Demystifying Employee Engagement Dr. Brenda Kowske, Senior Analyst, Human Resources Charles Goretsky, Principal Consultant Bersin & Associates HR1 Engagement at RoadAmerica 2 Engagement is Fuel for Performance 3 The Result of Engagement Highly engaged organizations have: 40% lower turnover (The Hay Group) 10% higher customer loyalty scores (Questar) 5x* higher TSR and 2x the ANI (Kenexa Research Institute) 3x higher operating income, 5x higher income growth rate, 3x higher EPS growth rate in a 12 mo period (Towers Watson) Gallup estimates disengaged employees cost U.K employers 64.8 billion USD a year in lost productivity. *Note: Multiplicatives have been rounded and are approximate. 4 By the Numbers ~71,000 57% 35% 19% of US organizations measure employee engagement1 Say “most important indicator of TM success” Say “leads to business outcomes” Of employees are “highly engaged”2 1 71% of 100,000 – the number of organizations larger than 100 employees in the US R. S., Bernthal, P., Phelps, M. (n.d.) Employee Engagement: The Key to Realizing Competitive Advantage. Pittsburg: DDI 2 Wellins, 5 Improving and Sustaining Engagement Bersin & Associates’ Definition of Employee Engagement “The passion and commitment that drive employees to devote their time and energy to work, proactively going above and beyond expectations to help their organization achieve its goals.” 7 YOUR TURN… What engages you in your work? Flip-Charting Fun 8 How Does Engagement Improve Performance? Characteristics Steps How do we improve the drivers of engagement? Hire EngagementReady Employees Leverage Organizational Drivers Engage Employees Improve Employee Performance Applicants that profile as: Organizations that have: Employees that show: Employees that achieve: Positive Confident Self-motivated Ambitious Energetic Identify with work Leadership skills Relationship with manager The job fit Culture of employee value & development Reciprocal trust Belief in mission Company loyalty Interest in work Job satisfaction Empowerment Enthusiasm Investment in work Proactivity Their goals and more Consistent timeliness Efficiency Respectfulness 9 Improve Organizational Performance Organizations that enjoy: High customer satisfaction Meeting divisional goals Achieving organizational financial goals Low turnover Sustainable Engagement Supports Agility Dynamic Business Strategy Alignment Organizational Values Alignment Strategy & Governance But sustainability and agility are created through continual change and integration Evaluate Measure Engagement Program Integrate Teach Action Planning Change Learning and Continuous Improvement Culture 10 Many organizations invest more in the measurement and reporting cycle The Steps to Improving Engagement Step 1: Priming the Culture Step 2: Strategy and Governance Step 3: Measure and Teach Step 4: Plan, Change, and Integrate Step 5: Evaluate and Refine 11 Priming the Culture STEP 1 13 Capitalizing on a Learning Culture Top 10 Key Themes Related to Engagement: In the Top 20: Engaged and committed to goals Leaders are open to “bad news” Risk-taking is rewarded Asking questions Core values govern action Decision-making Taking initiative Influence Employee opinions surveyed & acted upon Learning through mistakes Empowerment Opportunity in “Bad News” Alignment Bersin’s 40 Best Practices of High Impact Learning Cultures, 2010 14 Supporting Continuous Improvement Embedded in the work system: Feedback from the process and customer were evaluated against organizational goals. Feedback: Reflect on what works, and what isn’t working Efficiency: Identify, then reduce or eliminate of suboptimal processes. Evolution: Change through incremental, continual steps rather than giant leaps. 15 Strategy and Governance STEP 2 Strategy + Engagement Aligning engagement with strategic imperatives and organizational values Workforce planning and retention Talent segmentation 17 Align Engagement with Strategy Strategic Imperatives Sustainable Performance Contributing to Society Efficiency, Effectiveness & Business Alignment Talent Outcomes Definition Element Engaged employees are… A positive emotion only not a negative obsession with work Satisfied with their job Values family Health and well-being Happy and enthusiastic Meaningful work Passion for one’s work above and beyond satisfaction Alignment Lean workforce High-investment culture Willingness to expend discretionary effort to help the organization Loyal to their company Interested in their work Invested in, and identified by work Conscientious (hard-working, ambitious, confident, resourceful) Self-motivated High–Performance Autonomy Participative workforce Being “active” at work and going “above and beyond” Proactive Working at a level beyond expectations Empowered 18 Establishing Governance Who What Program Governance Front-Line Ownership Establishing program philosophy/goals to inform strategy Reinforcing