remember me? I’m Sumio. B: Of course. How are you, Sumio? A: Fine. And you? 6. A: We haven’t met. I’m Hannah. B: Sorry, did you say Anna? A: No, Hannah. B: Hi, Hannah. Great to meet you. I’m Atsuko. 6. How Do You Spell That? (Tune In-1, Unit 1, ex. 2) People are putting each other’s names in their cell phones. Listen and finish the spelling of each name. (CD 1 Track 03) 1. M a r i e 4. __ a z __ 2. S __ __ – j i 5. P __ __ t __ __ 3. S __ __ __ n 6. __ __ __ __ i a n Script 1. A: Your first name’s Mary, isn’t it? B: Actually, it’s Marie. A: Oh, sorry. How do you spell that? M-A-R-I-E? B: That’s right. M-A-R-I-E. 9 2. A: My name’s Soo-ji. B: Sorry. Did you say Soon-ji or Soo-ji? A: Soo-ji. S DOUBLE O DASH J-I. B: S DOUBLE O DASH J-I. Got it! Thank you. 3. A: You’re Sean, aren’t you? B: Yes, I am. A: Is that spelled S-E-A-N? B: No, it’s S-H-A-W-N. A: Oh, OK. S-H-A-W-N. 4. A: Excuse me, Kazu. How do you spell your name? Is it with a C or a K? B: It’s with a K. K-A-Z-U. A: Thanks. 5. A: Your name’s Peter, isn’t it? B: Yeah. A: So that’s P-E-T-E-R. B: No, actually it’s P-I-E-T-E-R. It’s a Dutch name. My father’s Dutch. 6. A: How do you spell your name, Gillian – with a G or a J? B: A J. A: OK. So it’s J-I-L-L-I-A-N. B: That’s right. 10 Table “Names” (P2P 1, p. 7) Could I have your name, please? It’s Jane. What’s your first / last name again? (It’s) Patricia / Johnson Sorry, I didn’t get / catch your name. (It’s) Patricia Johnson, but please call me Patricia. Did you say Maria? That’s right. / Actually, it’s Marie. How do you spell your first / last name? It’s M-A-R-I-E. Kate. Is it with a C or a K? It’s with a K. How do you spell your name, Gillian – with a G or a J? a J. Would you spell your name, please? M-A-R-I-E. 7. Are You From Seoul? (Interch-Intro, Unit 3, p.14) 1. Tim: Are you from California Jessica? Jessica: My family is in California now, but we are from Korea originally. Tim: Oh, my mother is Korean – from Seoul! Are you from Seoul? Jessica: No, we’re not from Seoul. We’re from Taejeon. Tim: So, is your first language Korean? Jessica: Yes it is. 2. Jessica: So, where are you from Tony? Tony: I’m Brazilian. Jessica: What part of Brazil are you from? Tony: I’m from Rio. 11 3. Is your name Russian, Natasha? Tim: Natasha: Yes it is. But I’m from the US – from New York. So you are American. Tim: Natasha: Yes I am. But my parents are from Russia originally. 4. Tony: By the way Jessica, this is Monique. Jessica: Nice to meet you, Monique. Are you from Brazil, too? Monique: No I’m from Montreal. Jessica: So, you are Canadian. Is your first language English? Monique: No it isn’t. My first language is French. 8. What’s Seoul Like? (Int. 1 p. 3) Beth: Sun Hee, this is David Garza. He is a new club member from Mexico. Sun Hee: Nice to meet you, David. I’m Sun Hee Park. David: Hi. So, you’re from South Korea? Sun Hee: That’s right I’m from Seoul. David: That’s cool. What’s Seoul like? Sun Hee: It’s really nice. It’s big and very exciting. So David, where are you from? David: I’m from Mexico. Sun Hee: What city? David: Mexico City. Sun Hee: Wow! What’s it like there? David: It’s a very interesting city. Sun Hee: Is it big? David: Yes. It’s big. But I like it a lot. 12 9. Countries / Nationalities / Languages Countries Nationalities Languages Russia Russian Russian Canada Canadian English / French Germany German German Italy Italian Italian Korea Korean Korean Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Australia Australian English the USA American English Great Britain English English Spain Spanish Spanish France French French Sweden Swedish Swedish China Chinese Chinese Japan Japanese Japanese Give it a try 1. 2. A: Are you from Germany? A: Where are you from? B: No I’m not. B: I am from Canada. A: Where are you from? A: So you are Canadian. B: I am from Canada. B: Right / Exactly. 3. A: Where are you from? B: I am from Canada. A: So you are Canadian. B: Actually no, I am Russian. 13 10. I’d Like You to Meet Someone (Express2, Unit 2) A. CONVERSATION Laura: Are you busy? Luis: No, what’s up? Laura: I’d like you to meet someone. Luis, this is Susan Wu. She’s our new project director for the Star One program. She’s from Singapore. Luis: The new project director. Good to meet you. Susan: Nice to meet you too. Laura: Luis is very talented. He’s a great guy to work with. Luis: Thanks, Laura Laura: Susan has a lot of experience with the company. I’m sure you’ll enjoy working with her. Luis: Yes, I’m looking forward to working with you. Susan: Same here, Luis. B. SITUATIONS Introducing people 1. A: Who is that good-looking guy? B: Which one? A: That one. He has red hair. B: That’s John. Hey John! I’d like you to meet Susan. 2. A: Ahmed _______________ is Julian. He lives in our dorm. B: Hi, _______________ ! What floor do you live on? C: I live on the 8th floor. 3. A: Simon, _______________ is Yung-Jin Lee. She’s our new project director. B: _______________ to meet you. C: Nice to meet you too. A: Yung-Jin is _______________ our office in Korea. 14 4. Hi, everybody! _______________ is Lisa Jenkins. A: _______________ our new history teacher. Hi, everybody. Nice to _________________ you. B: 5. A: Emily is a _______________ good musician! B: Really? _________________instrument do you play? C: I _______________ piano. A: Can you play something for us? 11. What’s Your E-mail Address? (Tune in 1 unit 2 p.8-9) A. Customer service clerics are asking for personal information. Listen and write the telephone numbers you hear. (CD 1Track 11) 1. home number: ____________ work number: ____________ 2. cell number: ____________ home number: ____________ 3. cell number: ____________ weekend number: ____________ 4. home number: ____________ work number: ____________ Script 1. A: Could I have your telephone number, please? B: Yes. My home number is 945-664-1234. A: 945-664-1234. And do you have a number at work? B: Yes, it's 945-667-0513. A: Could you say that again, please? B: 945-667-0513. 15 2. A: Do you have a cell phone? B: Yes, my number is 371-409-1148. A: Thanks. And do you have another telephone number? B: Yes, my home number is 371-980-3778. 3. A: Is there a telephone number where we can reach you during the day? B: You can call my cell phone. It's 230-671-2345. A: Thanks. B: And on weekends you can reach me at 230-573-2990. 4. A: What's your home phone number? B: It's 577-882-5567. A: Great. And may I have your work number? B: Sure. It's 625-855-8223, extension 567. A: Did you say extension 567? B: Yes, that's correct. B. Listen to the rest of the conversations Fix the mistakes in these addresses. (CD 1 Track 12) 1. 1455 Westbury Avenue ______ 2. 349 Haig Street, Apartment 66 ______ 3. 70 Johnson Street, Apartment B ______ 4. 419 Castle Street, Apartment 140 ______ 16 Script 1. A: One more thing. What’s your street address, please? B: It's 1445 Westbury Avenue. A: Thank you. 2. A: I'll need your mailing address, too. B: It's 349 Haig Street, Apartment 56. A: Did you say 339 Haig Street? B: No, 349. A: 349. Got it. 3. A: What's your home address, please? B: It's 17 Johnson Street, Apartment B. A: Is that 17 or 70? B: 17. A: All right. Thank you. 4. A: Just one more thing. Could you give me your address? B: Yes, it’s 499 Castle Street, Apartment 140. A: 499 Castle Street, Apartment 140. Thank you. C. People are giving each other their e-mail addresses. Listen and finish writing these e-mail addresses. (CD 1 Track 13) 1. terrybrown@ ________________ 2. ________________ @ wow.com 3. ________________ @oneworld.com 4. rosa ____________@ ________________.com 17 Script 1. A: Could I have your e-mail address, please, Terry? B: Sure. It's [email protected] A: Terrybrown? Is that one word? B: Yes. A: And is harmony spelled H-A-R-M-O-N-Y ? B: No, it's H-A-R-M-O-N-I. A: OK. Do you check your e-mail often? B: Yeah, about twice a day. 2. A: Do you have an e-mail address, Li-wei? B: Sure. It's [email protected] A: Did you say luckyboy? B: Yeah. It's L-U-C-K-Y-B-O-Y. All one word. A: That's cute. Why did you choose that name? B: Oh, my girlfriend suggested it. 3. A: Do you use e-mail much, Yumi? B: Yeah, but I don't have my own address. I use my sister's address. A: So what is it? B: It's [email protected] A: Did you say top girl? B: Yeah. T-O-P-G-I-R-L. All one word. A: Isn't it a problem when you and your sister have the same e-mail address? B: Not really. She doesn't use e-mail very much. She prefers instant messaging. 18 4. May I have your e-mail address, Rosa? I want to send you some photos A: from my vacation. B: Sure, Paul. I'd love to see them. It's [email protected] A: Sorry. Could you say that again, please? B: R-O-S-A 7788 at galaxy dot com. A: How do you spell galaxy? Is it G-A-LA-X-Y? B: Yes. A: And why the numbers 7788? B: That's my birthday. July 7, 1988. A: Of course. 12. Asking For Clarification (Tune in 1 p.9 CD 1 track 14) A: My number is 945-667-0513. B: Could you say that again, please? A: My address is 349 Haig Street, Apartment 56. B: Did you say 339 Haig Street? A: It’s 17 Johnson Street, Apartment B. B: Is that 17 or 70? Listen to the conversations. Does the person ask for clarification in each conversation? Check (√) the correct column. (Tune in 1 p. 9 CD 1 track 15) Asks for clarification Does not ask for clarification 1. 2. 3. 4. 19 Script 1. A: What's your phone number at work? B: Oh, it's 333-936-7744, extension 307. A: OK, great. I'll give you a call sometime next week. 2. A: Could you give me your cell phone number, please? B: Sure. It's 265-412-4589. A: Sorry. Is that 4589 or 4599? B: 4589. 3. A: AHere, I'll give you my e-mail address. B: OK. A: It's [email protected]. B: OK, Got it. Thanks. 4. A: What's your address? B: It's 239A Melrose Road. A: Um ... could you say that again, please? B: Sure. 239A Melrose Road. Addresses Where do you live? I live at 2418 Graystone Road. Could I have your address? My address is 2418 Graystone Road. Yes, that’s right. Is it in New York? No, it’s in New Jersey. Telephone and e-mail What’s your telephone number? It’s 8-924-843-99-35 Please, give me your e-mail address. It’s [email protected] 20 13. Credit Card Application (P2P-1, Unit 1 p. 8 CD 1, Track 14) A. Listen to the conversation between a customer and a salesperson. What is the customer applying for? Number the following items in the correct order as you hear them. ______city _____ home phone ______ e-mail address ______ name ______ zip code _____ street address ________ work phone ______occupation B. Listen to the conversation again and fill in the form. Lacy’s Department Store First Name ______________ Last Name ______________ Home Telephone__________ Address__________________ City ____________________ State___________________ Zip Code________ E-mail Address ______________________________________________________ Occupation__________________________________________________________ Employer____________________________________________________________ Script J: Hi. I’d like to apply for a credit card. S: All right. Please have a seat. Now, are you a regular customer at Lacy’s? J: Yes. I love this store. S: Good. Could I have your name, please? J: Jean Sands. S: How do you spell your first name? J: It’s J–e–a–n . And my last name is S–a–n–d–s . S: Thank you. And where do you live? J: 30 Jackson Street. 