US005563361A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Kondo et al. [45] [54] ‘ AUTOMATIC ACCONIPANINIENT APPARATUS [75] Inventors; Masao Kondo; Shinichi Ito; Hiroki 5,563,361 Date of Patent: Oct. 8 3 1996 5,220,122 6/1993 Shibukawa .............................. .. 84/669 5,403,967 4/1995 Takano 5,410,098 4/1995 5,412,156 5/1995 Ikeda et a1. ......................... .. 84/637 X Ito 84/613 . . .. ... .. . . . . . . .. 84/613 Nakazono, all of Hamamatsu, Japan [73] Assignee: Yamaha Corporation, Shizuoka-ken, Japan Prima')’ Examiner—winiam M- ShOOP’ Jr Assistant Examiner-Jeifrey W. Donels Attorney, Agent, or Firm—-R0ssi & Associates [21] Appl. No.: 252,095 [22] Filed: [30] May 31, 1994 [57] Foreign Application Priority Data M1213; ' In an automatic accompaniment apparatus in which a source pattern produced on a basis of a predetermined chord is ?g: """"""""""""""""""""" " ’ '' ' ' ' ' ' ABSTRACT memorized so that a tone pitch information of the source '''" pattern is converted in tone pitch in accordance with an input [51] Int. Cl.6 GlOH 1/38;G10H 7/00 chord designated by a player, a tone pitch conversion [52] [58] U.S. Cl. ........................ .. 84/637; 84/613; 84/616 Field of Search ............................ .. 84/613, 616, 637, 34/654, 669 information is fonncd in accordance with an attribute of the tone pitch information and the input chord, and the tone pitch information is converted on a basis of the tone pitch conversion information. [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,216,188 6/1993 Shibukawa .............................. .. 84/637 /4 11 /q KEYBQARD / 2:52P“ ‘ it ACCOMPANIMENT PATTERN MEMORY MEMORY TABLE MEMORY TABLE MEMORY ( ROM) ( ROM) ( ROM) I PROGRAM MEMORY ( RAM) ( ROM) 3 f /9 g’ggggE —> \ 2 * CPU <—> \ 1 7 ATBL(STP,NT) STP TYPE1 CLASSIFICATION TABLE PITCH NAME (NT) I CC#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B Maj c1nsnc2nnc3nsnn 7-—9 c3nc1nnsnc4snc2n OF CHORD 2O 233%; i: WORKING MEMORY \ \ 6 12 NOTE CONVERSION i: RHYTHM PATTERN / CLASSIFICATION i ( ROM) \ 16 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets TIMER 10 US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 2 of 18 5,563,361 Fig.2 ATBL (STP,NT) STP PITCH NAME (NT) i TYPE1 CLASSIFICATION TABLE CC#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B Maj c1nsnc2n'nc3nsnn 7—9 c3nc1nnsnc4snc2n OF CHORD 20 Fig .3 (A) NT|'( O,TP,NT) TP PITCH NAME (NT) L TYPE FOR CHORD TONE (cl) (CHORD BACKING) CC#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B 1 Maj 2o 7_9 0-1—2-3-47e54321 OF CHORD 210-1-2-3-47 654 3 Fig . 3 (B) NTI'( 5, TP, NT) TP PITCH NAME (NT) L TYPE FOR CHORD TONE (BASS) OO#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B 1 Mai 0-1210-110—1~221 20 7-9 o1o-1—221o-1101 OF CHORD US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 3 of 18 5,563,361 Fig .3 (C) NTT( 6, TP, NT) FOR SCALE TONE (5) TP PITCH NAME (NT) i TYPE CC#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B 1 Mali 0 —1 0 20 7-9 0 ~10 —1o—1 1 0 —1 O ~10 -11 OF CHORD —1 1 0 O —1 O —~1 Fig.3 (D) NTI'( 7. TP, NT) FOR NON-SCALE TONE (n) PITCH NAME (NT) TP ) TYPE CC#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B 1 Maj _1 0 0 0 _1 20 7-9 ~1 0—1 0 0 0 0 —1 0 0 0 0 -1 o 0 -1 0 OF CHORD 0 o U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 5,563,361 Sheet 4 of 18 Fig.4 @ INITIALIZATION CHORD DETECTION SOUND/MUTE RT <--ROOT OF- CHORD TP (-TYPE OF CHORD S6 No ON-EVENT OF PATTERN INPUT SWITCH + Yes INPUT