culture Program management Taking action Executive sponsor Council Owner Coaching Supporting 19 Leaders Champions Managers Employees Measure and Teach And How Engagement Providers Can Help STEP 3 Characteristics Steps How Does Engagement Improve Performance? Hire EngagementReady Employees Leverage Organizational Drivers Engage Employees Improve Employee Performance Applicants that profile as: Organizations that have: Employees that show: Employees that achieve: Positive Confident Self-motivated Ambitious Energetic Identify with work Leadership skills Relationship with manager The job fit Culture of employee value & development Reciprocal trust Belief in mission Company loyalty Interest in work Job satisfaction Empowerment Enthusiasm Investment in work Proactivity Their goals and more Consistent timeliness Efficiency Respectfulness 21 Improve Organizational Performance Organizations that enjoy: High customer satisfaction Meeting divisional goals Achieving organizational financial goals Low turnover What is your biggest measurement challenge… …and how has it been addressed? Chat with your Neighbors 22 Common Challenges & Solutions Challenge Solution Area Bersin Resource Lack of program energy Strategic alignment Provider innovations Engagement Primer Engagement Solution Provider Review Invalid data Instrument/item validation Improve response rates Appropriate sampling Delivering Accurate Metrics Selecting Your Sample Large administration logistics Provider expertise Provider breadth/global reach Engagement Solution Provider Review Slow administration / reporting Provider technology / project management Engagement Solution Provider Review Un-actionable results Survey design & alignment Drivers analysis Reporting features 23 Engagement Primer Creating an Actionable Survey Participating Providers BlessingWhite Development Dimensions International (DDI) eePulse Thank You! Infosurv Kenexa OrgVitality Questar Data Systems Towers Watson 24 Commonly Measured Drivers Percentage who always/usually ask 89% Engagement Driver Career advancement Goal-setting and feedback 89% Recognition and non-monetary rewards 89% Training and development 89% Communication 78% Teamwork and cooperation 78% Job satisfaction 67% Leadership skills 67% Managerial skills 67% Turnover intent 67% Work-life balance and stress 67% 25 Logistics Range Average Standard build times 1 to 30 days 7.7 days Custom build times 1 to 30 days 13.9 days Time to first report 1 to 15 days 6.6 days Survey administration modes • All can do online, paper and kiosk surveys • 63% Mobile • 50% Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Geographic dispersion • 38% specialize in multi-national, +50,000 employee survey administrations 26 Teach (and Learn) Creating “dissonance” with normative comparisons (i.e., norms) • Internal - Group comparisons - Trends • External comparisons - Industry - Country - Best-in-class Instilling accountability through targeted manager reports Actionable data 27 Innovative Ideas Alignment with strategy Hiring for engagement A focus on performance Future orientation Just-in-time delivery 28 Plan, Change, Integrate STEP 4 What is your biggest obstacle to taking action and making change stick… …and how has it been addressed? Chat with your Neighbors 30 After the Survey: Provider Offerings Follow-up Data Collection Technology Training Modules Coaching Consulting Services Action planning Management development Leadership development Culture change Team-building Managing stress / WLB Career building L&D offerings assessment High-potential development Legend: = 6-7 providers offer this; = 3-5 providers; = 1-2 providers 31 Sustainability through Integration and Continuous Improvement HR Managers Leaders Selection & Assessment Succession Management On-boarding & Socialization Learning & Development Leadership Competencies & Development Performance Management Talent Management & Segmentation Change Management Capabilities 32 Integration Across the Organization Well-integrated engagement is subconscious. Acting on the drivers happens every day, in every work process, managerial encounter, and HR program. Deckers Outdoor says: “Engagement is all around – employees are emotionally connected to the organization.” 33 Evaluate and Refine STEP 5 Evaluating Employee Engagement Efforts Test the metrics for validity and reliability Assess response rate Evaluate timeliness, quality and customer service Has engagement improved? If so, which driver improvement programs had an impact, such as: • Development initiatives • Culture change efforts • HR program improvements Take those learnings, refine, and do it again. 35 In Conclusion Engagement: The Fuel that Drives Business Forward 37 Thank You! Questions or Comments? Let’s talk more! email: [email protected] : Charles Goretsky email: [email protected] : brendakowske : Brenda Kowske
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