21 S: I’m sorry. Did you say 30 or 13? J: Thirty. Three zero. S: Is that in Boston? J: No it’s in Salem. The zip code is 07310. S: And what’s your occupation? J: I’m a chef at the Bayside Hotel. S: Chef at the Bayside Hotel? All right. I also need your telephone number. J: My home number is 617-654-1315. My work number is 617-783-9471. S: Do you have an e-mail address? J: Yes, it’s [email protected]. S: OK. I think that’s everything. You’ll receive your card in about two weeks. J: Thank you very much. 14. Over to you Students A and B will interview Students C and D. Complete the missing information for Students C and D. Student A Student B Identification Identification First name: Ming First name: Chris Last Name: Chen Last Name: Brown Street address: 60 Carpenter Street Street address: 218 Darmouth Avenue City: San Francisco, California, US City: Sydney, Australia Zip Code: 94103 Zip Code: NSW 2006 Telephone: 415-497-5003 Telephone: 3602-1876 Occupation: computer programmer Occupation: medical student E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 22 Identification Identification First name: _____________________ First name: _____________________ Last Name: _____________________ Last Name: _____________________ Street address: __________________ Street address: __________________ City: __________________________ City: __________________________ Zip Code: ______________________ Zip Code: ______________________ Telephone: _____________________ Telephone: _____________________ Occupation: ____________________ Occupation: ____________________ E-mail: _______________________ E-mail: _______________________ Students C and D will interview Students A and B. Complete the missing information for Students A and B. Student C Student D Identification Identification First name: Amy First name: Toshihiko Last Name: Jiang Last Name: Matsuda Street address: 30 Highland drive Street address: 214 Madison Avenue City: Vancouver, Canada City: New York, U.S Zip Code: BC4 V6T Zip Code: 10016 Telephone: 604-584- 0014 Telephone: 212-726-5309 Occupation: graphic artist Occupation: journalist E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 23 Identification Identification First name: _____________________ First name: _____________________ Last Name: _____________________ Last Name: _____________________ Street address: __________________ Street address: __________________ City: __________________________ City: __________________________ Zip Code: ______________________ Zip Code: ______________________ Telephone: _____________________ Telephone: _____________________ Occupation: ____________________ Occupation: ____________________ E-mail: _______________________ E-mail: _______________________ 15. Thank you – you’re welcome. - Thanks a lot. - Thank you very much. • You’re welcome. - Thanks. I really appreciate it. • My pleasure. - I appreciate your help. • Anytime. - Thanks for help. • Oh, it’s nothing. - It was very nice of you. • Glad that I could help. - Thank you for the compliment. - Thanks for the gift / present. - Thanks anyway. - Thanks. You too. 24 Practice 1 - Happy birthday! Here is your present! - You look terrific today. - Have a nice weekend. - I’m sorry, I have no idea where Linden Street is. - Let me help you with your bags. - Your English is very good. - Let me open the door for you. - Merry Christmas! Have a great holiday! - You have such a pretty child! - Sorry, I can’t help you with the report. I’m too busy today. - That suit / dress looks nice on you. - What beautiful flowers! Practice 2 - Oh! You’ve dyed your hair. Looks great. - Let me help you with the cooking. - I’m sorry but I couldn’t find that disk for you. - You are in a good shape. - You made it? This pie smells great. - Here you are. Here is your book. - Happy Easter! - Here you are. Here is your change. - Happy New Year! - Congratulations on your promotion. - Have a nice weekend. 25 UNIT 2. WHAT’S YOUR JOB? 1. It Is an Interesting Job (T4L, Basic, U.6) Match each job with a picture. 1. business person 3. taxi driver 5. waitress 7. construction worker 2. nurse 6. flight attendant 8. teacher 2. 4. chef What Job Are the People Talking About? 1. a. salesperson b. office worker 2. a. waiter b. actor 3. a. teacher b. flight attendant 4. a. chef 5. a. nurse b. businessperson 6. a. receptionist b. nurse b. construction worker Script 1. I'm a salesperson. I sell computers. I like my job. It's really interesting. And I meet lots of interesting people. 26 2. Yes, I like it a lot. I like acting in front of lots of people. One day I hope to write a book about my work. 3. It’s an interesting job. And it’s good for me because I love travel and flying. I visit lots of countries every year. And well – I know it’s silly, but I like my uniform. 4. It’s a good job for me because I like food and I love cooking. Lots of famous people come to our restaurant too. 5. Nursing is a good job for me. I like helping people – you know, sick people. 6. I like my work because I work outside. It’s hard work, but the pay's good and it keeps me in shape. 3. What Do You Do Exactly? A. Match each job on the left with the information on the right. 1. salesperson a. cooks dishes at the restaurant 2. nurse b. teaches people how to drive 3. construction worker c. shows properties to people 4. flight attendant d. serves food at the restaurant 5. chef e. works outside 6. driving instructor f. acts in front of lots of people 7. Web site designer g. helps sick people 8. actor h. serves passengers 9. waitress i. sells computers 10. real estate agent j. works with computers 27 B. Choose one job from Ex. A. Others ask you questions to guess your job. sell clothes ? work in a hospital ? build houses ? Do you Does she Does he help people buy and sell properties? act in a theater ? cook delicious food for people ? teach people how to drive? serve food at the restaurant? look after patients ? What do you do? 4. Jason: What does he / she do? Where Do You Work? (Int. 1 p. 15 Ex. 4) Where do you work, Andrea? Andrea: I work at Thomas Cook Travel. Jason: Really? What do you do there? Andrea: I’m a guide. I take people on tours to countries in South America, like Peru. Jason: How interesting! Andrea: Yes, it’s a great job. I love it. What do you do? Jason: I’m a student, and I have a part-time job, too. Andrea: Where do you work? Jason: In a fast-food restaurant. Andrea: Which restaurant? Jason: Hamburger Heaven. Andrea: What do you do exactly? Do you make hamburgers? Jason: No, I don’t. I just take orders. Andrea: And what’s it like there? Do you like your job? Jason: Sure. It’s fun. And I get free hamburgers, too. 28 5. Grammar Focus Present Simple What do you do? I’m a student, and I have a part-time job. Where do you work? I work at / in a restaurant. Where does Andrea work? She works at Thomas Cook Travel. What does she do? She is a guide. She takes people on tours. How does she like it? She loves it. Complete the conversations. 1. A: What do you do? B: I’m a full-time student. I study the violin. A: And __________ do you __________ to school? B: I __________ to the New York School of Music. A: Wow! __________ do you like your classes? B: I __________ them a lot. 2. A: What __________Tanya do? B: She’s a teacher. She __________ an art class at a school in Denver. A: And what about Ryan? Where __________ he work? B: He __________ for a big company in San Francisco. A: __________ does he do exactly? B: He is a Web-site designer. He __________ fantastic Web sites. 29 6. I Start Work at Five (Int 1 p. 11) Daniel: So do you usually come to the gym in the morning? Helen: Yeah, I do. Daniel: Really? What time do you go to work? Helen: I work in the afternoon. I start work at five. Daniel: Wow, that’s late. When do you get home at night? Helen: I usually get home at midnight. Daniel: Midnight? That is late. What do you do, exactly? Helen: I’m a TV announcer. I do the weather report on KNTV. Don’t you recognize me? Daniel: Oh! You’re Helen Black. I love your show! By the way, I’m Daniel…… Helen: And you, Daniel? What’s your day like? Daniel: Well, right now I’m in school, so I just have a part-time job. But I’m pretty busy. I get up early, around 6:00 A.M. Then I work from 7:00 until 9:00. I go to school and study until 4:00 P.M. Then I work again from 5:00 until 7:00. Helen: So what do you do? Daniel: I’m a dog walker. Helen: A what? What’s that? Daniel: A dog walker. I take people’s dogs for walks. It’s great, and it keeps me in shape, too. 7. Grammar Focus Time Expressions I get up at 7:00 in the morning on weekdays. I go to bed around ten in the evening on weeknights. I leave work early in the afternoon on weekends. I get home late at night on Fridays. I stay up until midnight on Saturdays. I wake up before / after noon on Sundays. 30 Complete the sentences with time expressions. 1. I get up ___________ six ___________ the morning ___________ weekdays. 2. I go to bed _____________ midnight _____________ weeknights. 3. I start work _____________ 11:30 _____________ night. 4. I have lunch ___________ three ___________ the afternoon __________ Fridays. 5. I stay up _____________ 1:00 a.m. _____________ weekends. 6. I have a little snack _____________ 9:00 _____________ the evening. 8. Work and School (Int 1) Listen to James and Lindsey talk at a party. Complete the chart. James Lindsey What do you do? Where do you study? How do you like your job / classes? What do you do after work / school? Script James: Hey, Nick. How are you? Nick: I’m great, James. Welcome to my house. James, this my friend Lindsey. James: Hi, Lindsey. It’s nice to meet you. Lindsey: Nice to meet you too, James. Nick: Excuse me. Lindsey: So how do you know Nick? James: We work in the same office. Lindsey: Really? What do you do? James: I’m a Web-site designer. Lindsey: That’s exciting! Where do you work? James: At Central Computers. Lindsey: Central Computers? How do you like your job? 31 James: It’s OK. I work late a lot. I usually finish at 10:30, and get home at 11:00. Lindsey: That is late! James: Yeah. After work, I usually go to bed right away. What about you? What do you do? Lindsey: I’m a student. I study dance. James: Wow! Now that’s exciting! Where do you study? Lindsey: At New York Dance. James: How do you like your classes? Lindsey: I love them. I dance all day long. It’s wonderful. James: What do you do after school? Lindsey: I have a part-time job. I work in an office. James: Where is the office? Lindsey: Actually, I work in your office! At Central Computers. James: You do? Well, stop by and say hello some time. Lindsey: OK. 9. What Do People Like About Their Jobs? (T4L, Basic, U.6) Likes 1. a. doing the same thing b. the money 2. a. working with kids b. the distance to school 3. a. the people b. the travel 4. a. the hours b. her boss 5. a. being on his feet b. the tips 32 Dislikes 1. A: So how do you like your job, Bill? B: Well, it was okay at first, but now, after two years, I don't like it. A: Oh, why is that? B: It's boring. I do the same thing every day. I'm really sick of it. A: So why don't you change jobs? B: I'm well-paid. I like the money! A: Oh, I see. But you should leave if you're not happy. B: Yeah, maybe I should. 2. A: Do you like teaching children, Christine? B: Oh, yes! I love working with kids. They're so much fun. A: Well, I guess you have the perfect job! B: Yeah, I like it a lot. There's just one thing I don't like. A: What's that? B: The distance to school. It's too far away. It takes me an hour to drive there every day. A: Wow. That must be awful! B: It is, but the schools that are near me are not as good. 3. A: How is your new job going, Anna? B: Good, thanks. I really like it. A: What do you like best about it? B: I think it's the people I work with. They’re so nice. A: People make all the difference in a job, don't they? B: They sure do. The only trouble is, I have to travel a lot. I'm away from home for about two weeks every month. A: Yeah, that can be difficult. B: It is. I hope I won’t have to travel so much next year. 33 4. A: Do you enjoy being a salesperson, Nancy? B: Yes, I do like it. I get to meet so many people. A: Is it hard work? B: Yes, it can be. I don't like the long hours. I'm always really tired when I get home at night. A: That's too bad. Why don't you quit? B: Because I think my boss is great to work for. 5. A: How long have you been working in a restaurant, Martin? B: For more than five years. A: Wow. You must really enjoy it. B: Oh no, I don't enjoy it at all! It's hard work and pretty tiring, too. I'm on my feet all night. A: Oh, I see. B: But the tips are great. I really should find a better job soon, though. 10. Give it a try Fill in the gaps with your information. 1. 1. – How do you like your job? 2. – _____________________________________________________ . 1. – What do you like best about it? 2. – _______________________________________________________ . 1. – Sounds like a good job. 2. – Yeah, I like it a lot. But I don’t like one thing. 1. – What’s that? 2. – _______________________________________________________ . 