Australian Breastfeeding Association Membership Form Please send this form in an envelope with payment to Australian Breastfeeding Association, PO Box 4000, Glen Iris VIC 3146. First name: __________________________________________ Surname: ____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Mobile: ______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ o 1 year new/renewal $65 o 2 year new / renewal $100 o Concession new/renewal $50 (Health care card no. ______________________________________) TOTAL: $___________ o Enclosed is my cheque/money order (payable to Australian Breastfeeding Association) o Please charge my Visa/Mastercard ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ EXP: _____ /_____ Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ o I am a new subscriber to the Australian Breastfeeding Association (when you join you will receive a copy of the Association’s comprehensive and invaluable book on breastfeeding – Breastfeeding… naturally (valued at $34.95) o I have been an ABA/NMAA subscriber before – Subscriber number: ________________ Or please provide your previous surname/address details if these have changed: _______________________________________ Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy policy can be viewed at or by calling 03 9885 0855 during business hours. Local Breastfeeding Support ABA counsellors do not give medical advice. Instead, you may wish to contact a Lactation Consultant: Liz Lusby at Calvary Hospital inpatients – 6285 3055 Val Dewar, Joy Dickson and Annette Spruhan at Wagga Base Hospital for maternity inpatients: 6938 6667 or 6938 6259 Wagga Wagga Child and Family Health Service to make an appointment with a Lactation Consultant: 6938 6411 Mothersafe For advice about medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding contact Mothersafe on 1800 647 848 Breastfeeding classes Learn how to breastfeed before your baby arrives! Classes run as required, so tell your pregnant friends. Call Bernadette on 0429 430 285 Breast Pump Hire Breast pumps are useful for a variety of situations, so if you find you need one they are available for hire from the Wagga ABA group. Call Wendy on 0427 278 261 Issue 2 | April 2013 HAVING A SECOND CHILD The interactive session on having a second child was well attended and several tips were discussed around how to introduce a second child into your family. Here are some of the ideas and tips: • Prepare your toddler for what will happen when baby arrives – start new routines early, change sleeping arrangements early, and talk to them about what will happen and where they will be for the birth. • You don't have to wean just because you're pregnant. You will not harm your growing baby. If you choose to wean, do it slowly to avoid mastitis. • Once the new baby arrives, consider exchanging gifts between the two children; keep special toys and activities for feeding time to keep your older child amused, and make sure all are fed, watered and toileted before starting; let the older child help where possible with the new baby. • Make time for one-‐on-‐one activities with your older child while the baby is sleeping. A good sling can be a lifesaver! The group library and MothersDirect has several resources including some ABA Booklets, picture books, and Adventures in Tandem Feeding by Hilary Flower. Since our last bulletin, there’s been much discussion about breastfeeding in public. The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) supports mothers feeding their babies wherever they feel comfortable without pressure to meet other people’s expectations of discretion. For some mums this means breastfeeding in public in full view, while for others it will be covering up or in the privacy of a mother’s room. Importantly, mothers breastfeeding in public are helping the next generation of Australians to learn that breastfeeding is normal. Breastfeeding is a right, not a privilege. Under the federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984, it is illegal in Australia to discriminate against a person either directly or indirectly on the grounds of breastfeeding. Locally we would like to see more workplaces become accredited as Breastfeeding Friendly, and more local business supporting breastfeeding by displaying the ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Here’ stickers. One of our meetings this quarter is about these programs. If you know any businesses wanting more information, please pass on our details. Breastfeeding is a learned skill and we all need help along the way. We encourage pregnant and new mothers to join the ABA and receive the support and information they need to reach their breastfeeding goals. Wendy and Bernadette Vision: Breastfeeding is recognised as important to all Australians and is culturally normal Mission: As Australia’s leading authority on breastfeeding, we support, educate and advocate for a breastfeeding inclusive society LOCAL CONTACTS WAGGA WAGGA