press release 18 March 2015 Royal Imtech publishes fourth quarter and full year 2014 results Ready for operational focus Quarterly highlights: Order intake in Q4 at a satisfactory level of €912 million Revenue in Q4 €1,030 million, in line with expectations Operational EBITDA in Q4 improved to break-even level Non-operational costs in the quarter amount to €127 million, predominantly from restructuring measures announced in 2014 Net finance result in the quarter normalising, benefiting from the significant debt reduction and related interest rate reset Net interest-bearing debt and working capital targets achieved Full year highlights: Revenue down 8% to €3,922 million, mainly due to Germany & Eastern Europe and UK & Ireland Operational EBITDA loss of €32 million, significantly improving from €78 million loss in 2013 Net loss of €559 million mainly as a result of previously announced one-off restructuring costs, finance charges, the loss on discontinued operations and the goodwill impairment in Germany & Eastern Europe Reconfirmation of the achievability of our medium term targets Positive operational EBITDA expected in 2015 Key figures in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters * Q4 2014 Q4 2013* 1,030.1 -1.4 -127.0 -128.4 -174.7 -182.1 -0.7 -182.8 911.7 -47.0 334.3 1,061.9 -11.2 -245.9 -257.1 -308.2 -330.7 -39.3 -370.0 919.7 -58.3 737.0 Revenue and other income Operational EBITDA Non-operational costs EBITDA Operating result (EBIT) Result from continuing operations Result from discontinued operations Net result Order intake Operational working capital Net interest-bearing debt -0.1% -12.5% -1.1% -24,2% 22,193 23,788 Full year 2014 2013* 3,922.3 -31.9 -221.8 -253.7 -340.6 -488.8 -70.5 -559.3 3,729.1 -47.0 334.3 4,248.4 -78.3 -375.3 -453.6 -562.2 -648.5 -48.1 -696.6 3,948.2 -58.3 737.0 Margins Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA margin -0.8% -6.5% -1.8% -10.6% Number of employees (in FTE) 22,193 23,788 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Gerard van de Aast, CEO: “2014 was a year in which Imtech normalised its financial situation and dealt with substantial one-off costs. We continued to improve our operational performance, which is the third pillar of our recovery plan. Working capital performance, an important indicator, has significantly improved and the volume and quality of the order intake developed satisfactorily. Operational results are improving as well and with the large restructuring actions behind us, we can now focus to further restore overall profitability. We are well aware of the challenges still ahead on our road to recovery, but progress to date has been steady.” 1 Progress on Recovery Plan Since February 2013 the focus of the new Boards of Imtech has been on three priorities: 1. Dealing with the implications of the past irregularities 2. Implementing a stable financing structure 3. Improving operational performance To deal with the first priority, we have implemented a robust set of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) policies and have replaced most of the senior management teams across the group to allow for a new playing field going forward. We believe that our current GRC system is an appropriate safeguard against the events from the past reoccurring. Unfortunately, issues or allegations from the past might continue to come up. That is a reality that Imtech has to deal with. It is our firm commitment to properly deal with these legacy issues. See the separate chapter ‘Update on GRC issues’ in this press release for a current update. With the completion of the rights issue in October 2014, the sale of the ICT division and the resulting adjustments to our financing terms, we have adequately addressed the second priority. This now gives us the time and flexibility to fully focus on our third priority – the recovery of operational performance. The progress to date has been steady, but we are well aware of challenges still ahead, in particular for Germany & Eastern Europe. Recovery of operational performance We have defined four key drivers to manage our operational recovery: quality and volume of order intake, improved project execution resulting in a higher gross margin, reduction of indirect costs, and reduction of operational working capital. The group’s order intake for the year of €3,729 million was satisfactory and in line with revenue, though with differences per division. UK & Ireland had a good order intake. Order intake in Germany & Eastern Europe was lower than revenue, which is related to our decision to prioritise margin over volume. See below for a separate and detailed update on developments in Germany & Eastern Europe. The results on projects were unsatisfactorily, amongst others caused by old and legacy projects, insufficient operational discipline on several projects and the turmoil surrounding the company in 2014. Although the cultural change needed for improvement of project results obviously will take time, we expect improvements to become visible in 2015 already by replacing loss making projects with new projects at healthier margins. Further improvements will come from standardisation of processes, increased efforts in training, planning and scope change management, and a more professional approach to procurement. In 2014, indirect cost reductions of €100 million have been achieved. Half of this reduction is savings and the remaining relates to reduced volumes. Further savings will be realised through standardisation and integration of back office processes, rationalisation of real estate portfolios (mainly in the Netherlands and Germany), prudent spending (e.g. sponsoring, car leasing) and a reduction of external support. To achieve our overall medium term target EBITDA margin of 4% to 6%, we focus on improving our gross margin to a range of 18% to 22% (2014: 16%) and reducing our indirect costs as percentage of revenue to a range of 12% to 16% (2014: 17%). These improvements will result on the medium term in an increase of our gross margin of at least €75 million and a decrease of our overhead costs of at least €50 million. Operational working capital, an important health indicator, ended at €47 million negative (-1.2% of revenue), well ahead of our target of 0% of revenue. The medium term target bandwidth for operational working capital remains at -3% to 0% of revenue, allowing for normal seasonal fluctuations customary in our industry. 2 In general, Imtech Nordic and Imtech Traffic & Infra have kept a stable operational performance in 2014. Although Imtech UK & Ireland saw its performance drop in 2014, the outlook is solid given the market and the present UK & Ireland organisation. Imtech Spain has shown a recovery in the second half of 2014, while Imtech Marine has ended 2014 with a full year positive operational EBITDA clearly demonstrating the effects of a well-executed turnaround. The recovery of Imtech Benelux is showing some mixed signals but with the steps taken in 2014, this division should be on track again in 2015. For the overall recovery of Imtech the turnaround of the Germany & Eastern Europe division is of significant importance. Recovery of operational performance in Germany & Eastern Europe The ‘Neue Imtech’ programme in Germany & Eastern Europe is based on the same four key drivers as stated above. Moving forward this programme is constantly adapted to provide the optimal approach for the turnaround under changing circumstances. 