The Marine Biome By Alyssa Hope

Marine Biome
By Alyssa Hope
Geographical Location
• It is the largest of all the biomes covering
three fourths of the earth's surface.
Includes all bodies of water that are salty,
such as oceans.
There are 7 major oceans in the marine
biome and smaller bodies known as gulfs
and bays.
Rainfall in the Marine Biome
• More than half of the rain that falls on the
planet earth, fall over the marine biome.
• The average annual rainfall for the Atlantic ocean
is 1034 mm. Compared to the Pacific, the Atlantic
is much drier and has less extreme values.
• The average temperature for all Marine
Biomes is about 39°F (4°C).
The sun warms the surface of the water
and deep down it is cold.
Physical Features - Landscape
• There are many mountians and valcanos under
the water.
It just blue open water with lands to boarder
around it .
There are colorful coal reefs and different
kinds of creatures.
Physical Features
• Mollusks, fish, whales, crustaceans,
bacteria, fungi, sea anemones.
• Home to the blue whale – the biggest
animal on earth.
• Most marine mammals have blubber to
survive in the cold water.
• Marine plants live in the euphotic zone of the ocean
because they need energy from the sun for photosynthesis.
Over 1 million species of plants and animals have been
discovered in the oceans, and scientists say there may be as
many as 9 million species we haven't found yet.
Algae -One type of marine algae is kelp. It provides shelter
and food for a lot of sea creatures.
Phytoplankton-tiny plants that serve as food for many of
the ocean creatures from the smallest of fish to large
Food Chain
• Phytoplankton is the first level of our food
chain, followed by the zooplankton, which
feeds on the phytoplankton.
Zooplankton are eaten by krill, fish which
all go on to be eaten by big fish, penguins,
seals, walruses and whales.
Without phytoplankton, all of the oceans
animals would die. All animals in the ocean
depend on plankton for survival.
Food Chain
Water Cycle of Marine Biome
• The water is evaporated
from the ocean and then is
turned into water vapor and
then percipitation. It then
rains on the other biomes
and eventually ends up back
in the oceans. At this point
the whole process starts
again. The marine biome is
important to the earth cause
it provides it with 70% of its
Interesting Facts
• The sea otter has close to 1,000,000 hairs per square
inch . Most humans have 10 times LESS on their
Kelp and Phytoplankton make about 50% of our
20 people could stand on the Blue Whale's tongue.
There is one cup of salt per gallon of water.
The deepest point on earth is the Mariana Trench it is
36,200 feet deep. This is deeper than the tallest