ABA GROUP – A MOTHERS GROUP WITH MORE! Email [email protected] Facebook Book Review: No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers By Elizabeth Pantley What I love most about the No Cry Sleep Solution books is the opening. Pantley clearly outlines what many parents need to hear: Do your current sleeping problems really need fixing? If it works for your family then that’s all that matters. You won’t get a quick-‐fix solution in this book, but you will find gentle techniques, and how to track progress by reviewing 10-‐day sleep logs. You won’t find cry-‐it-‐out or controlled-‐crying techniques, or larger-‐than-‐life promises either. It's easy to follow, achievable and real. The book offers some great ideas you can personalise to you and your family. We learnt about the science behind sleep, how to plan for these changes, how to review and tweak changes. Topics include: bedtime battles / meltdowns, night waking, early rising, progressing to a big-‐kid bed, moving out of the family bed, ending all-‐ night breastfeeding, stopping nighttime visitors, nap-‐time, nightmares, fears, and separation anxiety. I recommend this book to all mothers! Even if you don’t have ‘problems’ with your youngster’s sleep, there are some great ideas to enhance your bedtime routine. And, it's available to borrow from the ABA Wagga Library. Review by Schelli. Community Educator & Group Administrator Bernadette 0429 430 285 Breast pump hire and hospital visits roster Wendy 0427 278 261 The National Breastfeeding helpline is supported by Australian Government funding, and membership monies are put to excellent use to help fund many of the vital ABA services. 0431 051 828 Publicity Officer Monica 0413 304 473 For more information visit General enquiries Keryn 6921 3081 UPCOMING EVENTS: • • • This toll-‐free number connects you to a highly trained volunteer counsellor who can help you with many issues such as: • Coping in the early days • Expressing and storing milk • Weaning and supply Breastfeeding Counsellors: Juanita 6928 1157 Megan 6922 6829 Keryn 6921 3081 Vivian 6931 6611 Library Trish The National Raffle is underway and continues until 12 May 2013. There are $40,000 worth of prizes up for grabs including $20,000 in gold bullion! Tickets are just $2 with money raised going to help support women and families on their breastfeeding journey – but best of all 50% of ticket sales will stay with our group! So, if you can, we would love your help selling tickets. We will be selling tickets at South City Shopping Centre on Saturday, 6 April 2013, and if you have an hour or two to spare to help sell tickets on the day, please get in touch with our raffle coordinator, Trish, on 0431 051 828 National Mothering Week will be held in May 2013! We are having a dinner on 16 May 2013 from 7pm at The Oakroom. Lock this date in your diaries, and come along to celebrate your role of mother in your family and the wider community. To book your spot, call Wendy on 0427 278 261. World Breastfeeding Week is from 1 – 7 August 2013 and this year’s theme will be Breastfeeding Support: Close to Mothers. It highlights the importance of breastfeeding peer counsellors being readily available in the community as a lifeline for mothers with breastfeeding questions and issues. Regular group meetings are a great way to learn more about breastfeeding and parenthood. But more than that, they provide an opportunity for a cuppa, chat and plenty of willing hands to help you with your baby/toddler. Attendees have access to: • a library of books for you to borrow • trained breastfeeding counsellors to help you with any breastfeeding concerns • acceptance of you and your family, no matter what your parenting style! Meetings start at 10am but don’t worry if you are running late, you will be welcome any time you arrive. Tea and coffee are supplied, and if you have time, feel free to bring along a plate of morning tea to share. We do ask if you can make a gold coin donation at each meeting. Fathers and carers very welcome! Below are the meeting dates for the next few months, and a full year’s meeting calendar is available on the Facebook page. Date Wednesday, 3 April 2013 10am to midday Thursday, 18 April 2013 10am to midday Wednesday, 1 May 2013 10am to midday Thursday, 16 May 2013 From 7pm onwards Wednesday, 5 June 2013 10am to midday Tuesday, 18 June 2013 10am to midday Topic Breastfeeding and returning to work Venue Glenfield Community Centre 1 Tanda Place, Glenfield Park Chat and play Juanita’s home 8100 Tumbarumba Rd Via Ladysmith Exercise – simple ideas Glenfield Community for busy mums Centre 1 Tanda Place, Glenfield Park Celebrating Mums The Oakroom dinner 70 Morgan Street Wagga Wagga ABA in the community: Glenfield Community Breastfeeding Centre Welcome here and 1 Tanda Place, Breastfeeding Friendly Glenfield Park Workplace programs Chat and play Trish’s home 43 Barrima Place Glenfield Park
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