Immanuel Lutheran Church & University Student Center 2104 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, Kansas 66049-2722 (785) 843-0620 ♦(785) 843-1576 (fax) [email protected] website: A Stephen Ministry Congregation Sunday of the Passion Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 Pastor: Rev. Randall L. Weinkauf Worship Services at 8:30AM & 11:00AM Sunday School & Bible Classes (all ages) at 9:45AM Our Mission: To share God’s love in Jesus Christ by word and deed. We Warmly Welcome You to Our Worship Services: We welcome all visitors and pray that our worship will provide an opportunity for you to experience God’s love. We invite you to return and share in our mission and ministry for our Savior. Attendance Registration Books: Please fill out the attendance registration book found in the hymnal holders on the backs of the pews and chairs. Print neatly using complete name and address. Pass it down your row; after everyone has filled it out, return it to the center isle to be collected by the ushers. Holy Communion: We proclaim that the body and blood of Christ are present with the bread and wine in the Sacrament for the forgiveness of sins and recommitment of our lives. Those able to examine themselves, accept Jesus as their Savior, confess their sins, and acknowledge his true presence in the Sacrament are welcome to partake. Holy Communion is offered with both common and individual cups (8:30 AM). If you desire the common cup, wait for the server to bring it. The common cup is filled with wine. The individual cups also have wine, except for the inner ring of cups in the serving tray, which hold white grape juice. Gluten-free wafers are available. If you have questions, please speak to the Pastor. If you would like assistance to the altar during communion, speak to an usher. Nursery and Infant Care Rooms: Nursery care is available for children under four years of age from 8:15am – 12:15pm on first floor; take south elevator from narthex to first floor. The Infant Care Room with a changing table and rocker is located in Classroom 13 on the sanctuary level (second floor). Additional changing tables are available on the sanctuary level in the family and men’s restrooms, in the women’s restroom located across the hall from the Nursery in the lower level, and women’s restroom on the same floor as the Activity Center. Sunday School: Visitors: If you are visiting today and your child would like to attend Sunday school, please bring the child to Rooms 14 and 15, east of the sanctuary where they will be directed to the appropriate classroom. Fellowship Between Services: Please join us for refreshments and socializing in the Activity Center. Thank you! Special Needs: Visual: Large print service folders services are available. Worship service folders are available in Braille upon request. Hearing: Hand held amplification receivers with ear pieces are available at the usher's table. Deaf and Hard of Hearing attendees of the early service are encouraged to follow the American Sign Language (ASL) translation of the liturgy as provided by volunteers of the parish's Deaf Ministry. Mobility: Spaces in the center aisle next to the short pews in the sanctuary are reserved for wheelchairs, scooters and seated walkers. In addition, two wheelchairs are available for use in the building. One is located on first floor of the west accessible entrance near the elevator; the second is located in the coat rack of the narthex near the sanctuary. Please ask an usher to assist you if needed. 2 INTRODUCTION The first and second readings and psalm are the same this Sunday every year: Christ empties himself of divine power and protection, willingly becoming vulnerable to those who strike him and put him to death. With Christ we lament his suffering and all human suffering, but expect God’s final vindication. Mark’s passion story begins with an unnamed woman anointing his head, perhaps to proclaim him Messiah, and Jesus saying she has anointed him beforehand for burial. Mark’s Easter story will begin with women going to anoint Jesus for burial, only to find that he has been raised, God’s living Anointed One. PRELUDE “Les Rameaux” (The Palms)—Jean Langlais “Jesus, in all his glory, entered Jerusalem, where the multitude greeted him enthusiastically, crying out: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel! Hosanna in the highest!” PALM SUNDAY PROCESSION WITH PALMS Those who wish to join the procession, please gather in the narthex and the two hallways running north and south. Stand OPENING SENTENCES P: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. C: Hosanna in the highest. HOLY GOSPEL—Mark 11:1-11 P: The holy gospel according to Mark. C: Glory to you, O Lord. When [Jesus and his disciples] were approaching Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden; untie it and bring it. If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ just say this, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here immediately.’” They went away and found a colt tied near a door, outside in the street. As they were untying it, some of the bystanders said to them, “What are you doing, untying the colt?” They told them what Jesus had said; and they allowed them to take it. Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it; and he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields. Then those who went ahead and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” 3 Then he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple; and when he had looked around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve. P: The gospel of the Lord. C: Praise to you, O Christ. BLESSING OF PALMS P: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you. P: Let us pray. We praise you, O God, for redeeming the world through our Savior Jesus Christ. Today he entered the holy city in triumph and was proclaimed messiah and king by those who spread garments and branches along his way. Bless these branches and those who carry them. Grant us grace to follow our Lord in the way of the cross, so that, joined to his death and resurrection, we enter into life with you; through the same Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. C: Amen. PROCESSIONAL HYMN “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” [Tune: Valet will ich dir geben, LSB 442] Refrain All glory, laud, and honor to you, redeemer, king, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring. You are the king of Israel and David's royal Son, now in the Lord's name coming, our King and Blessed One. Refrain The company of angels are praising you on high; creation and all mortals in chorus make reply. Refrain The multitude of pilgrims with palms before you went. Our praise and prayer and anthems before you we present. Refrain To you, before your passion, they sang their hymns of praise. To you, now high exalted, our melody we raise. Refrain Their praises you accepted; accept the prayers we bring, Great author of all goodness, O good and gracious King. Refrain Words: Theodulph of Orleans, c. 760-821. Tr. John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt. Public domain. Music: Melchior Teschner, 1584-1635. Public domain. P: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. C: Hosanna in the highest. 4 PRAYER OF THE DAY INTRODUCTION P: As we now enter into the contemplation of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and meditate on the salvation of the world through his sufferings, death, burial, and resurrection, let us pray. PRAYERS OF THE DAY P: Everlasting God, in your endless love for the human race you sent our Lord Jesus Christ to take on our nature and to suffer death on the cross. In your mercy enable us to share in his obedience to your will and in the glorious victory of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. C: Amen. P: Almighty God, we praise you for your servant Hans Nielsen Hauge, through whom you have called the church to its tasks and renewed its life. Raise up in our day teachers and prophets inspired by your Spirit, whose voices will give strength to your church and proclaim the reality of your reign, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. C: Amen. Sit IMMANUEL RINGERS “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”—arr. by Barbara B. Kinyon SERVICE OF THE WORD FIRST READING—Isaiah 50:4-9a (Please see back page of this worship folder.) The image of the servant of the Lord is one of the notable motifs in the book of Isaiah. Today’s reading describes the mission of the servant, whom early Christians associated with Jesus. Like Jesus, the servant does not strike back at his detractors but trusts in God’s steadfast love. After the reading: A: The word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God. PSALMODY—Psalm 31:9-16 P: Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; C: my eye wastes away from grief, my soul and body also. P: For my life is spent with sorrow, C: and my years with sighing; P: my strength fails because of my misery, C: and my bones waste away. 5 P: C: P: C: P: C: P: C: P: C: I am the scorn of all my adversaries, a horror to my neighbors, an object of dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me. I have passed out of mind like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel. For I hear the whispering of many— terror all around!— as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life. P: C: P: C: P: C: But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors. Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your steadfast love. (NRSV) P: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; C: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen SECOND READING—Philippians 2:5-11 (See back page of this worship folder.) Christ did not act to attain status and glory but was obedient to God even to the point of death. Following Christ’s example, we do not seek personal status or glory but care for others as God cared for us in Christ’s death. After the reading: A: The word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God. THE PASSION OF OUR LORD ACCORDING TO MARK The passion story in Mark’s gospel presents Jesus as one who dies abandoned by all. He shows himself to be the true Son of God by giving his life for those who have forsaken him. HYMN VERSE Hymn 440 “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now,” stanza 1 P: The holy gospel according to Mark. C: Glory to you, O Lord. 1. Jesus Anointed by the Woman (14:1–11) It was two days before the Passover and the festival of Unleavened Bread. The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him; for they said, “Not during the festival, or there may be a riot among the people.” 