1. – That can be difficult. 34 2. 1. – How do you like your job? 2. – _______________________________________________________ . 1. – Why is that? 2. – _________________________________________________________ . 1. – That’s too bad. Why don’t you change jobs? 2. – Because ___________________________________________________ . 1. – Oh, I see. Good Points Bad Points It is easy/ interesting / creative. It is difficult / hard / stressful. It is well-paid. It is boring (I do the same thing every day). Pay/salary is good. It is tiring. / I am on my feet all day/night. I have flexible hours. I have to work long hours /evenings / weekends. I work at home. The pay / salary is not good. People are friendly. the distance to school/work I meet interesting people. It takes … minutes / hours to get there. 11. What’s the Job Like? (Tune in 1Unit 14, p. 83,CD 3, track 30) People are at a party talking about their jobs. Circle the correct answer. 1. a. Shawn prepares meals. b. Shawn delivers meals. 2. a. Yu-ting buys properties. b. Yu-ting shows properties to people. 3. a. Yuji sells cars. b. Yuji teaches people how to drive. 4. a. Linda prepares food for parties. b. Linda has a cooking show on TV. 35 Script (Class CD 3 Track 30) 1. A: You work in a restaurant, don't you, Shawn? B: I work for a restaurant, but not in the restaurant. A: What do you mean? B: Well, our restaurant has a delivery service. You know, people can order food over the phone. I have to take people's orders and deliver them. A: I see. And do you like it? B: Yeah, it's fun. But the problem is we guarantee our meals will arrive in 30 minutes or they're free. So it's quite stressful. I have to work very quickly, or I'll be in trouble. 2. A: It must be exciting being a real estate agent, Yu-ting. B: Yes, I guess so. I work really hard, but I like it. A: And what exactly do you do? B: Well, I help people sell their homes. I advertise the properties in the newspaper and on the Internet, and also I show them to buyers. When I sell a property, the owners pay me 4 percent of the price. A: Sounds great! B: Yeah, but the problem is it can take a long time to make a sale. 3. A: What do you do, Yuji? B: I'm a driving instructor, actually. A: A driving instructor! What's that like? B: Well, it's quite interesting. I show people how to drive a car, plus I teach them the rules of the road, to get them ready for their driving test. A: That sounds fun. B: It is. And on top of that, I meet lots of really interesting people. 36 4. A: So you have your own business, Linda? B: Well, my family does. It's a catering business. You know, we prepare food for parties and weddings and things like that. A: I see. I guess you get quite busy. B: Yeah. Especially on the weekends. Sometimes we make food for two or three hundred people. A: It sounds like a good business. B: It is, I guess. But unfortunately, I have to work every weekend. 12. Supporting and Contrasting Information (TuneIn p.84,Track33,34) Supporting information Contrasting information It’s a lot of fun. It’s a good business. And on top of that, it’s good exercise. But unfortunately, I have to work every weekend. Plus, it’s good exercise. But the problem is I have to work every weekend. What’s more, it’s good exercise. However, I have to work every weekend. Script (CD 3 Track 33 Page 84) 1. You can earn a lot of money as a doctor. However, it's quite a difficult job. 2. Many college students get jobs in the summertime. And on top of that, some of them also take summer classes. 3. Working overseas can be a good experience. What's more, you can often learn another language. 4. I'd love to be a fashion model. But unfortunately, I'm not really tall enough. 5. If you work at home, you have a lot of freedom. But the problem is working by yourself can get very lonely and boring. 6. Nowadays you need a college degree if you want a good job. Plus, you really should speak another language. 37 13. What Does Your Job Involve? (Tune in 1 (p. 84_3, CD3 Tr. 31) A. Friends are talking what they do at work. Listen and check (√) the correct answer. 1. a. a ski instructor ________ b. a dance instructor________ 2. a. a chef ________ b. a photographer________ 3. a. a driving examiner ________ b. a police officer________ 4. a. a. a hotel manager ________ b. a flight attendant________ B. Check the correct statement. 1. a. b. It is a new job. Most Maria’s students are older couples. 2. a. Tony learned his skills in college. b. Tony sometimes works outdoors. 3. a. b. 4. a. b. Will thinks it is an easy job. Sometimes the people have accidents. Sun-young gets very tired. The passengers never complain. Script 1. A: How long have you been doing this, Maria? B: About three years, I guess. A: And do you like it? B: Oh, yeah. It's a lot of fun. And on top of that, it's good exercise. It keeps me fit. A: I suppose so. And who do you teach? B: Mostly older couples. A: I see. So you don't teach the modern styles much? B: No. Usually I teach things like the waltz. My students prefer the older music. 38 2. A: These are really beautiful. Where did you learn how to do this, Tony? B: I just taught myself, actually. A: Wow. And tell me, do you work in color, too? All of these are black and white. B: Oh, yes. I do both. I do a lot of work at weddings and school graduations and so on. This weekend I'll be out at the beach for the surf competitions. I hope to get some really good shots. 3. A: People think my job is really easy, but actually it's quite difficult. B: In what way, Will? A: Well, it's difficult to test people every day. What's more, the people taking the test are often very nervous, and they make mistakes and cry. It's terrible. B: That must be hard. A: Yeah. And another thing, sometimes they have accidents. Last week one man smashed into another car and then he ran away. 4. A: You have a great job, Sun-young. B: Yeah. Everyone says that. People say they'd like to have my job, but I don't think they understand how hard it is. A: In what way? B: Well, it's true that I can see lots of different cities. On the other hand, I get very tired and my legs often hurt. Sometimes after a flight I just stay in my hotel room and sleep. And another thing I don't like is that the passengers often complain. 39 14. Over to You 1. I am a(n) ____________________________________________________________ I (duties) ____________________________________________________________ I like it a lot. _________________________________________________________ Plus _____________________________________________________ What’s more_______________________________________________ Another thing is ____________________________________________ And on top of that ___________________________________________ But unfortunately But the problem is (1) However ____________________________________________________ (2) ________________________________________________ (3) ________________________________________________ 2. A: What’s your job? B: _________________________________________________________________ A: What exactly do you do? B: _________________________________________________________________ A: How do you like it? B: I like it a lot / I really enjoy it. (1) ______________________________________________________________ (2) ______________________________________________________________ A: That sounds fun. / Sounds great. / Sounds like a good job. B: Yeah. But (1) _____________________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________________ A: That must be difficult / hard. B: Right / Exactly. And another thing (3) _______________________________________________ A: Oh, I see. 40 15. Do You Work Long Hours? (P2P-St, Unit 5, p.39 ) A. Listen to four people talking about their work. Do they like their jobs? Write YES or NO. 1. Chris _____ 2. Kayla _____ 3. Tim _____ 4. Celia _____ B. When do they start work? When do they finish work? Write the answers in the chart. Hair stylist Dog walker Ticket seller Starts: Finishes: Script 1. I: So you’re a hair stylist, Chris? C: That’s right. I: What’s your job like? C: It’s great. I meet all kinds of interesting people. Last week an actor from that new TV soap opera came in for a cut. I: Is that right? And do you work long hours? C: Lots of my clients are working people, and they like to come in after work. So I start at 2:00in the afternoon and finish at 10:00 at night. 2. I: So, Kayla, what does a dog walker do exactly? K: I walk dogs, of course! I go to people’s apartments, pick up their dogs, and take them for a walk. I walk six dogs at a time and walk them for two or three hours. Then I take them back and pick up another group of dogs and take them for a walk, too. Usually I start around 9: a.m. and finish at 4:00 in the afternoon. I: And how do you like it? C: I love it. I love dogs, and I love working outdoors so it’s perfect for me. 41 3. I: Where are you working at the moment, Tim? T: I’m working at the ticket office at the Verona Cinema. I: Yeah? T: But I want to change jobs. The work is boring, the hours are really long, and the money isn’t good. I: What hours do you work? T: I start at 10:30 a.m. We show the first movie of the day at 11:00. Then we often have late movies, and I have to be there until pretty late – usually until midnight. Wow!! That’s a long day. No wonder you’re looking for a new job I: 16. Would You Like to Be a Model? (P2P-St, Unit 7, p.57) A. Listen to Angie and Ivan talking about Angie’s work. How does she like her job? Check (√) the best phrase. _______ hates it _______ it’s OK _______ likes it a lot B. Listen again. Check (√) if the statements are True or False. True 1 gets up at 5 a.m. 2 a car takes her to the location 3 often spends eight hours on a photo shoot 4 sometimes gets home very late 5 always gets to keep the clothes she models 6 sometimes makes $1,000 for a day’s work False C. Would you like to be a model? Talk with a partner about pros and cons. 42 Script I: Wow. You are a model! That must be exciting! A: It’s a lot of fun. I love it. But sometimes it’s very tiring. I: Tiring? Why is that? A: Well I often have all-day shoots on Saturdays and have to get up very early. I usually get up around 5:00 A.M. and then a car from the studio comes to pick me up at 6:00 and take me to the location. I: Does it take a long time to shoot the photos? A: Sometimes. The other models and I often have to change clothes ten or more times. And it takes about an hour to take all the photos with each set of clothes. So I often spend 10 or 12 hours on a photo shoot. I: I see. A: So I get home pretty late, and when I do, I’m really tired and hungry. I: I bet! And what about clothes you model? Do you get to keep them? A: Unfortunately not! But the work pays really well. I sometimes make five or six hundred dollars for one day. I: That’s pretty good. And do you work on Sundays too? A: Not usually. But on Sundays I spend about four hours in the gym working out to keep in shape. I: So I guess you don’t have time to see a movie next weekend? A: No. I’m sorry. But thanks for asking. 43 UNIT 3. SPARE TIME 1. Do You Swim? (T4L-Basic, U.7) Do you ever do any of these things? Check (√) your answers and compare them with a partner. You Yes No Your partner windsurf play baseball ski play golf go to a gym play tennis walk play volleyball swim play football ride a bike other:________ 2. Yes No windsurf play baseball ski play golf go to a gym play tennis walk play volleyball swim play football ride a bike other:________ Do You Like Sports? (T4L-Basic, U.7) People are talking about sports and exercise. Listen and number the pictures. 44 Script 1. A: B: A: B: A: Do you play sports on the weekend, Rita? No, I hate sports. Really? So what do you do on the weekend? Uh, I watch my favorite programs on TV. Well, that's not too tiring! A: B: A: B: A: B: Do you like sports, Rod? Sure, I play a lot of sports. So, what sports do you play? Well, everything. Baseball, volleyball, swimming - but my favorite sport is tennis. Oh, yeah? Yeah, I play every day after work. A: B: A: B: A: You’re in a great shape, Martha. Thanks. So, how do you do it? Well, I go to a pool about three times a week, and I swim for about two hours. Two hours? Are you practicing for Olympic Games or something? A: B: A: B: How do you keep in shape, Ron? Me? I travel. What do you mean, you travel? I ride my bike about 20 miles every weekend. A: B: A: B: A: B: Wow! What happened? I went skiing Gee. That looks pretty bad. Yeah. Do you often go skiing? No. It was my first time. A: B: A: B: Do you get much exercise, Joe? Yes, I do. I walk a lot. Where? To McDonald's. I walk there about four times a week to get a hamburger and fries. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 45 3. You’re In Good Shape… (T4L-Basic, U.7) A. Which sports or activities is the person talking about? Circle the correct answer. 1. a. swimming b. going to the gym c. jogging 3. a. playing baseball b. playing football с. playing tennis 5. a. swimming b. jogging с windsurfing 2. a. playing volleyball b. playing golf с. playing soccer 4. a. playing tennis b. watching TV с. reading 6. a. diving b. riding a bicycle с. walking B. What do you think each person says next? Circle the correct answer. 1. a. Yes, about three times a week. b. Yeah, I'm getting lazy. с. Yeah, I'm tired. 4. a. I know, but I'm lazy. b. No, thanks. I'm tired. с. Yeah, reading is fun. 2. a. Yeah, I'm very busy. b. Yeah, I'd love to. с. Yeah, you're right. 5. a. It's too hot. b. I enjoy skiing. с. I don't like the cold. 3. a. Volleyball is tiring. b. Volleyball. It's my favorite. с. Tennis is expensive. 6. a. In the car. b. In the morning. с. In the park. Script 1. A: Your muscles are so big, Dave. What do you do to get them so big? B: Well, I go to the gym every day after work, and on Saturdays, too. I love it. Do you work out? 2. A: Do you play a lot of sports? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like volleyball? B: Yeah, I play volleyball during the week. A: Want to play with me and my friends tonight? 46 3. A: You're in good shape, Kent. Do you play a lot of sports? B: Yes, I do. I love sports. I play volleyball on Thursdays and on Saturdays and Sundays I play tennis. A: Which one do you like the best? 4. A: Do you like playing sports? B: Nah, not really. I don't like exercising at all. But I do watch a lot of baseball on TV! A: You really should get some exercise. 5. A: What kinds of sports do you play? B: Let's see. Well, in the summer I enjoy windsurfing. But I don't do anything in the winter. A: Why not? 6. A: So, do you get any exercise? B: Well, not much. I don't have a lot of free time, but about once a week I walk for an hour. A: Oh. Where do you walk? 4. WORD POWER Sports and Exercise A. Which of these activities are popular with the following age groups? Children Teens aerobics baseball bicycling in-line skating soccer swimming tennis weight training yoga 47 Young adults Middleaged people Older people B. Which of the activities above are used with do, go, or play? do ________________ 5. go ________________ I Just Love To Exercise play ______________ (T4L-Basic, U.7) A. Listen to people talking about how they spend their free time. Check (√) the correct information. Exercises a lot Exercises a little Never exercises 1. Bill 2. Liz 3. Victor 4. Maria 5. David B. Match the people on the left with the activities on the right. 1. Bill _____ 2. Liz _____ 3. Victor _____ 4. Maria _____ 5. David _____ a. plays golf b. bicycles c. plays baseball d. takes walks e. plays video games Script 1. I think exercise is so important to good health. There is a really good sports club near my school. During the week, I play tennis there for an hour before school starts. On weekends, I usually work out at the gym near my house for a few hours. I also play baseball with some friends from school. It's so much fun! 48 2. I don't like jogging or doing anything too energetic. I prefer taking walks. I like to take a short walk every day through the park across from my house. Sometimes my boyfriend goes with me. It's nice to talk and look at the flowers and trees. On Sunday, I like to swim, but for only about a half hour. I sleep the rest of the weekend. 3. I am a big football fan, but I only watch it on TV. I can't stand playing it! There are great games to watch on the weekend. I also enjoy watching tennis. I'd like to learn someday, but I don't like to sweat. I love chess and often play with my younger sister. She's really good at it and usually wins. On the weekends, I love to play video games with some of my friends. 4. I just love to exercise! I like many different sports. Let’s see... I like swimming a lot. I get up very early, around 5 a.m., and swim for two hours from Monday to Friday. I also enjoy basketball and play with a group of friends from work every Tuesday night. And I've also started playing golf this year. Before playing, I go jogging to warm up. 5. I enjoy exercise, but I don't do it as much as I should. I meet a friend every Wednesday and we play tennis. I'm not a very good player, but it's fun and we usually play for an hour. On weekends, I like to bicycle in our neighborhood. I guess I spend an hour or two doing that. Oh, and I love baseball, but only watching it while sitting on the couch eating popcorn! 6. I Love Tennis! (P2P Starter, Unit 7, pp.54-56) Mei-ho: What do you usually do on Saturday? Tasha: I usually get up early and go for a run in the morning. Then I meet my friends and we have brunch together. Mei-ho: What about in the afternoon? Tasha: In the afternoon I often see a movie or go over to my friend’s house. Mei-ho: And do you ever play sports on the weekend? Tasha: Yeah, sometimes I play tennis. Mei-ho: I love tennis. Why don’t we play tennis together sometime? Tasha: Sure. That sounds great. 49 Practice Talking about routines 1. What do you usually do on Saturday morning / afternoon / evening? − I usually get up early in the morning. − In the afternoon I often see a movie. − In the evening, sometimes I meet friends. Yes, I sometimes play tennis. often go out on Saturday night. 2. Do you ever play sports on the weekend? No, not very often. I never do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. sleep in play sports have classes go to the movies surf the web hang out with friends go out with friends clean the house 7. 9. watch a midnight movie 10. go dancing 11. invite friends over 12. stay home and watch TV 13. work out in a gym 14. go bowling 15. go to the swimming pool 16. do yoga Describing Routines (Intechange-1, U.6, Ex.3 p. 37) Marie: You are really fit, Paul. Do you exercise a lot? Paul: Well, I almost always get up very early, and I lift weights for an hour. Marie: Seriously? Paul: Sure. And then I often go in-line skating. Marie: Wow! How often do you exercise like that? Paul: About five times a week. What about you? Marie: Oh, I hardly ever exercise. I usually just watch TV in my free time. I guess, I’m a real couch potato. … So, what else do you like to do, Paul? Paul: Well, I like video games a lot. I play them every day. It drives my mom crazy! Marie: Hey, I play video games all the time, too. Paul: Well, listen, I have some great new games. Why don’t we play some after class today? Marie: OK! 50 8. GRAMMAR FOCUS Adverbs of Frequency (Interchange 1 p. 37 Ex 4) Do you ever watch TV in How often do you exercise? Yes, I often watch TV after I lift weights every day. dinner. 100% the evening? always usually I sometimes watch TV I go jogging once a week. often before bed. I swim about three times a year. Sometimes I watch TV hardly ever before bed. never I hardly ever watch TV. 0% I play soccer twice a month. sometimes I don’t exercise very often / much. No, I never watch TV. 9. In the Evening (Int 1 Unit 6 p. 38) Listen to what Ted, Wanda and Kim like to do in the evening. Favorite activity How often? Ted Wanda Kim 51 Script So, what do you usually do in the evening, Ted? I exercise a lot. I like to go jogging after work. Yeah? How often do you go jogging? About four or five times a week. Well, I guess you’re in great shape. Thanks. You’re in great shape, too, Wanda! Thanks, Kim. I usually go to the gym and work out in the evenings. I love it. And I meet a lot of my friends there. How often do you go? Ted: Wanda: About three times a week, I guess. What about you, Kim? Do you ever work out in the evenings? No, I don’t exercise very much. I almost always practice my guitar after Kim: work. I practice for a couple of hours every night. Gee, you must be pretty good! Ted: Wanda: Ted: Kim: Ted: Wanda: Ted: Kim: Wanda: 10. Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Ruth: Keith: Describing Exercise (Intechange-1, U.6, Ex.9) You are in great shape, Keith. Thanks. I guess I’m a real fitness freak. So, how often do you work out? Well, I do aerobics twice a week. And I play tennis every week. Tennis? That sounds like a lot of fun. Oh, do you want to play some time. Uh,… how well do you play? Pretty well, I guess. Well, all right, but I’m not very good. No problem. I’ll give you a few tips. Good game, Keith. Thanks you too. And congratulations on the win. You play pretty well. No, not really. How often do you play? Once or twice a year. I’m just lucky today, I guess. Want to play another game? Sure. After a five-minute break. 52 11. GRAMMAR FOCUS How…....? (Int1p. 40) How often do you work out? How well do you play tennis? Every day. Pretty well. Twice a week. About average. Not very often. Not very well. How long do you spend at the gym? How good are you at sports? Thirty minutes a day. Pretty good. Two hours a week. OK. About an hour on weekends. Not so good. 12. Now Try This! (Tune in 1 Unit 9 Lesson 2p. 54 CD Track 31) People are describing things they do for relaxation and exercise. Listen and number these activities from 1 to 5. a. power walking _______ b. aerobics _______ c. meditation _______ d. line dancing _______ e. tai chi _______ Script 1. A: How often do you do it, Alex? B: I try to do it every day. It really helps me relax. And what’s more, I enjoy it. A: Do you do it at home? B: Yeah, I put on a CD with some relaxing music and just sit on the floor for about 20 minutes. Sometimes I fall asleep for a minute or two, but that’s OK. 53 2. A: Do you do it by yourself, Nicholas? B: No, I go to a class with some friends three times a week. A: Is it fun? B: Yeah. We have a wonderful teacher, and he plays lively music while we exercise. A: So you just follow what he does? B: Yeah. It’s really hard work. On the other hand, you feel great when you’re done. 3. A: Why do you like it so much? B: Well, it’s relaxing, and also I love country-western music. A: Right. And where do you do it, Sang-hoon? B: Our group meets in a school gym. We all wear cow boy hats and boots. Then we get in lines and start dancing to the music. It’s easy. You just watch the others. I think it’s a lot of fun. However you do have to love the music. 4. A: Where did you learn to do it, Katy? B: In China. But I still do it every week. I meet with a group at the park on Sunday mornings. A: And does it help you? B: Yes. It’s very slow and gentle – and yet it really stretches your muscles and is very good for your health. And another thing, the Chinese music we play is very relaxing. 5. A: Do you do it every day, Martin? B: Yeah. I do about 10 kilometers a day. It takes me about two hours, but the time goes quickly. A: And how do you do it exactly? B: Well, you move very fast but you don’t run. You also move your arms up and down. 54 13. Support and Contrast (Tune in 1 Unit 9 Lesson 2p. 54 CD Track 32-33) Supporting information Contrasting information Meditation helps me to relax. And what’s more, I enjoy it Our aerobics class is really hard work. On the other hand, you feel great when you’re done. Tai chi is very slow and gentle. And another thing, the Chinese music we play is very relaxing. Tai chi is very slow and gentle. And yet it really stretches your muscles. You move very fast, but you don’t run. Line dancing is a lot of fun. You also move your arms up and down. However, you have to love the music. Script 1. A: I love cycling. I feel really good after I’ve gone a few kilometers. B: Yeah, me, too. However, it’s hard work going uphill. 2. A: I think swimming is a great sport. It really keeps you fit and healthy. B: I agree. And what’s more, you don’t often get injuries. 