April 2015 The Principal’s Corner! ESTABLISH EQUIP EVALUATE ENGAGE Greetings Parents, I hope that everyone enjoyed the spring break. It was a great time for families to spend quality time together and bond. As we move into the spring months I would like for us to focus on the theme of “Finishing Strong”. Through out this school year we have experienced many challenges and even more successes and celebrations. As we move forward with the end in mind, I would like to constantly remind others and myself that we are committed to continuing the work until the end. Although the PARCC assessment has come to an end, we still have other standardized test to complete. Even when those are over, we are still responsible for providing quality instruction to all children until the last day of school. We greatly appreciate your involvement and support as parents. We ask that you finish strong with that support and involvement. As a Prince Georges County Public Charter School, the students at Imagine Andrews in grades 2-7 took the SRI assessment (Scholastic Reading Inventory). The scores were very impressive and the comparison to other PGCPS schools was even more impressive. Please see below: Grade Level % Pro-icient or Advance Comparison to other PGCPS Schools 2nd Grade 88% 2nd grade scores rank #4 out of 140 schools in PGCPS. 3rd Grade 84% Scores similar to other schools in PGCPS 4th Grade 81% 5th Grade 87% 6th Grade 73% 4th grade scores rank number 8 out of 56 other PGCPS Area 2 schools. All but two of those schools are TAG or Montessori schools. 5th grade scores rank 7th in PGCPS. Almost all of the schools above IA are specialty schools. 6th grade scores are in the top 15. The majority of those schools are specialty schools. Kudos to the Imagine Andrews teachers and students for the teaching and learning that takes place daily! Kudos to you as parents who support the education of your children! Regards, H. D. Rice II April 2015 Mrs. Erin Nauman Named Teacher of the Year, Imagine Andrews and… Here is what her colleagues say about her… Academic Growth Parent Choice Provides students support during recess daily Character Development Economic Sustainability Shared Values School Development Provides decision making opportunities for students Facilitates school-wide professional development training National Board Certified …is a nominee for Prince George’s County Public Schools Teacher of the Year Sixteen PGCPS teachers have been nominated for the 2015 Prince George's County Teacher of the Year award. Congratulations to all these outstanding educators! The winner will be announced on April 23 during the school district's gala PGC Teacher of the Year celebration at Martin's Crosswinds in Greenbelt. 2015 Nominees Stephen Biller, Beacon Heights ES Pauline Brown, William Paca ES Michelle Campbell, James E. Duckworth Regional Valerie Dent, SurraCsville HS Brenda Durant, Fort Washington Forest ES Nadine Gaujean, Walker Mill MS Susan Holmes, Judith P. Hoyer Montessori Samantha Kornegay, Allenwood ES Laurie Koronowski, John Hanson Montessori Erin Nauman, Imagine Andrews PCS Chukwuemeka Nwokorie, Walker Mill MS Dana Olfus, Benjamin Tasker MS Danielle RiChaler, Bowie HS Renee Roth, Tulip Grove ES Kiesha Tate, Tayac Academy Kimberly Wilson, Accokeek Academy YAY! 2 April 2015 EARTH DAY Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. We are challenging the entire Imagine Andrews community to take a moment to be grateful for all that the Earth provides us. Access this website to find ideas as to what you can do to make our environment safe, clean, and positively environmentally sound. Mark Your Calendars FINAL DECISION MADE: Prince George's County Public Schools has determined that April 2, 1015 is not an official school day (2-hour early dismissal) for staff and students. As you know, seven days have been missed this year due to inclement weather. Our school calendar had four inclement weather make-up days scheduled: June 18, 19, 22, 23, 2015, leaving us with three additional days to address. Today, the Maryland State Board of Education granted a waiver for two of the three days. The following outlines how we will adjust the calendar to accommodate the days missed: View the PGCPS 2014-15 school calendar online at: www1.pgcps.org/communications/ index.aspx?id=190935 Third Quarter Report Cards Released on Wednesday, April 15 April 2 has been converted into an instructional day with a two-hour early dismissal for students. Spring Break, April 3-10, for students and teachers is not affected. Inclement weather make-up days will be June 18, 19, 22, and 23. On June 22, school will dismiss two-hours early for students. June 23 is the last day for students and school will dismiss two-hours early. The last day for teachers is June 24. Summer? World View Super Summer Camp 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Ages: 3-14 $115/weekly Free Registration Week (during Spring Break) For more information: www.worldviewchristiancenter.com 301-372-0053 3 April 2015 To read more about the purpose access: http://www.dodea.edu/dodeaCelebrates/ MilitaryChild/2014.cfm New Signs on Campus Have you noticed the new signs in the parking lot? Please obey the new one way signs or you could be ticketed by security forces. We hope this will keep the traffic pattern flowing with ease. 4
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