6 While he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very costly ointment of nard, and she broke open the jar and poured the ointment on his head. But some were there who said to one another in anger, “Why was the ointment wasted in this way? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii, and the money given to the poor.” And they scolded her. But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has performed a good service for me. For you always have the poor with you, and you can show kindness to them whenever you wish; but you will not always have me. She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for its burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is pro-claimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her.” Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. When they heard it, they were greatly pleased, and promised to give him money. So he began to look for an opportunity to betray him. 2. Celebration of the Passover and Institution of the Lord’s Supper (14:12–26) On the first day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb is sacrificed, his disciples said to him, “Where do you want us to go and make the preparations for you to eat the Passover?” So he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you; follow him, and wherever he enters, say to the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher asks, Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ He will show you a large room upstairs, furnished and ready. Make preparations for us there.” So the disciples set out and went to the city, and found everything as he had told them; and they prepared the Passover meal. When it was evening, he came with the twelve. And when they had taken their places and were eating, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” They began to be distressed and to say to him one after another, “Surely, not I?” He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the bowl with me. For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that one by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that one not to have been born.” While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, and all of them drank from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly I tell you, I will never again drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” When they had sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. HYMN VERSES Hymn 618 “I Come, O Savior, to Your Table,” stanza 1 Hymn 619 “Thy Body, Given for Me, O Savior,” stanza 1 7 3. Prediction of Peter’s Denial (14:27–31) And Jesus said to them, “You will all become deserters; for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.” Peter said to him, “Even though all become deserters, I will not.” Jesus said to him, “Truly I tell you, this day, this very night, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.” But he said vehemently, “Even though I must die with you, I will not deny you.” And all of them said the same. 4. Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane (14:32–42) They went to a place called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” He took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be distressed and agitated. And he said to them, “I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and keep awake.” And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. He said, “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want, but what you want.” He came and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep awake one hour? Keep awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And once more he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy; and they did not know what to say to him. He came a third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? Enough! The hour has come; the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Get up, let us be going. See, my betrayer is at hand.” HYMN VERSE Hymn 436 “Go to Dark Gethsemane,” stanza 1 5. Judas’ Betrayal and the Arrest of Jesus (14:43–52) Immediately, while [Jesus] was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, arrived; and with him there was a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders. Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard.” So when he came, he went up to him at once and said, “Rabbi!” and kissed him. Then they laid hands on him and arrested him. But one of those who stood near drew his sword and struck the slave of the high priest, cutting off his ear. Then Jesus said to them, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest me as though I were a bandit? Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not arrest me. But let the scriptures be fulfilled.” All of them deserted him and fled. A certain young man was following him, wearing nothing but a linen cloth. They caught hold of him, but he left the linen cloth and ran off naked. 8 6. Jesus’ Trial before the Council (14:53–65) They took Jesus to the high priest; and all the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes were assembled. Peter had followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest; and he was sitting with the guards, warming himself at the fire. Now the chief priests and the whole council were looking for testimony against Jesus to put him to death; but they found none. For many gave false testimony against him, and their testimony did not agree. Some stood up and gave false testimony against him, saying, “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.’” But even on this point their testimony did not agree. Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer? What is it that they testify against you?” But he was silent and did not answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus said, “I am; and ‘you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power,’ and ‘coming with the clouds of heaven.’” Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “Why do we still need witnesses? You have heard his blasphemy! What is your decision?” All of them condemned him as deserving death. Some began to spit on him, to blindfold him, and to strike him, saying to him, “Prophesy!” The guards also took him over and beat him. HYMN VERSE Hymn 440 “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now,” stanza 2 7. Peter’s Denial (14:66–72) While Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant-girls of the high priest came by. When she saw Peter warming himself, she stared at him and said, “You also were with Jesus, the man from Nazareth.” But he denied it, saying, “I do not know or understand what you are talking about.” And he went out into the forecourt. Then the cock crowed. And the servant-girl, on seeing him, began again to say to the bystanders, “This man is one of them.” But again he denied it. Then after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter, “Certainly you are one of them; for you are a Galilean.” But he began to curse, and he swore an oath, “I do not know this man you are talking about.” At that moment the cock crowed for the second time. Then Peter remembered that Jesus had said to him, “Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept. HYMN VERSES Hymn 437 “Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed,” stanzas 1 and 2 8. Jesus before Pilate (15:1–15) As soon as it was morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council. They bound Jesus, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate. Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” He answered him, “You say so.” Then the chief priests accused him of many things. Pilate asked him again, “Have you no answer? See how many charges they bring against you.” But Jesus made no further reply, so that Pilate was amazed. 9 Now at the festival he used to release a prisoner for them, anyone for whom they asked. Now a man called Barabbas was in prison with the rebels who had committed murder during the insurrection. So the crowd came and began to ask Pilate to do for them according to his custom. Then he answered them, “Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?” For he realized that it was out of jealousy that the chief priests had handed him over. But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release Barabbas for them instead. Pilate spoke to them again, “Then what do you wish me to do with the man you call the King of the Jews?” They shouted back, “Crucify him!” Pilate asked them, “Why, what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Crucify him!” So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas for them; and after flogging Jesus, he handed him over to be crucified. HYMN VERSE Hymn 439 “O Dearest Jesus, What Law Have You Broken,” stanza 1 9. Jesus Mocked and Crucified (15:16–32) Then the soldiers led him into the courtyard of the palace (that is, the governor’s headquarters); and they called together the whole cohort. And they clothed him in a purple cloak; and after twisting some thorns into a crown, they put it on him. And they began saluting him, “Hail, King of the Jews!” They struck his head with a reed, spat upon him, and knelt down in homage to him. After mocking him, they stripped him of the purple cloak and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him. They compelled a passerby, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus. Then they brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means the place of a skull). And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh; but he did not take it. And they crucified him, and divided his clothes among them, casting lots to decide what each should take. It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him. The inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of the Jews.” And with him they crucified two bandits, one on his right and one on his left. Those who passed by derided him, shaking their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!” In the same way the chief priests, along with the scribes, were also mocking him among themselves and saying, “He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Messiah, the King of Israel, come down from the cross now, so that we may see and believe.” Those who were crucified with him also taunted him. HYMN VERSES Hymn 451 “Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted,” stanzas 1 and 2 10. The Death of Jesus (15:33–41) When it was noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. At three o’clock Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” When some of the bystanders heard it, they said, “Listen, he is calling for Elijah.” And someone ran, filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a stick, and gave it to him to drink, saying, “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to 10 take him down.” Then Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. Now when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was