ACCOMPANIMENT PATTERN AND RHYTHM PATTERN (PATTERN No.i) SR INPUT CHORD OF ACCOMPANIMENT PATTERN SRT(i)<— ROOT OF CHORD STP(i) (—-'I'YPE OF CHORD r oN-EvENT OF ., PATTERN SELECTION SWITCH - Yes PTN (- SELECTED PATTERN N0. No ON-EVENT OF START/STOP SWITCH ' i Yes INVERT "RUN" No Yes RESET TIMING CLOCK OTHER PROCESSING I US. Patent 0a. 8, 1996 Sheet 5 of 18 Fig.5 C INTERRUPTION 3 READ OUT DATA FROM /s22 RHYTHM PATTERN [ PHT<—0 }/S'23 READ ouT DATA IN PART PRT OF ACCOMPANIMENT PATTERN NO - ' /S24 S25 REGENERATIVE DATA? IKC<~1<EY CODE FOR SOUND GENERATION 1/828 No Yes S2D2\ TONE-"PITCH CONVERSION (BASS) /S201 TONE-PITCH CON VERSION (CHORD) OUTPUT KEY-ON SIGNAL, KEY CODE KC & PART NUMBER PRT OUTPUT KEY-‘OFF SIGNAL & PART NUMBER PRT 'l‘O SOUND SOURCE TO SOUND SOURCE * PRT<~PRT+1 N0 }/ $204 $205 Yes couNT TIMING COUNTER l/szoe 5,563,361 U.S. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 7 of 18 5,563,361 TONE-PITCH CONVERSION ( CHORD) NT<—(KC-SRT(PTN)V) mod12 /S51 ATRB<—ATBL( STP( PTN) ,NT) /S52 Y ATRB: cj ATRB = s ATRB= n ; AT<-j —1 AT+—6 AT<—7 NT<~—(KC-RT) mod12 C /653 /~°*54 D<— NTT( AT,TP,NT) /$55 KC<— KC+D /S56 RETURN ) US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 8 of 18 5,563,361 Fig .9 SCTBL( MD,TP,DG) MD=O( Major DG AV SCALE TABLE ) ,TP=O( Major FREQUENCY SCHL OF ROOT AV S ) 0 l O Ionian 5 |v 1 Lydian 8 bVl 2 Lydian OTHER FFH _ CALE NAME INDEFINI'I‘E I Fig .10 AVSCHL ( SCHL,NT) NT 0 1 SCHL C 0 2 CLASSIFICATION TABLE 3 4 5 6 7 s C1$D D?E F FgpG c n , s n c n n c n 1 C n S n C n n C n 2 c n c n n s n c s 9 G?A s 10 A?B n n S n n n c n Fig .1 1 NTT ( 0, NT ) CHORD TONE (C) PITCH NAME (N'I‘) c0110 DitEF 0-1-2 --3—4 FgGGgA A?B 6 2 5 4 3 11 US. Patent ‘ Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 9 of 18 5,563,361 Fig. 12 RSSCHL ( TP, NT) CLASSIFICATION TABLE PITCH NAME (NT) TP l CC#DD#EFF#GG#AA#B TYPE1Maj cnsncnncnsnn OF CHORD 20 7—9 US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 10 of 1s } 5,563,361 Fig. 13 @ ON-EVENT OF PATTERN INPUT SWITCH? No MEMORIZE PERFORMANCE OF ACCOMPANIMENT /T4 PATTERN/RHYTHM PATTERN (PATTERN NO. i) INPUT CHORD OF ACCOMPANIMENT PATTERN SRT(i) <- ROOT OF CHORD STP(i) £- TYPE OF CHORD /T5 INPUT TONALITY OF ACCOMPANIMENT PATTERN SS(i, Q)<—‘I'ONALITY TONIC SS(i, l)<—TONALITY MODE 0N -EVEN TONALITY SETTING sw Yes TN+INPUT 'I‘ONALITY TONIC /T7 MD<-INPUT TONALI'I‘Y MODE AUTOMATIC FORMATION OF /T8 NOTE CONVERSION TABLE I'NTT' T9 ON-EVENT OF TONALITY DETECTION MODE SWITCH ? T10 INVERT "TNMD" / US. Patent 0a. 8, 1996 Sheet 11 of 18 5,563,361 Fig.14 @ T11 ON-EVENT OF No PATTERN SELECTION SWITC '7 SELECTED PATTERN NO. /T 12 T13 ON-EVENT OF NO START/STOP SWITCH Yes INVERT "RUN" /T14 T15 No Yes RESET TIMING CLOCK f OTHER PROCESSING /T16 /T17 US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 12 of 18 5,563,361 Fig.15 C KEY EVENT /T23 CHORD DETECTION SOUND / MUTE RT <—ROOT OF CHORD TP <——TYPE OF CHORD AUTOMATIC DETECTION T26 OF TONALITY + TN <— TONALITY TONIC MD <— TONALITY MODE T27 + AUTOMATIC FORMATION OF NOTE CONVERSION TABLE "NTT" C RETURN /T28 US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 13 of 18 5,563,361 Fig.16 C AUTOMATIC FORMATION OF "NTT" ) T31 Yes No DG+~ ( RT—TN +12 ) mod12 W32 Jr SCHL<—SCTBL( MD, TP, DG) T33 T35 T37 ' Yes /T38 FORMATION OF "NTT' FOR CHORD TONE FORMATION OF "mm" FOR SCALE TONE \.T301 FORMATION OF "NTT" FOR NON-SCALE TONE NOTE<—NOTE+1 N0 }/T3°3 T304 Yes AT+—AT+1 No T305 T306 Yes Q RETURN US. Patent Oct. 8, 1996 Sheet 17 of 18 5,563,361 Fig .20 