1. Quality and volume order intake New stringent tender procedures, which prioritises margin over volume, have been in place since mid 2013. The net effect, as planned, is a significant smaller business. Eastern Europe represents around €30 million of revenue with mainly projects serving German automotive customers, primarily in Poland. Recurring stable service revenue amounts to approximately €225 million. Next to recurring services, the business is balanced with a project portfolio with, although significantly smaller in size, better pre-calculated margins and better understood risk profiles. 2. Improved project execution A key task in Germany & Eastern Europe has been to work through legacy projects acquired in the past. By now, the bulk of those have been dealt with, with only a few legacy projects remaining. Execution of new projects shows an encouraging improvement. Further improvement by enhancing and standardising basic processes and reducing subcontractor dependency will be the key focus in 2015. 3. Reduction of indirect costs Significant progress has been made in reducing the indirect cost run rate through headcount reductions, termination of sponsor contracts and reduction of external consultancy costs. Three key items to further improve operational efficiency are shared service centres, footprint rationalisation and significant reduction of real estate costs. These items should contribute to a further EBITDA margin improvement of 2% to 3%. 4. Operational working capital Operational working capital development in Germany & Eastern Europe has been trailing those elsewhere in the group. This is caused to a large extent by supply chain turmoil that existed for most of 2014. Further operational deficiencies caused delay in timely settlement of contract balance sheet positions. Going forward we expect operational working capital performance to gradually become in line with the group’s medium term target bandwidth of -3% to 0% of revenue. The aim of the ‘Neue Imtech’ programme is to rebuild our business and organisation in Germany & Eastern Europe to a profitable and cash generative company. As a result of this total reset, the goodwill for the division of €27.5 million is fully impaired in Q4 2014. 3 One-off costs drive negative result of €183 million in Q4 The net loss for the fourth quarter of €183 million includes significant non-operational costs of €127 million and a goodwill impairment relating to Germany & Eastern Europe of €28 million. For the full year, the net loss of €559 million includes an operational EBITDA loss of €32 million, nonoperational costs of €222 million, net finance charges of €179 million and a loss on discontinued operations of €71 million. in € million Operational EBITDA Non-operational costs EBITDA Depreciation Amortisation & impairment Operating result (EBIT) Net finance result Share of results of associates, joint ventures and other investments Income tax benefit Result from continuing operations Result from discontinued operations Net result Q4 2014 Full year 2014 -1.4 -127.0 -128.4 -31.9 -221.8 -253.7 -13.4 -32.9 -174.7 -35.6 -51.3 -340.6 -13.2 -0.3 6.1 -182.1 -0.7 -182.8 -178.7 12.2 18.3 -488.8 -70.5 -559.3 Q4 2014 Full year 2014 56.2 30.5 7.8 32.5 127.0 86.4 30.5 41.6 63.3 221.8 Specification of non-operational costs: in € million Non-operational costs Restructuring costs Rationalisation of real estate Advisory cost Other non-operational items In Q4, the restructuring costs of €56 million and the cost for rationalisation of real estate of €31 million mainly relate to the earlier announced plans for the Netherlands, Germany and Marine. The remaining cash outflow for these plans amounts to approximately €55 million in 2015. In 2015, restructuring costs are expected to reduce significantly to an amount of approximately €15 million, mainly relating to smaller restructurings in our Nordic division. A potential further restructuring in Germany & Eastern Europe may however result in additional restructuring costs as part of the on-going process to calibrate cost structure to the new size of the business. Advisory costs of €8 million were incurred in Q4. Given the implemented debt reduction programme, we expect advisory costs to decrease in 2015. Other non-operational items in Q4 of €32 million mainly result from the closure of our businesses in Russia and Austria (€4 million), a valuation allowance on a large multi-year project in Marine (€5 million) and write-downs on legacy items (€12 million). 4 Specification of net finance result: in € million Net finance result Net interest expense Cost of guarantees Other finance expenses One-off items within Net finance result Cash amendment fee (cash) Make whole amount (cash) Paid-in-Kind amendment fee (added to debt) Make whole amount (added to debt) Book gain debt buy-back programme (deducted from debt) Amortisation capitalised cost Q4 2014 Full year 2014 -32.1 -5.2 24.1 -13.2 -159.5 -14.2 -5.0 -178.7 -5.4 -6.8 -2.3 31.4 16.9 -19.0 -6.8 -11.8 -31.9 31.4 -18.3 -56.4 The one-off items within net finance result in 2014 amounted to €56 million. All one-off items relate to the implementation of the financial restructurings in March and October 2014, including the €31 million book gain from the debt buy-back programme. On 27 October 2014, the revised interest agreements became effective. The revolving credit facility has a margin on euribor of 3.75% and the senior notes have an interest of around 7%. Guarantee fees range from 1.9%-2.25%. Going forward, all interest and guarantee costs will be in cash. For 2015, we expect a net finance result of approximately €60 million negative (2014: €179 million negative), predominantly relating to interest costs, guarantee fees and employee benefits. Medium term targets With focus on operational recovery, we have refined our medium term targets to a gross margin of 18% to 22% and overhead costs of 12% to 16% of revenue resulting in an overall EBITDA margin of 4% to 6%. Working capital should be between minus 3% and 0% of revenue with net debt targeted below 2x EBITDA. Outlook With solid order intake, Imtech’s main focus is now on operational improvements in 2015 as the main driver for profit recovery. Our UK & Ireland, Nordic, Spain and Traffic & Infra divisions are expected to further improve operational results. The Benelux and Marine divisions have recovered from past operational issues and are much better positioned. The German & Eastern Europe division also expects further operational improvement. We do not expect any major restructuring in 2015, although we will continue with the implementation of operational efficiencies across the group and in particular in Germany & Eastern Europe. We expect a positive operational EBITDA in 2015. Composition of the Supervisory Board During the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) on 12 May 2015, Mrs. Christine Wolff will be nominated for appointment as member of the Supervisory Board for four years. Mrs. Wolff is a German national and more than 20 years of experience in international engineering consulting firms. In her last position she was Managing Director for Europe & Middle East at URS Corporation (now AECOM), a global and NYSE listed US based provider of engineering, construction and technical services, with 55,000 employees and US$ 11 billion annual revenue (2012). She currently serves on the supervisory board of Hochtief AG, Berliner Wasserbetriebe A.