God’s Son!” There were also women looking on from a distance; among them were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. These used to follow him and provided for him when he was in Galilee; and there were many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem. HYMN Hymn 425 “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” 11. Jesus’ Burial (15:42–47) When evening had come, and since it was the day of Preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself waiting expectantly for the kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate wondered if he were already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he had been dead for some time. When he learned from the centurion that he was dead, he granted the body to Joseph. Then Joseph bought a linen cloth, and taking down the body, wrapped it in the linen cloth, and laid it in a tomb that had been hewn out of the rock. He then rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where the body was laid. P: The gospel of the Lord. C: Praise to you, O Christ. HYMN VERSE Hymn 450 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded,” stanza 5 Stand PRAYER OF THE CHURCH P: Led by Christ in our journey of repentance and moved by his compassion, let us pray for the church, those in need, and all of God’s creation. A brief silence After each petition: P: Lord, in your mercy, C: hear our prayer. 11 P: Into your hands, gracious God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Savior. C: Amen. Sit GATHERING OF OFFERINGS OFFERTORY RECEIVING OF OFFERINGS GATHERING OF ATTENDANCE SHEETS (All members, visitors, and guests are asked to sign the red Record of Fellowship and return it to the end of the row.) Stand OFFERTORY PRAYER P: Let us pray. God our provider, you have not fed us with bread alone, but with words of grace and life. Bless us and these your gifts, which we receive from your bounty, through Jesus Christ our Lord. C: Amen. SERVICE OF THE SACRAMENT PREFACE P: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you. P: Lift up your hearts. C: We lift them to the Lord. P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C: It is right to give our thanks and praise. PROPER PREFACE P: It is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise to you, almighty and merciful God, through our Savior Jesus Christ; whose suffering and death gave salvation to all. You gather your people around the tree of the cross, transforming death into life. And so, with Hans Nielsen Hauge and all renewers of the church, with all the choirs of angels, with all the faithful of every time and every place, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: 12 SANCTUS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER P: You are indeed holy, almighty and merciful God. You are most holy, and great is the majesty of your glory. You so loved the world that you gave your only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. We give you thanks for his coming into the world to fulfill for us your holy will and to accomplish all things for our salvation. In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me. 13 For as often as we eat of this bread and drink from this cup, we proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Remembering, therefore, his salutary command, his life-giving passion and death, his glorious resurrection and ascension, and the promise of his coming again, we give thanks to you, O Lord God Almighty, not as we ought but as we are able; we ask you mercifully to accept our praise and thanksgiving and with your Word and Holy Spirit to bless us, your servants, and these your own gifts of bread and wine, so that we and all who share in the body and blood of Christ may be filled with heavenly blessing and grace, and, receiving the forgiveness of sin, may be formed to live as your holy people and be given our inheritance with all your saints. To you, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory in your holy church, now and forever. C: Amen. LORD’S PRAYER C: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. INVITATION TO COMMUNION P: Come to Christ, broken and poured out for you. Sit 14 DISTRIBUTION HYMNS Choral anthem “Lamb of God” Words: Nicolaus Decius, 1531; tr., Arthur T. Russell Music: German Chorale, 1540; arr. F. Melius Christiansen Hymn 438 Hymn 420 “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth” “Christ, the Life of All the Living” Stand POST-COMMUNION BLESSING P: The body and blood of our Lord strengthen and preserve you steadfast in the true faith to life everlasting. C: Amen. POST-COMMUNION PRAYER P: Let us pray. Merciful God, accompany our journey through these forty days. Renew us in the gift of baptism, that we may provide for those who are poor, pray for those in need, fast from self-indulgence, and above all that we may find our treasure in the life of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. C: Amen. BENEDICTION P: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. C: Amen. CLOSING HYMN Hymn 550 “Lamb of God” POSTLUDE Improvisation on “Lamb of God” 15 COMMEMORATIONS FOR THE WEEK March 29—Hans Nielsen Hauge, renewer of the church, died 1824 Hans Nielsen Hauge was a layperson who began preaching about “the living faith” in Norway and Denmark after a mystical experience that he believed called him to share the assurance of salvation with others. At