Parent Program Consultation Day, June

Incredible Years® Parent Program
Consultation Day
Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Ph.D., R.N.
June 26, 2015 — Seattle, Washington
Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Ph.D., will provide in-depth discussion and consultation for group
leaders in the empirically supported Incredible Years programs.
About the trainer
Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Ph.D., R.N., is Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Parenting
Clinic at the University of Washington. She is the developer of the evidence-based Incredible Years:
Parents, Teachers and Children training series for use by therapists, parent educators, and teachers.
The Incredible Years programs have won numerous awards, examples of which include: Department
of Health and Social Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Model Program which lists it in
the National Registry of Effective Prevention Programs (NREPP), and selection as “Blueprint Programs”
for dissemination by the United States Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
as an early violence prevention program and as treatment programs for children with Oppositional
Defiant Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder.
About Consultation Days
This workshop is designed for a small group of professionals who have led at least one parenting
group using the BASIC Incredible Years Parents and Children Video Series. This small group discussion and consultation will focus on the therapeutic process issues faced by all group leaders. Training
will “go beyond the basics” regarding: the multiple roles of the leader/therapist in the group, working through resistance, fully utilizing role plays, mediating vignettes and other topics suggested by
participants. Participants will also benefit from practice with a peer coach as part of the feedback
process. Participants must select and prepare a portion of a video of their group to show for feedback
from colleagues. Upon completion of all DVDs brought by the participants, there will be extra time
on day 2 for feedback on specific challenges and/or topics, as identified by the participants. Trainer
will provide updates on new programs and research.
Obtaining Video Consultation from Peers & Incredible Years Coaches, Mentors,
and Trainers
The opportunity to obtain video review of your IY group process and clinical skills from peers, coaches, mentors, or trainers is scary, exciting, and a special privilege. Sharing your work with others and
obtaining feedback from colleagues will result in continual improvement of your therapeutic skills
and high fidelity to the intervention. Research has shown that high fidelity to the IY methods (e.g.,
role play practices, coaching, brainstorms, video mediation) and therapeutic processes (e.g., nurturing relationship, reframing, collaboration, modeling, problem solving) leads to improved outcomes in
parent and child behavior change as well as client satisfaction. Moreover, by sharing your skills with
others–both the difficult therapeutic moments and the successful ones, you will be supporting others
to improve their own practice as well.
Connect with us! uuu
What are the advantages of ongoing video peer review and peer coaching?
Increased quality of program being delivered to families.
Continued opportunity to hone therapeutic skills and be challenged by others.
Opportunity of new group leaders to obtain support from coaches who are certified.
Internal gratification and feeling of competence knowing that program is being delivered with
• Knowledge that increased fidelity leads to better outcomes for families.
Goals of the Parent Training Series are to:
• Focus on group leader/therapist group process and methods such as setting up role plays and rehearsals, doing “buzzes”, dealing with resistant parents or court mandated child welfare parents.
• Focus on tailoring the program according to parents’ culture and family issues as well as children’s
developmental needs (e.g., ADHD, Depression, Developmental Delays).
• Learn about new developments in Incredible Years materials.
Registration Information
Fee: $200
REGISTER EARLY: Space is limited. Registration and hotel booking deadline:
May 26, 2015 (Registration fee: $200 per participant.)
Cancellation Policy: The fee less $50.00 for handling will be refunded IF requested in
writing a minimum of 14 working days prior to the workshop.
Confirmation of registration will be sent to registered participants.
Hotel: The workshop will be held at:
The Silver Cloud Inn University District
5036 25th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105.
For your convenience, we have arranged a workshop rate.
Hotel E-mail: [email protected]
Hotel Phone: 1-800-205-6940 or 206-526-5200
Hotel transportation is available from the
airport via shuttle, taxi, or town car.
Registration fee is due
one month prior to workshop:
May 26, 2015
Registration fee is
Make Check or Money Order payable to “Incredible Years, Inc.”
No Purchase Orders please. We are not equipped to accept credit cards.
Mail registration form and payment to:
Incredible Years, Inc.
1411 8th Ave West
Seattle, WA 98119
PLEASE NOTE: For the CONSULTATION DAY, you must have attended a basic workshop and bring a DVD of one of your groups.
Select a scene in advance to show the group for feedback.
Contact us!
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone/fax: 206-285-7565 or 1-888-506-3562
You may fax or e-mail the next
page to reserve your spot for the workshop.
Incredible Years® Registration Form
Parent Program Consultation Day
June 26, 2015
(please print or type clearly)
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Home Address:
City_________________________________ State/Province_____________________ Zip__________
Work Address:
City_________________________________ State/Province_____________________ Zip__________
Phone: Home ____________________________ Work______________________________________
E-mail___________________________________ Fax________________________________________
Position/Title____________________________ Agency______________________________________
Highest Degree______________________________________________________________________
Profession Education (or title) in Organization (Mark all the apply)
____ Special needs education (special education)
____ Social work/Social Care/Mental Health Counselor
____ Child Educational Therapist
____ School Psychologist/Counselor
____ Health Visitor
____ Nursery Nurse
____ Family Support/Family Advocacy Worker/Liaison
____ Learning Mentor
____ Educational Welfare
____ Early Childhood Educator
____ Parent/Community/Health Educator
____ Other (specify) ____________________________________________________
Ages of children you will be using IY programs with: 0-2_____ 2-3_____ 4-5_____