3. A: My favorite kind of exercise is playing golf. It’s very relaxing and a lot of fun. B: Yeah, I know what you mean. On the other hand, it’s not very nice when it rains. 4. A: Skiing is fantastic. It strengthens your body, and you can get fresh air at the same time. B: That’s true. And yet it’s not very popular here, is it? 5. A: I don’t like going outside to exercise. I prefer to exercise at home in front of the TV. It’s more fun. B: And another thing, no one can see you do it. 6. A: I keep fit by walking for about twenty minutes every day. It’s really easy and enjoyable. B: And also you don’t need any equipment to do it. 55 14. Give it a try A. Match the sentences using the word and phrases in the box. and what’s more on the other hand and another thing and yet also / plus however 1. I love cycling. I feel good after I’ve gone a. It’s not very nice when it rains. a few kilometers. 2. I think swimming is a great sport. b. I enjoy it. It is enjoyable. 3. I like playing golf. It’s very relaxing and c. It’s hard work (going uphill). a lot of fun. 4. Skiing is fantastic. You can get fresh air. d. Music we play is very relaxing. 5. I prefer to exercise at home in front of e. It really keeps you fit. the TV. It’s more fun. 6. I keep fit by walking for about twenty f. It’s not very popular here. minutes every day. It’s really easy. 7. Aerobics helps me to relax. g. It’s a good place to meet people. 8. It stretches your muscles and is very good for your health. h. It’s rather boring. 9. I enjoy working out in a gym. i. No one can see you do it. It’s fun. 10. I think jogging is good exercise. j. You don’t need any equipment to do it. 56 B. Match each of the statements with two sentences in the box: one with supporting information and one with contrasting information. Supporting Contrasting 1. Swimming is a great sport. ______ ______ 2. Skateboarding is an exciting sport to watch live. ______ ______ 3. You don’t need to be very fit to enjoy line dancing. ______ ______ 4. Power walking is a good way to keep fit. ______ ______ a. However, it can be boring. b. And also it keeps you cool in the summer. c. And another thing, it’s a good way to meet people. d. And also, it is a sport that older people can enjoy. e. And also a fun sport to try yourself. f. However, it often leads to serious injuries. g. On the other hand, you can get ear infections from the water. h. However, you do not need to be a pretty good dancer. C. Complete these statements with the names of sports. Statements Supporting or contrasting info. 1. ______________ is a great sport. ___________________________ 2. ______________ is a good way to stay in shape. ___________________________ 3. ______________ is a lot of fun. ___________________________ 4. ______________ keeps you fit. ___________________________ 5. ______________ is important to good health. ___________________________ 6. ______________ stretches your muscles. ___________________________ 7. ______________ strengthens your body. ___________________________ 8. ______________ is a good way to meet people. ___________________________ 9. ______________ is good for your health. ___________________________ 10. _____________ makes you feel energetic. ___________________________ 57 15. QUESTIONNAIRE Free Time (Tune in 2 p. 61) A. What are your hobbies and interests? Complete the survey for yourself. Me 1. surfing the Internet 2. reading books 3. taking photos 4. playing soccer 5. swimming 6. playing on line computer games 7. listening to music 8. watching movies 9. going shopping My partner 10. gardening 11. knitting 12. collecting coins B. Take turns asking and making assumptions about the activities in part A. A: What do you like to do in your spare time? B: I like surfing the Internet. A: I guess you’re indoors a lot then. 16. Pastimes (Dialogs for Everyday Use-28) Roger: What do you do in your spare time? Barry: Oh, nothing special. I read…watch TV…go to the movies. Roger: Don’t you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that? Barry: No, I don’t have any hobbies. How about you? Roger I have just one – photography. It’s expensive, but it’s a lot of fun. 58 17. Over To You Music Survey (Tune In-1, p.64) A. Complete this survey for yourself and another student. Me 1. What kind of music do you like? 2. What kind of music do you dislike? 3. Who’s your favorite singer? 4. What is your favorite music group? 5. Which music show(s) do you watch on TV? 6. What music performances do you attend? Student A B. Practice these conversations replacing phrases in bold and filling the gaps with your information. A: What kind of music do you like? B: I like R&B and hip hop. A: What kind of music do you dislike? B: I dislike classical music. A: Who’s your favorite singer? B: I really like Usher. A: What is your favorite music group? B: _____________________________________________________________. A: Which music show(s) do you watch on TV? B: _____________________________________________________________. A: What music performances do you attend? B: _____________________________________________________________. 59 18. Over To You Hobbies & Pastimes A. Do You Like…? Check the hobbies and pastimes you enjoy. love really like don't like don’t mind can’t stand enjoy hate Hobbies / Pastimes You Your partner 1. taking pictures 2. reading books 3. lifting weights 4. listening to jazz 5. going to the movies 6. watching videos at home 7. playing soccer 8. playing computer games 9. shopping 10. cooking 11. gardening 12. surfing the Internet 13. collecting coins 14. hiking 15. working out at the gym 16. sewing 17. knitting Take turns asking each other questions. Example: A: Do you like … ? B: It’s okay. / Yeah. I love it. / No, not much. / I’ve never tried it. 60 B. Likes and Dislikes Questionnaire Complete the sentences below with one of the following words. like really like enjoy don't like can’t stand hate don’t mind 1. I _______________ going to discos. 2. I _______________ playing chess. 3. I _______________ meeting new people. 4. I _______________ listening to classical music. 5. I _______________ flying. 6. I _______________ modern art. 7. I _______________ babies. 8. I _______________ my job / school. 9. I _______________ cats. 10. I _______________ being on my own. 11. I _______________ doing jigsaw puzzles. 12. I _______________ getting up early. 13. I _______________ the smell of garlic. 14. I _______________ going to the dentist. 15. I _______________ walking in the rain. 16. I _______________ wearing formal clothes. 17. I _______________ being in the center of attention. 18. I _______________ new challenges. 19. I _______________ doing homework. 20. I _______________ family gatherings. Talk about your likes and dislikes, e.g. A: I hate playing chess. B: Me too. / Same here. A: I love walking in the rain. OR B: Really? I don’t. I can’t stand it. 61 C. Pastimes Roger: What do you do in your spare time? Barry: Oh, nothing special. I________________________________________. Roger: Do you have any hobbies, like ____________________________________ or things like that? Barry: Yes I have a hobby. I __________________________ How about you? Roger I have just one – ______________________________________________. It’s expensive, but it’s a lot of fun. 19. Over To You I Enjoy Music… (Tune In-1, p.91) A. Complete this survey. Check (√) the statements that are true for you. Me 1. I enjoy music and I play two instruments. 2. I love the outdoors and I enjoy hiking. 3. I spend all of my free time on a hobby. 4. I enjoy learning new languages. 5. I love animals and I have a pet. 6. I have a good sense of design and people say I am artistic. 7. I enjoy making things and working with my hands. 8. I love food and I enjoy cooking. 9. I am very healthy and I exercise a lot. 10. I love math and I enjoy solving problems. 11. I enjoy playing sports. 12. I enjoy listening to music. 13. I really like gardening. 14. I like going to the movies. 15. I enjoy reading books. 62 My friend B. Practice the conversations replacing phrases in bold. Example 1 A: I enjoy music and I play two musical instruments. B: Two instruments! That’s amazing. Which instruments do you play? A: I play the piano and the saxophone. Example 2 B: I like going to the movies. A: Really? What kind of movies do you like? B: I like romantic comedies. Example 3 B: I enjoy making things and working with my hands. A: Making things! That sounds interesting. What do you make? B: I make plates, spoons and other things out of wood. C. Practice these conversations filling the gaps with your information. Example 1 A: I enjoy_________________________________________________________. B: ___________________________! That’s amazing. Which ________________________________________________________? A: I______________________________________________________________. Example 2 B: I like___________________________________________________________. A: Really? What kind of______________________________________________? B: I like___________________________________________________________. Example 3 B: I enjoy_________________________________________________________. A: ________________________________________! That sounds interesting. What __________________________________________________________? B: I______________________________________________________________. 63 UNIT 4. TALKING ABOUT SCHEDULES 1. I Need To See You What time do Diane Stone and Ken agree to meet? Check (√) the correct answers and write the time of each appointment. Diane Stone Ken Ito Appointment Time make a presentation to the Board meet someone from “The Printers” have a working lunch visit a client leave for San Diego Take turns asking and answering questions. A: What’s Diane doing at 9:30? B: She’s making a presentation. 2. Talking About Schedules. a) Today is Monday, March 7. Match the dates with the correct phrases. MARCH tomorrow ____ 7. Monday 14. Monday 21. Monday this weekend ____ 8. Tuesday 15. Tuesday 22. Tuesday today ____ 9. Wednesday 16. Wednesday 23. Wednesday next Monday ____ 10. Thursday 17. Thursday 24. Thursday this Thursday ____ 11. Friday 18. Friday 25. Friday a week from next Monday ____ 12. Saturday 19. Saturday 26. Saturday next weekend ____ 13. Sunday 20. Sunday 27. Sunday the day after tomorrow ____ b) Look at the schedules below. Today is Monday 7. Take turns asking and answering questions to find out Diane Stone’s schedule. Complete the information. Start like this: A: What’s Diane doing today? B: She’s attending a sales meeting at 3:30. What’s she doing tomorrow? A: She’s … 64 MARCH 7. Monday 14. Monday 21. Monday 15. Tuesday 22. Tuesday 3:30 p.m. attend a sales meeting 8. Tuesday 10:30 a.m. meet Mr. Park at the 8:25 a.m. fly to Boston discuss ideas for TV airport 9. Wednesday 10. Thursday 16. Wednesday 23. Wednesday 17. Thursday 24. Thursday write a report on the Boston trip attend a meeting on computer networking 11. Friday 18. Friday 2:30 p.m. attend a planning 10:30 a.m. present the Boston 25. Friday fly to Mexico City meeting report to the board 12. Saturday 19. Saturday 26. Saturday 20. Sunday 27. Sunday see Mr. Park off at the airport 13. Sunday play tennis Script Diane: I need to see you about the new catalog, Ken. How about sometime next week – Monday, if possible? Ken: OK. Let me have a look at my schedule. How about nine o’clock? Diane: No, I’m afraid that’s not possible. I’m making a presentation to the board at 9:30, then I’m meeting someone from “The Printers” at eleven. But how about lunchtime? Ken: Sorry, I’m having a working lunch at twelve. Diane: Are you doing anything in the afternoon? I’m visiting a client at one o’clock, but I’m free from 2:30. Ken: Well, I’m leaving for San Diego at five o’clock. Could we make it four o’clock? Diane: That doesn’t give us much time, Ken but I guess it’ll have to do. Ken: OK, then. Monday afternoon at four. Diane: Fine. See you then. 65 MARCH 7. Monday 3:30 p.m. attend a sales meeting 14. Monday 21. Monday visit DGM advertising agency 9:00 a.m. have a meeting about the company website 8. Tuesday 15. Tuesday 22. Tuesday 9.Wednesday 16. Wednesday 23. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. show Mr. Park around 4:45 p.m. return from Boston look at designs for the new the head office 10.Thursday company 17. Thursday 24. Thursday 11. Friday 18. Friday 25. Friday 12. Saturday 19. Saturday 26. Saturday work at home fly home 20. Sunday 27. Sunday 7:30 p.m. have dinner with Mr. Park 13. Sunday go to the beach with the family go to Jack and Tracy’s wedding Practice A: I need to see you about ______________________ . B: OK. Let me have a look at my schedule. How about____________________? A: No, I’m afraid that’s not possible. __________________________________, But ____________________________________________? B: Sorry I can’t, ___________________________________________________. Are you doing anything ____________________________? A: I’m afraid I am busy on _________________. ________________________ . Could we make it__________________________________? B: Fine. See you then. 66 3. What’s Up? (Express 1, Unit 11) A. CONVERSATION Luis: Hello. Chris: Luis? This is Chris. Luis: Hi, Chris. What’s up? Chris: Not much. What are you doing? Luis: Right now, I’m taking a break. I have so much work to do tonight. What are you doing? Chris: I am at the Rock right now. I’m having a snack with Kate. Luis: Cool. Can I join you? Chris: Sure. Come on down. B. SITUATIONS Phone Conversations 1. A: Tech support. B: I need help. My copy machine is smoking. A: That’s not serious. ___________________worry about it. 2. A: I’m busy right now. I’m _________________________to my boss. B: Do you __________________ some time this afternoon? It’s important. A: Sure I ___________________ some time after 3 o’clock. Let’s talk then. 3. A: Margo, it’s me. ___________________ you getting ready? B: Yeah A: What are you ____________________ ? B: _____________________ wearing my green Steelica t-shirt. A: Cool. Me, too. 67 4. A: Are you _____________________dinner? B: No, _____________________ watching TV. A: But honey, the Johnsons ___________________ coming at 6:30. B: Don’t worry. I’ll order pizza. A: _______________________ your dad at home? B: Yeah A: Can I _______________________ to him? B: No. A: Why not? B: _____________________ taking a nap. 5. 4. What Are You Doing These Days? Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the verbs into the correct form of Present Progressive. Sarah: Brian! How nice to see you! What _______________ (you / do) these days? Brian: I _______________ (train) to be a supermarket manager. Sarah: Really? What’s it like? _______________ (you / enjoy) it? Brian: It’s all right. What about you? Sarah: Well, actually, I _______________ (not / work) at the moment. I _______________ (try) to find a job but it’s not easy. But I’m very busy. I _______________ (decorate) my apartment. Brian: _______________ (you / do) it alone? Sarah: No. Some friends of mine _______________ (help) me. 68 5. Holiday Plans (Fun with Grammar, Unit 43) Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to find the missing information in the following table. Student A Name: Amanda Smith Destination: Destination: Australia Travel plans: Travel plans: Name: Peter Brown Departure date: 14 July Date of departure: Length of stay: 3 weeks Length of stay: 6 weeks Plans while on Plans while on visit Alice Springs holiday: holiday: see a kangaroo go surfing Student B 1. Name: Peter Brown Name: Destination: Sweden Destination: Travel plans: by boat Travel plans: by air Departure date: Date of departure: 22 August Length of stay: Length of stay: Plans while on visit Stockholm Plans while on holiday: see an elk holiday: meet a nice girl 69 Amanda Smith UNIT 5. GADGETS & DEVICES 5.1. Describing Things 1. WORD POWER What’s a Hamburger? A. How quickly can you match the words and the descriptions? bill ___ cup___ office___ ice-cream___ salt___ microphone___ bus ___ hotel___ hairbrush___ scissors___ trees ___ perfume___ boat___ soap___ envelope___ suitcase___ clip___ correcting fluid___ 1. Something that makes you cool. 10. A place where you can stay overnight. 2. A thing that is useful when you travel. 11. A room that has a desk, a computer, etc. 3. A liquid that makes you smell nice. 12. A big vehicle with seats. 4. Stuff (that) you put on food. 13. They are used for cutting paper. 5. A thing (that) you tidy your hair with. 14. You can travel across water in it. 6. Something (that) you put a letter in. 15. Very big plants, birds live in them. 7. A thing (that) you speak into. 16. You have to pay it. 8. Stuff for washing with. 17. Liquid used for correcting mistakes. 9. A thing for drinking out of. 18. You use it to join papers together. B. Match the descriptions with the names of the objects. 1. disk a. a tool that’s used to make holes in hard materials. 2. drill b. something you buy to remind you of a place you’ve visited. 3. map c. a piece of paper you can use to prove that you’ve bought something. 4. diaper d. something you put on babies to keep them dry. 5. plug e. something sharp that is used for shaving. 6. razor f. a drawing that shows you where different places are. 7. receipt g. a small round object that stops the water going out of a basin or bath. 8. souvenir h. something you use to fix a number of pieces of paper together. 9. typewriter i. a thing you use to store computer programs and word-processing files? 10. stapler j. a machine you use for typing. 70 USEFUL LANGUAGE It’s a kind of gadget / device / spoon. What is it? It’s a sort of gadget. It’s liquid / stuff for washing. What do you call it in English? What’s it called? It is called a frying pan. What does it look like? It looks like a spoon. What size is it? It’s big / small. long / short / tall / narrow / wide / flat. What shape is it? It’s round / square / oval / rectangular / triangular. pointed. What color is it? It’s red / green / blue / black / white / brown / orange / yellow / purple How much does it weigh? It weighs 70 kg. How much does it cost? It costs $60. What is it made of? What are they made of? It’s wood / plastic / glass / paper They are made of metal / gold / silver silk / wool / cotton / leather What is it used for? What are they used for? How long is the warranty/ It’s used They are 1 year. guarantee? 71 for opening doors. to open doors. 2. What Does It Look Like? (P2P-1, U.3, p.22 CD 1 T. 29) Fu-an: Marlene…? I can’t find the what-do-you-call-it. Marlene: What can’t you find? Fu-an: You know. The thing for …, it’s on the tip of my tongue! Marlene: What does it look like? Maybe I can help you find it. Fu-an: It’s a long, narrow, flat thing made of plastic. Marlene: OK. What color is it, and what’s it used for? Fu-an: It’s green, and you use it for drawing straight lines. Marlene: Fu-an! You mean a ruler! It’s in the box next to the telephone. Fu-an: Oh, yeah, ruler! That’s what it’s called! Thanks Marlene. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. 3. Containers (P-I Tech Talk SB p. 73) Complete the table with words and phrases from the list. Think of more words to add to the table. metal (2) plastic cloth fizzy drinks water paper wood matches toothpaste oil container made of used for 1. bottle glass, ________ wine, _____________ 2. cup china coffee, tea 3. box cardboard ________ tools, tissues, __________ 4. sack polythene ________ sand, cement 5. bag ________ , plastic, cloth school books 6. tank ________ , plastic water, petrol 7. tube metal, plastic ointment, ___________ 8. can aluminum, tin paint, oil, food,_______ 9. barrel metal, ________ beer, wine __________ 72 4. What Is It Used For? (El Tech Talk U. 13 WB p. 42) Match the items on the left with a phrase on the right to make a sentence. 1. a compass ________ a. stick things together 2. a fan ________ b. keep you safe in a car 3. a lighter ________ c. find the way 4. glue ________ d. tighten and loosen bolts 5. a seat-belt ________ e. lift a car 6. a spanner ________ f. cool an engine 7. a saw ________ g. protect your computer 8. a password ________ h. protect your eyes 9. goggles ________ i start fires ________ j. cut wood and metal 10 a jack 5. Inventions (P2P-1, unit 3, p.24 CD 1 Track 33) Listen to people describing inventions. Write the name of each object. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. Script: 1. My invention is flat and round and has a very small hole right in the middle of it. It’s quite small. You put it in a special machine and you can listen to music on it or you can store information on it. 2. My invention is something you can’t touch. You get to it through your computer. It’s used for communicating with other people, even people thousands miles away. It’s used for sending and storing information. 73 3. My invention is made of metal and plastic. It comes in lots of colors. It makes musical noises. It’s very useful if you are on a train or in a store and you need to talk to someone far away. It’s also used for taking messages. 4. My invention is small and box-shaped. It’s usually made of metal, but sometimes metal and plastic. It uses electricity. It gets very hot and if you touch it you’ll get burned. You usually find one in the kitchen. It’s often used at breakfast time. You put bread in it. 5. My invention is made of plastic. It comes in many colors. It’s small and rectangular. It’s very thin, almost as thin as paper! It has a magnetic strip with coded data on it. It’s used in stores and in bank machines. It helps you spend your money. 6. These are very, very small and round. They are made of plastic and they are transparent. People can use them anywhere – outside, at home, when they are playing sports or swimming. They are used to help you see better. 6. What Is It? (El. Tech Talk SB p. 99) This is a puzzle. Read the descriptions. What are they? 1. 2. It’s cylindrical It’s cylindrical It’s made of plastic. It has two or more lenses. It has ink inside. It’s used to see things a long way away. It’s for writing letters. Hubble is a famous example. 74 3. 4 It’s rectangular. It’s circular It looks like a box. It’s made of steel. It uses high frequency It has teeth. electromagnetic waves. It’s used for passing power from It’s a kitchen appliance. one part of a machine to another. It’s for cooking food quickly. 5. 6. It’s rectangular It’s made of nerve tissue. It’s made of paper. It’s soft and gray. It’s kind of book. It controls how you think and move. It has words in alphabetical order. It’s in your head. 7. 8. It’s a kind of liquid. It has a hole for money, called a slot. It changes shape. It has an arm on the side. You can drink it. It has pictures that spin around. It consists of oxygen and hydrogen. It gives you money if you are lucky. 7. At the Electronic Fair (Tune in 1U. 8 p. 45 CD 2 Track 19) A. People are discussing items with sales clerks at an electronic fair. What is the special feature of each of them? Listen and check (√) the correct statement. 1. a. The cell phone uses voice dialing. ________ b. The cell phone weighs less than other phones. ________ 2. a. The camera folds up to a small size. ________ b. The camera takes beautiful photos. ________ 75 3. a. The MP3 player stores more songs than other MP3 player. ________ b. The MP3 player works under water. ________ 4. a. The TV does not need a screen. ________ b. The TV’s picture is almost as clear as a plasma TV. ________ B. Do you think the person will buy the item? Check (√) the correct column. Yes No 1. 2. 3. 4. Script 1. A: May I show you our new cell phone? It’s only $80. B: Yeah, it looks awesome. What can it do? A: Well, of course it’s lightweight like all the others, but it has one brand-new feature. Let me show you: “Andrew Choi” B: That’s amazing. So you don’t have to dial the number. You just say the name. A: Yes, you can say the name or the number, and the phone dials for you. B: Cool! I’d love to have one of those, and the price is pretty good. 2. A: This camera looks kind of big. B: True, but tiny cameras are often hard to use. This one is easy to use. And watch this. A: Wow! That’s neat. B: You see, it folds up when you’re not using it. Now it’s small enough to carry in your wallet. A: That’s a cute idea, but I’m happy with the camera I have. 76 3. A: Here’s our new MP3 player. You can store hundreds of songs on it. B: You can do that on any MP3 player. So what’s special about this one? A: Well, you can play it underwater. So you can listen to music in the shower or at the pool. B: I don’t know. Who needs to listen to music while they’re swimming? 