1st - Home | Indian Convent School

Come, Come! My favorite June
The month when the roses bloom
A wondrous, colorful display
By sunlight glazing throughout the day
So, chasing all my cares away
Oh June! For you I want
My longing ever shall abate
When you recur with all your grace
To little my heart & light my face
And thus my soul to full embrace
Hey Kids,
Fun tome again!!!! Its turn to break free and bask in the warm
sunshine, So, let’s dance, play, sing and enjoy. Brighten up your day
with morning breeze, by doing exercise, helping your mom in the kitchen,
by using magic words to make everybody happy.
Hope you have a great time with your family and friends during this
holidays.try everything that helps you enjoy this summer & keeps you in
good health as well. Make a proper schedule to finish the activities
designed for you and make them more interesting by doing them on your
Holiday Homework is a part of Formative Assessment and will be
assessed on the basis of creativity and efforts put in by the students
All the written work should be done in Three in one notebook.
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 Learn poem “Cocks Crow” (Page No-35 from your book)
 Make 5 flash cards on Noun.
 Make a chart of “A” or “An” with the help of 7-8 pictures
 Write one page of cursive writing daily.
 Read Lesson 1 & of English book.
 
 
Draw or paste pictures of sense organs of human on A-4 size sheet and label it.
Learn 5-6 lines on “Myself”.
 Model :
 Abacus: use clay, matchbox, broomsticks (thick) and
Macroni .
 Combination of ten-use cardboard, chart paper,
matchsticks or toothpicks or red kidney beans
 Shapes: Using any four basic shapes (Square, Rectangle, Triangle, and
Circle) make a clown or Scenery with it.
Art & Craft
 Make scenery (Hut, Doll etc.) of using different shapes.
 Make one pen stand using waste material
NOTE:- Make one separate three in one notebook for holiday homework.
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