Australian Breastfeeding Association Membership Form Please send this form in an envelope with payment to Australian Breastfeeding Association, PO Box 4000, Glen Iris VIC 3146. First name: __________________________________________ Surname: ____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Mobile: ______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ o 1 year new/renewal $65 o 2 year new / renewal $100 o Concession new/renewal $50 (Health care card no. ______________________________________) TOTAL: $___________ o Enclosed is my cheque/money order (payable to Australian Breastfeeding Association) o Please charge my Visa/Mastercard ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ EXP: _____ /_____ Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ o I am a new subscriber to the Australian Breastfeeding Association (when you join you will receive a copy of the Association’s comprehensive and invaluable book on breastfeeding – Breastfeeding… naturally (valued at $34.95) o I have been an ABA/NMAA subscriber before – Subscriber number: ________________ Or please provide your previous surname/address details if these have changed: _______________________________________ Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy policy can be viewed at or by calling 03 9885 0855 during business hours. Local Breastfeeding Support ABA counsellors do not give medical advice. Instead, you may wish to contact a Lactation Consultant: Liz Lusby at Calvary Hospital inpatients – 6285 3055 Val Dewar, Joy Dickinson and Annette Spruhan at Wagga Base Hospital for maternity inpatients: 6938 6667 or 6938 6259 Wagga Wagga Child and Family Health Service to make an appointment with a Lactation Consultant: 6938 6411 Mothersafe For advice about medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding contact Mothersafe on 1800 647 848 Breastfeeding classes Learn how to breastfeed before your baby arrives! Classes run as required, so tell your pregnant friends. Call Bernadette on 0429 430 285 Issue 4 | September 2013 CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF WAGGA ABA This year, the Wagga ABA group celebrates its 40th year in the community. In early 1972 a trainee Nursing Mothers Association Australia (NMAA) counsellor called Rosemary moved to Wagga from Sydney. Judy Gifford OAM, who writes the “Looking Back” column in Essence magazine, was a founding member of the group. The first informal meeting of the group was held on 12 March 1973 and the first 'official' meeting, led by a fully qualified breastfeeding counsellor who happened to be visiting Wagga from Western Australia for a wedding, was held on Sunday, 6 May 1973. Then, on 6 November 1973 Rosemary qualified as a breastfeeding counselor, and as they say, the rest is history! Over the years the group has seen many families come and go and watched new babies grow, and some now are active members of the ABA. It is most fitting our group celebrates our first fully th qualified breastfeeding counsellor on her 40 anniversary and welcomes our newest one to the fold at our meeting on Tuesday, 6 November 2013. New ABA sign at the Wagga Base hospital Special thanks to Annette Spruhan for making this sign happen and to Joy Dickinson, Maternity Unit Manager, for providing funding for the sign. Breast Pump Hire Breast pumps are useful for a variety of situations, so if you find you need one they are available for hire from the Wagga ABA group. Call Wendy on 0427 278 261 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWEST BREASTFEEDING COUNSELLOR Welcome to the Spring-‐Summer edition of the Wagga ABA Bulletin. We have many things to celebrate in this bulletin. First I would like to begin by congratulating our newest breastfeeding counsellor, Wendy, who in September completed her Certificate IV in Breastfeeding Education and practical assessments with the ABA. Thank you Wendy for putting in the time to train and help mothers and their babies throughout Australia through the National Helpline. I would also like to acknowledge the huge contribution she has been making in the Wagga group over several years, before and during her training. She is particularly successful in giving us a profile in the community, by active involvement in community events, and has developed strong links to our local health professionals. She is wonderful at modernising our look and is on the ball when it comes to regularly updating our signs, banners and promotional materials. There are plenty of activities coming up, the first being Baby’s Day Out at the end of October at Apex Park in Lake Albert. The last event for the year