~··t'· ;':'" ~i~ REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSНlPS ТО FOREIGN STUDENTS According to the Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Act for the Organization and Operation of the State Administration ("Official Gazette" br.58(00, 44(02, 82(08, 167(10 and 51(11),Article 49 of the Law оп students standard ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" по. 15(13, 30(13 and 120/13) and Article 1 ofthe Rulebook оп awarding scholarship for foreign students from nationalities which are of interest to the Republic of Macedonia ("Official Gazette" br.169/13). the Ministry of Education and Science of The Republic of Macedonia announces this СаН for Applications for fuH undergraduate scholarships. for the academic 2015/2016, at the University of Information Science and Technology "St Paul the Apostle" in Ohrid. Republic ofMacedonia (www.uist.edu.mk) The scholarships are available to outstanding students. not older than 22 years old who wish to pursue undergraduate studies in one of the foHowing programmes: (1)Faculty of Communication Networks and Security (CNS); (2) Facиlty ofComputer Science and Engineering (CSE); (3)Faculty ofInformation Systems, Visualization, Multimedia and Animation (ISVMA); (4)Faculty of Information and Communication Science (ICS) (5)Study Program ofDigital Business Informatics (DВl) (6)Faculty of Applied П, Machine Intelligence and Robotics (АПМIR) and (7)Study Program of E-Government, Е-Business and E-Culture. One [иН scholarship will Ье awarded to а candidate from each of the eligible countries: Republic of Azerbaijan, People's Democratic Republic of AIgeria, Republic of Angola, Republic of Armenia, United АсаЬ Emirates, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federative Republic of Brazi1, Republic of Burundi, Republic of Cameroon, People's Republic of China, Republic of Croatia. Czech Republic, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Estonia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Gabonese Republic, Republic of Ghana, Georgia, State of Israel, Republic of India. Republic of Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Kazakhstan, State of Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Republic of Latvia. Lebanese Republic, Republic of Lithuania, Malaysia. Кingdom of Morocco, Republic of Moldova, Mongolia, Republic of Namibia, Sultanate of Oman, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, State of Palestine, Portuguese Republic, Republic of Poland, State of Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Кingdom of Saudi Arabia, Slovak Republic, Republic of Slovenia, Кingdom of Spain, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, United States of America, Кingdom of Thailand, United Republic of Tanzania, Tunisian Republic, Republic of Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Hungary, Zambia and Organization of American States. The scholarship provides for: r. [иН tuition fees; ilisa and residence permit fees :~eturn air fare [rom the applicant's Ьоте СОLшtГJ: • • accommodation and food (full board) at the University's dorm "Nikola Karev" in Ohrid, the Republic of Macedonia; а monthly allowance of 5,000 MKD (approximately 82 EUR); The deadline for submission of applications is July 31, 2015 ~У'·":litаtidь:"~rcrlldЙ~ ,..рр ',' '",. Р."<._ .. "-'"' ..... АН prospective students should note that the application process will Ье ореп until 31.07.2015. Candidates are required to submit an online application, which will Ье available оп the official schoJarship web site of the Ministry of Education and Science, www.stipendii.mon.gov.mk and www.mon.goy.mk from 20.02.2015 or submitted in hard сору, or electronically, to the respective Ministry of Education of the applicant's home country. АВ students must send scanned copies of the required documents and the Application form to the foBowing e-таН: [email protected] ~еq~i~'~(d.аttЙli~Цt~ То compJete the application, foJlowing original documents: • • • • f> the candidates are required to provide electronic copies from the Application Form Official high school diploma or certif1cate (where аррНсаЫе); Official transcripts; Proof of English prof1ciency. АВ students whose f1rst language is not English are required to provide evidence that their spoken and written command of the English language is appropriate for the programme they are applying. The required evidence тау take the form of either: 1. Substantial education (minimum 15 months) conducted in English and undertaken по more than two years prior to the date of enrolment 2. Acceptable English language qиalif1cation or test resиJt. The qиalif1cation or test resиlts mиst have been awarded по more than two years prior to the proposed date of enrolment. Accepted results are: -Grade С or better in English Langиage at GCSE / GCEO - Grade С or better in English First Language at IGCSE -Grade В or better in English Second Language at IGCSE -An overaJl band of 6.5 or better in IELTS -А score of 550 or better in the paper-based TOEFL (213 for compиter-based. 