the time, itinerant preaching and religious gatherings held without the supervision of a pastor were illegal, and Hauge was arrested several times. He also faced great personal suffering: his first wife died and three of his four children died in infancy. March 31—John Donne, poet, died 1631 This priest of the Church of England is commemorated for his poetry and spiritual writing. Most of his poetry was written before his ordination and is sacred and secular, intellectual and sensuous. He saw in his wife, Anne, glimpses of the glory of God and a human revelation of divine love. In 1615 he was ordained and seven years later he was named dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. By that time his reputation as a preacher was firmly in place. In his poem “Good Friday, 1613. Riding westward,” he speaks of Jesus’ death on the cross: “Who sees God’s face, that is self life, must die; What a death were it then to see God die?” April 4—Benedict the African, confessor, died 1589 Born a slave on the island of Sicily, Benedict first lived as a hermit and labored as a plowman after he was freed. When the bishop of Rome ordered all hermits to attach themselves to a religious community, Benedict joined the Franciscans, where he served as a cook. Although he was illiterate, his fame as a confessor brought many visitors to the humble and holy cook, and he was eventually named superior of the community. A patron saint of African Americans, Benedict is remembered for his patience and understanding when confronted with racial prejudice and taunts. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS From Sundays and Copyright 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #44406. New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 16 Please Join a Bible Study Group: Tuesdays: + 4th Tues., LWML Women’s Bible Study, 7:00PM - Rm 205 Thursdays: + 9:30 a.m., “The Story” — Rm 205 Saturdays: + 8:00 a.m., Men’s Bible Study: “The Book of James”- Rm 205 *Sunday Morning (10:00AM) - Adults/Students/Youth: + Adults - “Our Suffering Savior” - AC + Youth - IFLY Bible Studies – Rm 105 + iROCC - Middle Schoolers’ Class - Rm 205 * BIBLE CLASSES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL RESUME APRIL 12. PLEASE PLAN TO JOIN US! PLEASE JOIN US TODAY AT 11:00 A.M. IN THE ACTIVITY CENTER FOR LUNCH AND FELLOWSHIP. ALL ARE WELCOME! SERVING IN THE LORD’S HOUSE TODAY The Youth will assist in our worship today. Please thank them for their service. Preaching: Rev. Randy Weinkauf Organist: Sharon Hettinger Special Music: Jaycie Thaemert Elders: Jake Lahm & Scott O’Neal and Laura Crabtree (assistants) Ushers: Jackson Thaemert, Blake Jopp, Marek Koch, & Meredith Shaheed Greeters: Jakob Busch, Garrett Durr, Lydia Storm, & Ryan Lutz Lay Readers: Jaycie Thaemert & Marek Koch Prayers of the Church: Derry Ferrell Communion Care: Jake Signor, Morgan Crabtree, & Olivia Ferguson Acolyte: Morgan Crabtree Lay Caller: Dudley Karstensen Counters: Julia Rose-Weston Nursery Attendants: 8:15-12:15 – Samantha Landgrebe CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome all students! Worship with us regularly and participate in ministries of our campus group and congregation. Speak with Pastor Weinkauf about the opportunities. JOIN US! for Holy Week Services – See the insert in today’s bulletin. Thursday Bible Studies at KU will resume Apr. 9 8pm – Alcove B, Level 3, KU Student Union LSF facebook link is at! Please be sure to put your Lawrence address and telephone number on attendance sheet 17 Prayer Requests “A Praying Church Is a Growing Church” Members/friends in retirement centers/nursing homes/at home: John Bond—Brookside, Overbrook Harold Galyardt – The Windsor Rev. Richard Kaczor– Pioneer Ridge Lois Llewellyn, Jo Lutz, Jim Schubert, Andy Siler – at home Special Prayer Requests: Boldness in our mission for Jesus to our community and world. Families to attend worship and Bible Study, and faithfully bring children to Sunday School. Protection and care for those in the military, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our ministry to students, faculty, and staff of Kansas, Baker, and Haskell Universities. For Healing: For Julie Hammer For Jim Schubert For Harold Galyardt For Andy Siler For Wiley Scott For Laura Frye, Tina Becker’s grandmother For Lee Flachsbarth For Lois Llewellyn For Elois Allan For Brian Nelson For Ethan Sturgeon For Taylor Springer For Karyn Bredehoft For Jo Lehman For Christine, friend of Paul & Angela Signor For Eric and Sara Huerter For Nicholas Courtney, friend of Marek Koch For Crystal, sister-in-law of June Floyd For Lois Capps For Scott Andersen, friend of Dudley & Charlotte Karstensen For Barb Wells, friend of Kristel Lewis For Carol Haberstock, sister of JoAnn Siler For Jan Seal, friend of Christine Frese For Bob & Kate Freeland, friends of Marty & Sheila Couchman For Jen Nigro For Pr. Don Miller’s sister, Marilyn For Kriss Miller-Kruzel For Comfort: For Marilyn Lahm and family at the death of her husband, Kenneth Lahm For friends and family of Max Dougherty at his death on March 23 For Sandra Studley and family at the death of her sister, Cindy Morrison For Rev. Eugene Schmidt at the death of his wife, Carol Elaine Schmidt For Laura Johnson, Blake & Abby, at the death of Laura’s husband Steve For Sharon Hettinger’s friend Beth Fleming, at the death of her mother For Eleanor Woodyard and family, at the death