4. A: Is this TV? B: Yes, it’s a projection TV. This box receives the TV signal and sends the picture anywhere you want, like to your bedroom or living room wall. You don’t need a TV screen. A: And what’s the picture quality like? B: It’s much better than the picture on any plasma or LCD screen. A: That’s terrific. I need a better TV, and this one could be moved from room to room. 8. It Looks Awesome! (Tune in 1U. 8 p. 45 CD 2 Tr.21) A: How long have you had that new camera? B: I bought it last month. A: It looks nice. Was it expensive? B: No, it was on sale for $30. A: Amazing! Was it made in Japan? B: No, it was made in Germany. A: Oh. B: Look. It actually unfolds to get bigger. A: Wow! That’s awesome. And how much does it weigh? B: It only weighs 200 grams. A: Cool. How long does the battery last? B: It lasts up to 50 hours. A: That’s neat. You made a good choice. 77 Give it a try Put the sentences in order to make two conversations. Conversation 1 ______ Yes, I do. It’s cool. Where did you get it? ______ Do you like my watch? ______ Really? It’s neat. How much was it? ______ That’s awesome. ______ Only $15.00 ______ I bought it at a department store. Conversation 2 ______ You can? That’s amazing! Where did you get it? ______ Yeah, it’s a Canon. It takes short videos as well as pictures. ______ Yeah, but you can fold it up and make it smaller when you’re not using it. ______ That’s neat. It’s quite big, though. ______ Hey, is that a camera? ______ At the Camera World downtown. It was half price. ______ But it was probably still quite expensive. 9. What Is Special About It? (Develop Tactics 6 p. 24) A. A salesclerk is describing things in a store. Listen and circle the correct information about each item. 1. The microwave oven __________. a. has a 3-year guarantee b. is sold in many stores c. is made in the United States 78 2. The jacket __________. a. is washable b. is made of leather c. comes in two different colors 3. The TV __________. a. is made in South Korea b. is cheaper than a regular TV c. come in two sizes 4. The watch __________. a. is made of metal b. is popular with business people c. has changeable bands B. What phrases complete each statement? Write the correct letter. 1. The microwave oven a. is reversible. 2. The jacket b. displays popular recipes. 3. The TV c. can be used for e-mail. 4. The watch d. can hang on the wall. Script 1. These microwave ovens are very popular. You won’t find them in other stores because they’re made especially for us. We import them from our factory in Mexico. They’re very well made and come with a three-year guarantee. Your receipt is your guarantee. One great thing is they only weigh ten kilos, so you can easily pick one up if you want to move it or clean it. They also have a really special feature you don’t find in other microwaves. They display popular recipes on this little screen in front. It has recipes for over 500 easy dishes. 79 2. This jacket is very strong. It’s made of nylon, so it’s very easy to take care of. It comes in six different colors. You don’t need to dry clean it. You can just throw it in the washing machine, then hang it up to dry. And let me show you something really special about it. It’s reversible. It turns inside out so you can wear it either way. See? The color inside is different from the color outside. Isn’t that great? So you really have two jackets for the price of one. 3. These new flat screen TVs are very popular nowadays. They’re not from the United States. They’re made in South Korea. They’re quite light, so you can pick them up and move them around if you want to. And the special thing about these TVs is that you can also hang them on the wall. Now that’s something you can’t do with any other kind of TV! They come in three different sizes. They’re more expensive than a regular TV, but they’re very convenient, and they look great in your house or apartment. 4. These new watches are very popular with teenagers. They’re modern and made entirely of plastic so they’re very light. Each watch comes with six different bands, so you can change the band to match your clothes. Another thing is they’re very strong. They’re also waterproof. But what’s really special is that this is not only a watch. You can use it to send and receive e-mail messages. 10. Technology and gadgets Match the questions with the answers. 1. What is it? a. 75 kilograms. 2. What’s it made of? b. It sells for around $850. 3. How much does it weigh? c. It’s made of plastic, aluminum, and some steel. 4. How much does it cost? d. It’s a personal transport system. 5. What’s it (used) for? e. The guarantee lasts two years. 6. How long is the warranty? f. It does 80 km. an hour. 7. How fast is it? g. It’s ideal for short distance commuting. 80 5.2. Instructing People to Do Things USEFUL LANGUAGE 1. Giving Instructions How do you use it? First turn it on. Then dial the number. Please show me how to use it? Next press “call “ button. tell After that wait for the answer. Finally, push the “end” button. Remember to charge the batteries. Don’t forget to pay the bill. Make sure you pay the bill. 2. Instructions 1. plug in 9. place the document 2. unplug 10. push the start button 3. turn on / switch on 11. insert 4. turn off / switch off 12. remove 5. press (the button) 13. dial 6. enter number 14. store 7. select a mode 8. type in the code / key in the code 3. Checking understanding 4. Clarifying information 1. OK so far? 1. What is that again? 2. Is that clear? 2. Could you say that again? 3. Do you follow me? 3. Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part. 4. Got it? 81 1. Vending Machine Edgar: (BASIC SURVIVAL, St., U. 14, p.14) Come on! Housekeeper: Is there a problem sir? Please don’t hit the machine again. Edgar: But this machine isn’t working! My money’s in the machine, and so is my candy bar! Housekeeper: Press ‘reject coins’. There you go. Four quarters, two dimes, and a nickel. The machine only takes quarters. Edgar: Do you have a quarter? Housekeeper: Sure. There you go. Edgar: What about my candy bar! Housekeeper: Don’t worry. Put the coins in the slot. Edgar: But it isn’t working. Housekeeper: Put them in, then select the candy. What do you want? Edgar: A chocolate bar. Housekeeper: OK. Chocolate bar. That’s ...C4. Press C then 4. There you go. Edgar: Thanks. Housekeeper: You are welcome. Edgar: Hey! This is a nut chocolate bar! I don’t like nuts. 2. How to Use a Photocopier Put these instructions for using the photocopier in the correct order. ____ Next lift the cover of the photocopier and place your document face down on the screen. ____ Finally press the "Copy" or “Start” button. Watch your copies come out on the other side. ____ After that select the appropriate size paper on the control panel. ____ Lower the photocopier cover onto the screen. ____ Next select the number of copies you want to make. ____ First, turn on the photocopier. ____ Select color or black and white if the photocopier is a color copier. ____ Allow the photocopier to warm up. 82 3. Instructions for Backing up a Computer (http://www.wikihow.com/Back-up-a-Computer) Complete the following instructions with the words below. finally First after that then next 1. ____________, decide on the proper backup media for your needs (CD, DVD, hard drives, online, or flash drives). 2. ____________, choose a back-up application (e.g., Start> Programs>Accessories> System Tools> Backup). 3. ____________, prepare your back-up device of choice. Be sure to use it just for back-up purposes. 4. ____________, open your choice of application and select the files you wish to keep. 5. ____________, start it up. 4. What’s This Thing? (Person to Person-2, Unit 7, p.54) Denise: Thanks for helping me clean out the garage. Terumi: I’m glad to do it. It’s interesting. Denise: Wow! The people in my family are real collectors! They never throw anything out. Terumi: You’re not kidding. What’s this thing? Denise: It’s an old ice-cream maker, I think. Terumi: How do you use it? Denise: Let’s see if I can remember...yeah. First, you put this metal container in the bottom of the tub. Then you fill it with ice-cream mixture made from eggs, sugar, and milk. Next you put the lid on the metal container and fill the rest of the tub with ice and salt. Terumi: What’s next? Denise: After that, you turn this handle, and keep adding salt and ice until you can’t turn the handle any more. Terumi: And then what? Denise: You open it up, and there’s your delicious homemade ice cream 83 Practice A: What’s this thing? It looks weird. B: It’s an old ice-cream maker, I think. A: _______________________________________________? B: First ______________________________. Then _______________________ Next _____________________________ After that ____________________ A: What’s next? B: Then _____________________________________ A: And then what? B: After that _______________________________________ A: Sounds ________________________________________ 5. Explaining Functions (Tech Talk SB Unit 13 p. 62) A. Here are some written instructions for programming the remote. They are in the wrong order. Write the correct number in the boxes. Programming Press TV and wait for the flashing red light. Press enter. A flashing light means programming is successful. Turn on the television. Locate the correct code in the manual. Type in the code using the key pad. 84 B. Write the numbers of the keys in the function chart Key(s) Function Key(s) Function turns the power on and off stops selects a device pauses Records increases & decreases the volume Rewinds changes the channel plays tapes, CDs, and DVDs enters numbers fast forwards Script: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: A: How do you program this remote? What do you want to control? The television? Yes. Pass it to me. I’ll do it. No, I want to do it. You have to find the right code. It’s in the manual. I already have the code. It’s 080. Ok. Turn the television on. It is on. Then press the TV button on the remote. Hold it down. Don’t release it. Ok. Can you see the light in the center at the top? Yes. It’s going on and off. Now what? Key in the code. Where? On the keypad … at the bottom. 080. Good. Press ENTER. Is the light flashing? Yes. Now what? Nothing. That’s it. We’re finished? Yes, that’s it. But that’s easy! I know. Now give me the remote. 85 6. Free Advice (Int 2 Unit 7 p. 48) Listen to people give advice about three of the things below. Complete the chart. CD Walkman in-line skates Motorbike ATM card Item camcorder personal watercraft Advice 1. 2. 3. Script 1. It’s best to use a stand when you are filming with it. If you hold it by hand, the picture is often not very steady. Be careful when you put in the battery: If you push too hard, you can actually do some damage. 2. Remember to wear protective gear whenever you use them. You can easily fall and hurt yourself. And make sure to skate on a flat surface, such a parking lot, a tennis court, or a basketball court. 3. Be sure to put it in correctly. Then punch in your secret code. Remember to press “enter”. And don’t forget to count your money before you walk away from the machine. 