state street & brooksedge boulevard WALNUT ST CHARACTER TYPES STATE STREET (North, Walnut to Schrock) Proposed North State Street is intended to be… ACRES % Mixed-Use Employment Center 3 74 95% Parks and Open Space 4 5% Suburban Employment Center 11 8% Transitional Corridor 3 2% Mixed-Use Employment Center 3 86 63% Neighborhood Center 1 36 27% N3: Suburban Living 1 1% Suburban Employment Center 185 99% STRATEGIC AREA •An extension of Uptown in character, with increasing intensity transitioning to the south. •Walkable and well connected to the surrounding neighborhoods by increasing/updating sidewalks, crosswalks and other infrastructure to improve access to this area for biking and walking. CHARACTER TYPE South State St Total: 78 acres North State St Total: 137 acres DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES OR IDEAS Brooksedge •Remove single family residential zoning to allow for multi-family opportunities along State Street; focus on neighborhood scale (1-3 story) mixed use development. This will enable multi-family to be located above shops and stores. OTTERBEIN A V E Total: 186 acres E ST T A T NS BROOKSEDGE Brooksedge is intended to be… •A more walkable business park, through the addition of sidewalks on all streets. •Strategically redeveloped, based on opportunities for strategic infill and redevelopment (overall building pattern intensity will be the same). CHERRINGTO N RD DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES OR IDEAS •Infill and redevelopment could be in the form of light industrial, business mix and services for employees (places to eat, grab a coffee etc.) •Transit service? SCHROCK RD HUBER VILLAGE BLVD STATE STREET (South, Schrock to Heatherdown) South State Street is intended to be… I-71 •Higher density integrated mixed use, with primary uses being office-supporting retail and services on first floor and office or residential on upper floors. •A Gateway from the highway, with good visibility from the highway it is the first impression of Westerville. •Access managed, with consolidated, well designed connections to State Street. LEGEND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES OR IDEAS •More restaurants and regional amenities along State Street at the interstate. Transition Corridor Neighborhood Center 2 Suburban Employment Center Mixed-Use Employment Center 3 Mixed-Use Employment Center 5 Parks and Open Space 0 Brooksedge Natural Areas Water Bodies Westerville City Boundary Existing Streets Proposed Streets Bikeways [
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