80for internet-based) -Sиbscores of 550 or better in Critical Reading and 550 or better in Writing in SAT -Grade 4 or better in the Нigher Level English Langиage (В Syllabus); or grade 5 or better in the Standard Level English Language (В SyJlabus); or grade 4 or better in the Нigher or Standard Level English Language (А1 or А2 SyBabus); or grade 4 or better in the Standard LeveJ English - Text and Performance; or grade 4 or better in the Standard Level English Literature and Performance (А1syBabиs) at International Baccalaиreate Off1cial document certifying the candidate has по criminal convictions and is not иnder criminaJ investigation at the moment of application. Candidates shoиld note that 'N'ith the '7xception to some countries, these are t'A./O separate docиments; • • • Official general medical report, including medical tests for НIV and Hepatitis С; Ап electronic сору of the Passport which must Ье valid for the next 4 calendar years; In addition, as part of the application, the candidates are required to summit contact details from two academic professors/teachers, who will provide letters of recommendation for the candidate. The candidates are advised to notify the professors ahead oftime, in order for the references to Ье submitted within the application deadline. Both letters are confidential. In case they are sent as hard сору documents, they must Ье sent in а sealed envelope, signed Ьу the originator of the reference across the seal. All sиbтitted docитeпts тиst Ье iп Eпglish от certjfied traпslatioпs iп Eпglish. Candidates should submit their application together with аН supporting documents to the foHowing address: Ministry for Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia Saints Cyril and Methodius Street, NO.54 1000 Skopje Republic ofMacedonia ;д.:аdititшт!ffff6:1ff~i:rЬfi~ :,~.: ••.•.••••• • • • • • • • • ~,- •••• ,.- •••• ,'."':."-,,~,.:,,~ ••. y. ""·.,·~:.'M .•·'"'''''''''''''''''''' Applicants who have not completed their high school education Ьу Мау 1, 2015 тау receive а conditional offer for admission pending their high school diploma. Successful applicants must finalise their high school studies and submit their transcript and diploma по later than July 31,2015; The selection process wi11 Ье implemented Ьу а five-member committee appointed Ьу the Minister for Education and Science ofthe Republic ofMacedonia; Successful applicants wi11sign а contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia. The contract will stipulate that the scholarship provides funds for the first academic year and subsequently for the rest of the three years of the undergraduate studies, provided that the student ends the first year of studies with satisfactory success rate; The students are encouraged to return to their home country after the completion of their studies; Official language of the programmes is English and courses are held Ьу distinguished 10саl and internationallecturers; Programme Outline and Course Overview are included in the annexes of this СаН and are available оп the website of the University of Information Science and Technology "St Paul the Apostle": http://www.uist.edu.mk/Academics IBachelors: Additional information regarding the University and the programmes is available оп the website of the University of Information Science and Technology "Saint Paul the Apostle": http://www.uist.edu.mk. General information about the City of Ohrid. the UNSECO protected city that hosts the University сап Ье found at: http://www.exploringmacedonia.com, www.ohrid.com.mk, www.ohrid.gov.mk. Ci9:ht.~~J For аН additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. ВЩапа Zafirovska, phone: +389 2 3227761 and e-mail: Ыliапа.zаfjrоvskаф)mоп.gоv.mk. ANNEX 1: APPLICATION FORM scholarship for studying at University ofinformation science and technology Paul" -Ohrid photo "Saint Apostle DETAILS OF ТНЕ APPLICANT FIRST NAME(S) FAMILYNAME о male GENDER DATE OF BIRTH Please use format dd/mm/yvyy о female NATIONALIТY PASSPORT NUMBER and date of expiry ADDRESS с !ТУ POSTALCODE I TELEPHONE including country and city codes email Please Name and location ofthe ive а short description ofyour secondary school school Туре of the school (gymnasium. vocational) Knowledge of English language Faculty and study programme Teaching language Duration (years) Grade obtained (level or type of certificate) уои wish to study at the University ofInformation Science and Technology Please state brief1y why уои are applying for the scholarship, and indicate both what уои expect from it and how it would benefit your career and your country (500 words) Please indicate the extracurricular activities уои have taken part off (latest first) DETAILS OF ТНЕ ACADEMIC REFEREE Please provide contact details of the person that has provided уои with the Recommendation Letter IMPORTANT NQTE: The letter of recommendation is confidential. In case it is sent Ьу hard сору, the document must Ье sent in а sealed envelope, signed Ьу thc referee across the seal. In case it is sent online, the documents must Ье e-mailed Ьу the referee himselfjherselfwith subject stating the applicant's пате. In this section please provide brief details of the referee. FIRST NAME(S) FAMILYNAME ТITLE NAМEQFTHE INSПТUТION ADDRESS (ofthe institution) • POSTAL CODE CIТY and COUNTRY TELEPHONE inclиding coиntryand citycodes E-MAIL DETAILS OF ТНЕ ACADEMIC REFEREE Please provide contact details of the person that has provided уои with the Recommendation Letter IMPORTANT NOTE: The letter of recommendation is confidential. In case it is sent Ьу hard сору, the docиment mиst Ье sent in а sealed envelope, signed Ьу the referee across the seal. In case it is sent опНпе, the docиments mиst Ье e-mailed Ьу the referee himself/herselfwith sиbject stating the applicant's пате. In this section please provide brief details of the referee. FIRST NAME(S) FAМILYNAME TIТLE NAMEOFTHE INSТITUTION ADDRESS (ofthe institиtion) CIТY and COUNTRY POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE E-МAIL iпclиding coиntry and citycodes I ceгtifythat the statements made Ьу те in answer to the foregoing questions аге true, complete and correct. DАТЕ: SIGNATURE:
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