.India Masters Athletics (Reg. No. BLUS1348 – 20062007, Bangalore Urban) FIRST NATIONAL MERCANTILE/CORPORATE MASTERS TRACK& FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP ‐ 2015 Venue – University Stadium, Marine Lines, Mumbai Dates – 8th to 10th May, 2015 RULES OF THE COMPETITION 1. The First National Corporate Track & Field Championship will be held from 8th to 10TH May, 2015 at the newly laid synthetic track at the University Stadium, Marine Lines, Mumbai. 2. ‘Corporate’ is defined as any entity including public and private limited companies, corporations, partnership firms, sole‐proprietorships, consultants, business entities, government departments, government companies, railways, Post & Telegraph departments, Armed Forces, Police and Ministries, consulates, embassies, social & sporting clubs, NGOs and the like. 3. The competition / meet is open to employees / members of the ‘Corporates’ and their family members. Retired and associates of the ‘Corporates’ are also eligible to take part in the meet. 4. Opening Ceremony and March past of the participating team will be held on 8th May, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Proper athletic attire is compulsory. Corporates are encouraged to have their team T‐shits / Vests. Athletes will not be allowed to run in jeans and/or street clothing. Spikes, if used, should not be over 7 mm. 5. Age Groups (for both Men & Women) : UP TO 30, 30+, 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+ as on 30/09/2015 Cut of date is fixed with a view to select a team to Australia Master Games. 6. Entry Fee : Rs. 1000/‐ for First event ( Maximum of four events per person) Rs. 500/‐ each for second and subsequent events. Relay : Rs. 2000/‐ per Corporate Team 7. Events for Sr. Citizens, Men And Women 60+ and 65+ also will be conducted. Entry fee for Sr. Citizens : Rs. 500/‐ for First event ( Maximum of four events per person) Rs. 250/‐ each for second and subsequent events. 8. Participation Medal and/or Certificate and an attractive souvenir will be given to all participants. 9. Corporate Fee : Proprietary concern – Rs. 1000/‐ (p. a.) Pvt. Ltd. concerns _ Rs. 2000/ (p. a. ) Limited and All other organisations Rs. 3000/‐ ( p. a. ) (This fee is optional. The organizations who desire to become the members of an Association proposed to be called as “India Mercantile/Corporate Track and Field and Multi Games Association”.) 10. a) Medal / Certificate / Prize Money (1st Place : Rs. 3000, 2nd Place : Rs. 2000, 3rd Place : Rs. 1000) in each event in each age group. b) There will also be prize hampers and/or gift vouchers for the ‘Best Athlete’ in each Age Group for both Men and Women along with a Certificate. c) No Prize money will be awarded in any Event / Race unless 4 or more athletes start that Event/ Race. d) Relay/s events are not eligible for prize money. However, merit certificates and medals will be awarded to first three positions. Relay events will be conducted only if there are minimum three teams report at the starting point. e) There will be two ‘Team Championships’ (for Men & Women Sections). Points will be calculated as follows : For individual events For Replay events 1st Place : 5 points 10 points. nd 2 Place : 3 points 6 points. rd 3 Place : 1 point 2 points. 11. a) There is no minimum number of athletes required to start an event. Even if there is only one athlete who has reported for the event, the event will be held and medal / certificate awarded provided the athlete completes the race / event or is not disqualified. b) Organizers reserve the right to merge two or more age groups for an event / race. However, the Medals / Certificates / Prize money will be given for each event / race in each individual age‐group. 12. a) An athlete can take part in a maximum of 4 individual events. A ‘Corporate’ can send a maximum of up to 2 Relay teams for each Relay event. b) An Athlete can run in relay/s over and above the 4 individual events. c) An athlete can take part in his / her own age‐group or any age‐group lower than his / her age group. However, an athlete cannot take part in one age group in one event and another age group in another event. d) An athlete can take part only from one corporate entity and only in one eligible age group.. e) No ‘Spot Entries’ (Entries on the day of the Competition) will be accepted, except for the Relays. f) Entries for events once given for a particular event/s will NOT be allowed to be changed under any circumstances. Corporate can send more than one entry for a particular event in a particular age group. g) Bib numbers must be pinned properly on chest and back. Participation will not be allowed without the bib numbers. 13. No person will be allowed to take part in the meet unless he/she produces the birth certificate in support of his /her age along with the entry form. The proof age must accompany the declaration form. 14. Athletes who desire to take part in the meet should do so entirely on their own risk. Neither the organisers nor the Federation would be held responsible for any mishap or injury that may occur to them while taking part in the meet. 15. Protest if any should be lodged with the concerned referee within thirty minutes of finishing of the event or announcement of the result whichever is earlier, along with a protest fee of Rs.1,000/. The decision of the jury of appeal will be final and binding on both the participants and the organisers. In case the protest is rejected the fee will be forfeited to the Federation. 16. The rules set by the A.F.I and WMA will be applicable for all the events. 17. Results of all the track events will be decided on time trial basis if there are more than eight competitors taking part in the said event.. 18. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all participants free of cost. 19. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO ACCOMMODATION WILL BE ARRANGED TO PARTICIPANTS BY THE ORGANISERS. 20. LAST DATE FOR SUBMITTING THE ENTRIES 15th April , 2015. Entries may be sent to : Gerald D’ Souza Secretary General, India Masters Athletics A/13 The Hill View Coop. Hsg. Sty. Devidayal Compound, Pokhran Road No. 1, Thane – 400 606 (West) Email: [email protected] Contact No. 09821130693/9969356865 The cheque/D.D. may please be drawn in favor of ‘INDIA MASTERS ATHLETICS’ Payable at Mumbai or the amount may be deposited/sent by RTGS/NEFT to our bank account and inform the undersigned . Name of the Bank The Bharat CoOp. Bank (Mumbai) Ltd; K.H. Road Branch, Bangalore Account No. 021010100005945 RTGS/NEFT Code BCBM0000022 Gerald D’ Souza Secretary General India Masters Athletics India Masters Athletics (Reg. No. BLUS1348 – 20062007, Bangalore Urban) FIRST NATIONAL MERCANTILE/CORPORATE MASTERS TRACK&FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP ‐ 2015 Venue – University Stadium, Marine Lines, Mumbai Dates – – 8th to 10th May, 2015 Declaration and Entry Form I the undersigned desire to take part in the FIRST National MERCANTILE/CORPORATE MASTERS TRACK&FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP– 2015tobe held at University Stadium, Marine Lines, Mumbai, from 8th to 10th May 2015. I have read all the Rules set out for the competition and I hereby undertake to abide by them. I am in perfect health condition and fit to compete. I am taking part in the competition entirely on my own risk. The organizers of the meet will not be held responsible for any kind of injury or mishap that may occur to me while taking part in the Championship. I also do not hold the organisers responsible for any loss of personal belongings/property while taking part in the Championship. 1) 2) Name of the Competitor Date of Birth : : 3) Age Group : 4) Name of the Organisation : 5) Address : 6) Telephone Nos. :Office‐ 7) E Mail ID 8) Events 9) Men/Women Residence‐ : 1) __________________ 2) ________________________ 3)___________________ 4) ________________________ Entry Fee: Rs. (Rupees only) By Cheque/D.D. No. _________________ dated __________________ Name of the Bank __________________________________________ 10) Size of the T‐ Shirt : Small (36)/Medium(38)Large(40) Extra Large(42) Double Extra Large(44) and 46 (Tick any of the above) Thanking you, Yours Faithfully Signature of Participant Date : Signature of the authorized person of the of the participating Organisation
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