ö.R and KSBG Kommunale 5 Verwaltungsgesellschaft GmbH and is a member of the advisory board of Wessling GmbH & Co. KG, J. Heinr. Kramer Holding GmbH and The Aspen Institute Germany. The Supervisory Board considers the specific knowledge and experience of Mrs. Wolff on project organisations and technical services providers, such as Imtech, as a welcome addition to the existing knowledge and experience within the Supervisory Board. Mrs. Ruth van Andel will be nominated for reappointment for her second term of four years. Directly after the AGM, Mr. Kees van Lede, chairman of the Supervisory Board, will retire according to the scheduled retirement. The Supervisory Board intends to appoint Mr. Frans Cremers as chairman, as previously announced. Deloitte Accountants nominated as external auditor Imtech proposes the appointment of Deloitte Accountants as the company’s auditor for an initial three year period with effect from the financial year 2016. This nomination will be presented to the Annual General Meeting on 12 May 2015. The nomination of Deloitte is the result of a thorough selection process, overseen by the audit committee of the Supervisory Board. Under Dutch legislation for listed companies, Imtech is required to change its auditor as of January 2016. The current auditor KPMG Accountants N.V. will remain in place until the conclusion of the audit for the financial year 2015. Update on GRC issues Improving GRC framework and culture During 2014, we substantially completed the implementation of Imtech’s new Governance Risk and Compliance framework (GRC framework). We also continued to make progress in the transformation of Imtech’s culture, into one that values integrity, loyalty and critical thinking. These values are clearly reflected and articulated in the Group’s new Code of Conduct. Behavioural training programmes for management and employees were continued; also in 2015 substantial attention will be paid to culture and behaviour. Incident reporting In the year 2014, 91 incident reports of whistle-blowers were received, compared to 29 in 2013 and 3 in 2012. Since the beginning of 2015, 5 incident reports of whistle-blowers were received. This increase demonstrates the strong development in our new culture in which people are encouraged to speak up and report any incidents they observe via our whistle blower’s procedure. Most of the reports refer to alleged inappropriate behaviour that took place prior to 2013. The majority of the reports have been investigated and dealt with. Approximately 40% of total reported incidents were either unfounded or backed by insufficient information to follow up. In cases where a violation of the Code of Conduct was detected, a number of actions were taken, which included dismissal, disciplinary actions or specific process modifications. The remaining 26 reports are under investigation and are being dealt with appropriately. These on-going investigations include the ‘legacy’ items relating to Germany and Poland. United Arab Emirates: no material findings On 13 January 2015, Imtech informed the market that it had initiated an investigation into certain sales activities by an Imtech Marine unit in the United Arab Emirates in relation to potential violations of applicable export controls and sanctions regulations. The internal investigation, which was conducted with the support of external counsel and experts, concluded that possible violations may have taken place, but that these were relatively small in size and number and that the potential financial impact is therefore likely to be not material. Imtech will continue to cooperate fully with the appropriate authorities to resolve and settle this issue. The Imtech Marine entity in the United Arab Emirates has annual revenues of around €15 million. 6 Broadening scope competition law investigation in Germany On 4 February 2015, Imtech informed the market that German authorities are conducting a broader investigation into the overall technical services industry in Germany, which includes Imtech. As part of this investigation the German authorities have served warrants to obtain information from Imtech and other companies. Following the investigations by the authorities, Imtech has broadened the scope of its own investigations as well. So far, this broadened internal investigation, with regard to Imtech, did not confirm that competition laws were violated. Berlin Brandenburg Airport On 26 February 2015 a German newspaper published unconfirmed allegations of bribery towards former Imtech management in connection with the new airport Berlin Brandenburg in the period prior to 2013. Imtech had already informed the authorities and the Compliance Department of the Berlin Brandenburg Airport of the unconfirmed allegations well before 26 February 2015. So far, internal investigations did not prove the allegations. Financial performance Profit and loss account in € million Quarters Q4 2014 Q4 2013* 1,030.1 -1.4 -127.0 1,061.9 -11.2 -245.9 -128.4 2014 2013* Revenue and other income Operational EBITDA Non-operational costs 3,922.3 -31.9 -221.8 4,248.4 -78.3 -375.3 -257.1 EBITDA -253.7 -453.6 -13.4 -32.9 -9.6 -41.5 Depreciation Amortisation & impairment -35.6 -51.3 -35.1 -73.5 -174.7 -308.2 Operating result (EBIT) -340.6 -562.2 -13.2 -21.2 -178.7 -101.1 -0.3 -3.6 Net finance result Share of results of associates. joint ventures and other investments Income tax benefit 12.2 -8.7 6.1 2.3 18.3 23.5 -182.1 -330.7 Result from continuing operations -488.8 -648.5 -0.7 -39.3 Result from discontinued operations -70.5 -48.1 -370.0 Net result -559.3 -696.6 -182.8 * Full year Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Fourth quarter 2014 In Q4 2014, revenue came in 3% lower at €1,030 million compared with Q4 2013, mainly due to weak market conditions in the Netherlands, the UK and Finland. Marine was an exception with an increase of revenue. The operational EBITDA in Q4 2014 was around breakeven level and amounted to €1 million negative, which is a good improvement compared to the loss of €11 million in Q4 2013. Nordic, Benelux and Traffic & Infra were the main contributors to this positive development. Germany & Eastern Europe continued to report a loss. UK & Ireland ended up with an operational EBITDA loss as a result of project losses and work being deferred into 2015. The effective tax rate for Q4 2014 amounted to 3.2%. The effective annual and quarterly tax rate is impacted by losses made in various jurisdictions where no compensation or offset is expected to exist and as a result will continue to fluctuate for some time. We anticipate an income tax expense for 2015 of around €10 million. 