of her sister’s husband For Kenny Titus’ coworker Sharron Holiday and family, at the death of her husband Leif *Please inform the pastor when a name should be removed from the prayer list. Thank you. 18 OPPORTUNITIES THIS WEEK: Mar. 29 – Apr. 5, 2015 S=Sanctuary LL= lower level LIB=library (Rm 23) AC= Activity Center Youth/Campus Room=Rm 105 North Classroom= Rm 205 Today 29 Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday 7:55 AM Handbell Choir Rehearsal - S 9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion – S 11:00 AM Congregational 5th-Sunday Pot Luck - AC 5:00 PM Jr. Confirmation Classes – Rm 205 Monday 30 10:00 AM Tuesday Wednesday 31 1 Noon 1:00 PM 5:45 PM Faithfully Fit Forever – Fellowship Hall at Trinity (enter at SE door) Holy Week Service – S (luncheon follows in AC ) Ministry to the Blind Committee – Rm 205 Deaf Ministry – Rm 105 Noon Holy Week Service – S (luncheon follows in AC ) 10:00 AM Noon 7:45 PM Faithfully Fit Forever – Fellowship Hall at Trinity (enter at SE door) Holy Week Service – S (luncheon follows in AC ) Choir Rehearsal – music room Bible Study – Rm 205 Holy Week Service – S Holy Thursday Worship Service – S Thursday 2 9:30 AM Noon 7:00 PM Friday 3 10:00 AM Saturday 4 Sunday 5 Noon 7:00 PM Faithfully Fit Forever – Fellowship Hall at Trinity (enter at SE door) Good Friday Service-Stations of the Cross – S Good Friday Worship Service – S 8:00 AM Men’s Bible Study – Rm 205 Resurrection Sunday 7:30 to 11:30 AM Youth Serve Easter Breakfast - AC 8:30 AM Worship Service with Communion – S (no Sunday School or Bible Class – Join Us for Breakfast!) 11:00 AM Worship Service with Communion – S PARISH NOTES AND NEWS TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS are given in thanksgiving and in honor of Rev. Richard Kaczor’s birthday on March 27. in memory of Max Dougherty. We shall miss him. PRINTED COPIES Pastor Randy’s sermons for the past month are available for your taking. They are located in the plastic rack on the front corner of the table in the church entryway. 19 HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SERVICES will be held at Immanuel for members of the congregations served by the LAWRENCE AREA CLERGY (an organization of which Immanuel is a member). These services will be held Monday thru Friday — March 30, 31, April 1, 2, & 3 — will begin at noon and run approximately 30 minutes. The Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday services will be followed by a soup luncheon in the Activity Center. The luncheon will be provided by the congregation of one of our guest churches. Since the pastor of the hosting congregation generally is not asked to preach or lead liturgy for these worship services, Pastor Randy will be attending these services and sitting in the pews. Please plan to hear the Passion of our Lord in these special worship services! PARKING FOR SUNDAY SERVICES Immanuel congregation members have been granted permission to park in the KU Maintenance Department parking area (southwest of church); the KU Visitors’ Center parking area (southeast of church); or the Chiropractic office parking area (west of church) -- particularly on Easter Sunday and 5 th -Sundays of the month (when we have one service at 9:30am), but also any Sunday that our parking lot is full. On Easter Sunday, if you come for early service and plan to be here until 11:00 service or later, please park in one of the alternative areas mentioned above, so that our visitors can find spaces nearer the entrances. Thank you in advance for your love for Jesus and our neighbors who will join us. FAITHFULLY FIT FOREVER CLASS will meet at 10am (an hour earlier than usual) this coming week, on Mar. 30, Apr. 1 & Apr. 3, and with a different venue. FFF class will meet in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Lutheran Church. Please enter by southeast door. DIRECT THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS ® BY MARCH 31 Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have been designated Choice Dollars have until March 31, 2015, to direct them. Don’t miss this opportunity to recommend that Thrivent Financial provide grant funding to Immanuel Lutheran Church. Go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. If you have questions, please contact Duane Stohs, Thrivent Financial Representative at 785 -393-3820. EASTER BREAKFAST Please join the youth group for Easter Breakfast on next Sunday, April 5 th from 7:30 till 11:30am in the activity center. Bring your family and friends to enjoy pancakes, sausage, fruit and pastries. IFLY will warmly accept a free-will offering at the Easter Breakfast. Offerings will support sending youth to the summer Lutheran Valley Ranch LVR hosted in Colorado. Thanks for your support! YOUNG FAMILIES FELLOWSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY is April 12th from 5-7pm in the Activity Center. It will be a pot-luck style meal so bring an entrée and side dish to share. Child care will be available during the Bible study, just bring $2 per child to cover the cost. Plan on joining us! Any questions email Lisa Lahm at [email protected]. IMMANUEL WILL BE SERVING L.I.N.K. (Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen) meal Tuesday, April 14th. Please see the sign-up sheets to see how you might be able to help. We need people to make food as well as purchase food and/or serve that day. More than 120 people will not go hungry that day due to your generosity. Contact Richard Angeletti with any questions. SOAP COLLECTION HAS BEGUN Please bring new bars of soap in their wrappers for Lutheran World Relief. We hope to pass our goal of 200 bars. Collection will continue until October. 