NO READ OUT DATA FROM /T72 RHYTHM PATTERN I PRT A0 l/T73 READ OUT DATA FROM PART PRT OF AccOMPANIMENT PATTERN /T74 NO REGENERATIVE DATA? KEY CODE FOR SOUND GENERATION + TONE-PITCH cONvERsION + /T79 /T701 /T77 OUTPUT KEY-ON SIGNAL. KEY-OFF SIGNAL & KEY CODE KC & PART NUMBER PR'I’ TO sOUND SOURCE PART NUMBER PR'I' TO sOUND SOURCE | PHT<—PRT+1 No Q T702 T703 Yes L cOUNT TIMING COUNTER @ |/T7°4 5,563,361 1 2 AUTOMATIC ACCOMPANIMENT APPARATUS an attribute of the tone pitch information of the source pattern; means for forming a tone pitch conversion infor mation in accordance with the attribute and the input chord; and tone pitch conversion means for converting the tone pitch information on a basis of the tone pitch conversion information. According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided an automatic accompaniment apparatus in which a BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an electronic automatic source pattern produced on a basis of a predetermined chord is memorized so that a tone pitch information of the source accompaniment apparatus for harmonizing automatic accompaniment with performance of a player on a basis of pattern is converted in tone pitch in accordance with an input a preliminarily memorized accompaniment pattern and/or an chord, the accompaniment apparatus comprising input accompaniment pattern selected by the player. 2. Description of the Prior Art In a conventional automatic accompaniment apparatus of this kind, various kinds of accompaniment patterns are memorized in accordance with each style of musical tune such as rock music, country music or the like. In operation of the accompaniment apparatus, an accompaniment pattern is selected from the memorized accompaniment patterns by operation of a player to automatically harmonize the selected accompaniment with an input chord applied from a keyboard. In general, the accompaniment patterns each are means for inputting a tonality information; determination means for determining an attribute of the tone pitch infor mation of the source pattern; means for producing a tone pitch conversion information on a basis of the attribute, the input chord and the tonality information; and tone pitch conversion means for converting the tone pitch information 20 According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided an automatic accompaniment apparatus in which a source pattern produced on a basis of a predeter composed of a set of tone pitch data indicative of each tone mined chord is memorized so that a tone pitch information of the source pattern is converted in tone pitch in accordance pitch of accompaniment tones and timing data indicative of a sound timing. The tone pitch data is represented by key-codes on a basis of predetermined chords such as C Major or the like and is produced as a source pattern taking into account of tone pitch conversion effected in accordance with the type and root of the input chord. In operation of the 30 accompaniment apparatus, the key-codes of the source pat tern are converted in tone pitch in accordance with the type 35 as a note conversion table in accordance with the type of the production means for producing a second tone pitch con version information on a basis of the attribute and the input of the source pattern on a basis of the ?rst and second tone pitch conversion information. 