7 Full year 2014 Revenue for the full year came in 8% lower at €3,922 million, mainly due to the weak market conditions in the Netherlands, the UK, Spain and Finland, and in Germany & Eastern Europe mainly due to the continued impact of our decision to prioritise margin over volume, as well as the financial distressed situation and a reputation under pressure. Marine is an exception with an increase of revenue. Currency impact based on constant currencies was very limited, though with differences between divisions. The operational EBITDA for the year resulted in a loss of €32 million (2013: €78 million loss). Germany & Eastern Europe and Benelux reported a loss and UK & Ireland reported a sharp decrease of its result. Marine returned to a positive result and Nordic reported a good improvement of its result. Currency impact based on constant currencies was 1% negative. Result for the period, result per share in € million, per share in € Quarters Q4 2014 Full year Q4 2013 -182.8 0.3 -183.1 32.9 -150.2 -370.0 1.1 -371.1 41.5 -329.6 2014 2013 Net result Non-controlling interests Net result for shareholders Amortisation & impairment Adjusted net result for shareholders -559.3 1.3 -560.6 51.3 -509.3 -696.6 4.6 -701.2 73.5 -627.7 Basic result per share from continuing operations Diluted result per share from continuing operations -19.89 -19.89 -280.43 -280.43 Basic result per share Diluted result per share -22.75 -22.75 -301.08 -301.08 Capital employed in € million 31 Dec 2014 30 Sep 2014 31 Dec 2013* Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Other non-current assets Non-current assets Working capital Assets held for sale 118.7 766.9 88.2 71.7 1,045.5 -16.4 - 131.9 809.9 94.5 51.9 1,088.2 89.2 427.2 161.0 1,032.8 149.0 42.0 1,384.8 -15.2 79.9 Capital employed 1,029.1 1,604.6 1,449.5 282.5 334.3 30.7 70.9 310.7 - -101.2 1,157.4 40.7 9.4 316.6 181.7 313.3 737.0 11.8 30.9 296.7 59.8 1,029.1 1,604.6 1,449.5 Total equity Net interest-bearing debt Other non-current liabilities Restructuring provisions & real estate rationalisation Other liabilities Liabilities held for sale Funding * Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Fourth quarter 2014 In Q4 2014, capital employed decreased by €576 million to €1,029 million as a result of the sale of the ICT division and the normal seasonal working capital trends. 8 Equity increased in Q4 by €384 million as a result of the proceeds of the rights issue in October, partially offset by the net loss in the quarter. Net interest-bearing debt decreased by €823 million, mainly due to the net proceeds of the rights issue and the sale of ICT for a total amount of €777 million. Furthermore, the decrease is impacted by the seasonal working capital inflow of €93 million, offset by cash restructuring costs of €26 million, cash advisory costs of €8 million and net-cash interest of €55 million. Liabilities held for sale decreased by €182 million due to the sale of the ICT division. Other liabilities include employee benefits (€253 million) and other provisions. Goodwill Imtech has assessed whether goodwill needed to be impaired as at 31 December 2014. For Germany & Eastern Europe this assessment has resulted in a goodwill impairment of €28 million. For the other divisions, the result of this assessment is that there is no reason to impair goodwill. Our operational improvement programme remains the main driver for the recovery of the performance. However, headroom is limited for our Nordic, Spain and Marine divisions and amounts to €69 million for these divisions (H1 2014: €46 million and 2013: €234 million). Adverse changes in the cost of capital, business performance or continuing uncertainty among stakeholders could have an impact going forward. Operational working capital 31 Dec 2014 30 Sep 2014 31 Dec 2013* Work in progress (net) Trade receivables Other current assets 109.1 609.9 177.0 896.0 149.6 616.4 207.4 973.4 178.8 868.1 221.2 1,268.1 Trade payables Other current liabilities 528.3 384.1 912.4 502.5 381.7 884.2 773.8 509.5 1,283.3 Working capital As % of LTM revenue -16.4 -0.4% 89.2 2.4% -15.2 -0.4% 30.6 - 43.6 - 75.7 -32.5 -47.0 -1.2% 45.6 1.2% -58.3 -1.4% in € million, unless otherwise indicated Legacy items Correction for discontinued operations Operational working capital (excluding remaining legacy items) As % of LTM revenue * Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Operational working capital development in the quarter is in line with the normal seasonal pattern and below the target bandwidth of 0% to 3% of revenue. For the medium term, the new target bandwidth for working capital is -3% to 0% of revenue. In Q4 2014, days of sales outstanding in trade receivables amounted to 57 days. Days of payables outstanding in trade payables amounted to 72 days. Other current assets include inventories, prepaid operating expenses, purchase bonuses and rebates from suppliers, VAT receivables, income tax receivables and various other receivables. Other current liabilities at year-end 2014 include accrued personnel expenses (€167 million), VAT payables (€41 million), income tax payables (€7 million) and various other accrued liabilities (€168 million, including accruals for direct and indirect costs). 9 Legacy items The movement in legacy items in working capital is as follows: in € million Beginning balance Collections Write downs Ending balance Q4 Full year 43.6 -0.8 -12.2 30.6 75.7 -32.3 -12.8 30.6 During the year all remaining legacy items in Benelux, Spain and Marine were resolved. Also, progress was made in Germany & Eastern Europe. The year-end balance mainly relates to outstanding receivables and 21 projects in Germany & Eastern Europe. Cash flow analysis The condensed cash flow statement is as follows: in € million Operational EBITDA Change in operational working capital Net capex Cash out of restructuring Advisory costs Net interest paid Cash tax Other Free cash flow before disposal of discontinued operations Q4 Full year -1.4 92.9 -11.9 -26.4 -7.9 -54.6 6.7 49.0 46.4 -31.9 -11.3 -18.5 -76.4 -41.6 -108.6 -2.0 24.8 -265.5 Fourth quarter Change in operational working capital in the quarter of €93 million relates to normal seasonal cash inflow. Advisory costs of €8 million mainly relate to the implementation of the debt reduction programme. Net interest paid of €55 million includes interest and guarantee fees plus one-offs for amendment fee (€5 million) and make whole amounts (€7 million) in relation to the debt reduction programme. Full year Change in operational working capital for the year of €11 million negative is mainly due to Germany & Eastern Europe, the rest of the group delivered good performance. Net interest paid of €109 million includes also one-offs for amendment fees (€19 million) and make whole amounts (€7 million). 