7. GRAMMAR FOCUS Remember To Turn It Off Be sure to turn it on. Make sure to hit the “end” button. Make sure the phone is on. (Int-2 p. 47) Remember to pay the phone bill. Don’t forget to dial the area code. Try not to talk for too long. 86 Look at these suggestions. Which ones refer to an alarm system (AS)? a cell phone? (CP) a laptop computer? (L) More than one answer is possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Try to keep it closed to protect the screen. ________ Don’t forget to write down your secret code. _________ Remember to turn it off as soon as you come into the door. ________ Try not to get it wet or the keys may get stuck. __________ Make sure to set it each time you leave home. __________ Remember to recharge the batteries before they die. __________ Be sure to turn it off before bed or a call may wake you up. __________ Don’t expose it to extreme heat or cold. _________ 8. Be Sure to Do It! Complete the tips using the phrases below. be sure don’t forget make sure try (not) remember (not) A. Tips for using a photocopier • _______________(not) to touch the screen with your fingers. • _______________ the copier is plugged in. • If the copier doesn't belong to you, _______________ you get permission to use it. • _______________ to have ink and paper in the copier before you copy something. B. Tips for backing up your computer • _______________ to keep your back-ups in a safe place. • _______________ your back-up process completes successfully before using your computer again. • Set a schedule to backup all of your important files. Just _______________ to have media ready and the computer on when it is time for backups. • _______________ not to use a computer while a back-up is in progress. • _______________ not to leave your back-up media in an environment that has a tendency to get wet or is not climate controlled. 87 UNIT 6. LOCATIONS & PLACES 1. Apartment Living (T4L-Basic, Unit 15, p. 58) People are describing their apartments. Listen and number the pictures. Script 1. A: What's your apartment like, Ken? B: It’s comfortable, but it's pretty small. It's only got one room. A: Really? Don't you have a bedroom? B: No, I sleep in the living room. A: What about your dog? B: She sleeps in the living room, too! Right next to me. 2. A: What is your new apartment like, Celia? B: It's really big. I love it. A: How many rooms does it have? B: Lots. It's got two bedrooms, a living room, and a huge kitchen and bathroom. A: Sounds great. So, when can I come and stay with you? 88 3. A: Do you like your apartment, Joe? B: Not really. It's very small. A: Really? B: Yeah, just one bedroom and a living room. A: That isn't so small. How many people live with you? B: Seven! A: Seven! Wow! 4. A: Do you live with your sister, Ellen? B: Yes, I do. A: What's your place like? B: It's nice. It's got two bedrooms, a big one and a small one. A: That’s great. B: Yes, but I've got the small one. A: Oh. 2. Where Are the Shoes? on the floor. in the box. under the bed. in front of The shoes are the wardrobe. behind the door. near the sofa. next to the armchair. between the desk and the bookcase. in the corner. above in the middle of opposite 89 the slippers on the rack. the room. the window. 3. Where’s the Newspaper? (T4L-Basic, Unit 8) Some people are asking where the items are? Listen and check (√) the correct picture. Script 1. A: Mom, have you seen my magazine? B: I think it's in the living room on top of the TV. 2. A: Now where's today's newspaper? I can't find it anywhere. B: Oh, I was reading it. It's on the sofa, between the cushions. 3. A: Do you know where the remote control is? B: Look in the living room. I think I saw it in front of the TV. A: Oh, yeah. 4. A: Where's my tennis racket? Did Dad borrow it again? I wish he'd ask me. B: I saw it in your bedroom, under your bed. A: Oh, yeah. That's right. 90 4. What are You Looking For? (P2P-1, Unit 3, p.20) Listen and complete the chart. Object Suggested location Actual location 1. 2. Script 1. A: Hey, Margo! Do you know where the scissors are? B: Aren’t they in the desk drawer? A: No. That’s the first place I looked. B: I know. I was using them in the kitchen. Try next to the telephone. A: Yeah. I’ve got them. Thanks. 2. A: What are you looking for? B: My book. I can’t find my book. A: I saw it on the coffee table this morning. B: Here it is. It was under the newspaper. Practice Asking for things 1. A: Do you know where the ________________________________ is / are? B: Is it / Are they_______________________________________________? A: No. That’s the first place I looked. B: I know. Try__________________________________________________. A: Yeah. I’ve got it / them. Thanks. 91 2. A: What are you looking for? B: My___________________. I can’t find my_____________________. A: I saw it / them _______________________________________ this morning. B: Here it is / they are. It was / They were _______________________________. 5. Decorating the New Apartment (T4L-Basic, Unit 8, ex.3) A. Pat is helping Tom decorate his new apartment Listen and write the number in the location she suggests. 1. magazine rack 3. plant stand 5. chair 7. TV 2. coffee table 4. bookshelf 6. end table 8. dinner table Script 1. A: Do you think I should put the magazine rack next to the window? B: No. Not next to the window. I’d put it in the corner next to the sofa. It’ll look nice there. 2. A: Where do you think I should put the coffee table? Should I put it next to the sofa? B: I think it’ll be better in front of the sofa. It’ll be more useful there, I think. 92 3. A: What about the plant stand? It might be nice next to the window. B: Yes, next to the window, either on the left or on the right. A: I think I'll put it on the right. 4. A: Now what about the bookshelf? It’s so big! B: Hmm. What do you think? A: How about next to the door, against the wall? B: To the left of the door? 5. A: Now I need to find a place for this old chair that my mom gave me. B: How about over there? A: You mean in front of the window? 6. A: We still have to find a place for this end table. B: Yes, where can we put it? A: How about next to the sofa, in the corner near the door? B: Yes, good. Is that okay now? 7. A: Where is a good place for the TV? B: How about in the far left corner, to the left of the window? A: Yeah, that sounds good. I'll put it there. There. How does it look? 8. A: What about the dinner table? B: Maybe we can put the dinner table against the wall, across from the sofa. In the middle of the wall. A: Across from the sofa, against the wall. Is that what you mean? 93 6. The Apartment Is Great (Interch-Intro, Unit 7 p. 46) Chris: This apartment is great! Linda: Thanks. I love it, but I really need some furniture. Chris: What do you need? Linda: I need lots of things. There are some chairs in the kitchen, but there isn’t a table. Chris: And there is no sofa here, in the living–room. Linda: And there aren’t any chairs. There’s only this lamp. Chris: So, let’s go shopping next weekend. 7. GRAMMAR FOCUS There is, there are There is a lamp in the living room. There are some chairs in the kitchen. There’s no sofa in the living room. There are no chairs in the living room. There isn’t a table in the kitchen. There aren’t any chairs in the living room. 1. I don’t have a table in the kitchen. = There is no table in the kitchen. 2. I have some chairs in the kitchen. 3. I have a stove in the kitchen. 4. I don’t have a refrigerator. 5. I have some curtains on the windows. 6. I don’t have any rugs on the floor. 7. I have a TV in the living room. 8. I don’t have a wardrobe in the bedroom. 94 8. Places (Inter-1, Unit 8) Match the words and the definitions. What’s a … ? It’s a place where you … . 1. barber shop _____ a. keep your money 2. laundromat _____ b. wash and dry clothes 3. library _______ c. buy medicine 4. stationery store _____ d. buy food 5. travel agency ______ e. buy cards and paper 6. grocery store ______ f. stay overnight 7. theater _________ g. have soft drinks and snacks 8. bank _____ h. get a haircut 9. coffee shop ______ i. see a movie or a play 10. drugstore ______ j. make reservations for a trip 11. gas station ______ k. get gas for a car 12. hotel ______ l. borrow books 9. The Neighborhood (Inter-1, Unit 8 p. 50) Jack: Excuse me, I’m your new neighbor, Jack. I just moved in Woman: Oh, yes? Jack: I’m looking for a grocery store. Are there any around here? Woman: Yes, there are some on Pine Street. Jack: Ok. And is there a laundromat near here? Woman: Well, I think there’s one across from the shopping center. Jack: Thank you. Woman: By the way, there’s a barber shop in the shopping center, too. Jack: A barber shop? 95 10. There is, there are; one, any, some Is there a laundromat near here? Prepositions Yes, there’s one across from the shopping center. on No, but there’s one next to the library. next to Are there any grocery stores around here? near / close to across from / opposite nearby? in this area? in this neighborhood? in front of behind between Yes, there are some on Pine Street. on the corner of No, but there are some on Third Avenue. around the corner Take turns asking and answering questions about the places like these in your neighborhood. a bookstore a gym Sorry, I don’t know. dance clubs drugstore I’m not sure, but I think … a coffee shop Of course. There’s one … movie theaters Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself. a music store a pay phone stationery stores a theater a bank a post office the police station 96 REFERENCES 1. Church Nancy, Moss Anne. How to Survive in the USA. Cambridge University Press, 1996. 2. Cotton David, Falvey David, Kent Simon. Market Leader. Pearson Education Limited, 2005. 3. Dinnen Bob, Flinders Steve, Sweeney Simon. English 365 – 2. Cambridge University Press, 2004. 4. Dobson Julia M. Dialogs for Everyday Use. United States Information Agency, 2000. 5. Harding Keith, Henderson Paul. High Season. English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry. Oxford University Press, 2003. 6. Harding Keith. Going International. English for Tourism. Oxford University Press, 2003. 7. Jones Leo, Alexander Richard. New International Business English. Cambridge University Press, 1996. 8. Ockenden Michael. Situational Dialogues. Longman, 1987. 9. Richards Jack C. Person to Person. Starter. Oxford University Press, 2006. 10. Richards Jack C. Tactics for Listening. Basic. Oxford University Press, 2003. 11. Richards Jack C. Tactics for Listening. Developing. Oxford University Press, 2003. 12. Richards Jack C. Tactics for Listening. Expanding. Oxford University Press, 2003. 13. Richards Jack C., Bycina David, Wisniewska Ingrid. Person to Person – 1. Oxford University Press, 2005. 14. Richards Jack C., Bycina David, Wisniewska Ingrid. Person to Person – 2. Oxford University Press, 2005. 97 15. Richards Jack C., O’Sullivan Kerry. Tune In – 1. Oxford University Press, 2006. 16. Richards Jack C., O’Sullivan Kerry. Tune In – 2. Oxford University Press, 2006. 17. Richards Jack C., O’Sullivan Kerry. Tune In – 3. Oxford University Press, 2006. 18. Scott Trish, Revell Rod. Highly Recommended. English for the Hotel and Catering Industry. Oxford University Press, 2004. 19. Situational American Spoken English. Shandong University Press, 2008. 20. Viney Peter. Basic Survival. International Communication for Professional People. Heinemann, 1996. Internet Resources: 1. Greetings at the airport. URL: http://www.cycnet.com.cn/englishcorner/ speaking /greeting1.htm (30.08.2009) 2. Hilton Baltimore. URL: http://www1.hilton.com/en_US/hi/hotel/BWICCHHHilton-Baltimore-Maryland/index.do (30.08.2009) 3. Hotel check-in. URL: http://www.esl-lab.com/checkin/checkinsc1.htm (30.08.2009) 4. Mohammad U. Farooq. Exploring the Effectiveness of Spoken English Classes of Japanese EFL Learners. URL: http://library.nakanishi.ac.jp/kiyou/gakugei(3) /03.pdf (30.08.2009) 5. Shopping for the day. URL: http://www.esl-lab.com/shop1/shoprd1.htm (30.08.2009) 6. Ordering coffee. URL: http://www.handoutsonline.com/handouts/theme /ordering_coffee.pdf (15.05.2009) 98 ©Амурский государственный университет, 2012 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………….…………………………...…….3 UNIT 1. MEETING PEOPLE.……………………………...……4 UNIT 2. WHAT’S YOUR JOB?..………....................................26 UNIT 3. SPARE TIME…………… ….......................................44 UNIT 4. TALKING ABOUT SCHEDULE…….........................64 UNIT 5. GADGETS & DEVICES…….……….........................70 UNIT 6. LOCATIONS & PLACES…….……..........................88 REFERENCES ……………………. ……………….................97 Татьяна Анатольевна Гудкина, доцент кафедры иностранных языков № 2 АмГУ; Алёна Александровна Литвинская, ассистент кафедры иностранных языков № 2 АмГУ; Екатерина Петровна Нестерова, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков № 2 АмГУ. Let’s Get Started. Практикум.
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