FRAM Science Days, 10-11th November 2015 Fram Centre, Tromsø

FRAM Science Days, 10-11th November 2015
Fram Centre, Tromsø, Norway
“Multi-stressors in the Arctic Marine Ecosystem”
The Arctic Ocean and its adjacent seas and coasts are currently undergoing unprecedented changes
reflected in summer sea ice decline, warming, increased Atlantic water heat transport, freshening,
retreat of glaciers, and ocean acidification. These changes are affecting the chemical and physical
environment such as stratification, nutrient availability, air-sea gas exchange and light conditions.
Consequently, these changes will impact the primary and secondary production and subsequently
the whole marine ecosystem.
The 1st FRAM Science Days, taking place the 10-11th November 2015 in Tromsø, northern Norway,
focus on the theme “Multi-stressors in the Arctic Marine Ecosystem”, and presents some of the
research that have been performed during the first four years in the Fram Centre flagships
This year the organizing flagship programs are: “The Ocean Acidification”,” Coast and Fjord”, and
“The Arctic Ocean” and will take place in Tromsø, northern Norway at the Fram Centre. Invited
keynote speakers will introduce and describe several aspects of the occurring changes in the
biogeochemical processes and the marine ecosystems in the Arctic Ocean, and in the transition
zones such as the Barents Sea and high north coastal systems.
The conference includes sessions to encourage and stimulate discussions. Topics will include effect
and trends in ocean acidification, potential changes in the advection of water masses, increased
freshening and glacial melt water input, air-sea CO2 interaction, warming, changing sea ice, landocean interaction and impacts on the marine ecosystems in a changing climate.
Some research questions to be addressed in the talks and posters:
What are the major changes in the Arctic Ocean with consequence for the marine ecosystem?
Is the Arctic freshening? And what are the consequences of a fresher Arctic Ocean on the
Will the vanishing summer sea ice cover have consequences for the ecosystem?
Are there likely changes on the primary and secondary production?
How will fish and higher trophic levels respond to multiple environmental stressors?
Do we have evidence for northward mass migration of benthos, fish, mammals, birds?
Discussion sessions:
Observations: Changes in the physical and chemical environment? Do they really have
significant impact on valuable marine life, or does resilience rule?
While scientists objectively observe changes in the ecosystem, are politicians quietly waiting
for the catastrophe to happen?
Is it possible to detect ocean acidification traits from all other multiple stressors on the
marine ecosystem?
How do we find time to monitor changes in the ecosystem, in a scientific world where more
time is spent on competition than on finding suitable indicators?
Registration fee: There is no registration fee for this event. All meals and social events are sponsored
by the Fram Centre. The conference is limited to 200 participants and registration is necessary.
Deadlines: Registration, abstract deadline and applications for Young Scientist FRAM travel grant is
the 10th of October in 2015 on the following link:
Conference chairs and organizers:
Melissa Chierici (IMR and Fram Centre, Flagship leader “Ocean Acidification”)
Lis Jørgensen (IMR and Fram Centre, Flagship leader “Coast and Fjord”)
Laura de Steur (NPI and Fram Centre, “The Arctic Ocean”)
Jo Aarseth (Fram Centre, Flagship coordinator)
Helge Markusson (Fram Centre, outreach coordinator)
The Fram Centre is the short name for FRAM - High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment. The Fram Centre is based in
Tromsø, and consists of scientists from 20 institutions involved in interdisciplinary research and outreach in the fields of natural science,
technology and social sciences. We contribute to Norway’s sound management of the environment and natural resources in the north –
and we aim at excellence in said management. With scientific research as our foundation, we communicate knowledge to management
authorities, the business communities and the general public. The centre contributes to strengthening the connection between research
and education. The Fram Centre is an important arena nationally as well as internationally, and contributes with inputs on climate-related