10 Performance by division Benelux in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 189.4 8.1 4.3% -27.1 133.6 -2.0 3,761 * Q4 2013* 200.7 1.3 0.6% -8.8 126.0 -0.2 4,120 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees Full year 2014 654.2 -11.3 -1.7% -50.2 673.1 -2.0 3,761 2013* 709.1 -17.6 -2.5% -63.4 625.5 -0.2 4,120 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Market conditions are challenging in Benelux, especially in the Netherlands due to the relapse of the industrial market. Revenue in Q4 decreased by 6% to €189 million. Operational EBITDA increased by €7 million to €8 million due to good performance in Belgium and as a result of cost savings, despite weak project results in the Netherlands and low productivity in the Dutch industrial business. Order intake increased by 6% to €134 million. An interesting new contract awarded is the design, build and 15 year maintenance contract for the new food technology centre at Royal Cosun. Operational working capital amounted to €2 million negative. In Q4, the decrease of the number of employees with 182 FTEs was the result of earlier announced restructurings. For the full year, revenue decreased by 8% to €654 million. Operational EBITDA increased by €6 million, though still a loss of €11 million. Order intake for the year increased to €673 million. Operational working capital improved to €2 million negative. In the year, the number of employees reduced with 359 FTEs to 3,761 FTEs, reflecting the restructuring programmes as executed in 2014. Germany & Eastern Europe in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 196.7 -21.1 -10.7% -76.0 156.2 -0.9 4,210 * Q4 2013* 186.2 -32.8 -17.6% -239.7 161.6 -81.7 4,740 Full year 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees 859.5 -44.7 -5.2% -125.9 625.5 -0.9 4,210 2013* 969.0 -107.7 -11.1% -327.7 800.6 -81.7 4,740 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Market conditions in Germany are difficult but stable, however our German business had to deal with the financial distress and with a reputation under pressure. Q4 2014 revenue amounted to €197 million. Operational EBITDA improved by €12 million to a loss of €21 million. The loss mainly relates to losses on projects awarded before 2014 and a high cost structure. The services & maintenance business continued its good performance. Order intake of €156 million was below revenue mainly as a result of our decision to prioritise margin over volume. An interesting new contract awarded is a large contract for a new Volkswagen production site in Poland. Operational working capital amounted to €1 million negative. The number of employees reduced in Q4 by 124 FTEs to 4,210 FTEs. For the total year, revenue decreased by 11% to €860 million, mainly due to our decision to reduce our size by prioritising margin over volume, as well as the financial distressed situation and a reputation under pressure. Operational EBITDA loss of €45 million is the result of a high cost structure and losses on projects particularly awarded before 2014. Order intake of €626 million is at the lower end of the new revenue equilibrium of €600 million to €700 million. Operational working capital increased with €81 11 million to €1 million negative due to delayed closure of projects and worsened payment conditions caused by the financial distress and pressured reputation of Imtech Germany. The number of employees decreased by 530 FTEs to 4,210 FTEs. As a result of rightsizing and a rebuild of the business and organisation, the goodwill for the division of €27.5 million is fully impaired. UK & Ireland in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 Q4 2013* 160.3 -2.8 -1.7% -4.0 181.1 -7.9 2,856 * 174.2 7.9 4.5% 7.0 207.0 -13.7 3,396 Full year 2013* 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees 634.6 5.0 0.8% -2.0 710.4 -7.9 2,856 735.4 33.2 4.5% 30.7 673.7 -13.7 3,396 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. In the UK, the market conditions at the end of 2014 are showing recovery. However, revenue in the quarter was down 8% to €160 million mainly due to the temporary lower activities in our water business as a result of the shift into the new five year cycle (AMP6) and to the wind down of the Kazakhstan joint venture. Currency impact on revenue was 3% positive. Operational EBITDA ended up with a loss of €3 million due to margin pressure in UK engineering services and losses on a number of projects. Order intake amounted to €181 million, reflecting a slow recovery of the market. A noteworthy new contract awarded is the design and installation of mechanical and electrical infrastructure for the expansion of the Anfield Stadium of Liverpool FC. Operational working capital amounted to €8 million negative. The reduction of 236 FTEs in the last quarter to 2,856 FTEs is the result of streamlining the business. Revenue for the year decreased by 14% to €635 million due to challenging market conditions in UK, the lower production of our water business and the wind down of the Kazakhstan joint venture. Revenue was positively influenced by 4% currency impact. Operational EBITDA declined by €28 million due to €5 million, including a positive currency impact of 2%. Order intake increased by 5% to €710 million. Operational working capital amounted to €8 million negative. The reduction of 540 FTEs in the year to 2,856 FTEs is the result of the wind down of the Kazakhstan joint venture and streamlining the business. Nordic in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 218.9 11.1 5.1% 6.5 140.7 -32.9 5,045 Q4 2013 238.7 7.5 3.1% 7.1 217.9 -12.0 5,406 Full year 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees 808.9 32.7 4.0% 19.2 750.4 -32.9 5,045 2013 892.7 29.8 3.3% 25.0 888.1 -12.0 5,406 Market conditions overall are stable, however with differences between regions. Revenue in Q4 decreased by 8% to €219 million, including a negative currency impact of 2%, based on constant currencies. Operational EBITDA increased by 48% (including negative currency impact of 2%) to €11 million due to first benefits of the integration programmes, closure of loss making branches and the significant loss at the NKS project in Q4 2013. Order intake was 35% lower at €141 million (including a €34 million adjustment of previous quarters). A noteworthy new contract awarded is for the piping installations in the new bio power heating plant for Tranås Energi. Operational working capital amounted to €33 million negative. The reduction of 192 FTEs in the last quarter to 5,045 FTEs is the result of 12 integration of past acquisitions and closure of loss making branches. Revenue for the twelve months decreased by 9% to €809 million, including a negative currency impact of 5%. Operational EBITDA improved with 10% to €33 million as a result of integration benefits, closure of loss making branches and the significant loss at the NKS project in 2013, offset by a negative currency impact of 6%. Order intake decreased by 16% to €750 million, amongst others impacted by closure of several branches. Operational working capital improved to €33 million negative. The number of employees decreased with 361 FTEs to 5,045 FTEs. Spain in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 Q4 2013* 35.3 0.8 2.3% -0.7 67.0 6.3 1,676 * 38.8 -0.2 -0.5% -0.6 59.8 17.8 1,560 Full year 2013* 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees 110.5 -2.7 -2.4% -13.5 127.2 6.3 1,676 132.9 -2.0 -1.5% -2.7 122.6 17.8 1,560 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. The Spanish market shows the first signs of a slow recovery, though price levels continued to be under pressure. In Q4, revenue came in 9% lower at €35 million, due to delays in projects. Operational EBITDA returned to a positive €1 million due to higher production levels within the industry and the first effects of restructurings. Order intake was 12% up to €67 million. An interesting new contract awarded is for the Cepsa refinery in Cadiz to improve the energy efficiency in the boiler. Operational working capital amounted to €6 million. The number of employees decreased by 62 FTEs to 1,676 FTEs. For the full year, revenue amounted to €111 million, a decrease of 17% mainly due to challenging market conditions. Operational EBITDA amounted to a loss of €3 million. Order intake was up 4% to €127 million. Operational working capital improved significantly to €6 million, mainly due to increased focus on working capital management. Traffic & Infra in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 107.4 6.8 6.3% 6.2 93.1 -5.4 2,083 * Q4 2013* 115.9 5.9 5.1% 5.0 75.6 7.9 2,072 Full year 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees 387.4 11.1 2.9% 10.0 341.3 -5.4 2,083 2013* 402.7 12.2 3.0% -8.2 361.5 7.9 2,072 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Overall, market conditions are stable, except for the weak conditions within the Dutch infra market. Q4 revenue decreased by 7% to €107 million. Operational EBITDA was 15% up to €7 million as a result of benefits of earlier implemented improvement programmes. Order intake increased by 23% to €93 million. Operational working capital improved to €5 million negative. The number of employees decreased with 33 FTEs to 2,083 FTEs. For the full year, revenue came in 4% lower at €387 million mainly due to the weakness in the Dutch infra market, despite a 1% currency gain mainly due to the business in the UK. Operational EBITDA decreased by 9% to €11 million, despite a positive currency impact of 3%. Order intake amounted to 13 €341 million. Operational working capital improved to €5 million negative. Marine in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 Q4 2013* 124.6 0.6 0.5% -15.3 140.0 3.8 2,475 * Full year 2013* 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA Operational EBITDA margin EBITDA Order intake Operational working capital Number of employees 113.5 1.0 0.9% -15.3 71.8 36.7 2,410 476.5 1.5 0.3% -17.1 501.1 3.8 2,475 418.9 -9.9 -2.4% -61.5 476.2 36.7 2,410 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Revenue in Q4 increased by 10% to €125 million due to high production levels. Operational EBITDA was slightly lower than a year ago and amounted to €1 million due to several project losses. The previously announced audit by a defence sector customer of a large multi-year contract is still on-going. In Q4, a valuation allowance of €5 million on that contract was recorded as non-operational costs. The on-going audit could result in modifications of contractual agreements and/or an additional nonoperational write-off. Order intake increased as a result of both refined contract estimates from previous quarters and the timing and extent of new contracts. An interesting new contract awarded is the design and installation to complete the electrical system, including hybrid electrical propulsion system, battery systems and automation system, for two hybrid ferries for Seaspan. Operational working capital amounted to €4 million, amongst others due to resolution of some old disputes. The number of employees remained stable in Q4 at 2,475 FTEs. Revenue in 2014 amounted to €477 million. Operational EBITDA turned into a positive €2 million due to the benefits of the earlier announced restructuring programme and the significant losses on projects in 2013. Order intake amounted to €501 million. Operational working capital improved to an extraordinary level of €4 million. Group management / eliminations in € million, unless otherwise indicated Quarters Q4 2014 -2.5 -4.9 -18.0 -8.0 87 * Q4 2013* -6.1 -1.8 -11.8 -13.1 84 Full year 2014 Revenue Operational EBITDA EBITDA Operational working capital Number of employees -9.3 -23.5 -74.2 -8.0 87 2013* -12.3 -16.3 -45.8 -13.1 84 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Operational EBITDA Q4 amounted to €5 million loss and includes mainly personnel expenses, legal and audit fees. For the full year operational EBITDA was €24 million negative due to similar items. Board of Management Royal Imtech N.V. Gouda, 18 March 2015 Financial calendar 2015 12 May 2015: Annual General Meeting of shareholders 12 May 2015: first quarter results 2015 14 25 August 2015: second quarter and half year results 2015 17 November 2015: third quarter results 2015 Press conference Today at 9.00 hours (CET) Imtech will organise a press conference in Hotel Mövenpick, Piet Heinkade 11 in Amsterdam. Analyst meeting Today at 11.00 hours (CET) Imtech will organise a sell-side analyst meeting in Hotel Mövenpick, Piet Heinkade 11 in Amsterdam. This meeting will be transmitted live via the internet ( and will afterwards also be available on the website as a replay. . More information Media: Dorien Wietsma Director Corporate Communication & CSR T: +31 182 54 35 53 E: [email protected] Analysts & investors: Jeroen Leenaers Director Investor Relations T: +31 182 54 35 04 E: [email protected] Imtech profile Royal Imtech N.V. is a European technical services provider in the fields of electrical solutions, automation and mechanical solutions. With approximately 22,000 employees, Imtech holds attractive positions in the buildings and industry markets in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Eastern Europe, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, Ireland and Spain, the European market of Traffic as well as in the global marine market. Imtech offers integrated and multidisciplinary total solutions that lead to better business processes and more efficiency for customers and the customers they, in their turn, serve. Imtech also offers solutions that contribute towards a sustainable society - for example, in the areas of energy, the environment, water and traffic. Imtech shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. 