20 ALL INVITED TO NEXT MEN’S GROUP MEETING Immanuel's Men's Club meeting at 7 PM on April 20 will be open to all parishioners (male and female). Dessert and coffee will be served, but no meal. Come to hear a presentation by Ben MacConnell, Lead Organizer from Justice Matters, on "Building the City of God: the Nehemiah Example." If you still harbor doubts about attending the Nehemiah Action Assembly at the Lied Center on May 7, be prepared to have those doubts erased. Ben will include actual examples of just how Justice Ministry organizations in other cities have already been able to make a positive difference and why we hold such hopes for its success here in Lawrence: public education improvement in Topeka affordable housing construction in Florida restrictions on usury charged for pay-day loans in Ohio, etc. RSVP to either Marvin Bredehoft ([email protected]) or Al Kuhlman ([email protected]) by April 12 with the number of attendees in your party. The total number attending will determine which room will be used, to be announced in the April 19 parish bulletin. GOLF TOURNAMENT: The 43 rd LLL Golf Tournament is Saturday, May 2 nd, at Rolling Meadows Golf Course off Hwy 77 on Old Milford Road. The tourney will allow team members to hit the laying best ball. Start time is 9:00 AM, all individual entrants will be placed on teams. The entry fee, $65.00, includes; green fees, cart rental, lunch and prizes. Check in will begin at 8:00 AM. Entry fee is due Monday April 20 th, checks made payable to “Kansas District LLL Golf Tournament”. After expenses, all proceeds will go to the Kansas District LLL Project of which $26,000 provides financial aid to students training to do church work. Send fees and team member names to: Tim Voelker 2265 10 th Ave. Greenleaf, KS. 66943-9435. Registration forms are on the narthex table. JUSTICE MATTERS UPDATE Justice Matters is narrowing focus on solutions to childhood trauma, the incarceration of the mentally ill, and the lack of affordable housing in Lawrence. All Justice Network Members are encouraged to attend the Solutions Briefing on April 14, 2015 at Free Methodist Church at 6:45 pm to understand our findings and prepare for the Nehemiah Assembly on May 7, 2015. May justice roll down. THE LUTHERAN HOUR Your future is not a mystery. Our risen Savior is one step ahead and he leads you to eternal life. Listen to “The Lutheran Hour” next Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on radio station WIBW 580 AM (Topeka), at 8:00 a.m. on KCMO 710 AM (Mission), or at 8:30 a.m. on KLWN 1320 AM (Lawrence), as Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Gregory Seltz preaches on the topic, “One Step Ahead,” based on March 16:1-8. Or you can listen to “The Lutheran Hour” on streaming MP3 at WHEN LIFE SEEMS DREARY AND SPRING SEEMS FAR AWAY Spring may have arrived, but life can still seem cold and dreary for those who have suffered a loss or experienced a crisis. Our Stephen Ministers are trained to help people through the "winters" of life, providing emotional and spiritual support during tough times. If you or someone you know could benefit from the confidential, one-to-one Christian care of a Stephen Minister, contact Immanuel’s Stephen Ministry Leader, Pastor Randy. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you. 21 TODAY, SUNDAY OF THE PASSION/PALM SUNDAY – 9:30am Worship Service – 11:00am - 5th-Sunday Potluck March 30, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary, (luncheon follows in activity center) March 31, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary, (luncheon follows in activity center) April 1, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary, (luncheon follows in activity center) April 2, noon – Holy Week Worship Service, sanctuary 7:00pm – Maundy Thursday Worship Service, sanctuary April 3, noon – Stations of the Cross Worship Service, sanctuary 7:00pm – Good Friday Worship Service, sanctuary April 5, RESURRECTION SUNDAY (no Sunday School or Bible Classes) – 7:30 to 11:30am – Youth Serve Easter Breakfast, activity center – 8:30am – Worship Service with Communion, sanctuary – 11:00am – Worship Service with Communion, sanctuary IMMANUEL AT A GLANCE Apr. 7 – General Elections, activity center Apr. 8 – Council Reports due in the office Apr. 12, 5:00pm – Young Families Gathering, activity center Apr. 13, 5:30pm – Church Council, Room 205 Apr. 15 – Messenger articles due Apr. 16, 5:30pm – Ministry to the Blind Outreach Dinner, activity center ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK Lenten Worship Service 4 Sunday Worship, Mar. 22 Adult Sunday Bible Class OFFERINGS LAST WEEK Midweek Lenten Worship Service 4 Sunday, Mar. 22 Needed each week Overage (shortage) this year 22 59 188 60 $298.55 $4,828.81 $8,136.92 ($12,138.38) IMMANUEL’S WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/APP: f facebook immanuel lutheran church & university student center E-MAIL ADDRESSES FOR IMMANUEL AND STAFF: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HASKELL LIGHT HOUSE: [email protected] – (785) 841-4809 website: 23
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