will be 17 December for a BYO Picnic dinner at Collins Park for our end of year and Christmas celebration. We hope to see you at one of the upcoming events soon! Bernadette Vision: Breastfeeding is recognised as important to all Australians and is culturally normal Mission: As Australia’s leading authority on breastfeeding, we support, educate and advocate for a breastfeeding inclusive society LOCAL CONTACTS WAGGA WAGGA ABA GROUP – A MOTHERS GROUP WITH MORE! Email [email protected] Facebook Breastfeeding: An Introduction Breastfeeding Counsellors: Juanita 6928 1157 Megan 6922 6829 Keryn 6921 3081 Vivian 6931 6611 Wendy 0427 278 261 This ABA booklet covers many of the frequently asked questions both new and experienced mothers might ask and it’s written in a friendly, mother-‐to-‐ mother tone. The booklet is published in full colour and contains clear and helpful photographs and diagrams. There are plenty of practical tips for before baby arrives, and information about how breastfeeding works, as well as tips for learning to breastfeed. It provides reassurance about common concerns such as engorgement, normal nappies, night feeding, and how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk. All the information in this booklet, together with several stories from real parents, make it comforting to know you aren’t alone during the early days. This booklet is only $7 is can be purchased from or at a group meeting. Community Educator & Group Administrator Bernadette 0429 430 285 Breast pump hire Wendy 0427 278 261 Library Trish 0431 051 828 Publicity Officer Monica 0413 304 473 General enquiries Keryn 6921 3081 • • • The National Breastfeeding helpline is supported by Australian Government funding, and membership monies are put to excellent use to help fund many of the vital ABA services. For more information visit Come along and enjoy some morning tea by the lake and celebrate being able to feed all members of the family anywhere and anytime at the annual Baby’s Day Out, on Saturday, 26 October at Apex Park between 10am and Noon. On Wednesday, 6 November come and help us celebrate 40 years of the ABA in Wagga Wagga with a morning tea to mark the occasion – Glenfield Community Centre between 10am and Noon. On Tuesday, 17 December come along to Collins Park between 6pm and 8pm with your own picnic dinner and catch up with friends and celebrate the year’s end and Christmas and New Year festivities. Don’t forget to complete the annual Wagga ABA group survey before 14 October! Visit Congratulations to Kennedy’s Pharmacy for its ABA accredited Baby Care Room. It received a 5 star rating and Pharmacist, Peter Dixon was on hand to receive the award from Wendy on behalf of the ABA. This toll-‐free number connects you to a highly trained volunteer counsellor who can help you with many issues such as: • Coping in the early days • Expressing and storing milk • Weaning and supply IN OTHER NEWS: • Regular group meetings are a great way to learn more about breastfeeding and parenthood. But more than that, they provide an opportunity for a cuppa, chat and plenty of willing hands to help you with your baby/toddler. Attendees have access to: • a library of books for you to borrow • trained breastfeeding counsellors to help you with any breastfeeding concerns • acceptance of you and your family, no matter what your parenting style! Meetings start at 10am but don’t worry if you are running late, you will be welcome any time you arrive. Tea and coffee are supplied, and if you have time, feel free to bring along a plate of morning tea to share. We do ask if you can make a gold coin donation at each meeting. Fathers and carers very welcome! Below are the meeting dates for the next few months, and a full year’s meeting calendar is available on the Facebook page. Date Topic Wednesday, 2 October Your supply – too 2013 much, not enough or 10am to midday just right? Thursday, 17 October 2013 10am to midday Wednesday, 6 November 2013 10am to midday Thursday, 21 November 2013 10am to midday Wednesday, 4 December 2013 10am to midday Tuesday, 17 December 2013 6pm – 8pm Venue Glenfield Community Centre 1 Tanda Place, Glenfield Park Chat and play Juanita’s home Ladysmith 6928 1175 for directions About ABA and a Glenfield Community celebration of 40 years Centre of Wagga ABA 1 Tanda Place, Glenfield Park Chat and play Schelli’s’s home Lake Albert – 0418 406 263 for directions Breastfeeding and the Glenfield Community silly season Centre 1 Tanda Place, Glenfield Park End of year / Collins Park, Christmas Wagga Wagga celebrations BYO dinner
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