15 Appendix 1. Condensed consolidated profit and loss account............................................................................. 17 2. Condensed consolidated balance sheet .......................................................................................... 18 3. Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity ................................................................ 19 4. Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows ........................................................................... 20 5. Operating segments ......................................................................................................................... 21 6. Net finance result ............................................................................................................................. 22 7. Gross debt, net interest-bearing debt and outstanding guarantees ................................................. 23 8. Operational cash flow statement ...................................................................................................... 23 16 1. Condensed consolidated profit and loss account Fourth quarter Full year 2014 2013* 2014 2013* 1,029.1 1,059.7 3,897.9 4,240.5 1.0 2.2 24.4 7.9 1,030.1 1,061.9 3,922.3 4,248.4 Raw and auxiliary materials and trade goods 303.2 377.0 1,172.7 1,406.8 Work by third parties and other external expenses 313.3 333.3 1,088.0 1,181.5 Personnel expenses 389.0 392.8 1,454.9 1,566.9 13.4 9.6 35.6 35.1 in € million, unless otherwise indicated Continuing operations Revenue Other income Total revenue and other income Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 32.9 41.5 51.3 73.5 153.0 215.9 460.4 546.8 Total operating expenses 1,204.8 1,370.1 4,262.9 4,810.6 Result from operating activities (174.7) (308.2) (340.6) (562.2) (13.2) (21.2) (178.7) (101.1) (0.3) (3.6) 12.2 (8.7) (188.2) (333.0) (507.1) (672.0) 6.1 2.3 18.3 23.5 (182.1) (330.7) (488.8) (648.5) (0.7) (39.3) (70.5) (48.1) (182.8) (370.0) (559.3) (696.6) (183.1) (371.1) (560.6) (701.2) 0.3 1.1 1.3 4.6 (182.8) (370.0) (559.3) (696.6) (19.89) (280.43) Amortisation and impairments Other expenses Net finance result Share in results of associates, joint ventures and other investments (net of tax) Result before income tax Income tax Result from continuing operations Discontinued operations Result from discontinued operations (net of tax) Result for the period (net result) Attributable to: Shareholders of Royal Imtech N.V. Non-controlling interests Result for the period (net result) Basic earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations From continuing operations (euro) From discontinued operations (euro) From result attributable to shareholders of Royal Imtech N.V. (euro) (2.86) (20.65) (22.75) (301.08) (19.89) (280.43) (2.86) (20.65) (22.75) (301.08) (31.9) (78.3) Diluted earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations From continuing operations (euro) From discontinued operations (euro) From result attributable to shareholders of Royal Imtech N.V. (euro) Operational EBITDA** * ** (1.4) (11.2) Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Non IFRS measure (reference is made to Financial glossary for definition in the Annual Report and at 17 2. Condensed consolidated balance sheet in € million 31 Dec 2013* 31 Dec 2014 Property, plant and equipment 118.7 161.0 Goodwill 766.9 1,032.8 88.2 149.0 Other intangible assets 1.2 0.2 Non-current receivables and other investments 46.8 21.9 Deferred tax assets 23.7 19.9 1,045.5 1,384.8 Investments in associated companies and joint ventures Total non-current assets 48.8 72.8 Due from customers 324.6 459.7 Trade receivables 609.9 868.1 Other receivables 121.9 139.5 Inventories 6.3 8.9 320.6 304.4 1,432.1 1,853.4 - 79.9 Total current assets 1,432.1 1,933.3 Total assets 2,477.6 3,318.1 275.6 304.6 6.9 8.7 Total equity 282.5 313.3 Loans and borrowings 512.3 907.3 Employee benefits 252.5 207.1 42.0 35.8 Income tax receivables Cash and cash equivalents Assets held for sale Equity attributable to shareholders of Royal Imtech N.V. Non-controlling interests Provisions 19.5 45.9 Total non-current liabilities 826.3 1,196.1 Bank overdrafts 165.4 106.2 7.9 39.7 Due to customers 215.5 280.9 Trade payables 528.3 773.8 Other payables 376.7 489.2 7.4 20.3 Deferred tax liabilities Loans and borrowings Income tax payables 67.6 38.8 1,368.8 1,748.9 - 59.8 Total current liabilities 1,368.8 1,808.7 Total liabilities 2,195.1 3,004.8 Total equity and liabilities 2,477.6 3,318.1 334.3 737.0 Provisions Liabilities held for sale Net interest-bearing debt** * ** Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. Non IFRS measure (reference is made to Financial glossary for definition in the Annual Report and at 18 3. Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity Equity attributable to shareholders of Royal Imtech N.V. in € million As at 1 January 2013 Total comprehensive income for the year Issue of shares Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity (247.2) 514.8 9.7 524.5 (242.5) (454.0) (700.1) 4.2 (695.9) Share capital Share premium reserve Translation reserve Hedging reserve Reserve for own shares UnapRetained propriaearnings ted result 75.2 208.6 7.3 (10.4) (101.1) 582.4 - - (9.8) 6.2 - 298.6 188.5 - - - - - 487.1 - 487.1 Dividends to shareholders - - - - - - - - (5.2) (5.2) Repurchase of own shares - - - - 0.4 - - 0.4 - 0.4 Share based payments - - - - - 2.4 - 2.4 - 2.4 As at 31 December 2013 373.8 397.1 (2.5) (4.2) (100.7) 342.3 (701.2) 304.6 8.7 313.3 As at 1 January 2014 Total comprehensive income for the year Issue of shares Conversion of cumulative financing preference shares into ordinary shares Dividends to shareholders 373.8 397.1 (2.5) (4.2) (100.7) 342.3 (701.2) 304.6 8.7 313.3 - - 14.7 (9.0) - (743.1) 140.6 (596.8) 1.9 (594.9) 231.3 334.9 - - - - - 566.2 - 566.2 0.3 (0.3) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (3.7) (3.7) - - - - - 1.6 - 1.6 - 1.6 605.4 731.7 12.2 (13.2) (100.7) (399.2) (560.6) 275.6 6.9 282.5 Share based payments As at 31 December 2014 19 4. Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows Fourth quarter in € million Cash flow from operating activities Result for the period (net result) Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Impairment result on trade receivables Net finance result Share in results of associates, joint ventures and other investments Result on disposal of non-current assets Loss on sale of discontinued operations (net of tax) Share-based payments Income tax benefit Operating cash flow before changes in working capital and provisions Change in inventories Change in amounts due from/to customers Change in trade and other receivables Change in trade and other payables Change in provisions and employee benefits Cash flow from operating activities Interest paid Income tax paid Net cash flow from operating activities Full year 2014 * 2013 2014 2013* (182.8) (370.0) (559.3) (696.6) 9.6 11.5 36.9 41.1 23.1 46.7 54.0 92.1 7.9 11.8 0.3 (0.5) (4.5) 0.6 (7.5) 66.0 18.0 2.1 0.3 40.8 (0.1) 0.8 7.2 178.7 (12.2) (21.6) 55.5 1.6 (18.3) 78.0 105.0 5.7 (1.1) 40.8 2.4 (20.4) (142.0) (183.9) (277.5) (353.0) 5.1 41.1 44.1 63.8 57.8 5.4 167.2 35.3 75.0 31.4 4.8 62.2 159.9 (183.4) 20.7 7.7 55.9 246.4 (250.5) 20.5 69.9 130.4 (213.3) (273.0) (54.8) 6.7 1.8 14.5 (112.2) (2.0) (69.9) 12.5 21.8 146.7 (327.5) (330.4) Cash flow from investing activities Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment and other non-current assets Interest received Dividends received Disposal of discontinued operations (net of cash disposed of) Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of cash acquired) Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets Sale (purchase) of associates, joint ventures and other investments Issue less repayment of non-current receivables 7.4 3.3 41.6 17.9 0.2 0.6 179.1 (3.7) 1.4 1.5 (6.9) 1.7 1.8 9.6 (2.5) (17.3) (3.7) (5.0) 13.0 3.6 0.6 185.6 (0.6) (22.0) (4.6) 12.6 (2.8) 2.0 1.8 9.6 (27.7) (40.7) (16.7) (6.9) 2.9 Net cash flow from investing activities 179.6 0.9 214.0 (57.8) 566.2 25.2 (678.5) 2.3 (1.0) - (0.5) 2.0 28.1 (51.0) 0.1 (0.8) 566.2 237.4 (713.0) (12.4) (6.2) (3.7) 487.1 528.5 (449.7) (51.0) 0.4 (2.0) (5.2) Net cash flow from financing activities (85.8) (22.1) 68.3 508.1 Net change in cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 115.6 125.5 (45.2) 119.9 Cash flow from financing activities Proceeds from issue of share capital (net of expenses) Proceeds from loans and borrowings Repayment of loans and borrowings Transaction costs related to loans and borrowings Sale of own shares Payments of finance lease liabilities Dividend paid in relation to non-controlling interests Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts beginning of period Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts of discontinued operations Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts on 31 December * 12.6 64.8 198.2 81.7 (2.8) (3.0) 2.2 (3.4) 29.8 - - - 155.2 187.3 155.2 198.2 Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. 20 5. Operating segments 2014 Fourth quarter 2013* 2014 Full year 2013* 189.4 196.7 160.3 218.9 35.3 107.4 124.6 (2.5) 200.7 186.2 174.2 238.7 38.8 115.9 113.5 (6.1) 654.2 859.5 634.6 808.9 110.5 387.4 476.5 (9.3) 709.1 969.0 735.4 892.7 132.9 402.7 418.9 (12.3) 1,030.1 1,061.9 3,922.3 4,248.4 8.1 (21.1) (2.8) 11.1 0.8 6.8 0.6 (4.9) 1.3 (32.8) 7.9 7.5 (0.2) 5.9 1.0 (1.8) (11.3) (44.7) 5.0 32.7 (2.7) 11.1 1.5 (23.5) (17.6) (107.7) 33.2 29.8 (2.0) 12.2 (9.9) (16.3) (1.4) (11.2) (31.9) (78.3) Operational EBITDA margin Benelux Germany & Eastern Europe UK & Ireland Nordic Spain Traffic & Infra Marine 4.3% (10.7%) (1.7%) 5.1% 2.3% 6.3% 0.5% 0.6% (17.6%) 4.5% 3.1% (0.5%) 5.1% 0.9% (1.7%) (5.2%) 0.8% 4.0% (2.4%) 2.9% 0.3% (2.5%) (11.1%) 4.5% 3.3% (1.5%) 3.0% (2.4%) Operational EBITDA margin (0.1%) (1.1%) (0.8%) (1.8%) EBITDA Benelux Germany & Eastern Europe UK & Ireland Nordic Spain Traffic & Infra Marine Group management EBITDA (27.1) (76.0) (4.0) 6.5 (0.7) 6.2 (15.3) (18.0) (128.4) (8.8) (239.7) 7.0 7.1 (0.6) 5.0 (15.3) (11.8) (257.1) (50.2) (125.9) (2.0) 19.2 (13.5) 10.0 (17.1) (74.2) (253.7) (63.4) (327.7) 30.7 25.0 (2.7) (8.2) (61.5) (45.8) (453.6) in € million, unless otherwise indicated Revenue and other income Benelux Germany & Eastern Europe UK & Ireland Nordic Spain Traffic & Infra Marine Inter-segment revenue Total revenue and other income Operational EBITDA Benelux Germany & Eastern Europe UK & Ireland Nordic Spain Traffic & Infra Marine Group management Operational EBITDA * Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. 21 Operating segments (continued) Order intake in € million, unless otherwise indicated Employees (FTE) 31 Dec 2014 31 Dec 2013 Q4 2014 Q4 2013 Benelux 133.6 126.0 3,761 4,120 Germany & Eastern Europe 156.2 161.6 4,210 4,740 UK & Ireland 181.1 207.0 2,856 3,396 Nordic 140.7 217.9 5,045 5,406 Spain 67.0 59.8 1,676 1,560 Traffic & Infra 93.1 75.6 2,083 2,072 140.0 71.8 2,475 2,410 - - 87 84 911.7 919.7 22,193 23,788 Marine Group management Total 6. Net finance result Fourth quarter 2014 2013 2014 2013* Interest income Interest expense on financial liabilities measured at amortised cost Net change in fair value of cash flow hedges transferred from equity 0.1 (32.0) (0.2) 1.3 (18.6) (1.3) 1.5 (159.5) (0.7) 1.3 (65.9) (1.4) Net interest expense (32.1) (18.6) (158.7) (66.0) Interest income on plan assets Interest cost on defined benefit obligation 0.4 (2.4) 0.9 (2.4) 2.3 (9.4) 2.6 (9.4) Net employee benefits financing component (2.0) (1.5) (7.1) (6.8) Change in fair value of contingent consideration Other finance income Net currency exchange loss Other finance expenses 31.2 (4.5) (5.8) 4.5 0.7 1.3 (7.6) 32.3 (7.7) (37.5) 14.1 1.9 (4.1) (40.2) Other 20.9 (1.1) (12.9) (28.3) (13.2) (21.2) (178.7) (101.1) in € million Net finance result * Full year * Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. 22 7. Gross debt, net interest-bearing debt and outstanding guarantees in € million 31 Dec 2014 30 Sep 2014 31 Dec 2013 Syndicated bank loans Senior notes (USPP) Other bank loans Finance lease obligations Derivatives at fair value Paid In Kind reserve Non-current loans and borrowings Bank overdrafts Current loans and borrowings 150.0 318.2 13.4 1.0 29.7 512.3 165.4 7.9 685.0 367.3 14.9 6.3 34.4 1,107.9 175.2 102.8 534.0 320.6 23.8 17.1 6.5 5.3 907.3 106.2 39.7 Gross debt 685.6 1,385.9 1,053.2 (1.0) (29.7) (320.6) (6.3) (34.4) (187.8) (6.5) (5.3) (304.4) Net interest-bearing debt 334.3 1,157.4 737.0 Outstanding guarantees 761.9 767.6 874.2 Derivatives at fair value Paid In Kind reserve Cash & cash equivalents * Restated, see note 3 to the Financial Statements 2014. 8. Operational cash flow statement in € million Q4 2014 Q3 2014 Q2 2014 Q1 2014 Operational EBITDA* (1.4) (5.6) (13.5) (11.4) Change in working capital excluding legacy items 92.9 (37.9) (14.4) (51.9) Net capex outflow (11.9) 1.1 (4.6) (3.1) 37.5 (5.5) (17.3) (3.7) Operating cash flow* 117.1 (47.9) (49.8) (70.1) Refinancing costs Cash out restructuring (7.9) (26.4) (9.9) (16.8) (9.3) (13.1) (14.5) (20.1) Disposal of discontinued operations Other 179.1 11.5 5.3 (6.2) 3.2 Non-operation items (cash effect) Cash tax 156.3 6.7 (21.4) (3.7) (28.6) 0.2 (31.4) (5.2) Free cash flow 280.1 (73.0) (78.2) (106.7) Interest paid/received (54.6) (21.5) (20.9) (11.6) Free cash flow after interest 225.5 (94.5) (99.1) (118.3) 1,157.4 1,063.0 963.2 737.0 - - - 61.0 8.0 Proceeds from issue of share capital (net of expenses) Non-cash movement of net interest-bearing debt (566.2) (31.4) (0.1) 0.7 38.9 Net interest-bearing debt at the end of the period Movement net interest-bearing debt (334.3) 225.5 (1,157.4) (94.5) (1,063.0) (99.1) (963.2) (118.3) Adjustments for non-cash items Net interest-bearing debt at beginning of the period at beginning of quarter of discontinued operations Restated, see notes 4 and 5 to the Int. Fin. Statem. H1 2014 * Non IFRS measure (reference is made to Financial glossary for definition in the Annual Report and at 23
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