40 data is read out from the note conversion table in compliance with the type of the input chord and calculated as the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Additional objects, features and advantages of the present key-code of the source pattern to obtain a suitable accom paniment pattern in accordance with the type of the chord. The accompaniment pattern includes, however, omamen detection means for detecting a tonality of the performance information; determination means for determining whether the tonality has been detected or not; ?rst production means for producing a ?rst tone pitch conversion information on a chord when the tonality has not been detected; and tone pitch conversion means for converting the tone pitch information input chord to convert the source pattern in tone pitch in compliance with the type of the input chord. Thus, the shift with an input chord, the accompaniment apparatus compris ing input means for inputting a performance information; basis of the attribute, the input chord and the tonality information when the tonality has been detected; second of the input chord applied from the keyboard, and all the converted tone pitches are shifted in accordance with the root of the input chord to produce an accompaniment tone at a tone pitch harmonized with the input chord. In addition, the shift data of the key-codes is memorized of the source pattern on a basis of the tone pitch conversion information. 45 tal tones other than the chord constituent notes. It is, therefore, required to convert the ornamental tones in tone invention will be more readily appreciated from the follow ing detailed description of a preferred embodiment thereof when taken together with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an electronic musical pitch in accordance with the kind of the accompaniment instrument provided with an automatic accompaniment pattern in order to obtain an optimal accompaniment pattern. apparatus in accordance with the present invention; As a result, a producer of the pattern is forced to produce the 50 FIG. 2 illustrates an example of a classi?cation table note conversion table for each source pattern or each kind of adapted to the accompaniment apparatus; accompaniment patterns for effecting the tone pitch conver FIGS. 3(A) to 3(D) each illustrate a note conversion table; sron. FIG. 4 is a ‘flow chart of a main routine of a control SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 55 program to be executed by a central processing unit shown in FIG 1; It is, therefore, a primary object of the present invention to provide an electronic automatic accompaniment appara tus wherein it is not required to produce the note conversion table for each source pattern. According to the present invention, the primary object is accomplished by providing an automatic accompaniment FIG. 5 is a ?ow chart of an interruption routine of the program; FIG. 6 is a ?ow chart of a subroutine for tone pitch conversion of a chord pattern; FIG. 7 is a ?ow chart of a subroutine for tone pitch conversion of a base pattern; FIG. 8 is a ?ow chart of a modi?cation of the subroutine apparatus in which a source pattern produced on a basis of a predetermined chord is memorized so that a tone pitch information of the source pattern is converted in tone pitch 65 shown in FIG. 6; in accordance with an input chord, the accompaniment FIG. 9 illustrates an example of an AV scale table adapted apparatus comprising determination means for determining to a modi?ed control program;
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